Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Re: Parham
by jamshid on Mon May 04, 2009 02:50 PM PDTThe Pahlavis were not a democratic regime. But I have asked you many times before, how would YOU (or anyone else) create and maintain a truely democratic form of government in the mid 50s, amid all domestic and foreign threats? Mosadegh tried and failed. The Shah failed as well.
However, if you have an answer, then share it with me. I really would like to hear it. A solid answer would definitely change my judgement on the Pahlavis.
If you don't have any answers, then it means that we have to also look at other factors in order to judge a regime. Remember that during the Pahlavis, Iran's rate of growth and most other economic indicators were higher than any other third or even first world country. Iran was growing at an astonishing rate. This is a credit to that regime.
However, the Shah made many mistakes too. We wouldn't be here if he didn't. But the ones the mollahs fed us were mostly lies. One can make a long list of valid reasons covering Shah's mistakes. But let's stick to those, and not to the false ones.
I am referring to mistakes like Rastakhiz, his ghoroor and distance from the masses, his lack of communication with his people, lack of an adequate taxing system, his financial bribes to the mollahs, his unintelligently challenging the west towards the end of his reign, absence of a strong ideological foundation, his "manam manam" kardan, and of course failing to build the foundations and institutions of a domocracy for the future generations (as Dr. Bakhtiar said, we could have had elections for the kadkhoda of a village and work our way up steadily, practicing and building the institutions of democracy.)
And of course his lack of bravery when duty called in 1978.
But on the other hand, he did many useful things too, for the economy, the education, the oil industry, founding the steel industry, the security of the country, reviving the pre-Islamic heritage without attacking the post-Islamic heritage, among other things. Given the chance and a few more years, Iran would be a nuclear country as well, and without the fuss the IRI has created, not to mention owning the largest petrochemical facility in the world by 1984.
Also, let's not forget about the fact that he made Iran a liveable country, almost all of the educated Iranians (the brains) would choose to live and serve in Iran, including those who opposed him.
I am trying to say that we can't just say "he was a dictator" or just say "he modernized Iran"; as with most other things, there are two sides for this coin. Focusing on one side could be self-deceiving.
No darling, we're in the
by Parham on Mon May 04, 2009 01:27 PM PDTNo darling, we're in the grips of the IR because of many factors, one being people who won't get out of total denial even after 30 years.
At least in my case, I didn't remember!
You are excused!
by Farah Rusta on Mon May 04, 2009 01:11 PM PDTParham
Your memory is as short as the depth of your political acumen. Let me explain it in plain English. First, I told you what I thought of your so-called questions in your blog "discuss it." There, like here, you were not after an answer or seeking the truth but wanted to get the public's approval for your made up versions of history, and in this case, your self-made political definitions.
We are in the grips of the Islamic Republic because for a large section of the (misguided) public things becomeTHAT obvious!
Farah Rusta
by Parham on Mon May 04, 2009 11:44 AM PDTWhat do you mean "as usual", when was the last time you debated anything with me?
Yes, some things are black and white, for example if a certain form of ruling is dictatorial or not, especially when it's THAT obvious!
And by the way, I don't agree with your assessment about the Pahlavi rule not being totalitarian. But that doesn't make a difference as long as they're both dictatorial. As soon as they're dictatorial, they're both shit. No need to develop further.
Excuse me for my opinion now!
Darius, thanks for your reply, that's all I wanted to know.
WAIT! I just read Farah Rusta's reply again. She's saying Pahlavi rule was NOT a dictatorship! HAH! Wow...
by Darius Kadivar on Mon May 04, 2009 11:12 AM PDTYes !
That is why I advocate a Restoration of the Monarchy in its Constitutional Form as opposed to the Absolute Form which was always conducted in our country.
But that is another debate which I am willing to have with anyone interested in my arguments ! ... Should I add a "debate" without "Pre -Conditions" ? ... ;0)
Authoritarian vs Totalitarian
by Farah Rusta on Mon May 04, 2009 11:06 AM PDTPahlavi's was an authoritarian rule whereas the Islamic Republic's is a totalitarian. The former was not a dictatorship but the latter is a dictatorship.
Your question Parham, as always, sees the world in black and white.
by Parham on Mon May 04, 2009 10:25 AM PDTNevertheless, the Shah's was a dictatorship, right?
I believe that the Islamic Republic is Not a dictatorship ;0)
by Darius Kadivar on Mon May 04, 2009 10:07 AM PDTIts rather a Totalitarian State ! ...
And thats even worse than the Shah's dictatorship !
However Totalitarism by definition encompasses the characteristics of a dictatorship and that is the "Political Rule/leadership of one Person over all others" and interferes in ones private lives be it sexual, religious, social behaviors in nearly all aspects.
THAT was Not the case of the Shah's dictatorship.
I have a question for you all
by Parham on Mon May 04, 2009 09:56 AM PDTIs there anyone here who doesn't believe:
1- The last monarchy was a dictatorship
2- The Islamic Republic is a dictatorship
If you don't in any of the cases, please say so.
Shame on your Islam Mammad!!
by ex-Fanni student (not verified) on Mon May 04, 2009 08:21 AM PDTMammad
You were not the only Fanni student in the 1970's. I am appalled by your assertions that:
"You say the revolutionaries vastly exaggerated things. So what if they did? Any revolutionary movement, any government, any political group or party does the same. That is part of the system."
In Islamic terms there is another word for exaggeration: A LIE. You are shamelessly justifying the spread of falsehood if it means meeting the ends. Show me a single instatnce that Quran or the Prophet (pbuh) have allowed this (and don't tell me that this is the same as taghieh as then you only show your own shallow understanding of taghieh or hadith). This was the same technique that your so-called muslim brothers used to deceive the people to support them. There was NO such thing as Fanni students being killed and tortured. You are balatant and useless lier who can't even support your own lies with evidence. You are still making up the same nonsense you and other collaborators of yours who were let off the hook (why weren't you tortured if you were such an ardent anti-shah? because you were playing double games no doubt!! to save their neck).
Remember: exaggeation = lie Mr Islam :))
by Mammad on Mon May 04, 2009 07:26 AM PDTI looked at your real numbers. You misunderstood at least one number.
The number of political prisoners during the Shah was 3500 AT ANY GIVEN TIME, not during the entire time that he was in power. The total number was in excess of at least 100,000. After the 1953 coup and after the riots of June 1963 thousands had been arrested. Granted, most of them were released later on, but their arrest was political which made them political prisoners. It does not matter whether you are arrested for one week or 10 years.
I attended Tehran University during the 1970s, you did not. If my recollection does not fail me, you have said you were a teenager when the Revolution occured. I attended School of Engineering of Tehran U at that time, which was the hotbed of anti-shah movement. So, I believe I probably have more first-hand information than you do, since my friends, classmates, and college contemporaries were killed by the Shah during that era.
Besides, your friends of that era may not know because, just like now, you only learn about things if you pursue and follow them. There were many students in my college that did not know anything either. They were non-political, would attend the classes only, and as soon as the classes were over, they would leave.
Mehdi Rezaei was 19 years old when he was tortured to death. In the 1970s he was called "gol-e sorkh-e enghelab" by the opposition. His main crime: He was a brother of Ahmad and Reza Rezaei, who were members of Mojahedin.
Ali Asghar Badi'zadegan - an assistant professor in my college - had been burnt so badly during torture that he could not be recognized (according to his own family who received his body for burial). And, by the way, the Shah's government forced the families of the executed to pay for the bullets that had killed their loved ones.
These are just two examples. It serves no good purpose to deny historical facts to make a point.
You say the revolutionaries vastly exaggerated things. So what if they did? Any revolutionary movement, any government, any political group or party does the same. That is part of the system. A war criminal like George W. Bush constantly lied and exaggerated things, and so did the Shah. Both caused the collapse of their own makings; the Shah's Pahlavi regime, and Bush's Republican Party.
Hajminator Your correct except that ...
by Darius Kadivar on Mon May 04, 2009 07:21 AM PDTBonnet was not head of the DST at the time of the assassination of Bakhtiar. Here are the successive heads of the DST ( Direction De la Surveillance du Territoire):
In addition it is interesting to note that when Bonnet Left office it corresponded to the First Cohabitation when Mitterand the Socialist President had to accept a Right Wing Prime Minister who was Jacques Chirac. During the Chirac Tenure, Iran became the center of a political battle between Chirac and Mitterand over the Gorgi Affaire ( an Iranian diplomat accused of espionage in France) that led to the expulsion of the Iranian diplomats in Paris in a bid to free the French Hostages in Lebenon since France considered rightly that Iran was behind the curtain manipulating the Hezbollah hostage takers.
The Famous Presidential Debate between Chirac and Mitterand on the GORGI Affaire: Video Here ( Not Embeded)
Anis Nacchache who had been in Prison at the time for his failed assassination attempt against Bakhtiar was liberated in a secret dealings between Tehran and Paris amidst claims of reimbursement by France to Iran of money lent by the Shah for the EURODIF Nuclear Accords of ~ 1975-77). Naccache who was responsible for the death of a French neighbour of Bakhtiar in Suresnes and a French Police man is now perfectly free and has converted himself to Stretegic advisor to the Islamic Republc who lives between Tehran and Beirut.
So Bakhtiar's security was in the successive hands of two administrations and three sucessive head's of the DST in less than 6 years between 1985 1991: Rémy Pautrat followed by Bernard Gérard, Jacques Fournet . Bernard Gérard worked equally under Right wing Chirac who named him and Left Wing Michel Rocard.
It is quite possible that Bakhtiar who was assassinated in 1991 was to become a victim of these internal rivalry between Chirac and Mitterand.
So from that perspective Bonnet's testimony is worth the read as well as any feedback on the VEVAK's brutal methods known to many and not just the MKO. That is all I am claiming.
Anyone is free to think otherwise or offer sources that contradict Bonnet's conclusions if any ....
I for one do know people tortured by the VEVAK and who can testify to their brutality and methods so for me they are not a myth.
by GPTTI (not verified) on Mon May 04, 2009 07:04 AM PDTI used to read your stuff. Had no idea u support these ppl.
I have to say, I am shocked....and as far as reading your posts, it won't feel the same...if I ever read them again.
by Mammad on Mon May 04, 2009 06:47 AM PDTI am happy that you are alive and well, and have come back to repeat your thoughts about the Pahlavis. We missed your sharp tongue.
Just because you believe that you were fooled (in your teen years), does not mean that everyone else was also.
70% of the population is under 30, and knows only the IRI. It has no recollection of the Pahlavis. So, for that reason alone, the younger generation must learn about that era to understand that the revolution did not occur in a vacuum.
Someone like you who writes very well should know what popular means. In this context it means supported by a big or vast majority, without any reference whatsoever to whether that majority was fooled or believed in it. You cannot deny that the huge majority of the population did support the revolution. But, in my opinion, by repeating that they were fooled you only insult the intelligence of the people of an old nation.
So, only 30% of the present population remembers the Pahlavis. At least in my larger family and my college friends of those years I do not see any nostalgy for that era. One horrible thing does not give legitimacy to another horrible thing.
by Hajminator on Mon May 04, 2009 06:24 AM PDTPlease stop.
Darius, DST know about all official and unofficial wifes of every African dignitary so they knew about the executors of Bakhtiar before even the crime was committed.
In 1980 S. Bakhtiar escaped his first assassination plot and eleven years later in 1991, when Iran made the big deal with Peugeot buying 500000 Peugeot 405, Bakhtiar get assassinated by 3 guys among them the great-nephew of Rafsanjani, Zeyal Sarhadi, who was acquitted in 1994! Strange no?
Now, it’s a non sense when Bonnet, le connard, comes and gives us his version of the reality. French want to reverse the steam by making a pact with the devil (MKO), Let them make the try; they’ll be surprised by the outcome. After their treason to the Shah, Sarkozy and his gang are willing to hunt coyotes, Good luck to them. There are just idiots who don’t learn from their mistakes, n’est-ce pas?
The best thing that I can do with Bonnet’s book is to put each of its pages under my canary’s cage and then to the garbage when they got enough droppings on them.
MON Q ... ;0)
by Darius Kadivar on Mon May 04, 2009 05:37 AM PDTTake Deep Breath before you speak crap from the depth of your frustrated delirium ...
If you interpret what you read in the same way you interpret everything you watch
Then indeed I am an MKO supporter, a SAVAKI and a former Gestapo on the run who loves to practice torture on my little sister for fun !
Yea Kadivar, I know too
by Q on Mon May 04, 2009 05:17 AM PDTI know where MY patriotism and loyalties reside !
You really think collaborating with Rajavi makes you "loayal" and "patriotic" ???
by Sarbaz (not verified) on Mon May 04, 2009 05:05 AM PDTLook at all these IR supporters in their glee trying every desperate argument to justify the current regimes brutal tactics by congratulating each other and padding each others backs funny little insignificant insects...your name will be on these videos soon enough
your Khamenei and Ahmaghinejad will be the first one hiding in a hole...
MON Q Let me Refresh YOUR Mind !
by Darius Kadivar on Mon May 04, 2009 05:12 AM PDTFirst Go Fetch Your Palestinian Passport at the HAMAS Offices and then we will see who wants to collaborate with whom ...
I know where MY patriotism and loyalties reside !
What the Pahlavis didn't do to us
by Farah Rusta on Mon May 04, 2009 05:18 AM PDTI make no secret of my support for a secular monarchist's parliamentary
democracy. I also make no pretnetions about the fact that Iran under
the Pahalvi dynasty was a far cry from such a state. Yes, there was corruption, discrimination, injustice, breaches of human rights, torture, executions and more. But despite all these, thirty years of the Islamic Republic regime showed us that we could, and we did, have it a million times worse. And this is an understatement. I am not basing this estimation solely on the number of political prisoners or the number of people killled and excuted. The true scale of difference between these two states is revealed when you bring into account the billions of dollars robbed from the nation's purse by the likes of Rafsenjani and Co (and this includes the entire leadership of the Islamic regime) as well as the conglomerate known as Sepaahe Pasdaran. This includes the unimaginable number of people (well above a million) who were killed, injured, maimed and deprived of their home and dwellings, and lost their brothers, sons or fathers in the 8-year war to keep the regime in power. Add to it the genocide committed against the MKO members and supporters in the late 1980's - by the direct decree of the golorious leader, Khomeini. Add to it the injustices committed, and sanctioned, by regime aginst the ethnic and religious minorities: from Kurds and Blouchi to the Armenians, Jews, Chritians, Sunnis, Zoroasterians and more significantly the Bahais. Not to forget the execution of children and those with a different sexual orientations. And now we have to add a new category to alll the above, the state sanctioned incarceration and murder of journalists and bloggers.
Against this background there are people, some have commented here, who still have a distinct problem in understanding of scale and getting their sense of proportion right. In their blind zeal, they continue with repeating their meaningless mantra even when one of their brothers in arms confronts them with a contradictory fact. about Reza Pahlavi. What these people don't know and refuse to see is that under the Pahlavis, the due process of law, with all its imperfections, had a meaning. Two months reprieve meant two months and not less than two weeks (remember Delara Darabi?). The families of those who were sentenced to death were not left to their own devices No properties were confiscated nor assets siezed). Those who attempted to assasinate the Shah were pardonned and given high ranking positions to prove their mettle (compare it with Omid Mirsayafi who simply asked a question and lost his life). The Pahlavis did not sanction a full scale massacre of the Tudeh or Marxist members and sympathizers. Theere is no eveidence that they had personally ordered the torture, rape and murder of inmates (remember the rape of virgin MKO girls by the Pasdars to meet the Ayatollah's decree?).
Those of you who hide behind their self-made version of Islam should remember that it is their Islamic duty to fight against the enemies of Islam:
یا ایها الذین آمنوا اذا لقیتم الذین کفروا زحفا فلاتولوهم الادبار و من
یولهم یومئذ دبره الا متحرفا لقتال او متحیزا الی فئه فقد باء بغضب من
الله و ماویه جهنم و بئس المهاد.
سوره انفال آیه 15 و16
unless they believe that the IRI is not an enemy of Islam!
by RaminP (not verified) on Mon May 04, 2009 04:31 AM PDTOne more thing about the alledged cases of torture (171 documented by Le Monde) -- one must put himself back in the turbulent decades of the 1960's and 1970's. There were so many suicidal traitors (Marxists, Mujaheds and mullahs) trying to bring down the monarchy, not to mention all the foreign powers who were angered by the Shah's aggressive oil policies.
Indeed, by 1978, practically all of Europe (specially England) and America (under Carter) were in full force against the Shah. And of course the Soviets were clearly no friend of the Shah. Indeed, by the end of the 1970's, the monarchy was surrounded by foreign and domestic enemies and spies.
By contrast, the mullahs won the SUPER LOTTO when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Can you imagine if the Shah never had to worry about the communist threat on his northern border? The Russians had earned their thuggish reputation, specially during the Constitutional Revolution, and also when they annexed Georgia and many other Iranian territories in the early 19th century.
Point is this: if the Soviet Union had collapsed during the Shah's rule, he would never have had to embrace America and the west as much as he did. The Soviet menace forced developing countries like Iran to be de facto members of the western bloc. Without the Soviet threat, Iran would have been free to pursue a very independent foreign policy.
Of course the mullahs got super lucky, through no effort on their part, when the threat of communism went away. In comparison to the Shah, the akhunds have many allies, powerful allies. The IRI has a superpower like China in their pocket, not to mention the Russians. They have seemingly all of Europe on their side. Even America is now trying to be their friend.
with all these friends and allies, the akhunds find it necessary to murder and torture far more political dissidents than the Shah, who, by comparison, was SURROUNDED by home-grown traitors like communist Tudeh, Mujahedin-e-Khalg, Mujahedin-e-Islam, Fedayoun-e-Islam, to just name a few, and foreign enemies like England, Carter's America, Soviet Union, etc.
So when considering all of his numerous enemies, the Shah was really far too decent a man for his times. He was far too soft on the mullahs, marxists and mujahedin. In fact, in April 1978, Parviz Sabeti, a high Savak official, took a list of 3,000 names to the Shah and claimed that if he were allowed to arrest these people, the revolution would be dead on arrival.
However, according to Abbas Milani, the Shah crossed out 2,700 names from the list and only allowed Sabeti to arrest 300 agitators. Amongst these 300 names were: Khalkhali, Rafsanjani and Khamenie!
In short, it was these sorts of parasites and animals that populated the Shah's prisons, not the likes of Roxana Saberi!
And frankly, I don't give a damn if the SAVAK tortured beasts like Khalkhali and Rafsanjani and members of MEK and traitors like the Tudeh who wanted to hand Iran over to their mother Russia to do as it wished.
by Q on Mon May 04, 2009 04:32 AM PDTyour initial numbers are strawman exaggerations.
your second set of numbers are unsupported lies.
For someone who cries about misinformation, you never seem to have any evidence for your own supposedly true "information".
We have had this discussion before, I have shown you plenty of evidence (for example that according to Amnesty International, Iran was the worst violator of human rights in the world in 1970's). Or how according to reputable International journalists SAVAK dungeons were discovered where prisoners were being cooked alive and body parts dissolved in acid. Only for you to make up some lame blanket story of how EVERYTHING was a conspiracy against the poor innocent Shah. You can't back up anything and have a hopelessly illogical mind.
The "crimes" you refer the Shah committed was nothing but trying to modernize Iran. Something the mollahs opposed.
Hahaha. Thanks for the laugh. Now I know you're completely senile.
you're not fooling anybody. Well, one person... Jamshid.
Kadivar: Thanks for the clownish sideshow, but I didn't read your denial of my statement. You know better than to make me dig up your exact words as to why you would collaborate with MEK.
Re: anonymousiranlover
by jamshid on Mon May 04, 2009 02:53 AM PDT(RaminP beat me to it. But I'll write this anyway)
Some facts:
Number of political prisoners under the Shah's regime: 300,000 (three hundred thousands).
Number of people killed in the Jaleh Square incident by Shah's army: 10,000 (ten thousands).
Number of people killed by the Pahlavi regimes (both father and son): 600,000 (six hundred thousands), Khomeini's cassettes are still there..
Number of people burnt to death in Cinema Rex fire which was setup by Savak: 400 (four hundred).
These were "facts" shoved down people's throat during the revolution. But now let's take a look at the "real" facts exposed by people from within the IRI's rank and files itself. I am referring to people like Emad Baghi, an ex-revolutionary and IRI regime official who was imprinsoned by IRI simply because he asked, "why do we have to lie so much?" He published much information on the true figures and numbers of the 1979 revolution. He payed for it by landing in prison.
Now, here are some of those "real" facts:
Number of political prisoners under the Shah's regime: 3500 (three thousand five hundred), including Khamenei our favorite IRI figure.
Number of people killed in the Jaleh Square incident by Shah's army: 97 (ninety seven), and only after a number of revolutionaries among the crowd opened fire on the soldiers.
Number of people killed by the Pahlavi regimes (both father and son): 5500 (five thousand five hundred), with the majority killed in 1978.
Number of people burnt to death in Cinema Rex fire which was setup by Savak: 400 (four hundred), same number, but the fire was setup by Islamist militants to further entice the people against the Shah.
Now go read about Emad Baghi and his work. I assure you he is not a monarchist.
Torture was exagerated in the same way. There is no reason why it wouldn't be.
The observant reader will notice that the numbers were exagerated, almost always, by a factor of 100. Why 100? Why not 10? Has anyone wondered about this? A strong and good reason lies behind this, that could be traced back to the work of both Nazi and communist propaganda aparatuses.
By spreading false information and false rumors, the masses were robbed from the ability to make their own judgement and therefore choices, based on true evidences. Instead, they made those choices based on fantastic lies, that to date are still believed by so many, despite people like Baghi who had published much information on the truth.
Hence, the Islamic Republic of Iran.
This is not a pro-Shah comment. Because I regretfully participated in the 1979 revolution which was so much based on misinfomation campaign, and which brought so much misery to our country, I feel compelled to speak up.
Mammad: For every dozen of your "student" friends you'd name, I'll name two dozens. Only they would be released after a few days and would join us back shouting death to the shah in the streets. However, their names would be published as "tortured" politcal prisoners, complete with fake pictures of burns and marks on theirs skin.
So don't go that route again. It worked 30 years ago, but won't work today.
MON Q & Mammad Count Your Fingers ... ;0)
by Darius Kadivar on Mon May 04, 2009 01:30 AM PDTYou Guys Are SO FUNNY !
If you guys did not exist ... I think I would invent you just for a good laugh ...
Say: "How many fingers...?" :
I think you are suffering from a Vulcan mind-meld:
"anonymyiranlover" is full of misinformation
by RaminP (not verified) on Mon May 04, 2009 12:52 AM PDTIt's amazing how much the Pahlavis are still a threat to the deceptive reptiles, who, to this day, are still spewing 1978 misinformation and stale revolutionary lies.
They claim how the Shah torured "thousands," which is SIMPLY FALSE and FRAUDULENT -- a hugely inflated number! The French newspaper, Le Monde, did a study back in 1980 with respect to the existence of torture under the Pahlavis and they documented a grand total of 171 prisoners (171, not thousands!) who were (actually) tortured during the Shah's regime, and over 7,000 who were killed (mostly in military skirmishes, during the revolution, Marxists and Mojahedins who deserved to be executed for being traitors). Many who we were told were amputed or maimed by the Savak, turned up to be perfectly HEALTHY with their legs and fingernails IN PLACE!!!
And mind you, in 1980, the French were NO FRIENDS of the Shah!!! In fact, they bent over backwards (even flying Khomeini to Tehran) trying to kiss the akhunds asses so as to further their prospects for future business! Indeed, it is my sincere belief that even "one" case of torture is too many, which is why Reza Pahlavi has stated on many occasions that his father "made mistakes!"
But for these deceptive and biased fiction writers on this site and others who continue to lampoon against the Shah when we all know NOW that the akhunds hired Palestinian thugs to set Cinema Rex on fire, killing hundreds of innocent men, women and children, not to mention scores of minors executed since the revolution, women stoned to death, journalists tortured and murdered,
it is unbelievable that we still cling to revolutionary misinformation, when RIGHT NOW fingernails are being pulled, minors raped and murdered by ayatollahs, dissidents tortured and murdered every day and night!
Some of you merchants of misinformation are SHAMELESS, happily disseminating 30-year old revolutionary lies! Even the former regime loyalist, Mr. Akbar Ganji, has come out and publicly said that the crimes of the Shah were GROSSLY EXAGGERATED to destabalize his regime!!!
And that's a fact!
Just go and read "Persian Mirrors" by the New York Times reporter, Elaine Sciolino, who documents many cases of prisoners who were in Evin under the Shah and later under the mullahs, and every single one of them says something to the effect that Evin, under the Shah, was "Heavan" in comparison to the mullahs. One former prisoner even stated that he spent 4 years in prison under the Shah, and that the first 14 days he spent in prison under the mullahs was WORST than ALL THE FOURS YEARS under the Shah!!!
To all you purveyors of misinformation, you may have FOOLED us once, but SHAME ON US if we let you fool us again!!!!
Re: Mammad
by jamshid on Mon May 04, 2009 12:51 AM PDTMammad, a few notes on your comment:
You wrote,
"Monarchists, including Dariush Kadivar on this site, always try to rewrite history"
You are wrong. Dariush and his likes are trying to "undo" the rewriting of history done by the regime of lies, the IRI, rewritings which you, knowingly or unknowingly, support.
You wrote,
"and (Dariush tries to) make us believe that Iran under the Shah was heaven on earth."
What is your proof for this? A few pictures of our recent past, of Shah and Shahbanou? You accuse so easily. Distance yourself from an IRI attitude. It is not befitting of you.
The "crimes" you refer the Shah committed was nothing but trying to modernize Iran. Something the mollahs opposed.
You wrote,
"A revolution, especially one as popular as the 1979's..."
As "popular" as the 1979s??? And what do you think made it popular, huh? Don't bother, I'll answer it for you. It was people who helped organize against the Pahlavi regime, shouted death to the Shah in the streets a thousand times, enticed the population against the Shah and passed on fabricated lies down people's throat. Regretfully, I was one of them.
Well, I got news for you, Mammad. Excluding today's regime supporters, the great majority of the participants in the 79 revolution, yes those very same people that made the revolution "popular", regret their actions and wish, just wish, they could turn time back and have another chance at it, just one more chance. I choke when I wish I could have this chance, and I wish it a lot, Mammad.
Not very "popular" is this revolution today, is it Mammad?
The "popular" revolution... You underestimate your audience to the point of being offensive.
Humanity Must Come First
by Dariush (not verified) on Sun May 03, 2009 11:26 PM PDTIf Reza lately has been changing his position, it is just politics. He is finally catching up and getting smart. Nothing will change. Based on their actions, they will always remain a dark chapter in our country's history. "Like the father, like the son". A new breed of Monarchies, A worse IRI, A great Kourosh is not going to help. The damage is done.
Mammad said,
Why is it that our culture is conducive to the development of such an atmosphere?
Great question.
I say, Greed, lack of respect for humanity and rights of others, family values.
Unless we put humanity first, we cannot fix our problems.
The family and governments are responsible for training.
This video looks fake to me
by I bet it's fake (not verified) on Sun May 03, 2009 10:43 PM PDTJust my humble opinion -- this interrogation video of "Arash" looks fake.
There is no doubt that SAVAK agents were interrogated, it's just that this particular video looks fake. Let me explain why:
I have watched a video of Nasiri's interview and I recommend everyone to watch it. It will show you how SAVAK agents were interrogated:
The above documentary looks very authentic and makes the "Arash" video appear to be a fake in comparison.
If Mammad or anyone can provide any reputable links to more information about "Arash", please post them. An example woudl be the link to his 1358 execution information that Mammad provided. I would like to see something else besides this video to make up my mind.
It is a fair request.
Thank you.
Jamshid J: you should join the secret service!
by now we're enlightened! (not verified) on Sun May 03, 2009 09:39 PM PDTJamshid J,
You have uncovered something very big with that link that nobody was aware of.
Now we finally have the PROOF that we have been always looking for to accuse Darius Kadivar of not hating the Shahbanoo!
I never believed him for a second before when he claimed he adored Shahbanoo but, now, with these photos that -- thanks to your skilled detective work -- have surfaced -- I am convinced that DK is a fan of Shahbanoo.
Now we can finally say to Darius: Aha! Gotcha!!
Thanks to you, the hardworking truth seeker who found such skeletons in DK's closet and posted the photos online
...let me see who posted these highly classified says "by Darious Kadivar"...
by Mammad on Sun May 03, 2009 08:51 PM PDTIf Reza Pahlavi has said that the CIA-MI6 sponsored coup overthrew the nationalist, patriotic, and popular government of Iran's national hero, Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh, in order to put his father back in power - something that true historians, not the monarchist fabricators, agree on - then I stop saying what I said. Until then, I'll repeat it.
Thank you for pointing this out, though.