دلارا دارابی، قربانی مبارزه قدرت؟

موج مخالفت با مجازات اعدام در ایران در حال گسترش است


دلارا دارابی، قربانی مبارزه قدرت؟
by Hossein Bagher Zadeh

قتل دلارا دارابی دردناك بود. نه به خاطر این كه او زیبا بود، گرچه زیباكشان یكی از لطیف‌ترین احساسات انسانی را به مسلخ می‌برند؛ نه به خاطر آن كه او هنرمند بود، گرچه بی‌هنران ِ هنرمندكش كمر به قتل گوهر انسانیت بسته‌اند؛ نه به خاطر این كه او جوان بود، گرچه جوان‌كشی انتقامی است كه مهر باطل خوردگان از آینده و آینده‌سازان می‌گیرند؛ و نه به خاطر این كه او احتمالا بی‌گناه بود، گرچه جرم او هیچ‌گاه در دادگاهی عادلانه به اثبات نرسید. قتل دلارا دارابی دردناك بود، به خاطر این كه او یك انسان بود. یعنی اگر دلارا زشت‌رو بود و هنری نداشت و سنی از او گذشته بود و مجرم هم بود نیز قتلش باید دل هر انسانی را به درد می‌آورد. قتل عمد انسان، هر انسانی، دردناك است؛ و وقتی انسانی اسیر و دست بسته و بی‌دفاع در محیطی تحت كنترل، به نام قانون كشته می‌شود انسانیت نیز با او كشته می‌شود. اعدام نه فقط عملی ضد انسانی است و بلكه چون نوعی اسیركشی است جبونانه نیز هست. علاوه بر این، كشته شدن دلارا دارابی به خاطر جرمی نبود كه به او منتسب شده بود. او ظاهرا به عنوان مهره‌ای در رقابت كثیف سیاستمداران حاكم برای كنترل قدرت قربانی شد - رقابتی كه گفته می‌شود قربانی‌های دیگری را هم ردیف كرده است.

اعدام دلارا ناگهانی‌ بود. او چند سال را در زندان گذرانده بود. حكم مجرمیت او همانند بسیاری دیگر در ایران بدون رعایت كمترین استانداردهای یك محاكمه عادلانه صادر شده بود و ارزش قانونی نداشت. نه به ادعاهای او كه اقرارش به قتل در اثر یك فریب بوده توجهی شد و نه به این واقعیت كه چپ دست بوده و ضربه‌های وارده به مقتول نمی‌تواند كار یك چپ دست باشد. احساس لطیف او كه از خلال آثار هنری‌‌اش بیرون می‌زد بسیاری را در ایران و جهان تحت تأثیر قرار داده بود. افراد و گروه‌های زیادی برای نجات او از اعدام تلاش می‌كردند. اجرای حكم او چند بار به تعویق افتاد. آخرین بار همین دو سه هفته پیش بود كه آقای شاهرودی رییس قوه قضائیه كه از قدرت و اختیارات زیادی برخوردار است دستور داد كه اجرای حكم را برای دو ماه به تعویق بیندازند. توجیه این دستور هم این بود كه در این فاصله شاید بتوان خانواده مقتول را راضی كرد كه از قصاص بگذرند. ولی‌ مجریان حكم نه این مهلت را رعایت كردند و نه قانون را كه الزام می‌كند اجرای حكم را ۴۸ ساعت پیشتر به وكیل و خانواده محكوم اطلاع دهند. آنان ظاهرا برنامه‌های دیگری داشتند و انگیزه‌های دیگری هم. برنامه‌ها و انگیزه‌هایی كه بیش از این كه به قانون و عدالت مربوط باشند به سیاست و قدرت ارتباط داشتند. دلارا البته نه اهل سیاست بود و نه با قدرت رابطه‌ای داشت. ولی جان او می‌توانست به عنوان مهره‌ای در بازی قدرت به كار رود، و ظاهرا چنین نیز شده است.

موج مخالفت با مجازات اعدام در ایران در حال گسترش است. این موج به خصوص در مورد اعدام بزهكاران خردسال در یكی ‌دو سال اخیر شدت گرفته است. افزایش وحشتناك آمار اعدام در دو سه سال اخیر به گسترش موج ضد اعدام كمك كرده است. جمهوری اسلامی ایران اكنون دو امتیاز برجسته جدید در آدم‌كشی را در جهان از آن خود كرده است. یكی این كه ایران تنها كشوری است كه بر خلاف جریان جامعه انسانی در سطح جهان به جای كاهش اعدام‌ها در دو سال اخیر با درسد بالایی آن را افزایش داده است. دوم این كه تنها كشوری است كه پیگیرانه به اعدام بزهكاران خردسال ادامه می‌دهد و عنوان پر افتخار «آخرین اعدام‌كننده كودكان» در جهان را به خود اختصاص داده است. جمهوری اسلامی ایران البته افتخارات مشابه دیگری را نیز قبلا كسب كرده بود كه هم‌چنان ادامه دارد: دومین كشور اعدام كننده جهان به لحاظ عددی بعد از چین (كه اكنون به لحاظ سرانه از چین نیز جلو زده است)؛ بزرگترین سنگساركننده جهان؛ و بزرگترین اجراكننده مجازات‌های خشن و ضد انسانی دیگر در جهان، از شلاق و بریدن دست و پا گرفته تا چشم از حدقه در‌آوردن و سایر خشونت‌هایی‌ كه به نام حدود یا قصاص صورت می‌گیرد. بدون تردید، این خشونت‌ها و شدت آن‌ها در سال‌‌های اخیر بیش از هر چیز دیگر به گسترش جنبش حقوق بشری و از جمله حركت ضد اعدام كمك كرده است.

همان طور كه در نوشته پیشین اشاره شد، گسترش جنبش ضد اعدام اكنون به جایی رسیده است كه حتی در مبارزات انتخاباتی ریاست جمهوری نیز جا باز كرده و دست كم یكی از نامزدهای انتخاباتی یعنی آقای كروبی خواستار قطع اعدام بزهكاران خردسال شده است. این موضع ظاهرا بهانه‌ای به دست یك جناح رقیب كه از رییس جمهور فعلی حمایت می‌كند داده تا از آن به عنوان وسیله‌ای برای كوبیدن كروبی استفاده كند. به این دلیل از هنگام پخش بیانیه كروبی در این باره، توپخانه تبلیغاتی این جناح یعنی روزنامه كیهان به كار افتاده و با حمله به كروبی یك پیكار قلمی تند علیه او را به راه انداخته است. در این پیكار، روزنامه كیهان البته طبق معمول از تمام توان فحاشی و لجن‌پراكنی و ادبیات لمپنی خود كمك گرفته و از هیچ حربه‌ زبانی برای كوفتن رقیب فروگذار نبوده است. ولی این زرادخانه قلمی برای كیهان و كیهانیان در مقابله با اردوی كروبی ظاهرا كافی نبوده و آنان را واداشته است تا از حربه‌های دیگری‌ نیز در این پیكار كمك بگیرند. یكی از این حربه‌ها، استفاده از جان انسان‌های اسیری است كه می‌‌توان از آن‌ها هم‌چون مهره‌هایی در دعواهای جناحی حاكمیت بهره گرفت.

در این جا ظاهرا چون كروبی خواستار قطع اعدام بزهكاران خردسال شده است، جناح رقیب كه كنترل بسیاری از ارگان‌های قضایی و امنیتی را در دست دارد به راحتی می‌تواند با سلاخی یك یا چند بزهكار خردسال عملا پاسخ او را بدهد. پاسخی‌ كه می‌خواهد به مردم بگوید قدرت عملی این جا است و كروبی حتا اگر به ریاست جمهوری برسد از تأمین چنین قول و قرارهایی عاجز خواهد بود. و واقع نیز این است كه مجموعه زیر نظر رییس قوه قضائیه اگر حرف او را نمی‌خرد و علارغم دستور او كار خود را انجام می‌دهد، چگونه می‌توان انتظار داشت كه حرف و خواست رییس جمهور كه قاعدتا نباید و نمی‌تواند در قوه دیگری دخالت كند در كار آنان تأثیر داشته باشد؟ كروبی و تیم حامی او احیانا می‌توانند از پس تعرضات قلمی كیهان و كیهانیان برآیند و هر ناسزای آنان را به جد یا طنز پاسخ دهند. ولی در برابر قدرت سلاخی و آدم‌كشی آنان چه می‌توانند بكنند؟ كیهان و كیهانیان با قربانی كردن دلارا دارابی و امثال او یك واقعیت بسیار تلخ و وحشتناك را به یاد كروبی و هواداران او می‌‌آورند - واقعیتی كه جمهوری اسلامی سه دهه تمام برای نشان دادن قدرقدرتی خود به رخ مخالفان خود كشیده است. واقعیتی كه بر حربه اعدام متكی است و اسیرانی كه می‌توان هر زمان برای اثبات قدرقدرتی حاكمان و ارعاب مردم قربانی كرد.

و به این ترتب، دلارا به عنوان مهره‌ای كه در دست كیهانیان اسیر بوده در این نمایش قدرت قربانی می‌شود تا مردم ایران دچار این توهم نشوند كه نظامی انسانی در چهارچوب جمهوری اسلامی در راه است - یا دست كم این پیامی است كه كیهانیان می‌خواهند به مردم ایران بدهند. برای كسانی كه از دلارا به عنوان مهره‌ای در این جهت استفاده كرده‌اند مهم نبوده كه او جوان است، كه ممكن است مجرم نباشد، كه اگر جرمی مرتكب شده در سنین نوجوانی بوده و بر اساس ارزش‌های جامعه بشری و تعهدات بین‌المللی ایران اعدام او در حكم قتل و جرم است، كه او هنرمند است و روحی حساس دارد، كه با كشتن او نه فقط پدر و مادر و خانواده‌ای برای عمری به عزا می‌نشینند كه دل هزاران نفر دیگر نیز كه دلارا را شناخته‌اند و یا آثار هنری او را دیده‌اند به درد می‌آید. نه، هیچ یك از این‌ها برای قاتلان او اهمیت نداشته است، و نه حتا توجه به آموزه‌های قرآنی مورد ادعایشان در حرمت جان انسان و احتیاط در ریختن خون او.

كشته شدن دلارا علاوه بر خانواده‌اش به خصوص برای آسیه امینی و محمد مصطفایی دو وكیلی‌ كه با تمام قوا در پی نجات او از مرگ بودند دردناك بوده است. این دو تن در سال‌های اخیر تلاش خستگی‌ناپذیری برای كمك به زندانیان محكوم به اعدام و به خصوص نوجوانان و كسانی كه در خطر سنگسار هستند به عمل آورده‌اند. در مواردی‌ این تلاش‌ها در نجات افرادی از مرگ مؤثر بوده است. ولی دردناك‌تر از این نیست كه با تمام نیرو برای جان انسانی تلاش كنی و قول و قرارهایی برای تعویق اعدام بگیری و ناگهان بشنوی كه علارغم این قول و قرارها طرف را كشته‌اند. این وضعیت به خصوص برای آقای مصطفایی چند باز اتفاق افتاده است. ولی او هم‌چنان به تلاش انسانی و انساندوستانه خود ادامه می‌دهد. همین امروز سه شنبه نیز كه او برای نجات جان دو بزهكار خردسال دیگر به دادگستری مراجعه كرده بود دستگیر شد و مورد بازجویی قرار گرفت. و واقعا چه دره عمیقی است بین انسان‌هایی كه توان و وقت خود را وقف نجات انسان‌هایی از مرگ می‌كنند با آنانی كه از جان انسان به عنوان مهره‌ای برای پیش‌برد مقاصد سیاسی خود بهره می‌گیرند و به این منظور دست به آدم‌كشی‌ می‌زنند.

دلارا ظاهرا تنها و آخرین قربانی مبارزه قدرت در حاكمیت در جریان رقابت انتخاباتی جاری نیست. امیر خالقی و صفر انگوتی دو نوجوان دیگری هستند كه ناگهان معلوم شد قرار است صبح چهارشنبه {۱۶ اردیبهسشت) اعدام شوند. همین مسئله بود كه امروز (سه شنبه ۱۵) آقای‌ مصطفایی را به نزد سخنگوی قوه قضائیه (علیرضا جمشیدی) كشاند. علاوه بر این، آفتاب یزد روز دوشنبه نوشت كه قرار است یك نفر دیگر در رشت سنگسار شود. این شهر دو ماه قبل نیز شاهد یك سنگسار بوده كه تازه سخنگوی قوه قضائیه آن را تأیید كرده است. این سخنگو بارها از توقف اعدام نوجوانان و سنگسار سخن گفته است. ولی واقعیت آن است كه علارغم این اظهارات، ماشین اعدام و سنگسار و خشونت جمهوری اسلامی هم‌چنان مشغول كار است و بی‌وقفه قربانی می‌گیرد. مواضع كسانی مانند آقای كروبی در این مورد البته قابل تحسین است، ولی بخش عمده اصلاح‌طلبان هنوز به این جنبش انسانی نپیوسته است. علاوه بر این، به فرض موفقیت آقای كروبی در رأی‌گیری ۲۲ خرداد این سؤال باقی‌ می‌ماند كه چه تضمینی وجود دارد كه او بتواند خواست حداقلی خود در این زمینه را به مرحله عمل برساند؟ سؤالی كه تا تحقق این فرض، پاسخ آن معلوم نخواهد شد.

From: Iran Emrooz


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Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

آیا اعتراف به قتل دلارا برای عشق بزرگی بود که به آن پسر داشت

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

 دلارا را برای که خودش را فدا کرد.  این دختر جوان که با دلایلی که میشنویم نمیتوانسته که زنی را با ضربه های چاقو بکشد چرا به قتل او اعتراف کرد و به دلیل اینکه زیر هیجده بود جان پسری را که دوست داشت مثلا نجات داد  اگر اینطور است که او تا این حد آن پسر را دوست داشت  پس چرا وقتی که پسر دید که او را دارند اعدام میکنند چرا جلو نیآمد و نگفت که این من بود که متقول را کشته ام نه دلارا.   آیا این همه فداکاری دلارا برای نجات آن پسری بود که حتی برای زنده ماندن این دوست فداکار که حاضر شدبودگوهر جانش را برای او بفروشد هیچ اقدامی نکرد؟    مونا را هم بجرم بهایی بودن اعدام کردند او هم یک دختر جوان هفده ساله بود.      آیا کشتن نوجوانان  و کودکان جلوی قتل و غارت را میگیرد.  


SCE Campaign

letter to Ayatollah Shahrudi about Delara

by SCE Campaign on



by KouroshS (not verified) on

She got justice? What kind of Justice was that? and since When IRI determines what "justice" is? You trust the regime and their track record of implementing justice in the case of every single person who has ever been arrested, That you don't even bother to think and look at all evidence that there was? what if there was a chance that she would be exonerated based on the new evidence? It was not as if every day there was a new evidence!

Everything has to be proven correctly right? well guess what NOTHING WAS PROVEN at all, in any way shape and form since the new evidence was not even allowed to be considered.



by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

Sorry that I won't be able to answer your questions, which BTW are all valid , since I am really not in to writing big passages. Suffice it to say that there is no "cognitive dissonance" within me as you wrote, it is all harmony. I believe everyone's life will be easier if the followed the law. The minute that they confess to breaking it and evidence proves it, I lose all compassion towards them. I don't care if they are dumb, mentally unstable, drugged, drunk, abused, or young, they need to be taken out of society, so other people can have a safe life. Meanwhile, as you mentioned, society's ills need to be studied and addressed, to decrease or prevent future crimes from happening in the first place.

P.S. I am not suggesting that alleged criminals be unfairly treated. Far from it. I am well aware of police brutality, false evidence, coerced confessions, etc. Everything has to be proven correctly. And in Delara's case, she got justice, however, as you mentioned, there were a few laws broken with her rushed execution, and I agree.

David ET

3 years with Delara

by David ET on

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on

I don't believe in any particular doctrines to guide me

This is good. 

, and you need to understand there are different attitudes towards value of a life. I believe life is sacred and precious.

Okay, but I keep trying to tell you and so does David and so does the video that MANY people sentenced to death are later proven innocent, not infrequently AFTER the execution. But suppose it were only ONE worldwide per year? Wouldn't that one person's life be sacred too? 

No one should be able to take it away, so if someone remotley does anything to another's life,

Classic argument, classic response. I know it won't convince you but just for the record: no one should take a life so response should be takng a life..

I believe in severest and swiftest punishment.

 What do you mean by swiftest? Do you mean there should be no appeal trials and so on? As for severest, well, stoning's about as severe as it gets. I already explained below how it's done to prolong the agony. Which brings me back to one of my BASIC quesstions: where do you live, and if you left Iran why? Because you only find stoning in Shariah countries..so why weren't you comfortable there? And if you weren't comfortable there, let's say...because you didn't want women to be beaten for their hair sticking out, is it possible that things like that are all part of a spectrum culminating in things like stoning? Your views basically advocating torture along with capital punishment are veeery veeery extreme, and really only prevalent these days in Shariah countries and the MOST brutal totalitarian governments imaginable..you know this don't you?

I already explained why I feel this way about this case.

What we're talking about here goes far beyond this case, but anyway..moving along...

.Giving the option of Sharia law to settle some cases in some Europeam countries is unconscionable.

Okay fine but these Shariah law courts in say UK are very limited in jurisdiction, usually for family matters and things like theft IF both parties agree. Now I just explained very clearly, and it's TRUE that you're advocating not only capital punishment but induced physical suffering along with it..and you'd be very hardpressed to find that in any legal system in 2009 other than Shariah countries.

I also believe in freedom of expression in terms of sexual orientation. I fully support gay's rights to marry, and equality. I also believe in gender equality. 100%

Again, IRI doesn't agree with you, they don't support these things, they take repressive measures against them, and yet they fully concur with you, a very minority opinon on the planet these days, that capital punishment should include induced suffering. Now, don't you find some cognitive dissonance there?

However, when it comes to criminals, I have no mercy. I believe, the prison sentences for some of the crimes is laughable.

No argument with you there.

 I believe in really harsh criminal penalties, for just about anything.

What about social reform? I believe one quarter of Afro-American male youth will see jail by the age of 25. Obviously it's not a coincidence that they're poor and uneducated, largely. what about the root causes of these crimes? Not to say they should go UNpunished and some of the sentences ARE laughable, but others...don't you think your thinking is a liiiiiiiittle unbalanced toward punishment and away from other considerations? the main contribution of Christianity to the world (in ESSENCE, not in practice0 is mercy over justice. Don't you see ANY merits whatsoever in this philosophy, this orientationn toward life? 

And yes, again. I believe Delara deserved it.

Okay, but here's the thing. You keep talking law law law, but IRI violated two very specifc laws of its own: its international covenant against execution of minors and its law of 48 hours' notice so the familly can be present with the condemned. i already said that the father turned her in in good faith to the LEGAL system and was completely betrayed by the ILLEGALITY of these actions (whether you agree or not with them, they are illegal). So whether you want more lenient or tougher laws (obviously you want toughter) you're talking LAW. Now how can you talk LAW while saying IRI or any other country has the right to disobey its own LAWS? You're advocating governmental lawlessness if you say she deserved to be treated outside of the law. You're opening a Pandora's box. Tomorrow they'll..cut off people's feet for jaywalking...and..why not?

Finally thanks for the reply, but seeriously, I'm curious, I need a context...were you born in the States or elsewhere or in Irna, and if in Iran did you leave when you werre a kid or when you were older of your own choice. You sound completely fluent in English...completely. I find your mixture of Western mcivil liberties with old style conservative tough law talk with...what is really truly basically an advocation of SHARIAH by prolonging suffering in capital punishment to be..unusual, to say the least..


David ET


by David ET on

its about a year I think.

I also think was ordered by shahrudi and not written in to law so some judges can challenge that if they chose too as they have with stoning or juvenile stays of executions.

rosie is roxy is roshan

David, since when have public executions been banned in

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Iran? I have seen footage of executions in public taken secretly by people with cameras hiddden under their clothing, showing even people in the crowds cheering. I remember reading about how Atefeh was strung up in the public square of that dusty, miserable little town by crane (they never even told her father, as you know she was 16 and it was a revenge killing because she took off her headscarf during the trial and threw it down, as well as for other reasons of revenge..). In that case the people in the town were idstraught. That was I think in 2004. Have they been banned in public since or am I mistaken?

David ET

annonymous one

by David ET on

you asked: If Delara was involved ( directly or indirectly) in the murder of your own loved ones , would you have wanted her to live? ( Assuming, she had no part in stabbing, and killing)

here is my very honest answer:

If anyone ever is even responsible for murder of anyone including myself or my dear ones , I want that person be brought to justice but not ever killed.

you see annonymous you are asking me questions that I have asked myself long time ago .

that is the difference between you and me, I give no man including myself the right to take another man's life for any reason with no exceptions and you play GOD and do !

you say murder is bad but sometimes is good ! in fact as much as you claim to be against murder you are not ...knowing that sometimes those who were executed have later been found to be innocent

you also believe in justice with revenge

I believe in justice with human rights

unlike you I am truly against murder for any reasons any !

the ones who make exception to murdering another human are hypocrites in my book

babak pirouzian

to:anonymouse 1

by babak pirouzian on

Iran is #1 in juvenile # 2 in general execution.. you said:"...I believe in harsh criminal punishments. I think it makes it easier for the rest who follow the rules."

Iran with execution law and 70 million population, (remember all Islamic teaching and education is part of education system is in effect since last 30 years) compare it with 400 million western Europe and no death penalty ( or any other country with no death penalty) ; see which one has higher crime rate?.

It's been proven time and time again that execution is not preventing crime but increasing it, if you believe in science. Social- economy and proper education are preventing medicine against crime and we see none of these are fully in effect in Iran.


 Final word: Iran have signed UN charter of Rights for protecting kids, on which they agreed not execute any under 18 years old (It's scientifically proven that complexity of an adult's brain is not the same as an under 18 years of age) so, either they have to abide by their own signatures or pull out of it.

If they want to have any credibility, if they want other nations to believe and respect them, that may help their argument receiving clearance for Nuclear Technology.


To Fare : You utterly spewing rubbish.


a question of mine for david

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

If Delara was involved ( directly or indirectly) in the murder of your own loved ones , would you have wanted her to live? ( Assuming, she had no part in stabbing, and killing)

She had many opputunities to stop the crime from happening. Again, if that poor woman did not know Delara, she would have lived, and not became a victim to Delara and her boyfriend. That's how I see her as guilty, and any further evidence is inconsequential anyways. In fact, for the sake of argument, I say she never, ever stabbed her, still, she desereved the capital punishment.

Her PR campaign totally backfired on the family. What's up with the paintings and poems in face of a murdered victim? They probably pissed off the family, instead of keeping a low profile, and being humble and apologetic.

David ET

annonymous GOD

by David ET on

did u even watch the video I posted?
do u know how many people throughout history and some even famous scientists or spiritual people, jesus included, in the name of justice have been executed?
Do you know how many presumed criminals have been executed which were found to be innocent after they were KILLED? With your logic who gets to kill the state who mistakenly or intentionally killed the innocent.
There is a big flaw in your twisted utopian world of kill the guilty and that is
states who decide who should be killed and who is not are also run by humans, some not any better than the ones they convict. In fact many state officials made it to the top by being or supporting criminals.
How would you feel if you get caught in a crime scene that you were innocent of on the morning of YOUR execution?
I tell you how:
you would say : GOD how wrong I was... then they pull the chair from under you
and then someone posts a comment on internet saying what you just said.!!!

but don't worry hopefully that will not happen and if God forbid it does rest assured we will stand for your HUMAN rights too as wrong as you had been !!!



by 1 Hamvatan (not verified) on

Hey, did you get the part where IT WAS PROVED THAT the person committed the crime, WAS RIGHT HANDED? and she was left HANDED? The guy who was with her, got lousy 10 years, which probably will be free when he pays some bribes and go free.

I really don't think you care either way, you just like people die regardless of being innocent or guilty.

And everything you wrote, were based on the b.s. the Islamic bastards fed to you. Otherwise you would have think a bit more clear.


to David, Rosie

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

I don't believe in any particular doctrines to guide me, and you need to understand there are different attitudes towards value of a life. I believe life is sacred and precious. No one should be able to take it away, so if someone remotley does anything to another's life, I believe in severest and swiftest punishment. I already explained why I feel this way about this case.

I don't subscribe to any particualr idoelogical catergory. I am just me. To make it clear, as I mentioned in my first point, I believe in freedom of expression, with certain limits ( harrassment at work, being lible for defamation, invasion of privacy, etc). Unfortunately this is being eroded in Europe as we speak ( eg. banning of Michael Savage traveling to Britain-- I don't like his opinions, but freedom of expression is more important), and it will become even worse. Giving the option of Sharia law to settle some cases in some Europeam countries is unconscionable.

I also believe in freedom of expression in terms of sexual orientation. I fully support gay's rights to marry, and equality. I also believe in gender equality. 100%

However, when it comes to criminals, I have no mercy. I believe, the prison sentences for some of the crimes is laughable. A child molester gets probation? A rapist serves a few months and gets paroled? I believe in the death penalty for these crimes: child molestation, because it can screw up a poor kid for life. Rape: because it can screw up a woman for a long time, if not life. And obviously murder. I believe in really harsh criminal penalties, for just about anything. Drunk driving? Lack of proper and prolonged sentences for people who have such disrespect for other's life, is total nonsense. I also believe in proof of guilt. And yes, again, I believe Delara desereved it.

Call me a wolf, but I believe in harsh criminal punishments. I think it makes it easier for the rest who follow the rules.


Wrong premises

by KouroshS (not verified) on

It seems to me that you are obviously having problems comprehending the concept of a Justice system, any where in the world.
It is totally rediculous to blame the actual murderer and someone who may or MAYNOT have acted as an accomplice the same and support the same punishment for both.
IT is really hard to make a definitive and ultimate judgement on who has actually committs a murder, and so many investigations occur on the basis of the proponderence of evidence that point to a certain direction, to prove or disprove one's innocence. Now, you are sitting by your computer and making a claim and you don't care how it happened? excuse me. Who the heck are you?? that is crazy.
And also., You are intentionally making the claim that no one has even said one word about Maheen... the victim. That is so biased and selfish of you. You obviously did not bother to read many comments where there was ample sympathy with the victim and her family.

The type of hanging that the IRI employs works and designed precisely based on suffering the victim by having them suffocating them and taking their lives breath by breath.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Fare, do you know about the boy who was attacked along with

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

his friends, skinny little thing,  for no reason by a gang of thugs who actually seemed to be trying to kill them, and in self-defense he wound up killng one of them by accident, and this was attested to by eye witnesses including one of the thugs, and he was put on death row by iRI and saved because of SCE?

just wondering.

David ET

annonymous 1

by David ET on

FYI : he victim is dead still before or after Delara's execution. She didn't come alive or suffered any less because of Delara's execution

You claim to be against mudering another human being yet so pleasingly promote killing another


I suggest you apply for the job of execution crane operator or the one who pulls the chair from under the feet of Delaras.

You sure fit the mentality.
No wonder you remain annonymous.

I am sorry public executions are banned in Iran . I am sure they would have reserved a VIP front center spot for you.

do you get paid to write this cruel nonesense or you do it for fun.

I wonder what u know about love.

" the wolves among us"



Anonymous1: SCE is only concerned about murderers, rapists, etc

by fare (not verified) on

SCE has never been interested in decent people. Their actions, if you follow, is designed to make it difficult for the decent people to live, by empowering murderers, rapists, etc. This is a vicious campaign that lives on the emotions of the gullible. Raising a murderer or the status of a martyr or a hero - this is just pure evil.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Oh, Anonymous1, I think you're making your point very

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

clear. Where do you live I'm wonderig? Okay, so let's assume  for a moment that the tiny girl held the knife (while presumably her boyfriend was screaming no! no! stop! but couldn't stop her..). Are you aware that in the United States, which is one of the very few "developed Western" countries which still uses the death penalty, the death penalty is almost never used for unpremeditated murder? are you aware that in Iran it is? If you live in the States or Europe, would you feel more comfortable in a Shariah country? I'm curious, please. I'd really like to know where you live. If you left iran, what were your reasons, I wonder. you do know of course that Iran stones people for adultery. they just stoned a man a couple of days ago. equal rights for men. Are you happy to hear this>

Are you aware that the vast majority of United Nations countries are trying to pass a resolution to abolish the death penalty worldwide? the effort has been blocked by the unlikely alliance of the US, China, an the Shariah countries? What are your views on the human rights resolutions of the United Nations? Do you think that all children have a right to education, that all people have a right to eat, have medical care, vote, etc? what are your views on UnICEF? Do you feel that in general the United Nations has something of value to contribute to the world in terms of human rights, and maybe knows something, or do you feel that in general their views are irrelevant, mistaken? Just wondering.

Torture. The UN and the global community are widely against torture. Did you watch the video provided below? Do you unerstand that many people execcuted have later proved to be innocent/ Would you like to be the torturer for a condemned innocent person? What would be your torture of choice?

if ou are in Iran or go back there, you know, stoning is a wonderful form of torture. the rule is, stones not so big as to end the life quickly and not so small as to not hurt enough. Would you like to stone an innocent person? Or just someone "guilty' of adultery? Or only some stupid seventeen year old kid who was involved somehow, we don't know, in a n unpremeditated muredr?

Your call.


It seems like you don't see

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

It seems like you don't see my point either. If there were no delara, the victim would have been alive. Period. Delara knew her to be rich, and probabaly an easy victim. Does anyone talk about the victim here? Does anyone care how artistic or a good cook or a mother she was?

I don't care how drunk, drugged, abused or young a killer or accomlice is. They need to die. Why did she live so many years? Since 2003? Give me a break. She should have been killed back then. And I do not believe in an eye for an eye... I go a step beyond. Since the poor victim suffered so much by being stabbed to death, delara should have suffered too. A simple hanging... so not fair.

David ET

To Our annonymous Judges here ordering executions

by David ET on

Your verdict: If anybody directly or indirectly is involved in murder, he/ she should be killed. If there were no Delara, that poor victim would have been alive today

My reply:

1- So if you take a friend to someone´s house and the person you took there ends up killing the friend, you should be executed !

2- Bloggers and political prisoners exist in Iran because IR has no respect for international or even its own laws nor for human rights. If you condone violation of human rights of even a accused murderer you are condoning violation of human rights of all. But if you defend the legal rights of ALL including even murderers you are defending the rights of innocents and others too. The day you get this to your head is the day you too make a leap to your own humanity.

3- As for Capital Punishment this one is for all annynymous judges numbers 1 through 10 here on Iranin.com:


she deserved it

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

If anybody directly or indirectly is involved in murder, he/ she should be killed. If there were no Delara, that poor victim would have been alive today. She knew the victim, and went there with her boyfriend. It does not matter who did the actual killing, they are both guilty. I am pissed that the boyfriend only got 10 years, instead of being executed. Stop with the bleeding heart mentality. I am sick and tired, that a murderer and thief, is being made a hero. We have many prisoners in Iran, such women activists, innocent bloggers, etc that need to be freed.

David ET


by David ET on

she always said she was sorry for what happend but always mainatined innocence.

would you say you are guilty to what you believe you have not done?

and if she said she was guilty just to satisfy others she still would have been executed. based on new confession and "told u so"

so this whole made up propoganda of why she didn't apologize is just B.S. at best.



by BADRALSADAT (not verified) on



I am just wondering why

by Anonymous777jkkjhhj (not verified) on

I am just wondering why didn't she apologize?

SCE Campaign

آسیه امینی

SCE Campaign

خیلی ممنون از اطهار لطفتان و متنی که نوشته اید. امیدوارم که همه تلاشها روزی با بسته شدن پرونده اعدام در کشورمان نتیجه بخش باشد.
فقط یک نکته من وکیل نیستم. روزنامه نگارم و در زمینه مبارزه با اعدام زنان و کودکان و سنگسار تلاش می کنم و کار داوطلبانه انجام می دهم.
به امید روزی که به جای مرگ به زندگی فکر کنیم.

با درود
آسیه امینی

David ET

Great article

by David ET on

  Thank you. This summarizes it well.

Maryam Hojjat

Dr. Bagher Zadeh

by Maryam Hojjat on

 thank you again for your fine article about cause of crime in IRI.

Great analysis.

Payandeh IRAN & Iranians

Down with IRI