Mousavi-Ahmadinejad debate

TV debate less than a week before the presidential elections

AP: The main pro-reform candidate in next week's presidential elections accused Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday of undercutting Iran's international standing by questioning the Holocaust. In a nationally televised debate, Mir Hossen Mousavi said Iran has been "downgraded" in the eyes of world by President Ahmadinejad's firebrand style and statements. Just hours earlier, Ahmadinejad called the Holocaust a "big deception" and claimed Israel uses it to sway international support. "Our nation's dignity has been harmed. We've been degraded. There has been increasing tension (under Ahmadinejad)... Is it in our interests?" Mousavi said during the face-to-face debate broadcast live across Iran >>>

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9




by Concerned-Iranian (not verified) on

Do not compare Qajars and the EVIL I.R. ever! That is a travesty...

Apparently you didn't read and learn the alternative views of historical facts about Qajars and your hateful feelings and views (like many Iranians unfortunately) about them is derived from the very hateful and biased you have read about them in many biased books written against Qajars since they were overthrown...

Despite the fact that Qajars were far far from perfect in many aspects of their period, yet they still manged to keep Iran as a sovereign nation while facing two massive super powers of that time (Russia and Great Britain) who by far were more powerful and forceful toward smaller and weaker countries and nations such as Iranians and Iran who after centuries of retarded Islamic mentality and practices were set back so far back that could not even defend themselves against powers that were technologically so far ahead and advanced that was not even funny!!!!

Qajars in those dark days still managed to send Iranians abroad for them to study and bring the knowledge and informations back home to advance the nation and country while simultaneously negotiating peacefully and using every avaiable diplomacy to stop Russian and British aggressions and killing against innocent and weak Iranian nation and the country as a whole, hence the "Turkeman Chai" treaty in which they perhaps saved millions of Iranian lives at that time and kept whatever the country we still call Iran today !!!

Otherwise, Russians had the Military might and power to roll us over, Kill thousands, maybe millions, Rule over the entire country and our nation, split and share us with the Brits and the rest you should know, by now we would all spoken half Russian and half English ....

Don't be so prejudice and bias my friend! Get your facts strait and be fair Irani azziz!

There is no comparison between them and the evil Islamic Republic who wants Iran and Iranians to be identified by Islam and radical values in this day and age!!!! Come on man, get real!


Theatre Seya Baazi...

by Concerned-Iranian (not verified) on

What a show ! What a F$%&ing show!!!!!!!!!
(Xerox copies of the recent U.S. presidential debates and election translated into Persian, case by case...)LOL!

After 30 years, yet another two clowns still manage to fool us once again and take us all for a longer ride!!!

How stupid must we still be? Baad az een hame saal, khar ham agar bood taa haala Aflatoon shode bood....

Khaanomha va Aaghayoon,

" Sage zard baradare shoghale..." These are yet another Seya baazi to make you think they are against each other and have the interest of Iran and Iranians in their minds and hearts!!!! Iran va Irani eslami....

Don't you people get it yet? How many more years? How many, honestly???


To Irani_Kia

by Mansour F. (not verified) on

I disagree! regardless of who won or did not win the debate or whatever you wanna call it, I believe Ahmadinejad is too risky for the survival of the IRI and the whole establishment and Khameneii knows it very well now if he was still in doubt before.



by Irani_Kia (not verified) on

I don't think that you even watched the program,

Every one knows that the winner was Ahmadinejad, obviously


To Payam and to Abarmard

by LOL (not verified) on

Abarmard joon, my little funny sugar pie, seems like after hundred and so years since the Constitutional revolution we are still at and remain in point zero and keep perpetuating it. To soorakh e doaa ro gom kardi aziz! IRI is not lateral, vertical or horizontal step forward, it is half step forward and ten steps backward ... but dwell in your fantasy lala land if that makes you happy ... lol

Payam joon, that is quite typical Iranian (hypocritical) attitude, when they are 0in front of each other, they kiss each other on the cheeks, pay outrageous compliments to each other, but when they are not in front of each other, they loathe each other's guts and shoot each other's shadows as they say in Farsi so to speak!


Thanks LOL. Note to Payam

by Abarmard on

Nothing wrong with making people happy.

I look at everything from point zero, to step by step forward. I have no recollection of an Iranian democracy. You may want to share your history with us, the young and foolish who don't recall the freedoms we all enjoyed, so we can see this as a joke and laugh with you.

It is the lateral steps upward that matters. What as a society we can learn to be civil. No reading can give what experiences can provide.

Democracy is only a word, relative to what you know.

Payam: would a picture of them spitting on one another make you happier? Politics and individual personalities are being separated here. Isn't that so anywhere else?


Look at this pictures.

by پیام on


Naumber 5 shows the very insulter and the one that got insulted in yesterdays dabate. They are all laughing and mingling together like best friends. Maybe they are best friends and this is all "siahbazi". 


Qajars again!

by Anonymous-kaveh (not verified) on

They are all Qajar boys/girls and they have the same idiology like their Mongolic ancestors which was selling Iran and ruining our country. The history is repeating itself.


To Abarmard: Don't you get tired of playing goody-two-shoes?

by LOL (not verified) on

"Look at it for what it is and don't try too hard to push a "shaye'e" in to a healthy debate and good move by the government. Are there any frictions between different camps? Yes, and that's a good start for any healthy democracy. As we all witnessed, they came in front of the camera and debated their side of the story with civility and logic. "

A healthy democracy? is that what IRI is or fast becoming?!!! hahahahhahahahha!

Sometimes I wonder if you are for real! whenever I
feel down, I read your outrageous sometimes utterly ridiculous comments and they lift me up! you my dear seem to be living in the lala land of fantasy and always talk as if you viewed the IRI from behind a pair of rose tinted glasses!! Sooo amusing!

Sometime I wonder if you are the same as Dr. Sadeq Zibakalam!

yesterday in his interview with VOA he pretty much claimed that everybody in Iran loved and praised the Supreme leader and that was the reason there had never been any oppsition to him inside Iran and everything one might have heard to the contrary had been nothing but baseless fabricated rumors from elements living outside Iran.


how can they...?

by Barbra on

"Obama's administration has also sent a clear signal to the Iranians by
saying that Iran has the right to have nuclear energy if it proves it
is not pursuing the bomb."

Would you mind explaining to me how Iran can prove that they don't want the bomb? It's hard to prove that you're not doing something.

I think it's just senseless rhetoric, which is what Obama is all about.


All and all

by Abarmard on

The main issue here is the social lesson learned for the general public. These are the experiences that many pro reform individuals speak about.

Some here go too far and claim that the fight between the regime is to "overthrow" the leader or the opposite side. That again is because we are looking at it from a dictatorial lens. It is not so. The Iranian candidates, parties and camps know well that if they lose, they have another chance to make their case in four years. That should make a difference in the outcome of your analysis.
Another way to see this debate is to realize the realities in Iran that the Leader, Rafsanjani, or whoever else, do not have the complete authorities to dictate their ways. If you have learned this about the system, you have gained a lot.

If Mr. Mousavi gets in, Leader won't "lose" his job and things will continue to run. Certain policies however are going to change. That is the way that any elections in the modern world works.

Look at it for what it is and don't try too hard to push a "shaye'e" in to a healthy debate and good move by the government.

Are there any frictions between different camps? Yes, and that's a good start for any healthy democracy. As we all witnessed, they came in front of the camera and debated their side of the story with civility and logic. That is what those who care about democracy in Iran should be happy about.


More power to you Souri

by Mansour F. (not verified) on

I would vote for Ahmadinejad as well.

The man has got guts even though he bullshits a lot and I am sure he will eventually stand up to Khamaneii as well if they let him keep his post!

Just for his outspokenness, I am quite confident that Ahmadinejad will not be chosen by Khameneii because Khameneii wants a subservient, obedient, and quiet president who just follows orders and does not blow the whistle on big heavyweight mullahs like Rafsanjani and Nateq Nouri to embarass the regime an the entire establishment.

Ahmadinejad and Karrubi both are too outspoken and they might unintentionally cost the regime BIG TIME!

Mousavi fits the mould of a quiet obedient subservient servant to Khameneii, Rafsnajnaia dn other big balled mullahs of the regime and it is quite obvious that EU and America also want Moussavi to be the next president of Iran to match the mild mannered Obama.



by Souri on

I had no idea about who I'm gonna vote for, until I watched this video.

Now, that I see what a hypocrite crap is this Mousavi, if I were to vote in this election (which I am not) my vote would go for Ahmadinejad, for sure! Sorry to disappoint you guys.

Darius Kadivar

Ahmadinejad even elected would come out weakened ...

by Darius Kadivar on

That is why I don't believe that his election victory or loss will make a difference.

Obama's administration has also sent a clear signal to the Iranians by saying that Iran has the right to have nuclear energy if it proves it is not pursuing the bomb.


This is a clear signal that it would prefer a moderate elected in Iran but does that serve the Iranian cause for Freedom ?

By endorsing Moussavi's election at best you will send the wrong signal to the Americans that you endorse the regime.

Not voting would be on the contrary a clear signal that their is a public opinion in Iran that dramatically differs from its leaders and the entire establishment as a whole.

Yes it may lead to more sanctions but it would also raise discourse between the supporters of the regime be them moderate or not and they will be chewing each other up.

The Elections should be first and foremost an Opportunity to Send THE RIGHT SIGNAL to the REGIME and THE WEST as to the EXISTENCE OF A CIVIL SOCIETY In Iran in order to encourage civil dissobedience against the Regime's lies and pretexes to survive.

I would personally NOT VOTE ! OR at worst Vote for the Outsider Karoubi who is at odds with all the political establishment and a kind of subversive candidate at best.




My Opinion too,



Make it easy

by Anonymous878 (not verified) on

Don't vote for them, they are all non-iranians and don't care for Iran and Iranians.


ضربه ای که احمدی نژاد به جمهوری اسلامی زد

یک وبلاگ نویس (not verified)

تاریخی بود و شگفت انگیز! ماجرای مناظره را می گویم، از احمدی نژاد سخن می گویم! احدی نمی توانست به این قدرت و به شکل مستند بنیانگذاران نظام را بی آبرو کند. دشمنان نظام ولایت فقیه از شادی در پوست نمی گنجیدند. اگر از شما سوال کنند که پنج تن از بانیان نظام جمهوری اسلامی را نام ببرید؛ آیا شما قادر خواهید بود نام هاشمی رفسنجانی را بر زبان نیاورید؟ سوابق و خدمات رفسنجانی برای استقرار و استمرار نظام جمهوری اسلامی قابل اغماض نیست. او عملاً دست راست خمینی در سالهای رهبریش بود و پست هایی به مراتب مهم تر و حساس تر از رهبر فعلی داشت. حال احمدی نژاد با تمام قوا به جان این پایه جمهوری اسلامی و یارغار خمینی افتاده و دزد و مفسدش می خواند. بی شک هیچ اپوزیسیونی به این طرز و در برابر ده ها میلیون مخاطب نمی توانست نظام جمهوری اسلامی و پایه گذارش و یاران نزدیکش را در چشم خلق الله تا این حد رسوا و بی آبرو کند!. دزد و مفسد خوانده شدن هاشمی رفسنجانی ها و ناطق نوری ها و سایرین بهترین هدیه ی احمدی نژاد برای توده ی دل چرکین ملت ناراضی و لذیذ ترین خوراک برای مخالفان تفکر ولایت فقیه بود. آری! احمدی نژاد با اره و تیشه به جان شاخه ای افتاده که خود برآن نشسته و مشغول سوراخ کردن قایقی است که خودش و مولایش از راکبان آن هستند.


The Choice is clear..

by AArash (not verified) on

Let's just come clean with this, if we want to get rid of this corrupt regime, then the best way is to keep Ahmaghnejad in his post to speed up its disintegration, rather than extending the agony by voting for Mussavi, who like "Seyyed Khandaan' will fool the nation and extend regime's survival for yet another 8 years..
So the choice here is clear: Vote Ahmaghinejad for speedy downfall of the regime!


وقتی گرگها بر سر قدرت یکدیگر را می درند

مهدی فراهانی (not verified)

مناظره موسوی و احمدی نژاد، یکی از بی سابقه ترین دعواهای پس از انقلاب بر سر قدرت بود که بی پرده و علنی و بدون سانسور در برابر چشم میلیونها ایرانی انجام شد. شاید کمتر کسی انتظار دیدن چنین مناظره ای را داشت.

در مناظره میان موسوی و احمدی نژاد که هر دو رقیب حملات شدیدی را علیه یکدیگر ترتیب دادند، سخنانی بر زبان آمد که شاید اوضاع را در روزهای آینده حساس تر و پرتنش تر نماید. در این مناظره احمدی نژاد با حمله های شدیداللحن به رؤسای جمهوری سابق یعنی هاشمی رفسنجانی و خاتمی گفت که این رقابت میان چهار کاندیدا نیست، بلکه اتحاد سه نفر بر علیه یک نفر برای ساقط کردن وی است. او با انتقاد شدید از هاشمی رفسنجانی که یکی از ارکان مهم رژیم جمهوری اسلامی در تمام سی سال پس از انقلاب بوده است، وی را بازیگردان اصلی پشت صحنه نامید که می خواهد اشراف گری ای را که در زمان هاشمی پایه گذاری شد با روی کار آوردن موسوی ادامه دهد. روزنامه "ایران" هم که از حامیان سرسخت احمدی نژاد در عرصه مطبوعات است، در صفحه اول خود در روز چهارشنبه 13 خرداد از قول احمدی نژاد تیتر زده بود که "می خواهند حلقه شکسته قدرت را بازسازی کنند". احمدی نژاد در این مناظره در واقع روی سخن خود را موسوی نمی دید، بلکه بیشتر طرف حساب خود را هاشمی رفسنجانی و محمد خاتمی به حساب می آورد.

احمدی نژاد در ابتدای سخنان خود ادعایی را مطرح کرد که برای اولین بار به گوش می رسید. او گفت که هاشمی رفسنجانی پس از به قدرت رسیدن وی پیامی به پادشاه یکی از کشورهای عربی فرستاده که «نگران نباشید، دولت احمدی نژاد تا شش ماه دیگر سقوط خواهد کرد»

میرحسین موسوی طرف مناظره احمدی نژاد، در حالی که بارها از آینده کشور ابراز نگرانی کرد، با رگباری از حملات علیه سیاست خارجی احمدی نژاد و اشاره به مواردی که باعث خدشه دار شدن نام و اعتبار ایرانیان در دنیا گردیده است، مانند پرداختن به قضیه هولوکاست و آزادی ملوانان انگلیسی در پی فشارهای لندن و بدرقه آنان از سوی احمدی نژاد با کت و شلوارهای اهدایی و همچنین ادعای توطئه چینی آمریکاییها برای ربودن وی در عراق، احمدی نژاد را به خیالبافی و توهم و خرافه گرایی و شکست در سیاست های خارجی متهم کرد و سیاستهای اقتصادی وی در داخل را باعث تضعیف و نابودی اقتصاد ایران دانست و دولت وی را به قانون گریزی و دیکتاتوری متهم کرد. در پاسخ به حملات موسوی، احمدی نژاد باز به خیالپردازی روی آورد و موقعیت ایران را در عرصه جهانی بسیار خوب توصیف کرد و ادعا کرد که در زمان او ایران عزت خود را در دنیا به دست آورده است! این در حالی است که ایران از لحاظ بین المللی به شدت منزوی شده و دوستان زیادی جز چند کشور محتاج و نان به نرخ روز خور دردنیا برایش باقی نمانده است.

احمدی نژاد نفی هولوکاست و سخنان جنجال برانگیزش در این مورد را که به حیثیت ایران لطمه وارد کرده است، مورد تایید شخص رهبر دانست و گفت که این حرفها را که من زدم، به تایید رهبری رسیده است و ادعا کرد که با طرح نفی هولوکاست، نسبت به اتهامات اروپا در مورد نقض حقوق بشر در ایران واکنش نشان داده است!

حال چگونه میشود با پیش کشاندن یک واقعه تلخ تاریخی که بی چون و چرا واقعیت دارد و شکی بر آن نمی توان داشت، این همه اعدام و شکنجه و سنگسار و له شدن حقوق شهروندی در ایران را توجیه کرد، معمای بی جوابی است که احمدی نژاد باید پاسخگوی آن باشد! یعنی اگر اتحادیه اروپا اعدام و سنگسار را در ایران محکوم می کند، برای شانه خالی کردن ازمسئولیت، باید ادعا کرد که شش میلیون یهودی بی دفاع در زمان هیتلر، وحشیانه قتل عام نشده اند!! حال در این میان پیدا کنید پرتقال فروش را!

نکته جالب دیگری که احمد نژاد بر زبان راند و میر حسین موسوی نیز آنرا تکذیب نکرد، این بود که به گفته احمدی نژاد، موسوی نیز در زمان نخست وزیری خواهان محو اسرائیل شده بود و قرار بود در آن زمان برای نبرد با اسرائیل نیرو به لبنان اعزام کنند! ظاهراً سیاست پرهزینه ادعای محو اسرائیل مورد اقبال تمام آقایان است و از این بابت فرقی میان احمدی نژاد و موسوی نیست. به علاوه میرحسین موسوی در این مناظره به طور علنی گفت که ما با مردم اسرائیل دوستی نداریم! یعنی همان سیاست مخربی که احمدی نژاد در برابر اسرائیل در پیش گرفته و گویی میرحسین نیز اگر به جای او بنشیند، بر همان روش خواهد بود ولی شاید به شیوه هایی دیگر!

در بخش دیگری از این مناظره احمدی نژاد با نشان دادن مدرک دکترای همسر میرحسین موسوی یعنی زهرا رهنورد در برابر دوربین تلویزیون ، آنرا غیر قانونی دانست و گفت که همسر شما بر خلاف قانون استاد دانشگاه و سپس رئیس دانشگاه شده و مدرک دکترای او حقیقی نیست که واکنش موسوی را در پی داشت که همسر خود را مهمترین روشنفکر زن ایران دانست، حال با چه معیار و ترازویی ایشان این صفت عالی را به همسر خود نسبت داد، باید از خود میر حسین موسوی پرسید! اما به نظر می آید که این کار یکی از اشتباهات تاکتیکی احمدی نژاد در این مناظره بود چراکه ممکن است با تاثیر احساسی و عاطفی ای که در میان برخی مخاطبان برجای می گذارد به ضرر احمدی نژاد تمام شود.

موضوع دانشجویان ستاره دار نیز بخشی از مناظره بود که احمدی نژاد اصل ماجرا را به زمان دکتر معین وزیر علوم دولت خاتمی نسبت می داد و میرحسین موسوی آن را یکی از بی قانونی های دولت احمدی نژاد می شمرد.

میرحسین موسوی در کل مناظره تقزیباً بر کلمات مسلط نشان نمی داد و گاهی برای جمع بندی حرفهایش دچار مشکل میشد و بارها و بارها از کلمه «چیز» استفاده کرد ولی در مقابل او، احمدی نژاد در سخنانش مسلط تر به نظر می آمد و حرکات دست و صورت را در جلوی دوربین بهتر انجام می داد.

اما جنجالی ترین و مهم ترین نکته در این مناظره، آوردن نام رفسنجانی و پسران وی و ناطق نوری و آقازاده اش از سوی احمدی نژاد بود که آنان را به فساد مالی متهم کرد که در واقع چیزی به جز دزدی سران نظام و پسرانشان معنی نمی دهد. احمدی نژاد گفت : « پسر ناطق نوری چطور میلیاردر شده؟ خود ناطق نوری چگونه زندگی می کند؟ پسران هاشمی رفسنجانی چگونه میلیاردر شده اند؟»

بدین گونه سخنان احمدی نژاد، به صورت غیر مستقیم شخص خامنه ای رهبر نظام را نیز به زیر سوال می برد، چرا که علی اکبر ناطق نوری، مشاور بلندپایه رهبر جمهوری اسلامی و از نزدیکان اوست و چنانچه فساد مالی او و خانواده اش واقعیت داشته باشد، شخص رهبر نیز در مظان اتهام قرار می گیرد که چنین مشاوران فاسدی را دور خود جمع نموده است.

غلامحسن کرباسچی و محسن صفایی فراهانی نیز به صراحت از سوی احمدی نژاد متهم به رانت خواری و جمع آوری اموال غیر مشروع شدند.

دعوای این دو کاندیدا بر سر تصاحب پست ریاست جمهوری و سخنانی که میان این دو رد و بدل شد که در طول رقابتهای انتخاباتی پس از انقلاب بی سابقه بود، نشان داد نظام جمهوری اسلامی از ابتدا تا کنون چقدر از درون به فساد و دزدی گرفتار بوده و زمانی که گرگها برای لقمه چربی به نام قدرت باهم درگیر می شوند، به یکدیگر رحم نکرده وچگونه به قول معروف پته یکدیگر را بر روی آب می ریزند!

با مناظره شب گذشته باید انتظار مناظره های داغ تری میان کروبی و رضایی با احمدی نژاد و واکنش یکی از مهمترین ارکان قدرت در جمهوری اسلامی، یعنی هاشمی رفسنجانی نسبت به سخنان احمدی نژاد بر علیه خانواده اش بود. شاید این سخنان برای احمدی نژاد گران تمام شود.

اما در مجموع از حملات بی سابقه طرفین به یکدیگر که بگذریم، چیزی که بیش از همه رخ می نمود این بود که هیچیک از دو کاندیدا برنامه ای برای کشور و مردم نداشتند و تنها به حملات تند و تیز علیه یکدیگر پرداختند، و این نشان دهنده آن است که هر که برسر کار آید، امید زیادی به بهبود وضع اقتصاد کشور و این همه نابسامانی و فلاکت نخواهد بود. دعوا تنها بر سر قدرت است و ملت در این میان بهانه ای بیش نیستند.



by Benyamin on

I must say that was the only "real" debate corrupt or not that I have ever seen on Iranian tv. before or after the revolution.

But I also believe that this debate refines some policies in two political camps in Iran. One that is seeking greater freedom and the other that is trying to control the masses and curb their freedom  even more.

What I think is happenning is that two rivals are at war through proxies! It is clear from the debate and name callings and direct accusations, that Hashemi Rafsanjani and Khamenei are the main characters at war.

I believe if Mir Hosein wins the elections then it is over for Khamenei and he will be retired by force or will be asked to resign. How? (Well from what I heard and read on media during the past 4 years) and that ironically two key insttitutions are lead by those seeking greater freedom, such as Khobregan and Majles Maslahat. and both are crucial to hold or form and opinion about "the Leader". I believe in case Mir hosein wins the elections, Khamenei is finished one way or another.

I also think that the islamists that are educated in universities are different from those of "Rohaniat-Mollah" I think it is Rohaniat that has pushed women to the verge of slavery it is Rohaniat that forced the "hejab" on them and is insisting on pushing more. Even the most ultra conservetist like Ahmadi Nejad don`t think the way a Mollah does and yet it is a Mollah that runs the country not a Doctorate!

Anyway, that is for a different subject.


that was ... interesting

by Barbra on

I was really surprised that they even talked about cenzorship. And that attack at Mousavi's wife was really satanic. I woudn't have expected him to go this far...guess I was wrong.

Questioning the Holocaust is really nasty but I don't quite get how it is exactly "undermining the nation’s interest". First, the axis of evil and the sanctions came during Khatami's administration. Second, the US policy is not based on what Mahmoud says. So I just don't think that the voters will fall for this.

And I quess that the constant talkin about Khomeini won't impress many either.   

btw. Rafsanjani strikes back 





Darius Kadivar

Funny: These Pseudo "Doctors" Argue on others credentials ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Were My Father alive today he would have had a BIG LAUGH at Their HYPOCRISY.

These Pseudo Doctors KICKED OUT Their Own Teachers ( who had graduated from the most prestigious universities in Europe or America with government aid regardless of social backgrounds) back in 1979 from all the Universtities on Grounds of TAGHOUTI and all that Crap accusations.

Doctors in Engineering, Philosophy, social studies, medicine were kicked out in humiliation and these guys HAVE THE AUDACITY of complaining ? ... LOL  

Beshno Hamsafareh Man:


Ma be tafavot Beh Tamasha Naneshasteem, Mah Khodeh Dardeem, Een Negahee Bi Gozara Neest ...



بسیار جالب بود.


کاش موسوی به اتهامات وارده به خودش واکنش نشان میداد. برای من جالب هست که بدونم اتهامات وارد شده نسبت به عمل کرد موسوی در دوره زمامداریش که از سوی احمدی نژاد مطرح شده صحت دارند یا نه.

میشه با صحت گفت که احمدی نژاد مناظره گر حرفه‌ای تریست. متاسفانه موسوی ضعیف ظاهر شد و خیلی‌ مضطرب و بی‌ ترتیب مسائل خود رو بیان میکرد. انگار که خود را از پیش آماده نکرده بود.

احمدی نژاد بار دیگر ثابت کرد که انتقاد گریز هست و فقط در یک مورد قبول کرد که دولتش اشباهاتی را مرتکب شده و آن فقط در حوزه انتشارت بود.

باید قبول کرد که در مورد تعداد روزنامه جات انتقادی حق با احمدی نژاد بود. در دوران موسوی که مصادف با دوران بحرانی پس از انقلاب و جنگ تحمیلی بود، انتقاد از دولت کمتر از کفر و توهین به پیامبر اسلام نبود. در دوران زمامت احمدی نژاد، علیرغم توقیف بسیاری از روزنامها و نظارت بیش از حد بر انتشارت و بقیه رسانه‌ها توسط وزارت فرهنگ که جزوی از دولت احمدی نژاد هست، فضای انتقاد بسی‌ باز تر از زمان آقای موسوی هست. اما خوب مسلما در چهار چوب نظام استکباری ایران، چه در زمان آن دولت و چه در زمان این دولت، جایی‌ برای انتقاد واقعی وجود ندارد.



Best debate in history of Iran

by Q on

this is the best, most transparent and most democratic debate in the history of Iran.

Never before has levers of power been questioned so clearly and publically without bloodshed. This was done by both sides. AN even questioned Khomeini's invovelment at one point! This was a a guy who ran on Khomeini's image the first time! Mousavi took a lot of shots at AN, Khamenei and state-run TV networks.

On substance, the edge goes to Ahmadinejad. He had done his homework, and was ready with good arguments. The foreign policy comebacks would resonate with a lot of people, especially those who voted for him the first time.

On presenation and style, Mousavi won big time. If the Western debates are any indication, these are more important than substance. AN looked like a weak, petty cry baby with below-the-belt blows, like pulling out Mousavi's wife's file. People would be repulsed by that, since there is no culture of this kind of debate in Iran. People would think it inappropriate.

The debate was overall much better than the TV sound-byte fests of the US elections. Imagine allowing 45 minute speeches with supporting facts and documenation in America!

It was well done, and I look forward to the rest of the series.


The only debate that

by BK (not verified) on

interests me is between the Iranian people and this regime, when one day, sooner or later, the time comes.

Ahmadinejad, Mousavi, Karoubi, Rezaie, they are all cut from the same cloth of incompetent, corrupt, self-serving and repressive clique that has made a mess of Iran for 30 years.

I’ll look forward to the day when these people and their well known supporters have no choice but to answer to the people for what they have done.


I watched all the nine parts

by Morghe Toofan (not verified) on

I watched all the nine parts and deeply saddened to see that after more than 100 years of struggle for freedom; these are the best choices our society can offer to its people.
We still have a long way to go!!!


confessing to 24 years of corrupt IR in one debate

by BothRight (not verified) on

Ahmadinejad thrashed 4 years of Mousavi, 8 years of Rafsanjani and 8 years of Khatami

Mousavi thrashed 4 years of Ahmadinejad:

Total of 24 out of 30 years! They mentioned lawlessness , corruptions, getting rich from gov't, lies etc

Together they confessed to what the governments have been about all along!

It took attack on his wife for Mousavi to eventually show that he is even alive!

One thing was obvious, not even one program was discussed to help the country, just 98% negative campaigning

But by the end of debate, Mousavi was the clear winner


شب‌نشينی در جهنم

Shayan Mehr (not verified)

عقل آدم در عجب از انتخابات شما
قيل و قال آبراهام لينکلن الواط شما

شمر ذی‌الجوشن ز خود رفع صلاحيت کند
گر ببيند نامزد آدمکش لات شما

دولت امروز وفردا دولت فقر است و ظلم
ميدهد بو وعده‌های نقد و اقساط شما

نوجوانان ضعيف و خسته‌جان در حبس‌تان
روح نادرشاه چارشاخ از فتوحات شما

بی‌نيازيد از اتم، از موشک و تير و کمان
تا خرافات و جهالت شد مهمات شما

دولت رمال و جنگير و دعابنويستان
هست پشتيبان فرهنگ خرافات شما

حضرت صاحب که ميگوئيد، سنکوپ ميکند
گر بيايد لحظه‌ای بهر ملاقات شما

گر به لعنت معتقد هستيد، هرشب تا سحر
شب نشينی در جهنم دارد اموات شما

شد غنی با همدلی‌تان، آش کشک رهبری
ليک کرم انداخته کشک و حبوبات شما

غير سيب کالک و گنديده و آفت‌زده
ميوه‌ای ملت نمی‌يابد به باغات شما

از خليج فارس تا بحرخزر، چشم وطن
غير سگماهی نمی‌بيند به شيلات شما

انقلاب ما به سان بازی شطرنج بود
شاه کيش ملتی شد، ملتی مات شما

رو به پايان است اين ويراژ دادن. عنقريب؛
توی خاکی ميرود ماشين اسقاط شما

روزی پيروزی، به دست آئينه‌تان خواهيم داد
ديدن رخساره‌ی خود، اين مجازات شما

هموطن‌جان، اين دم آخر زيادی غم‌مخور
حيف اعصاب شما و حيف اوقات شما

هادی خرسندی


Funny chain of logic

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

What is your logic! Iranians outside Iran can not express their opinion because they don't agree with you. For your information a lot of Iranians outside of Iran are victims of This nekbat called IRI. How about majority of eligible voters that refused to participate in the fake election in 2005. I was in Iran in 2005 and Ahmadinejad barely had 5m votes and he became the Prez. with 15m votes.
You are not pro IRI but consider criticizing IRI as Iran bashing!! What is your IQ?
Don't equate your opinion with the will of People in Iran.
Ahmadinejad is already doing that.

Jahanshah Javid

Conplete debate

by Jahanshah Javid on

The above clips are in better quality and make up the complete debate between Ahmadinejad and Mousavi.


Abarmard ?

by Anonymous9999 (not verified) on
