Sohrab: A poem

For Sohrab Arabi

How can anyone take someone else's life because of having a different opinion or belief?! Like dear Sohrab's and many other minorities' in Iran... After hearing the tragic news of Sohrab's barbaric killing I wrote this poem literally within minutes.


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Jul 11, 2011
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hamsade ghadimi

simply beautiful

by hamsade ghadimi on

thank you iranbrave.

Bijan A M

Thank you

by Bijan A M on

Iranbrave for such a beautiful composition. I hope you continue to use your god given gift and talent to keep the fire of this movement alive.

Well done, as usual.


Heart breaking

by ramintork on

A very beautiful poem.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Beautiful poem, warm recitation. A fitting tribute to a martyr.