Milani: Holocaust

Interview with Abbas Milani

Part 1:

Part 2:


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Darius Kadivar

verytass Bet a $ You don't even know the difference between a

by Darius Kadivar on

Concentration Camp and an Extermination Camp ...

But keep Educating yourself with your reliable KKK and Neo Nazi Historical sources you may finally even graduate From their Academy of Revisionistic History with an A +



an eye opening video by a Jewish investigator

by verytass on

Everyone should watch this balanced video put together by a brave Jewish investigator, who later received death threats by other Jews




because I read carefully

by verytass on

And if you had read my post carefully, you would have noticed what I said, "There is no question Jews were put and killed in concentration camps" 


However the numbers are wrong, and in fact Auschwitz officially revised their numbers by 3 Million couple of years ago..

 The gassing stories and the numbers of death came from Soviets, and the video I posted came from a Jewish person who wanted to discover the fact for himself.  I suggest you look at it. And again, his video is hypothesis, and another view worth considering. 

Darius Kadivar

humanbeing Jaan IC technical wizard Foaad can help you better

by Darius Kadivar on

He is the best to help you on this.


Nice Chap too.



dk one more question

by humanbeing on

good noon

i tried to compose a comment with links to clips of the tehran university dorm attacks and the bookburning in 1933 (in a comment to sargord piruz yesterday). i guess it's too late for me to learn as well. i did and in the draft it came out blue, but in the preview the two references didn't appear.

makes me feel ollllllld.

but you keep on clipping. we all can benefit.


Darius Kadivar

Indeed Benross : Shoah by Claude Lanzman A MUST SEE

by Darius Kadivar on

It took 11 years to make and shot in 14 countries where the Holocaust and Final Solution took place.  

Watch Excerpt Here:


Purchase Video Here

But What makes this documentary Powerful is that it doesn't show the Horrific images of the Holocaust but simply suggests them. As the result it becomes even more painful to imagine the horror and the way mankind accepted these horrors in their daily banality as if it was normal as anything else that took place during the War.

The testimonies of the survivors the Camp guards as well as the testimony of a non jewish Polish diplomat Jan Karski who tried to alert the Americans and even American Jews on the Reality of the Holocaust.

Below are his testimonies in the years that followed and are less emotional than in Lanzman's Film The Shoah where it was a Chilling experience for any viewer. It's all the more powerful that Karski was not even Jewish himself to be accused of biaised testimony. He was later named a "Juste" ...

Karski: How One Man Tried to Stop the Holocaust - 1996 int:


More here:



His testimony sounded so extravagant to the novice ears at the time that they could not believe him. Watching the man testify is one of the most painful parts of this excellent documentary and an important document for history.

Also 705 Polish Righteous were killed for helping Jews :




jews are doing worst than germans

by tabriz_balasi on

everyone that knows something knows that jews are doing worst than germans towards my muslim sister/brothers.  but arabs are fighters, i love arabs.

be an act at all times in the name of Allah.


Shoah - the film

by benross on

If you get to see this 9 hours film once, it will be 9 hours of your life that you never forget.



Why all of a sudden this topic on VOA?Things that make u go HUM!

by obama on

Here we go again! They sure learned good, since they are doing to palestinians what it was done to them! Why not talking about the Israeli atrocities including the chemical weapons.

The reporter pushed Abbas asking him why the jews were treated like this! he is trying to put him on spot. Does he think Abbas is that stupid who doesn't know if he gives an answer that is not accepted by the JDL and AIPAC, his career will be over with in this country? They are so powerful that they tried to destroy carter for criticizing Israel! Pure propaganda! 

They are using Abbas to say what they want to say. When are they going to learn to treat ALL humans the same? Shame on those who have no heart for those poor palestinian kids! Jews or Arabs are all humans and should be treated the same! There shouldn't be a special treatment for the CHOSEN PEOPLE!

Are they CHOSEN (they voted for themselves) to rule the world,  bring atrocities, discrimination, racism, capitalism, sucking blood, creating wars, curtail our freedom of speech, controlling the media, create divisions, ......  What were they CHOSEN for? Misguiding the world? I still don't know!


dr milani

by shushtari on

is a great scholar and patriot.....I have the honor of knowing him personally


everyone should read his great books on iran and it's recent history 


Always a pleasure to listen

by Fatollah on

Always a pleasure to listen to Dr. Milani's views. He is a man of integrity.



by Rea on

in fact, you make me angry.

In my own country, Jews were slaughtered in conc. camps. Together with Gypsies, communists, partisans, and so many others.

And who are you to question ?



by Rea on

Honey, if there's anybody lacking knowledge here, it's you.

Darius Kadivar

FYI/HITLER ON THE COUCH: A Psychological Profile of Adolf Hitler

by Darius Kadivar on

Time Watch Documentary Inside The Mind Of Adolf Hitler describes the Wartime Report commissioned by the OSS ( which later became the CIA) on the psychological profile of Adolf Hitler established by Walter C. Langer. It paved the way for a new discipline in international relations - political psychology. 

HITLER ON THE COUCH: A Psychological Profile of Adolf Hitler (BBC Documentary)



Darius Kadivar

Nagoftam ? ;0) ... BRAVO Monsieur Milani !

by Darius Kadivar on

Why a Track Record of Intelligent and thoroughly Researched Blogs Matter ! ... LOL

Also See:

Iran, Jews and the Holocaust The beneficent legacy of Persia remembered by Abbas Milani (San Francisco Gate)  

Documents on Iranians Saving Jews During WWII (

Milani was amongst those Rare Iranians of the Diaspora who signed the following Petition against the Holocaust Conference in Tehran when others remained Silent prefaring to Hail Ahmadinejad as the New Mossadegh:

Iranian Diaspora Intelligentsia Unite Against Islamic Republic's Holocaust Revisionism By DK

Banalization of history By DK

Hitler's "Mein Kampf" a hit on Dhaka streets in Bangladesh (bbc)

Recommended Watching:

Finkelstein Slamming the Tehran Holocaust Conference (Sahar TV):

HOLOCAUST A MYTH: Michelle Renouf on Iranian SAHAR TV




HISTORY FORUM:Jews in the Persian Empire a lecture by Dr. David Neiman

Related Blogs:




THE GREAT DICTATOR: Charlie Chaplin's Cinematic Alert Call against Nazism (1940)

pictory: Nazis and Fascists Rounded Up in Iran (1941)

Recommended Readings on Judaism and IRan/Persia:

He is Awake: Close Up on Cyrus Kar by Darius KADIVAR

XERXES an interview with Screenwriter Ren A, Hakim by Darius KADIVAR

Recommended Readings on Nazi Related News in Europe/MiddleEast/ South America in Recent Years:

Nazi War Criminal Converts to Islam Before Death



Ex-Nazi goes on trial in Germany

Neo-Nazi convicted of terror plan

Neo Nazi Skinheads 'planned to kill Obama'

Nazi-hunters believe they are closing in on Aribert Heim

UK man who saved Jews from Nazis may get special honour

Nightmarish memories of Nazis' Sobibor death camp in Poland where 27,000 Jews were murdered



Dr. Milani lacks proper knowledge here

by verytass on

 Dr. Milani lacks proper knowledge and scholarship on this issue:

He mentioned, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" fabricated by Czar Russia but FAILED to mentioned that the holocaust data used at the Nuremberg trials were also provided by Russia (obviously by communist soviets) who controlled  poland and most of eastern europe. And thus there has been no verification of any data claimed by the Soviets. In face, auschwitz changed their total deaths and REDUCED it by 3 MILLION. 

There is no question Jews were put and killed in concentration camps, however there are many facts that are muddied here. And any study that would contradicts the soviet-generated propaganda is treated with imprisonment  in Germany were Mr. Milani got his eduction on this topic. 

 This video is created by a Jewish person and examines the evidence with an interesting view. I am not endorsing it, but it paints a fresh view: 



Here you go Shazdeh Asadolah, Your answer @ VOA

by Abarmard on

This is what they are feeding us today. Here is your answer Mr. Shazdeh asadollah. Now you know.