Arash Hejazi

Doctor tried to save Neda

I would like to recommend this man as Iranian of the Day. His name is Dr. Arash Hejazi. He is a medical doctor who has turned to publishing over recent years. An accomplished translator, he is the only person authorized by author Paulo Coelho to translate his books to Farsi and many of Coelho's books have been translated and published by Arash Hejazi in Iran. He is also a dear friend of Mr. Coelho's. Mr. Coelho wrote a disturbing tale about watching CNN and the scene of Neda Agha Soltan's death on camera, spotting Arash Hejazi next to her, attempting CPR on her. Arash Hejazi did not know Neda, and was a bystander at the protests, trying to help. Coelho wrote in his blogs about his concern and immediate contact with Arash through emails and his deep concern for his friend's safety until he left Iran. Here is Mr. Coelho's blog entry in which he talked about this story. And here's BBC's interview with Arash Hejazi about what happened that day:


more from Javad Yassari

We are proud of you Dr. Arash

by Marjaneh (not verified) on

Dear Dr. Arash, You make me proud to be an Iranian. Instead of choosing safety and silence, you were brave enough to come out and speak. I am sure you knew the consequences; the propaganda by the Iranian government, such as the stupid youtube video mentioned in one of these comments, the brainless, unintelligent words of Mr.suspicious, probably hired by the basijis to write bunch of Charand and mozakhraf about you, and to question the simplest things. I am embarrassed to even answer them. Do they really think we are that stupid to buy their propaganda? Above all, you put your life in danger for us, so we would know the truth. If the islamic government thinks that we, Iranians, believe any of their BS propaganda, they are dead wrong. I hope wherever you are Dr., you are safe and remember we are with you.


So stupid

by KouroshS on

The IRI has pleaded with the Bristish and the interpol To arrest this guy for his role in murdering NEDA.



Confusing Video if someone

by Anonymous45 (not verified) on

Confusing Video if someone can explain //


ARASH is definitely telling the truth!

by Olga (not verified) on

Arash is a great person and one can see that he is so sincere. It`s stupid to suspect him of something!!!


We need leaders who think for themselves, not followers.

by suspecious (not verified) on

These questions are unanswered for me.
1-Why the people who got the id card from Basiji are not stepping forward by publishing his card? Do Basijis carry cards with them at all?
2-Why this should happen in a back alley, not the main street, where everything was happening?
3-Why the cameras were ready to roll for everything else from multiple angles but the arrest of that Basiji was not recorded in any of them?
4-Why this doctor is insisting to document the name of the back allies and says;"if you want, you can search it in Google earth", Does the place matter at all?
5-Why a Potogese blogger who does not speak English, publishes a BBC report in English.
6- Why her family goes to Iran TV?
7-When the family signs for the donation of her body parts, what's her finace complaints about that?
8- Why the "opposition is spreading the news that hands and feet were cut off, instead of other body parts such as kidneys? Did anybody do hands and feet transplants in Iran and I didn't know?


Face Value

by zensufi on

Salaam... often try to take things at face-value without looking for hidden messages.  It makes life much easier and positive.  If the doctor says it was a certain way, okay it was.  What do we loose if it wasn't? Nothing. What do we gain by being suspicious of such a story? You upset yourself. Be positive and supportive.



I know Arash; this is how he

by scarf (not verified) on

I know Arash; this is how he speaks normally. As an English person I think his English is actually ver good - clear and articulate. He lives in England and went to Iran on a business trip (he owns Caravan Books) scheduled months in advance - he had legitimate reasons for being there. I saw him the other day and by the way he was I can assure you he was not lying - besides this, he is simply not that sort of person. Believe me or not - your shout - but I can assure you he is telling the truth.


Help each other

by ParsaV (not verified) on

I understand your suspicion towards the Doctor,

But we need to support each other now, cause now it's needed the most.
We need to stand side by side fighting for freedom and that doesn't mean "zire paye kesiro bezani"



He is in the video. Did you even see the video?

by Marjaneh (not verified) on

I can't believe people don't believe him. Did you even see Neda's video? He is right there in white shirt, on his knees, his hands pressing on her chest. And of course he practiced for the interview, everybody does and should in order to be understandable. Plus he never said Neda fought for this and that. All he said was Neda was there for Human right cause. I also can't believe you make fun of his accent. You guys who doubt him should be ashamed of being Iranians. He puts himself in danger by doing this interview.


Another question

by Dayi Jan (not verified) on

I checked out Paulo Coelho's blog and he and Arash have corresponded in English. Coelho writes in Portegeuse (he's Brazilian) so I wonder if Arash knows Portegeuse or he translated from English? (Coelho wrote the famous book The Alchemist from which they made a movie. He is the most translated author on the planet. Interesting guy, actually.) If Arash translated from English then his English should be better than he demonstrates in this interview.

Dear Sharp, I know in her heart Neda was probably with the demonstrators. I just wonder why Arash felt he needed to talk of what she was "fighting" for when the people closest to her feel that they should remain silent about it.

And, yeah, what happened to the Basiji guy?

(I'm still embarassed about being so suspicious!)


Who was the basiji?

by sima on

How come nobody has come forward with the info about the basiji who killed Neda if people have his ID card and picture?


Nothing wrong with it but...

by sharp (not verified) on

Just wondering how much money they offered him for that interview... hmmm. Just wondering.

Dayi Jan, I think though it's true that even if you just want to go out and watch and hang out with the crowd, in your heart, you are still most likely on the side of the movement.


Neda died on the spot

by nemah (not verified) on

who was trying to save who? didn't Neda die on the street in only a few second after being shot in heart, do you even think about the trash you guys are writing here. No wonder we are a clueless nation


I can't even believe one

by xfmr1 (not verified) on

I can't even believe one word he says. What a deceving world!


I am suspicious!

by Dayi Jan (not verified) on

It's embarassing to say this but there's a part of me that is suspicious. A doctor, "human rights" activist, "publisher", right on the spot, turns up in UK in a couple of days, and gives a long interview with BBC... hmmm.

And a couple of times he uses the word "apaled" -- I suppose he means "appalled." Was he given a sort of script which he could not properly read?

Also, he says that Neda fought for this and that. Didn't Neda's fiancee (who understandably vanished from the spotlight with her family) say that she was not "fighting" for anybody or anything? That she was just a bystander who wanted freedom for everybody? Why does the doc have to add to that?

I'm sorry. I guess I am Iranian through and through.


Thanks for posting this

by Souri on

Yes, he is the Iranian of the Day. All the people who are trying to help the innocent victim in Iran, are the Iranian of the Day.

Gos bless them.


good on him for not hiding

by megan (not verified) on

good on him for not hiding and speaking up.
you are a brave man cause none of us would do what you did in that circumstances.
take care as i know how scary it is living in Iran now.



by Shina (not verified) on

Thanks doc for your bravery to have this interview.

Btw, why is the woman interviewer sitting so far away from him, I didn't get that part.