SAVAK interrogator

"Arash" explains torture methods




by Jamshid J (not verified) on

This link shows close ties that DK has with Farah.



Now are drowning

by shirazie (not verified) on

Kadivar try the backstroke, you will swim faster. The shah's stupidity and tortures led us to this brutal regime.

Let's not mention his land reform that mad Iran dependent to import of food, etc. etc.

No more Shah, no More IRI.....


Let's Abolish Torture in the World!!!

by Khar777 (not verified) on

By anyone on anyone for any reason!



Mammad, in all fairness...

by Parham on

I know where you're coming from, but... In a recent interview, I was very surprised to read that Reza Pahlavi had actually retracted what he always says about 1953, and admitted the reality of the coup. Like I said, I was VERY surprised to read that. The interview was posted by Darius here as well, actually.


Arash and Relevance to the Present

by Mammad on

1. Arash was executed in Khordad 1358.

2. The relevance of such historical documents to the present is at least threefold:

(a) Monarchists, including Dariush Kadivar on this site, always try to rewrite history, and make us believe that Iran under the Shah was heaven on earth. Just look at what percentage of DK's postings on this site is about the "Royal family," as if if we look a good looking family we will conclude that the country in which they used to live was just as good - it was not. Of course, the very fact that the monarchists dare to try to rewrite the history is all the crimes that have happened in Iran over the past 30 years.

When Reza Pahlavi, DK's idol, is asked about the 1953 coup, his standard answer is, "history will judge that." Typically, that means that it happened too recently and time is needed to look at that event in its historical context. But, when he is asked about the 1979 Revolution, he always starts ranting. Yeah, I have no position regarding that "recently occured" coup, but hey, I can give you my opinion about the revolution that toppled my dad and denied me my "rightful" throne! 

When  Reza khan is asked about his father's crimes, his responds, IF AT ALL, "mistakes were made." So, crimes by the new "Shah" are washed and cleansed, or swept under the carpet. The young generation of Iranians, whether in Iran or in the Diaspora, must learn historical facts. They must learn that it was the Iran of the Shah that gave rise to the Iran of the IRI. A revolution, especially one as popular as the 1979's, does not happen in a vacuum.

(b) The very fact that such tortures happened then, and have happened since the revolution should make us think: Why is it that our culture is conducive to the development of such an atmosphere?

(c) We will never be able to learn how to prevent a repeat of the crimes of the past, unless we learn the context in which they happened and the true reasons for them.



Brutal nature of the Pahlavi Regime

by anonymyiranlover (not verified) on

The Pahlavi regime was one of the worst regimes in the modern world history in terms of human rights records and torture. (in its time I mean even though it might be surpassed now).

It is a shame to see some vaghih clowns defending that brutal regime and trying to brainwash young persian kids who have not seen that era by deforming facts and history:

- Modern torture and modern techniques of torture started in the west with the US and Israel masterminding the techniques and educating directly the chosen torturers to learn and apply the latest techniques to get info from captives.

This Arash you see in the Video and all the rest had learned their techniques and courses in those countries.

-3000 political prisoners in Shah's time! It is funny how the remnants of Shah's regime and westerners try to remake history: The last reports by famous UN observers put the number well above 50,000.

- There were many local prisons besides the Evin or Qasr in the provinces and big shahrestans for political prisoners.

- Just imagine the Shah regime was not overthrown, how many tens of thousands more do you think have been added to that 50000 number by now (considering the growth of iran's population)?!

- the IRI learned most of its torture techniques directly from these 'educated torturers'. They taught them or 'had' to teach them the latest techniques.

- The IRI having this or that number of political prisoners does not exempt the Shah's regime and its supporters from being criminals or supporting crime and thus having their hands bloddy with crime and torture.

- double standards are hypocritical, the shahollahis try either to 'rewrite history' and brainwash western educated iranians living in the west by justifying their masters' crimes or are stupid brainwashed simpletons.

- there are much similarities between hezbollahis supporting the crimes of IRI and clown-like shahollahis trying to justify the crimes of the royal family!

Just remember Ashraf Pahlavi was a well known international drug dealer. Her Heroine mafia adverseries had tried to kill her twice while she was travelling in Europe. Ashraf's defense of tortures committed by SAVAK while laughing is another recorded fact.

Shame on you who support any brutal regime!


Hajiminator, Darius himself said he would collaborate with MEK

by Q on

multiple times.

I hope I'm not "misrepresenting" this position as I made sure to ask him multiple times and each times he said "Yes, I would".

Farah Rusta

It was condemnable then, it is deplorable now, but ...

by Farah Rusta on

Torture in whatever form must be condemned but the more condemnable practice is implying that it is OK if it is done by one group but not by the other. Equally deplorable is implying that it is ignorable as long as its victims are members of the MKO, or other radical groups.

Among those who have passed a comment on this blog there are alreasy couple of commenters who belong to these two discriminating groups.The other name for them is hypocrite!


Darius Kadivar

Hajminator I know, I even mentioned it ,,,

by Darius Kadivar on

If you read my blog you will see that I clearly mentioned Bonnet's ties with the MKO:

VEVAK ( IRI's Secret Services) denounced in French Book To be Released in April

I always try to see what in such books is reliable and what isn't. I never trust books written by Intelligence officers entirely for they do appear at times biaised and politically oriented. Robert Baer's  Book is another example of biaised reporting ... 

THAT SAID  it does not mean that the entire book is bolony. VEVAK's methods have a long history in terms of assassination of opposition figures like the late Shahpour Bakhtiar. Its ramifications are not just limited to Iran's interior security but essentially in intelligence work like during the GORGI Affair during the Mitterand presidency and Iran's connections with terrorists groups in Lebenon's Hezbollah and Hamas to say the least.

Such books should always be confronted to other sources in order to seperate fact from fiction and by trying to see what claims serve France's interests and which ones as irrefutable arguments or proof. The truth of such activities do end up by surfacing at some point after close and knowledgable analysis. On the otherhand I would not be surprised that France during the Socialist Presidency during which Bonnet was head of the DST that the MKO members were used for counter intelligence in exchange for not being labled as Terrorists by the EU.

But I have not read the book yet, so I cannot claim if it is convincing or not ...

But I think Its worth mentioning its publication nevertheless for all to read if they wish too and draw their own conclusions ...




by Hajminator on

Yves Bonnet backs the MKO organization and was one of those who helped this organization to get out from the EU blacklist.

I don't give him a damn credibility as he is from l'ancienne école thinking that France has to maintain its presence in the world by overthrowing governements which present a threat to its hegemony. Just as what they did with the Shah.


Brutal crimes by a brutal regime.

by anonymyiranlover (not verified) on

When will you stop your hypocritical behavior Kadivar? Grow up and stop your childish comments to brainwash kids.

Stop your shahollahi propaganda and fallacy of brainwashing people by undermining a crime by mentioning another.

The topic of this video is the crimes committed by your masters of royal family which you defend day and night... thousands of youths and students were tortured by the defunct regime you are so ardently defending.

Just mentioning that another regime is doing the same does not exempt your masters from the crime!


Where Are They Now?

by Evin-Towhid-Qasr-Prison 209-Gohardasht-Prison 59 (not verified) on

Let me please preface my comment by clarifying that it is not at all about comparing which regime is better or worse, with your permission I just would like to question the relevancy of this clip in light of the executions that are carried out every day, TODAY, in Iran.

Also, what is the context for this clip? Is there any more information available on the fate of the interviewee?

Did IRI torture and kill "Arash"?

We know for a fact that IRI kept the likes of "Arash" employed, in order to not only continue their methods on anyone who spoke against the IRI, but also to come up with much worse heinous acts for torturing innocent Iranians such as Akbar Mohammadi, Manouchehr Mohammadi, Omid Mirsayafi, Zahra Kazemi, Osalnoo, Batebi, Farrokhroo Parsa, Mehdi Rahimi, Mohammad Khoshzough, Roya Toloui, Roozbeh Farahanipour, and others wrongfully imprisoned, tortured -- most of these innocent souls listed died under torture.

How about a relevant clip of IRI's current heinous tortures that get more brutal by the day? How relevant is this old clip to what has been going on since 1979 with the despicable torture and murder of innocent students, teens, and intellectuals by IRI?!

The way IRI and SAVAMA / VEVAK have been conducting its prisons and torture sessions far overshadows what SAVAK did.

Let’s put things in perspective, shall we? SAVAK had somewhere around 3,000 political prisoners. It was unjust. It is despicable for any regime to imprison people for their political or ideological beliefs. But hands down IRI has been 100 times worse. Just in 1988 the execution of 30,000 political prisoners were carried out within the span of 2 months -- now imagine what the count would be for the past 30 years.

To you Iranian youth and innocent Iranian souls, who were tortured and killed just for speaking your minds -- may you rest in peace. We will keep your memory and struggle immortal!


May all Iranians live peacefully and with freedom of thought and speech in Iran someday! Amen to that!

Darius Kadivar

SAVAK Replaced by VEVAK ...

by Darius Kadivar on

 New Book in French on the Islamic Republic's Secret Services VEVAK has just been released in France. The Author, Yves Bonnet was head of the DST, France's Secret Services. Editor: Timée-éditions, 453 pages, 19 euros. It is available on 

Details here:

VEVAK ( IRI's Secret Services) denounced in French Book To be Released in April



Thanks for posting this

by Parham on

Somehow I was beginning to think this site was invaded by Shahollahis...

In the words of the great big unknown poet, "never forget where you're coming from".