Evin mothers protest

Mothers of detained protesters gather outside prison walls, July 6th, Tehran



Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
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zeshteh bekhoda

by Anonymous4654646 (not verified) on

after all what does all this injustice have to do
with Islam? Islam is being abused by these animals. why do you disrespect people's beliefs for crying outloud?

did Christianity die after the Spanish inquisition? a BIG No! Islam will not either it will remain in Iran forever! it just has to be separated from state! Religion based state MUST vanish from Iran!

In a free secular Iran, even mullahs and Islamists can run for office! politics and religion can very well mix! there is nothing wrong with that! look at Germany, look at the U.S. yet the state is SECULAR!



by AnonymousUSA (not verified) on

Could you please enlighten us and tell us some positive aspects(feeling) of your Islam. Who is blind? Those who see the islamic atrocities and still defend this ahrimanic religion or those who see the real cause of our misfortunate!


تو کز محنت دیگران بی‌ غمی...


Thank you Mina

It's heartbreaking to see a desperate, helpless mother being criticized and ridiculed for doing everything she can...
Thanks for being the voice of reason. Also the anonymous Iranlives/free iran etc... thanks! good point!

Thanks for posting GS




by minadadvar on

This courageous mother is risking her own safety and well being for the sake of her loved ones.  Please don't let your negative feelings towards Islam, blind you.


Support them don't diss them!

by IranLives (not verified) on

Give them a break! What do you really expect them to chant? Anti-regime slogans? They are doing what they can to be heard, without risking arrest and/or torture for themselves. Remember the context in which they are raising their collective voices, and how brave they are.
It's easy to sit in our cushy perches in the West and scold them for using their tried-and-true anti-establishment chants. Next time, support them for the goal they aspire to, and don't pass judgement on a disenfranchised and desperate group who is disconsolate over their loved ones languishing in IRI prisons.
Long Live the Struggle!


Applaud the effort, Support the struggle!

by FreeIranForever (not verified) on

Give them a break! What do you really expect them to chant? Anti-regime slogans? They are doing what they can to be heard, without risking arrest and/or torture for themselves. Remember the context in which they are raising their collective voices, and how brave they are.
It's easy to sit in our cushy perches in the West and scold them for using their tried-and-true anti-establishment chants. Next time, support them for the goal they aspire to, and don't pass judgement on a disenfranchised and desperate group who is disconsolate over their loved ones languishing in IRI prisons.
Long Live the Struggle!


Give them a break! What do

by FreeIranNow (not verified) on

Give them a break! What do you really expect them to chant? Anti-regime slogans? They are doing what they can to be heard, without risking arrest and/or torture for themselves. Remember the context in which they are raising their collective voices, and how brave they are.
It's easy to sit in our cushy perches in the West and scold them for using their tried-and-true anti-establishment chants. Next time, support them for the goal they aspire to, and don't pass judgement on a disenfranchised and desperate group who is disconsolate over their loved ones languishing in IRI prisons.
Long Live the Struggle!


Give them a break! What do

by FreeIranForever (not verified) on

Give them a break! What do you really expect them to chant? Anti-regime slogans? They are doing what they can to be heard, without risking arrest and/or torture for themselves. Remember the context in which they are raising their collective voices, and how brave they are.
It's easy to sit in our cushy perches in the West and scold them for using their tried-and-true anti-establishment chants. Next time, support them for the goal they aspire to, and don't pass judgement on a disenfranchised and desperate group who is disconsolate over their loved ones languishing in IRI prisons.
Long Live the Struggle!


Laanat bar Mohammad va Aal Mohammad including Mullahs

by Anonymous-USA (not verified) on

Do they know that Mullahs are the products of Hossein, Ali, Zaynab, Fathmeh...? They call the name of those who killed Millions of Iranians and now their SOB products(Mullahs) continue with their crimes.


Majid jan

by Anonymous-Iran (not verified) on

Well said, bravo. Perhaps they don't know who those savage Arabs were that they call their dirty names.



by Majid on

آره بذارین از ته جگر فریاد بکشیم ........یا زینب، یا زهرا، عجل الله فرجهُ الشریف ، الله اکبر، ارواحنا فداه.....آخه اینا کلماتیه که ظرف سی سال گذشته برامون عزت آورده، سروری، آزادی، رفاه، احقاق بدیهی ترین حقوق انسانی، حق تنفس هوای آزاد...........همه و همه و همه رو مدیون همین کلمات هستیم!
این حد اقل رو ازمون نگیرید!

تو دهنمون بزنید و دندون هامون رو خرد کنید،  بچه هامون رو به گلوله ببندید، با سرب داغ سرخ شون کنید، ولی...........یا زهرا و یا زینب رو ازمون نگیرید!

خودتون اینارو تو ذهنمون کاشتید تا بمدد این کلمات فخر انسانیت و کرامت انسان رو به حضیض و گندابه دنیای سخیف و حقیر حکومت دو روزه تون بکشونید!

ننگ ابدی بر خودتون، مذهبتون و تفکراتتون..........تا اون موقع  یا زینب، یا ابوالفضل، یا زهرا،  یا.................رو از این ملت نجیب نگیرید!