Mousavi-Ahmadinejad debate

TV debate less than a week before the presidential elections

AP: The main pro-reform candidate in next week's presidential elections accused Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday of undercutting Iran's international standing by questioning the Holocaust. In a nationally televised debate, Mir Hossen Mousavi said Iran has been "downgraded" in the eyes of world by President Ahmadinejad's firebrand style and statements. Just hours earlier, Ahmadinejad called the Holocaust a "big deception" and claimed Israel uses it to sway international support. "Our nation's dignity has been harmed. We've been degraded. There has been increasing tension (under Ahmadinejad)... Is it in our interests?" Mousavi said during the face-to-face debate broadcast live across Iran >>>

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9



Funny comments from people

by iran1 (not verified) on

Funny comments from people who where rendered useless long ago. Iranians sitting outside Iran in their comfortable lives trying to tell Iranians in Iran what to do. I am not a pro IRI but refuse to be a pond in the Iran bashing game that only benefits Israeli hawks and similar vermin that live in EU and US. If you care about Iran you would align yourself with people who live in Iran. It must be a hard pill to swallow to realize that you are nobody as far as the politics in Iran are concerned. It makes no difference if you decide to vote or not. What counts are the youth in Iran which have basically flipped the birdy at the useless overseas has beens!


Long Road ahead

by Anonymous3 (not verified) on

مبارزه برای دمکراسی و آزادی با یک رای دادن به جائی نمی رسه. راه آزادی با کنار رفن ولی فقیه هست. برای این کار سازماندهی کنیم. اگر تقلب کردن به خیابانها بریزیم و آرزوی تقلب رو از کله پوکشون بیرون بیاریم. روز "انتخابات" هشیار باشیم.
اگر اصلاح طلبان برنده بشن کار تازه شروع می‌شه. نگزاریم تجربه سیاه بازی خاتمی تکرار بشه. برای آینده بهتر تلاش زیادی لازمه .
پیروز باشید


Near puking

by Mosleh (not verified) on

Did you see Ahmadinejad? he's frigging Paranoid! He thinks the world is against him. Also note his constant fidgeting and nervous facial ticks. I don't give a flying toss what others think about Mousavi. I just want a Mousavi win wipe that disgusting smirk off Antarinejad's dumbass face.


By the way

by Parham on

This is NOT the complete debate. The complete debate is a bit longer with concluding notes from both candidates.

p.s. I just looked and there are 3 more parts on YouTube -- and they're important parts, where Ahmadinejad attacks Rafasanjani's sons, talks about theft etc.



by Anonymous2323 (not verified) on

you are missing the best parts

Watch all 9 parts in better quality here:



the best part

by MiladTowersMother (not verified) on

is the last bit where Moussavi wipes the floor with Ahmadinejad. It's a must watch!


This was a good debate

by Abarmard on

I am not sure who won the debate, but certainly interesting


Associated De-Press

by Rodmard (not verified) on

As always a depressing release from AP news!
A US presidential debate copycat! The only noted difference between Mahmood & Mir-Hosein is their names!


Sociopath vs. morally corrupt.

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

This debate makes it abundantly clear: The "choices" are between a psychopath and a corrupt politician that wants to save the Islamic regime from this crazy guy. Mousavi says nothing is wrong with the nezam, just this Doulat . Sure nothing was wrong with mass killings of political prisoners with out a trial under his watch. Nothing is wrong with sexual apartheid. Nothing wrong with having a supreme leader with the power of king. A good thing coming out of this debate is the clarity with which they expose each other.
With the absolute power of the "leader" and control of guardian counsel the Islamic "republic" is not reformable in to a democratic system. Only force (collective organizing power of people and not necessarily violence) can change the political system of Iran into a relatively free and open society.


من متأسفم برای این ملت


که باید این دو نفر کاندیدای ریاست جمهوریش باشند


Interesting strategy on Ahmadinejad's part

by Q on

run against Rafsanjani, instead of against Mousavi. It's like when Democrats successfully defeated McCain by linking him to Bush.

This is getting interesting.


Baba inha hamashoon ye

by Meehan (not verified) on

Baba inha hamashoon ye ashghaland. Choose between crap , crap and crap. Which one is a better crap?


Stark contrast. Ignore at

by fdd (not verified) on

Stark contrast. Ignore at your own peril.


To the bone corrupt actors

by Iranivaliazad (not verified) on

That's what IRI has presented Iranians with ... Iranians will have one of these 4 corrupt men as their next prison guard.


Darius Kadivar

Did Moussavi use an english words "Case By Case" ? ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Did Moussavi use an english word "Case By Case" ? ...


Ain't that incompatible with the Iraneh "Eslami" ?  

Cheetah Vs Amir "Kir" Kutah  (who thinks he is Amir KABIR) ...

I say let them Eat Each Other Up ...








quick comparison

by Jiffo (not verified) on

not sure if I vote this time, but a look at the behavior of the two candidates in these films shows two very different personalities. One seems to have severe inferiority complex and tries to compensate with blaming everyone else as being against him. While the econd appears more methodical and gives case-in-point examples of the president's snafus at the expense of the electorates. The hijacking stroies that the president had claimed sound very telling indeed. ....


Well Ahmadinejad knows that Kuseh is ORCHESTRATING it all!

by GRUDGE (not verified) on

If nothing else, Moussavi, Karrubi and above all Rezaii are all pawns in the hands of the biggest and FILTHY richest entrepreneur, financier, dealer wheeler, fund raiser of all mullah lobbyists abroad, the mullah-turned-businessman the ultra power hungry ambitious Kuseh Ali Akbar Hashemi Bahremani Rafsanjani!

Not that Ahmadinejad is worthy of any defense, but any idiot can see that Rafsanjani like a hostile wounded snake is behind all the rival candidates ... he's trying to take his revenge for his big failure four years ago.