Attack on Iran: Possible outcome

Trita Parsi interview


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Islamist and leftist UNHOLY bond

by BBC's Mullahs (not verified) on

Firstly, 1L, you're a vile sort -- always requesting donations for NIAC on every blog. Who do you think you're fooling?

As for the "Irandokhts" (who's probably "Niloufar Parsi") and captain ayhab, who has balls enough to question the "patriotism" of anyone who doesn't agree with his twisted view of the world.

The intellectual "giant" Captain Ayhab, writes: "Wake up people, no matter how much we hate IR, but we love mother land million times more."

Yeah, that's why you don't give a hoot that the IRI is raping your "mother land" and has been do so for 30 years! You're some patriot! It's okay if a bunch of sheepishoo akhunds and their bastard children rape and rape and rape Iran, but god forbid someone trying to put the fear of death into our homegrown rapists -- oh, no, we can't have that! We can't have the akhunds feel a little nervous. That's not fair! We should just stick our heads into the sand and let the mullahs and their bastard children continue to rape and rape and rape Iran, because at least they're Iranian!!!!

Some of you people deseve to live under the beastly rule of the mullahs instead of jabbing your keyboards in the lap of democracy off in Canada or Londonistan or where ever! As for "Dr." Parsi, he's reptillian con-man to the core, just like his evil benefactors, the mullahs! I cannot believe that all these favorable posts are being written by normal everyday Iranians. How stupid are we OR how much do we love money that we would sell our integrity and our homeland for a few measly IRI bucks???



by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

Iranians have "historically" been very easy to surrender: They brought Mossadegh and in one day turned against him through a bunch of thugs. Then, again, Khomeini came and within one year they begam advocating Hejab and stonng, and givng up their own loved ones to the government to kill in the name of supporting the Rahbar (the Superior one!). These people do not know the concept of "rallying around the flag if it hit them on the head. They would d what is in theirimmediate self interest at the expense of long-term national interest. This is the Iran that I know.
The kind of anti-war rhetoric coming out of these people, including Trita, is simply misinformed and serves to perpetuate the current dogmatic regime. If that's what you want, keep adocating this line of thinking.


Thanks to all the Zionist and warmongers

by Bavafa on

Comments from the likes of the Zionist who advocate (either covertly or not) attack on Iran, helped reminding me to renew and send my donation to NIAC. In fact I am canceling my weekly dinner date with my wife this week and the money will go to NIAC in addition to the norm.

Thanks to Mr. Parsi again for standing up to the warmongers.



Fred - you are laughable!

by Karim S (not verified) on

It is so funny. Fred knows the answer of all the questions he poses about NIAC.

But he isn't interested in the answers. What he is interested in is to give the readers a sense of doubt about NIAC. He asks about the background of NIAC's founders - well if you're so curious, check their website: //

Then he goes own to say they need to be pro-active on human rights. Well check their human rights page: //

Fred knows the answers. But he asks them nevertheless to give the impression that there is some mystery about NIAC.

Reality is that there is no mystery about NIAC - they are the most transparent Iranian American organization I have seen - and there is no mystery about Fred.

He hates Iranian Americans getting together and becoming organized and he has dedicated his life to destroying Iranian American organizations.

NIAC on the other hand is dedicated to advancing the interest of our community, build its organizations and strengthen its institutions.

We will all be doomed if Fred prevails and NIAC is defeated.



by masoudA on

Even in Iran it was called "Jang e Farsayeshi" by the aware public - meaning a war designed by a third party to frostrate resources of the two sides involved.   If I may remind you - Isreal was a big arms and parts provider to Iran during that foresaken war. 

Others - care to respond on MY AGENDA ?   Can you call yourselves IRANIAN if your agenda is not to put an end to the Islamic Republic ?   Can you call yourself HUMAN if that is not your agenda ?



by bikar (not verified) on

I completely agree with you, he is another Jallal Talibani who lied on behalf of mullah’s regime in Iran, and Americans swallowed the line hook and sinker and went to war with Iraq, this time we should not go to war with Iran but assassinate every one of those mullahs one by one before they all go to hell, like the one yesterday.


The up-and-up test

by Fred on

For the NIAC lobbyists to get rid of the heavy cloud of suspicion  hanging over them to begin with they need to come clean about their connections to other Islamists’ connected lobbies. The fact that known Islamists are among their most vociferous vigilantes does not bode well.
They need to stop their legal harassment of their Iranian detractors.
They need to be transparent about their founders’ backgrounds.
They need to abolish the lifetime presidency of its cofounder which is written in their charter and allow a democratic process of checks and balances to take root. 
They need to be proactive about the gross violations of human rights In the Islamist republic and not be a day late and a dollar short as they have been.
Once they do all that then to be considered to be on the up-and-up there is a long list of what they should be doing and have not been doing. 


masoudA, can you elaborate?

by Ostaad on

What do you exacly mean by, "the war was not about defending territorial rights, it was about abusing our human and financial resources"?


We love NIAC!

by Karim S (not verified) on

Thank God that we Iranian Americans have smart, articulate and most importantly COURAGEOUS people and organizations like Parsi and NIAC to defend us.

Parsi was on point as always, and indeed - those who attack NIAC at this forum are in my view probably the agents of the IRI. They want an attack on Iran, precisely because that will help the mullahs. Their contribution is one and one only - militarize the debate in forums like to ensure that Iranian Americans don't unite, don't get effective.

Hence their attack on NIAC - the best Iranian-American organization that has shown what we can achieve when we work together - and when we have the courage to take a stance.

So all their work to defame and attack hard working people like Parsi and NIAC amounts to one thing only - continued apathy in the Iranian-American community.

Who benefits from that? The Mullahs.

So Fred, MasoudA and all your fellow-travelers: One day the checks from the mullahs will be found and your scheme will be revealed.



by Majid on




by IRANdokht on

did you have to jinx it? LOL 

joking aside, it's painful to see these folks blatantly advocating Iran's destruction by the hands of their masters. They obviously get all rattled by NIAC and Dr Parsi who are working against military attacks and sanctions on the already oppressed iranians.

They can't fool all of the people all of the time... at least it's becoming more clear to everyone who they're really fighting for.

Good questions Captn_Ayhab, I see that you did not get an answer, just the arbadeh that you predicted combined with more insults.  Who woulda thunk it?  ;-)


Farah Rusta

Did he say historical pattern?

by Farah Rusta on

Since when a single, one-off, case amounts to historical pattern? This man either has no clue what pattern means or, as is clearly the case, is falsifying the facts. 


If any thing, the dominant historical pattern of Iranians facing their invaders is that of compromise and collaboration. Pattern means a recurring feature. From the invasion of Alexander in which Darius III was betrayed and killed by his own army generals and resulted in the Seleukids rule of Iran to the hordes of Arab invaders being invited by the disenchanted Zoroasterians, who collborated with invading Arabs (Salman Parsi, Trita's namesake and a defector to the Arab camp) right down to the servile intellectuals and the frightened public who served their mongol rulers, HISTORY OF IRAN IS A PATTERN OF WILLING SUBMISSION TO THEIR OPPRESSORS.

During WWII, the Anglo-Russian forces occupied Iran without any tangible resistance.

Iranian Mojahedins joined forces with the Iraqi invaders to fight against their own countrymen

The only time that Iranians "resisted" an invasion was about thirty years ago and even that was predominantly out of a rampant religiosity ferver that had seized them: the promise of immediate entry into Paradise, if killed, and permanent financial priviledges being granted to the survivors of those who were killed..


The lies of Trita Parsi may fool an ignorant American audience (and a  large portion of equally ill-educated Iraniandotcomers  but will have  no effect on the facts. 




Herding !!

by masoudA on

Well it has worked for the mullahs - why should'nt Trita and NIAC use it !!

For those who have asked and for those who are researching me - I only have one agenda and that is to get rid of the dictatorial theocracy in Iran.   Isn't that your agenda ?  well if it isn't what most Iranians want - then I have a problem.  

If majority of Iranians want to live under a regime that does not endorse basic UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS - then as an Iranian I have a problem.  



Thanks to Trita and all the positive commenters

by Q on

after all the crap, attacks and slander NIAC has taken at by a few loudmouth commenters (people like Fred), it's nice to see some vindication toward the good work they are doing.


Trita Rules!

by Nader on

Thank you Dr. Parsi!


Thanks trita

by Anonymous1321 (not verified) on

Thanks for speaking some logic and reason. Maybe the warmongers will listen this time.


masoudA...... think about it:

by Majid on

If Mr. Parsi is so much vatan doost, bright and smart at the age of "a kid in his 20's"  imagine how he'd be at your age!

iraj khan

Right Again! Dr Parsi, you can always speak on my behalf

by iraj khan on

"When attacked Iranian people rally around the flag" You say. People like you get it. A proud intelligent representative of Iranian Americans.



Right on every word.

by Majid on

Thank you Mr. Parsi


هر کس هر چی خواست بگوید بگوید

Tina (not verified)

بعد از حقوق بگیران بیشمار در «شورای نگه به ان» و «شورای خبره گان» و «شورای تشخیص مصلحت» و «شورای نمایندگان امام» د ر داخل کشور که کاری غیر از سخن گویی نمی کنند حالا چشممان روشن به «شورای ملی ایرانیهای امریکایی»!! چگونه «ملی» می تواند هم ایرانی باشد و هم امریکایی؟؟ حکایت شتر مرغ می شود. اقای پارسی هم که در سوئد و امریکا زندگی کرده و ایرانی بودنشان مشکل دارد. ولی خوب بقول خامنه ای بگذارید هر کس هر چی خواست بگوید بگوید . اسلحه و فشنگ پیش ماست.

Maryam Hojjat

Thank you Trita Parsi

by Maryam Hojjat on

For your reason.  I am sure you are very candid and not wanting any country attack IRAN. There is a reason some people on this site do not like what you said it is because your job and NIAC is very controvrsial!  I am not sure yet that NIAC works for interest of IRANiAN people or IRI.


Down With IRI


masoudA, what is your agenda?

by capt_ayhab on

MasoudA, I have a candid question for you, your honest and candid[no arbadeh kashi lotfan] answer will be appreciated.

What is your agenda and where does your loyalties lay?

Now sir, before you start name calling, whitewashing, justification, and evading the true answer let me remind you of some of your prior blogs and arguments:

1. You have invited and propagated attacks by foreign force against Iran and Iranians:

Proof: //

Your words[As an Iranian I certainly do appreciate the "Good Thoughts" concept and
try not to be paranoid over uncertainties - but this total ignoring of
a potential attack on the Islamic Republic totaly baffels me - especialy when I think this attack that the whole world is talking
about may be a blessing to Iranians,
saving us from a backward and ruthless theocracy which is dragging a beautiful nation, it's people and culture towards total decay and instinction

2. Your hero is a nut case called Glen Beck.

Proof: //

Your words[Over the last few months, Glenn has been openly fighting
the war against terror and terrorism, and begging for Americans to wake-up to the global dangers posed by the Iranian Mullahs and the rest of the Hardcore Islamists. He is of-course openly promoting a regime change in
and does a good job...]

Your word[Why don’t we see any of these good hearted modern day chevaliers, especially the Iranian types, utter a word about this issue, since our country appears to be “station 1” and maybe even a “main terminal” in drug routes.]

3. You call Iranians Evil and do not see yourself part of it, You see yourself part of west.

Proof: //

Your words[but we share nothing in common thereafter. I can devise solutions to make things better - you are not capable of good. I either don't care or mean it when I care..... You can't care for nothing but you and yours. I mean the west well - you don't. But let me assure you - I shall succeed, because I am part of the west. ]

4. Your prediction and analysis of political events in US has come true.


Your words[First of all let me start off by telling you I am totaly sure Hell will
freeze over before Obama or any other liberal soul would ever enter the White House during times when USA is at war - fighting a war declared on them at September 11, 2001.

Having said that - let me tell you: I think Obama and Khomeini have many things in common - both came out of nowhere, pushed by certain European powers - designed to Screw things up in their respective countries. Individuals whom are brought-up to the top practicaly overnight, with totaly unclear and vague agenads, running on hollow
deceitful meassages of "Change and Hope" with no means or intentions to
back them up.

Kindly answer the question posed, but lets not hide the Islamofobia, and you hatred of Iran.







I agree with those who have spoken against MasoudA

by 2B2 (not verified) on

I agree with those who have spoken against MasoudA. He considers anyone who wants to protect Iran, IRI supporter.

Thanks again to those of you who have recognized who MasoudA is.

Darius Kadivar

Ain't This an Old Interview ?

by Darius Kadivar on

I don't think this is a new interview. I saw this long time ago when Bush was still president. Not Sure Obama plans to Attack Iran any time soon. Particularly since Barak is Admonishing Benjamin on both the Iran's nuclear and Palestinian State issues ...



He is right again

by Bavafa on

Thank you for speaking against any ill advised attach on Iran.  Thank you for your service to humanity.




by 1L (not verified) on

You like what you hear? Donate to NIAC. How do you think AIPAC got so powerful? People actually opened their wallets believe it or not.


Thank you Dr. Parsi

by Marathon Man (not verified) on

You are sooooo right and I hope people hear your words.


Vel kon baba ID jan

by another doktor (not verified) on

Half of us here on IC are doctors in one discipline or another. Why don't we drop the title from Dr. Parsi, Dr. Ahamdinejad, etc.? I mean, does calling him Dr. Parsi make him more right -- or make him look less sleazy?!


Mr Parsi - thank you


Is it not telling that those who fail condemn AIPAC, do not hesitate condemning (!) and labeling NIAC!


Dr Parsi - Thanks again

by KB on

He is absolutely right.

And to those who criticize Dr parsi and NIAC, I have yet to see them do anything meaningful for Iran other than push their own agenda.