Makhmalbaf's message

Director's address to Iranians abroad


Recently by Ghormeh SabziCommentsDate
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day
Dec 02, 2012
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day
Dec 01, 2012
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day
Nov 30, 2012
more from Ghormeh Sabzi

Mirage of revolution

by Mehdi on

How easily people forget that the biggest reason this movement started was the debates the candidates had on NATIONAL TV which was ALLOWED by the system. If the regime was some kind of unchanging solid mass of "dictatorship," then why did they INITIATE such an open debate on national TV and let it run for so many days even despite Khamenei's warning after the first debate that these were questioning the very legitimacy of the whole system? 

The fact is that the whole society has matured up a little. More and more people, including those in power, have started to realize that their ways were not perfect. More and more people have become educated.

Another major factor in this movement, according to everyone, has been the existence of the Internet and cell phones in Iran. Although there has been some blocking of these since a little before the election, the fact remains that such advances made it possible for people to become more educated and connected with each other.

Iran could have more progress this way than by aimless demonstrations and civil disturbance. Iranian people could show that they can handle relative freedom and stay civil, or they can take the whole country into chaos with the excuse that "it's all the government's fault and we must destroy everything in our path because things are beyond salvage." People will heavily regret if they choose the second path. That's a path to destruction. Only communists, Mujahedeen Khalgh (MKO) and foreighn powers support that path. I hope we wake up and stop the stupid aimless and ridiculous civil disturbances and start building something useful.

Revolution is a mirage - an impossibility. Evolution is the correct way out. 


Makhmal for president...

by C2B2 (not verified) on

Can you Makhmal???

Does anyone else have any suggestions???


Ms Rusta

by Souri on

You said it all. Thank you :)

I can't bear this Taryaki guy.


A very good speech!

by choghok on

I do not like his movies but he gives very well speech that realy captures the basics of what it takes to remove the tyranny and bring democracy and that is unity.


/Bidar bash ke ma bekhabim

Darius Kadivar

Doroud Beh Shoma Mohsen Jaan

by Darius Kadivar on

Merci for your Heartwarming Words ...



An Iranian From Paris, FRANCE


PS: I do Not See ANY Contradiction between What Makhmalbaf Said here and What Reza Pahlavi said Here

Farah Rusta

دیکتاتوری سی‌ ساله؟ شما که کار گردانش بودی

Farah Rusta

چطور وقتی‌ که رفسنجانی و موسوی و خاتمی بر سر کار بودند خبری از دیکتاتوری دهه ساله و بیست ساله نبود ولی حالا که احمدی نژاد بر سر کاره یک مرتبه همه سی‌ سال شد دیکتاتوری؟ برو خجالت بکش مخملباف و این قدر دو دوزه بازی نکن.



Please translate. It must be

by Anonymouslo (not verified) on

Please translate. It must be translated.


From experts to Makhmalbaf.

by moo (not verified) on

From experts to Makhmalbaf. You should read, learn and discuss this article with Mousavi and other reformers.




by History (not verified) on

Hamanjoor keh savakiha yek-shabeh hezbolahi shodand,
hala hezbolahi-ha enghlabi mishavand.
Either Iranians are idiots or people like Makhbalbaf taking them for idiots.
Noon ra be nerkh-e rooz khordan yani in.
Obscene,really obscene.
30 years ago the revolution was hijacked by mullahs, and 30 years on this revolt is already been hijacked by bunch of "zerang" creeps.
Iranians never learn, do they??


Behnam said

by Iranyvaliazad on

"بهتر است سعی کنیم از مجاری و روشهای قانونی استفاده کرده تا وضع میهنمان را بهتر کنیم"... kodoom ghanoon? ghanoone che keshbari? Nakoneh manzoret ghanoone arabi iran keh akhunda baraye khodeshoon neveshtand!  Akhe marde hesabi alon vaght shookhi kardane?!


چشم به خارجی ها نداشته باشید

بهنام (not verified)

آقای مخملباف

سی سال هست که ایرانیان خارج از کشور و بیش از همه آنها سازمان مجاهدین خلق با پارلمان اروپا در رابطه بودند و از حمایت کشورهای خارجهی برخوردار بوده اند

شما بهتر است از خارجی ها انتظار نداشته باشید چون آن ها به هر حال سعی شان را برای بر اندازی کرده اند و میکنند

بهتر است سعی کنیم از مجاری و روشهای قانونی استفاده کرده تا وضع میهنمان را بهتر کنیم


THANK YOU! We need some direction

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

I've been doing my bit. I don't get involved with the stupid factions abroad, I don't live in Iran, it's up to those in Iran who they want to choose go govern them, but I do call for justice and make my objections very clear to injustices, and stand by their side for their basic human rights, in support.

I expect I'm on the right track. Salutations


To all you revoltionaries

by Wake Up (not verified) on


kheyly beja va kherdmandane va ghavy

by mahyar (not verified) on

vaghean ke dame shoma garm aghaye makhmalbaff e aziz
ma hame ba ham hastim .


Special Performance for the people of Iran. One Love

by Jasbe9 on

Ahmed from Bahrain

Ghorbanat Makhmalbaf

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

Makhmalbaf speaks the truth.

Unity in diversity. No more dictators. Thank you brother.

Ahmed from Bahrain