چو عضوی به درد آورد روزگار...

دفاع از حسین درخشان و اعتراض به حکم اعدام او وظیفه ی هر انسان آزادی خواهی است


چو عضوی به درد آورد روزگار...
by Mahshid Rasti

نزدیک به یک سال از دستگیری حسین درخشان میگذرد. ابتدای دستگیری اش در وبلاگشهر گرد و خاک زیادی به پا شد . بعضی او را خائن به ملت و بعضی او را پدر ملت و بعضی او را ناجی افسانه ای خواندند.

من در دسامبر سال گذشته این مطلب را در مورد درخشان نوشتم.

و امروز هم همان احساس را در مورد درخشان دارم.

حسین درخشان نه انسان خوبی بود، و نه دوست خوبی برای انسانهایی که به او اعتماد کردند.

ولی حسین درخشان یک انسان است. و یک انسان حتی اگر بد کند و بدی کند و حتی اگر مثل حسین درخشان باشد، باید از حقوق انسانی اش دفاع کرد.

امروز صبح خبری شنیدم بر این مبنی که حسین درخشان زیر فشار شدیدی است و میخواهند از او اعتراف بگیرند که جاسوس اسرائیل است تا بتوانند حکم اعدام او را صادر کنند.

این مطلب کافی بود که روز و روزگار من را به هم بریزد و شروع کردم به پرس و جو در مورد حسین .

او تقریبا تمام مدت دستگیری اش را، بغیر از مدتی که با دستگیری های خیابانی همراه شد، به علت کمبود جا چند نفر دیگر را در سلول او قرار دادند،به تنهایی و در انفرادی سپری کرده است.
زیر کتک و فشار اعترافاتی کرده است ـ منجمله اینکه جاسوس اسرائیل باشد ـ که بعدا آنها را پس گرفته و حاضر شده که دوباره بازجویی انجام دهد ولی مورد موافقت قرار نگرفته.
او زندانی سپاه است و بر اساس اعترافاتی که از او گرفته اند، درخواست اشد مجازات در مورد جاسوسی برایش شده است. که اعدام است. قاضی اش حداد است ولی هنوز درخواست مورد موافقت قرار نگرفته است.
در مورد حسین درخشان هنوز مراتب قانونی کاملا صورت نگرفته است و حکمش تصویب نشده است. اما حکم اعدام برای او درخواست شده است.
دلیلش را نمیدانم چیست، نمیدانم چرا کسی را که این چنین و سر از پا نشناخته، سر سپردگی به این حکومت را انتخاب کرد قربانی میکنند. شاید میخواهند گوشتی جلوی گوله داشته باشند و درخشان دیگر مهره ای سوخته است که تخلیه ی اطلاعات شده و فایده ای برایشان ندارد. نمیدانم. اما یک چیز را میدانم، مرگ حق او نیست. حق هیچ کسی نیست.

بر طبق آخرین خبرهایی که از حسین درخشان به دست آورده ام، او در شرایط روحی بسیار بدی به سر می برد و تعادل روانی خود را به کلی از دست داده است.

حسین انسان خوشنامی نیست. انسان محبوبی نیست. آزار داده، پرونده سازی کرده، و خایه مالی قدرتمداران جمهوری اسلامی را کرده است. همه ی اینها را همه ی ما که حتی یکی دو بار وبلاگش را خوانده ایم می دانیم.

زمانی برای فعالان اجتماعی، فعالان جنبش زنان پرونده سازی میکرد و در وبلاگش تک نویسی میکرد. زمانی فعالان جنبش زنان را متهم به پول گرفتن از قدرتهای خارجی میکرد.

زمانی که هاله اسفندیاری دستگیر شد، حسین تلاش زیادی کرد که ثابت کند که هاله دو سه قواره مخمل برای فراهم کردن انقلاب مخملی به دستور آمریکا و اسرائیل به ایران برده است. و دائم هم سعی میکرد دست او را بیشتر رو کند.

اینها را نوشتم تا بدانید من هم میدانم حسین کیست و چه کاره است.

او تلاش خود را در بدنام کردن فعالان و افراد شناخته شده کرد. ولی با این کار فقط نامی بد برای خود خرید و بس.

قصد من از نوشتن این نوشته این نیست که از او قهرمان بسازم. برعکس قصدم این است که او را آنچنان که بود نشان دهم. یک موجود قابل ترحم که برای هم بازی شدن در قدرت ایران تلاش کرد، و اکنون خودش لای چرخ دنده های این بازی دارد خورد میشود.

من و تو نباید شاهد این له شدن باشیم و روی برگردانیم. من و تو که ادعای آزادی خواهی داریم، که ادعا میکنیم که حتی از دشمن مان دفاع میکنیم، نباید چشم به این بی عدالتی ببندیم و بگوییم که خیاط در کوزه افتاد.

حسین درخشان قهرمان نیست. او ی را یک تواب بپنداریم که امروز به کمک من و تو نیاز دارد، کمک خود را از او دریغ نکنیم. در موردش بنویسیم، به هر طریقی که می توانیم تلاش کنیم تا طناب دار را بر گردن او نبینیم.

من امروز در این وبلاگ یعنی تنها تریبونی که برای خودم حفظ کرده ام اعلام میکنم. اگر ما برای نجات جان حسین درخشان اقدامی نکنیم، فرق چندانی با حسین درخشان نداریم.

از حسین درخشان دفاع کنیم. صدای دفاع از حسین درخشان را به همه جا برسانیم. نگذاریم حسین درخشان را فدای بازی قدرت خود بکنند. دفاع از حسین درخشان و اعتراض به حکم اعدام او وظیفه ی هر انسان آزادی خواهی است.

پس نوشت: این را هم بگویم که احتمال این را هم میدهم که اگر روزی حسین بیرون آمد، من و تو و هر کس دیگری را که تلاشی برایش کرده باشد به فحش و بد و بیراه بگیرد.برای من مهم نیست و امیدوارم برای تو هم مهم نباشد.

Mahshid Rasti



Good News.

by KouroshS on



Farah Rusta

دکتر علا شما یه چیزی بگین

Farah Rusta

این دختره بی‌ حیا که از من سلطنت طلب حساب نمی بره بلکه از شمای موسوی طلب حساب ببره. در ضمن میشه یه کمی توضیح درباره جمله آخر فرمایشاتتون بدین.


I am also for freeing political prisoners as long as they have not hurt the country of Iran.

چطور می‌شه فهمید کی‌ یکی‌ کشور ایران رو "هرت" کرده؟


میرزا چغندر

Tranny Rusta

by میرزا چغندر on

تو نگران جناح خاتمی و موسوی نباش، این دیگه به قول معروف "مشت در کونیه"، شعار آزادگی عناصر از کار افتاده را هم نده . وقتی جای دیگه هم پیدات میکنم، بهانه میاری ‎"سر درد داری، امشب نمیشه"

Farah Rusta

لبو لب

Farah Rusta

به احترام انسان در بند حسین درخشان و همانطور که نماینده جناح خاتمی‌موسوی فرمودند این بلاگ محل این جر و بحث‌ها نیست. حیا کن دختر جون. 



میرزا چغندر

To:Granny, Tranny aka Farah Rusta

by میرزا چغندر on

کل اگر طبیب بودی سر خود دوا نمودی .اگه باز هم فارسی بنویسی "هندلر"هات مشکوک میشن از همین یه  لقمه نون خوردن هم میفتی. تو تل آویو میدونی بی خانمان زیاده ها..

Farah Rusta

Mirza Beetroot :))

by Farah Rusta on

برو حیا کن دختر میگم شوهرت بدنا 



میرزا چغندر

TO: Granny aka Farah Rusta

by میرزا چغندر on

Look who's talking about a "murky past".

How about your own "murky past and present"; prune face.

It's a simple fact; Your bosses in Israel, invested on this guy very heavily. He just proved to be a "weak element", and now, totally useless.

Now, If the criminal regime of IRI kills him you'll gain another vehicle to carry on your propaganda; so, stop pretending you want him out of jail safe and sound.



Artificial Intelligence

Mammad, The Left & the Right in the Islamic Republic are Equal!

by Artificial Intelligence on

They are equal! They are equal in blame no matter who is in charge today. The events that you see today and Iran's condition was totaly foreseeable based on the value system of all these "reformers" you refer to below. . 

I appreciate your time in giving me a detailed response but I just can't agree with what you say.

I see all of them as equals in this nightmare because all, whether on the Left or Right, had a hand in the creation of the Islamic Republic. None saw an issue with the word ISLAMIC next to IRAN and this is why we have the problems we have today. People on the Islamic left should have known better than to experiment with such an obvious failure  of mixing religion and politics. All these so called revolutionaries from the left are as guilty. They spilled blood to get rid of the Shah and 6 months later they created a system where its top leader had the same exact powers as the shah. This is what the Islamic Left agreed to 30 years ago.

Just look at the kind of crap Khatami is talking about in this clip below which I am sure you have seen:


Khatami is still dreaming about Islam & Democracy mixed together. Don't you people understand yet  that religion and politics don't mix? These are the people that you call "popular leaders"?  Do you agree with what Khatami says here?

This Khatami still says that "its impossible to establish a non religious democracy" in Iran. 

All the people you describe above, from Karroubi to Mousavi to Khatami to Hajjarian, are fighting to preserve their failed creation. They still want Islamic utopia.  The monster they have created is out of control and all that free oil money is feeding it and making it more powerful day by day. 

If you understand human nature, greed and power (free oil money in the hands of uneducated and uncivilized Islamists) you would clearly agree that it is to late to save this system that they created and are now trying to save.

I hope that Derakhshan is released unharmed from the hands of these evil monsters. 

Thanks for your detailed response. 



Mohammad Ala

Keep your disagreements out of this blog.

by Mohammad Ala on

Mammad and Fred jaan; please keep your disagreements out of this blog.  This blog is about freeing Hoder.

I tried to reason with him when a lawsuit was filed, but did not go very far.

I am also for freeing political prisoners as long as they have not hurt the country of Iran.

Farah Rusta

Please don't make another Ganji out of him

by Farah Rusta on

I hope to see a freed Hoder some day soon. He had every right to say what he said and to do what he did. At the same time he must have been foolish to think that he would be immune from getting burnt by very fire he was playing with. You play with fire, you get burnt - as simple as this. And he was foolish. But no fool deserves to be tortured or executed and this is true about Hoder. Now assuming and hoping that he would eventually be freed, what is next? We have already had a false hero with a murky past in Akbar Ganji whose past life in supporting and symapthizing with the very regime that put him in jail will never be white washed by no amount of soap. Hoder's past is not half as tainted as Ganji's and let's hope his future is not going to be half as wasteful as Ganji's either.  





Bewildered Haji

by Fred on

The bewildered Islamist Rapist Republic nuke lobbyist might want to explain the financial arrangement of the accord that Nabavi signed and Iranians are still paying for it to this date.

I know this is a concept foreign to an Islamist but, his Islamist brethrens should not have taken hostages in the first place and should have released them without any signed agreement.

And the sack of Islamist liar might want to show proof of his constant charge that I am advocating his IRR’s overthrow by as he says “military attacks”.

Instead of asking yaa-rab for help, seeking common sense and applying it for a change would do Haji.BTW, there you go again with plural pronoun “we”, you are one Islamist, and as such speak for yourself.


AIPAC agent has become a "patriot" and anti-America!!

by Mammad on

The AIPAC agent, the man who supports "airtight sanctions" against the defenseless people of Iran, who has said, "fortunately, the Islamic Republic does not have a nuclear bomb, so it can be still overthrown" by military attacks, who advocates "material support" for people of Iran (read bombs), now has become a patriot and anti-American, complaining about the agreement that Nabavi signed to free the hostages!!

He has no shame, and no brain for that matter to see the contradiction in what he says. On the one hand, he attacks Mir Damadi for being a leader of the students who took the US embassy in Tehran and took the American diplomats hostage, but on the other hand he also attacks Nabavi for signing an agreement to free the hostages!!

Everything is finite, even universe as vast as it is. But, the shamelessness of atomic-size brain of the AIPAC agent is infinite.

Paraphrasing his own blog, "Yaa rab, what had we done that you allowed the creation of a creature like this guy?"

"Yaa rab, what was our sin that we should pay for it by constantly shaking our head at reading his shameless acts, his lies (read his recent blog where it was proven that he lies), his baseless attacks, and his imbecility?

"Yaa rab, please explain!!!"



Bottomless Islamist shamelessness

by Fred on

Defending an imaginary freedom minded block is one thing but rewriting history quite another.

As one of the Leaders of American Embassy Hostage takers, Mir-Damadi who has a lot to answer for the radicalization of the revolution could not have acted any more “right” as he did even if he wanted to.  Or Nabavi, who in return for guaranteeing the survival of the Islamists signed the shameful accord with the Americans. Or the one who established the Islamist secret service.

The list is long and the Islamist Rapist Republic lobbyist’s shamelessness bottomless.


Artificial Intelligence

by Mammad on

I agree with you that the left side of the political spectrum shares a part of the blame. I do not agree with you, however, about equating the left and the right in Iran.

Almost all the executions of the 1980s were carried out by the right. The main culprits, such as Pourmohammadi, Raisi, etc. are still around. Lajevardi was assassinated, Emami was presumably murdered. They are all right, not left. The only one who publicly spoke against those murders was Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, who is part of the left.

The election coup in Iran and its aftermath were all carried out by the right and reactionary right. The high command of the IRGC is right wing. AN, Mesbah Yazdi, and Khamenei are all right wing. Where are the leftists? Either in jail, or under huge pressure.

I can perfectly understand the frustration with the situation. But, it is utterly unfair to equate the right and left in Iran. It is also not in people's benefit.

In the 1980s the fault of the left was in being silent. Fighting against Mojahedin on streets was one thing, not protesting execution of thousands of political prisoners was a completely different thing. Why they were silent, I do not know. After the war, the left began strategizing for a better Iran.

It was the left that started the reform movement; the Kian Monthly; the Asre-e Maa weekly, and the Salaam daily that were so inmfluential in the early 1990s.

It was the left that brought Khatami to presidency, and it is the left that is behind the Green Movement in Iran (not outside).

The most popoular leaders in Iran are those that belong to the left: Karroubi, Mousavi, Khatami, Ayatollahs Montazeri and Sanei, and the leaders of the Islamic Iran Participation Front: Mir Damadi, Tajzadeh, Ramazan Zadeh, Hajjarian, and those of the Islamic Revolution Mojahedin, Nabavi, Arabsorkhi. The leaders of religious-national coalition - a leftist group - Sahabi, Payman, etc., are popular. Leftist journalists, such as Zaydabadi, Rahmani, Alijani, Saber, are very popular.

These are all on the left side. We can close our eyes and declare all of them the same, but we cannot change the facts.

And, if we reject them, who are we left with? Without them, there is not a single leader in Iran. The movement needs leaders. Do not be fool by claims of "gharb neshinaan" and their supposed leaders, such as Reza Pahlavi. None has any credibility or popular base of support inside Iran.



Let us be honest

by karineh on

I read this article and paragraph after paragraph there are explanations about how horrible Hossein was and despite of that we should support him because he is a human being. Then there are thank you messages because the writer has been very "generous"! Generous about what? Does that mean that she is "bozorgovar" to take a step to support a horrible person?

This is where everything seems wrong. We should support Hossein or any other person who is in jail for political reasons because this is our DUTY. It has nothing to do with our generosity or lack of it, because we are not supporting one person, we support a value. We stand up for freedom of thought. We are obliged to do so because he is a fellow writer. Because, honestly we can be the next one in jail.

The writer claims that there was a big fuss when he got jailed. When? I followed all the blogs and except some very childish remarks such as "hagheshe ye chand maah bemoone abe khonak benooshe, halesh jaa biad" (he deserves to be in jail for few months to see how it is). I didn't see a genuin support from an influential writter-blogger. It seemed as if it was a shame to stand up for the ugly duckling of the iranian blogosphere.

Let us be honest. We failed Hossein. We failed to recognize a human's basic right.



by ghalam-doon on

Who called him that? I don't remember hearing that one. I have heard everybody calling him the 'man we love to hate.'

Everybody was against him, including his old friends, the same friends who were after his 'mahv kardan.' The same firends who were suing him for millions.

And for what? Because a lot of these so called activists have some skletons in their closets and they want to keep everything hush-hush. People who help the regime one day, and next day emerge as champions of freedom and democracy. People who have dealings with Zionists and Neocons.

Derakhshan had a lot of time on his hand and was googling everybody. Something that anyone of us could do. If we had as much free time and as much dedication.



by میرزاقشمشم on

My harsh language is not very popular on this site; thus being subjected to rapid deletion. I try this time, then, to be as polite as possible.

One has to, at least, recognize my honesty and frankness.

Who did tell you that next regime will be built upon a bunch of kind words  and ballroom dancing. If that guy owes you money , you'd better ask for your money back; because he is a liar.

Yes; there has to be some bloodshed; first, let them kill each other as much as possible before we finish the job.

In 1980's I was called a Stalinist; and now you call me an Islamist(of a sort); so be it.

At least I am holding fast to my ideology.

Artificial Intelligence

Free Derakhshan!

by Artificial Intelligence on

And all other prisoners in the IRI. Although I could care less for his views, he is entitled to them as any human should. I wish for his safe return.

Dear Mammad, 

You may blame the "reactionary right". I blame the IRI. Whether its the leftist in the IRI or the rightist. They are all to blame as they all had a hand in forming the Islamic Republic. Sorry Sir, none of these people are any good. IRI must go and it must go with the blod of the Iranian nation. I know you had advocated change from within in a peaceful manner. Recent events have buttressed the view that change from within IRI in a peaceful manner is impossible.


Please don't blame the current situation on sanctions, the West or anything like that. I won't buy it.


dear Mammad

by Souri on

Thanks for the reply and for the information.

Sorry for having missed your valuable comments in those blogs.

There are a few persons here whose blogs and article, I usually skip.....

I'd tracked your account and noticed that acutally you have been posting in their blogs recently :)

Sorry again.



Souri khaanoum

by Mammad on

I was never gone! I just comment on blogs that you apparently do not read. Please go and read, for example, Fred's "inalienable right" blog.

My source told me that much of what was said in the prosecutor's claims in the Stalinist show trials about the (non-existent) "relation" between reformists, Israel, and Soros was by Derakhshan. He could, of course, be wrong, but he has been very reliable. It could also be that what is attributed to him was said by him, but under torture. That would, of course, not be a surprise.

In any event, let us hope that all the political prisoners are freed. 





اگر انتقام تو را جمهوری اسلامی می گيرد، پس با اينكه با رژيم ادعای مخالفت داری ولی با رفتار او، تا زمانی كه خلافكار همچنين بر خلاف عقيدتی خودت هم باشد با كشتار مخالفين موافقت ميكنی. نتيجه: شما خودت جمهوری اسلامی هستين شايد با نام دموكرات


Ayatollah's Top 100 Active Crimes Chart

by irannostalgia.com on

 I know in a previous article for another persons "death sentence" someone pasted links to Amnisty and another human rights site for further information.

However with the amount of barbaric activities by the ayatollah government a site is needed in English that keeps track of these cases in a TOP 100 list type of structure.  Sort of like the Billboard Top 100 but, "Ayatollah Active Crimes in Iran Top 100" and clicking on each entry we get specific information and in English.

I hope somebody comes up with a site like that. 





by Souri on

First: Happy to see you here. Longtime no see you :)

I was wondering if you will ever come back to the site.

Second: This is the first time I hear such thing about Hoder. I got surprised! Would you elaborate more (if you can) pleaes?

Thank you.


Free Hossein Derakhshan

by Mammad on

I totally agree with the premise of the article that anyone who can do anything should to help Derakhshan become free. As DK said, every political prisoner must be freed.

But, at the same time, a reliable source has told me that Derakhshan (together with Payam Fazli Nejad) has had a role in drafting all those "kayfar khaast" that the prosecutors read in the Stalinists show trials. I would not, of course, be surprised if he is used first, and then either jailed for a long time, or murdered. That is the nature of the reactionary right wing.



Goudarz Eghtedari


by Goudarz Eghtedari on

As I have written elsewhere, this reaction is not about HODER himself, it is about us and the value system that we cherish.  Mahshid's article is a reminder of that value, but of course not everybody has to hear it.


I am interested to know

by xalephbet on

how you know all these details about his current situation? I haven't heard anything about him either in the news or in the weblogs...

Azadeh Azad

Despicable people

by Azadeh Azad on

like Hossein Derakhshan have the same human rights as honourable people and those in between. As Noam Chomsky puts it, "If we do not believe in freedom of speech for those we despise we do not believe in it at all."

And hopefully he won't be executed! That would be outrageous!


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

ما ایشان را نمیشناسیم،تنها چند بار،بلاگ ایشان را در قدیم ورق زدیم... نظرمان را در موردش پیش خودمان محفوظ است.

امید وارم که به زودی آزاد شود و از زیر شکنجه اسلامیان اهریمنی نجات یابد.


Ari Siletz


Ari Siletz

Hoder's being wishy-washy, stupid and abrasive isn't against the law. This isn't a spiritual matter of redemption and forgivness; we're defending the legal rights of an Iranian citizen.


behrang barzin

آقا حسین یادت

behrang barzin

آقا حسین یادت بخیر!
دست به قلم خوبی داشتی!!! راستش دلم یکم تنگ شده  واسه نوشتهات.
افکارت یکم مغشوش بود اما به هر حال کیه  كه افکارش همیشه درست باشه !
آخه آدم حسابی تنت میخارید تو کانادا ؟ خوب داشتی مینوشتی دیگه
حتما باید میرفتی اسرائل  بعدش پاشی بری ایران ؟
فکر کردی حالا مثلا ۴ نفر وبلاگت رو میخونن خیلی آدم مهمی هستی ؟
امیدوارم خدا بهت اول آزادی بعدش هم یک  عقل درست حسابی بده .
به امید اینکه هیچ کس تو دنیا به خاطره افکارش زندانی و شکنجه و  اعدام نشه .