Voting for Islamic Republic

March 1979


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What a good laugh for today!!

by swordofrostam (not verified) on

Such documents show how easily the people of Iran will fall for their emotions versus their brains.



by ali43 (not verified) on

what a sham....with all his issues the shah was a true patriot who wanted the best for iran....
they criticized him for the perspolis celebrations where we spent millions on showcasing iran's history...
but how much have rafsanjani and khamenei stolen.....billions or trillions- how many billions have been given to the same arab terrorists who burned 400 iranians at cinema rex in abadan???
and this so called election was a well planned sham by the french and british puppeteers of the akhoonds to make sure only a terrorist islamic dictatorship gets a grip on iran.....
how do these morons feel now?? i bet 90% of them are either dead or in prison or in exile!
from yogurt to yogurt


ali p

by KouroshS on

I did Not. But i know close relatives who did. I was too young to vote as well but i remember that day vividly.

A lot of those who did vote should not really be blamed for what they did for they might have done so for emotional reasons. I doubt, as it is evidenced by this video, there were many who really were thinking about what they were about to do.

Ali P.

Did anyone on this site vote "Yes"?

by Ali P. on

I was too young to vote.

Many who voted "Yes" back then, if you ask them today, they say they voted "No".

I would like to hear from someone who voted "Yes".
