His Majesty, His Prison

Ali Saremi's letter before execution


His Majesty, His Prison
by LalehGillani

Ali Saremi wrote this letter a few weeks before his execution.

Since his [Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei] majesty’s accession to the throne, I have been in prison and I am unaware what is happening outside. However, in the same year when he was crowned, the price of 700 grams of dates were 1,250 tomans [approximately $1.25] but right now, the same amount of dates is sold for 3,700 tomans [approximately $3.70]. Similarly, to rent a house, we then paid a deposit of two million tomans [approximately two thousand USD] and the monthly rent was 70,000 tomans [approximately 70 USD), but nowadays, the required deposit has increased to 10 million tomans [approximately 10 thousand USD], and the monthly rent is 200 thousand tomans [approximately 200 USD].

At the same time when I was arrested, an interrogator claimed that there were only a total of 80 political prisoners in the entire country. Right now, there are more than 400 political prisoners only in Evin and Gohardasht prisons. I don’t know about the rest of the country. Besides, in those years, a few party insiders were politically active. Right now, even that does not exist.

It isn’t very difficult to determine under what conditions non-political prisoners live. Once a prisoner arrives here, he has nothing but a little money in his pocket and the clothing on his back. New prisoners spend one to three days in an isolated ward where they receive a set of undergarments and a disposable bowl and cup. However, when prisoners enter the general population in the prison, they are given no clothing, dishes, cups, toothbrushes or toothpaste. Prisoners must provide all these items for themselves.

All this is happening while the majority of the prisoners have no home, have been estranged from their families, or their loved ones can’t financially support them. Some of the prisoners suffer from mental problems or have illnesses that render them incapacitated. The lives of these prisoners in need are unfortunately pitiful. These prisoners eat their food out of plastic containers cut from used milk jugs or cleaning agents.

Additionally, the number of prisoners is increasing every day due to the inability and incompetency of those managing the country. In year 2009, when I was transferred to Gohardasht prison in the city of Karaj, there were 500 prisoners in ward 4 where I am held. This year, the number of prisoners in the same ward has increased to 1,300 individuals, an increase of 2.5 times since a year ago by adding 60 prisoners to the population of captives every month.

Gohardasht prison has eight wards to which 450 prisoners have been added in the last year. Since there are ten prisons in Tehran, it can be concluded that 4,500 additional citizens are incarcerated every month. Consequently, the prison population in Iran’s ten biggest cities is increasing by 45,000 individuals every month.

The question that all of us must ask is this: If this regime manages to survive a few more years, what will happen to the Iranian people? In addition to narcotics addiction, no hot water or other amenities are found in prisons.

Ali Saremi
November 17, 2010

Translated by Laleh Gilani. First published in persian2english.com.


more from LalehGillani
Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Dear Laleh My name is Sahameddin Ghiassi , if you go to google y

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

Dear Laleh My name is Sahameddin Ghiassi , if you go to google you can find the information about me and my school. The name of the school is Iranian South American language and Boarding school, the school had also a farm in which the students can work and produce food. The address are 10420 Lehman Road, Orlando, Florida, 32825 and... 13305 Lacebark Pine Road, Orlando, Fl 32832 both of them are close to university and medical school , now I have more than 15 rooms empty. Sorrowfully a lot of people do not pay as if I am a charity and I have no helpe and continue this boarding. I need some help and some parnters or good students. It is over eight acres land with irrigation and lights , gate and fence , cages and ponds. It is very good for activities. All the information is in the internet. For seeing the pictures, the school has a web site also or my websites


نبايد روی سنگ مزار شعر عليه ستم بنويسيد

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

13دی.ماموران رژيم به خانواده علی صارمی:نبايد روی سنگ مزار شعر عليه ستم بنويسيد

كانون حمايت ازخانواده هاى جان باختگان و بازداشتى ها :بدنبال دفن
شبانه زندانى سياسى اعدام شده على صارمى در روستاى امير آباد از توابع
اشترينان،ماموران اطلاعاتى حكومت نيز به خانواده و اقوام على صارمى گفته
اند كه نبايستى به هيچ وجه روى سنگ مزار وى شعر انگيزاننده بر عليه ظلم و
ستم درج شود كه بيانگر ديدگاههاى على صارمى است. //www.roshangari.net/as/sitedata/201101022248...


اسانلو را به سلول انفرادی منتقل کردند

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol


اسانلو رئيس
کارگران شرکت
واحد اتوبوس
رانی تهران،
به سلول انفرادی
منتقل شد.
به گزارش
زندان  رجایی
شهر کرج صبح امروز
شنبه یازدهم
دی ماه، این
فعال کارگری
را به سلول
های انفرادی
بند یک این
انتقال اسانلو
سخنرانی در
مراسم یادمان
علی صارمی، در
بند 3 زندان
رجایی شهر کرج
بنا براین
گزارش، در این
عیسی سحرخیز،
حشمت الله
حائری، عباس
منصور اسانلو،
کیوان صمیمی،
رسول بداقی،
احمد زیدآبادی،
صالح کهن دل،
بهروز جاوید
تهرانی، هود
یازرلو، مجید
توکلی، میثاق
یزدان نژاد،
فرزاد مدد زاد
و شماری دیگر
زا زندانیان
سیاسی خضور


مراسم يادبود زندانى سياسى اعدام شده على صارمى بر سر مزارش

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

11دی.گزارى مراسم يادبود زندانى سياسى اعدام شده على صارمى بر سر مزارش دريكى از روستاهاى اطراف شهرستان اشترينان

كانون حمايت ازخانواده هاى جان باختگان و بازداشتى ها :براساس گزارشات
رسيده، سحرگاه امروز خانواده زندانى سياسى اعدام شده على صارمى به همراه
تعداد زيادى از اقوام ايشان كه از تهران به بروجرد رفته بودند، بر سر مزار
وى در يكى از روستاهاى اطراف شهرستان اشترينان رفته و بر مزار وى گل گزارى
كرده و اداى احترام نمودند //www.roshangari.net/as/sitedata/201101011301...


وداع با علي‌ آقا صارمی (زندانی سياسی سعيد ماسوری

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol


پيام زندانی سياسی سعيد ماسوری به مناسبت شهادت علی صارمی جهت انتشار
در اختيار "فعالين حقوق بشر و دمکراسی در ايران"قرار داده شده است متن پيام
به قرار زير می باشد:

از وجود تو گرما ميگرفتم و از نگاه تو تسلی مي‌‌يافتم و از صدای تو
ايمن ميشدم از لحظه ائی که بلند گوی زندان نام تو را نعره زد تا هنگامی که
فرياد يا حسينت در لحظهٔ‌ اعدام در فضا و در تاريخ طنين افکند و به گوش
همهٔ کساني‌ که در پشت ديوارهای اوين قلبشان با تو مي‌تپيد رسيد هزار بار
حلق آويز شدم و برخاستم و آنگاه که واپسين لرزشهای بدنت بر چوبهٔ دار از
لرزش و حرکت باز ايستاد، تازه آغاز حرکت... که نه... خود حرکت شدی !



"Ya Hossein, Ya Hossein, Ya Hossein".....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

The last defiant cries of a devout , patriotic Iranian Shia Muslim being executed by a gang of Hojjatieh murdering terrorists who have decided to call their fascist dictatorship an "Islamic Republic"

Now who is the real "Monefigh" now? This brave muslim or khamenei, ahmadinezhad and their gang of bassij supporters with their hands covered to elbow with blood of muslims, shia and sunni alike?

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


من از اين جنايتکاران درخواست کنم؟ هيچوقت..

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

10دی.آخرين صحبتهای علی صارمی قبل از اعدام:من از اين جنايتکاران درخواست کنم؟
هيچوقت.. آنچه مبخوانيد آخرين صحبت ها و لحظات آقاى على صارمى زندانى سياسى
اعدام شده از زبان شاهدين است :صبح زود دنبال على آقا رفتند كه اورا براى
اعدام ببرند . گفت كه : ميخواهم نماز بخوانم .

برايش مهر آوردند كه گفت : من مهر شمارا نميخواهم . همينجا روى زمين
ميخوانم و مهر را نگرفت . ميخواستند چشمانش را ببندند كه گفت : چشمانم را
نبنديد . ميخواهم با چشمان باز بروم .



Isn't calling for people to be executed Hate Speech?

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

And why is such hate speech tolerated in here?

This call to execute opponents of Islamic Republic souds very much like and closely resembles what  Ardeshire Omani  called for nearly two years ago: to have all the opponents of IR  executed (btw, a legal case on that statement is active now). Regardless of the fact that wether such call for execution of opponents of IR is issued by a real person or a mere avatar on a site shall not make us jaded as to its vile content and its offensivness, and an aprop response.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Laleh, thanks for your translation

by Anahid Hojjati on

Laleh jan, thanks for translating this letter. I have not watched video of his speech or know that much about "Ali Saremi". But reading his name, something about last name "Saremi" sounded familiar. Early this morning, on facebook, someone had posted that his body was buried in a village near Brujerd by IRI without informing his family. I asked and the facebook entity that had posted, responded that "Ali Saremi" was indeed from Brujerd. State of Lorestan in beginning of revolution had a high population of people against IRI, at least in cities such as Brujerd.

Once again, thanks for your translation.


Yeah Right, evidence!

by fussygorilla on

Total fabrication.  How in the world would his so-called letter be sent out in a prison that you all claim is carefully watched and controlled?  He was a traitor to Iran, apparently so is his stupid son. Execution of spies is the only way to send them to hell. 



by shushtari on


Mr. Saremi is but one of the millions of the poor victims of the vile mullahs

may revenge be served very soon to these vile murderers! 


"why hang this guy?"

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Source: radio Zamaneh:

"Following the post-election protests, the Islamic Republic has become more eager in processing execution sentences for political prisoners and the opposition has accused the establishment of using the death penalty as a tool for the intimidation of protesters"

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


The question that all of us

by Simorgh5555 on

The question that all of us must ask is this: If this regime manages to
survive a few more years, what will happen to the Iranian people

This beloved compatriot paid for his life asking this question

This is the question of a life time. Iran is a sitting on a time bomb. More inaction means more murder, rape, torture, censorship, erosion of Iranian heritage, Islamification and Arabisation of all public sectors and society, more population growth, more terror exported abroad, more antogonising of religious minorities, more mismanagement of the economy, more money channeled to Lebanon and international terror.

If you want more of the same then do nothing. 

If you want a change take a risk and say to hell with the IR. 




by yolanda on

Thank you, HT, for the video.....his son in Camp Ashraf can not return.....if he does, IRI will finish him off too.....

IRI is super cruel.....the guy was in jail for close to a quarter of century and got punished enough......but that is still not enough for IRI...



Dear Yoladnda the short video below

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

is of him making a short speech on the grave sites of the folks massacred in 1988/89 and buried in Khavaran. This was his "crime" and the tape was their evidence, or one of. He refused to compromise to the last minute, an outstanding example, R.I.P.



by yolanda on

He never mentioned why he was in jail.......according to the news report...he had spent a combined total of 24 years in IRI's jail...


علی صارمی به جرم این سخنرانی محکوم به اعدام شد

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol


Raoul the attention seeker

by Fatollah on

I recommend Dirty Angles blogs for you! but be at least a less of a pervert while there ...


Why hang this guy?

by Mehdi on

I can't understand why they would hang this guy. He doesn't particularly strike me as dangerous or even intelligent. I mean, what he is saying here, could almost completely and without any change be said about the US. Except in the US, they don't consider prisoners as "political." They are considered "regular" prisoners. I beg to differ. How is it that if there are any problems or criminal behavior in Iran, it is immediately blamed on "the regime." But in the US it is the fault of the individual? Would anybody be in prison under a fair and proper regime? So how could American prisoners not be political?

Of course, as for inflation, this story also applies to the US, and pretty much any other country in the world. So I don't know what his point is here.


But it is quite a mystery to me why this man should be hanged. Who cares if he just walks around and talks about this stuff? Is it really a danger to anyone? I think he would just simply get tired after a while and go get a job, at which point, he would immediately start to feel better and realize that most of this negativity is just in his head and not real! 


دستگيرى محمد صارمى برادرزاده على صارمى تنها به جرم نصب يك عكس از

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

8دی.دستگيرى محمد صارمى برادرزاده على صارمى تنها به جرم نصب يك عكس از او

كانون حمايت ازخانواده هاى جان باختگان و بازداشتى ها : بنا بر خبردريافتى صبح امروز در يورشى كه مغازه زندانى سياسى اعدام شده على صارمى توسط ارگانهاى امنيتى حاكميت انجام گرفت،برادر زاده على صارمي، بنام محمد دستگير و به نقطه نامعلومى منتقل گرديد.


And now

by Raoul1955 on

The guy need not worry about the economy.  Iranians need to limit their population growth, rather than overthrowing a regime!

Iranians should be grateful that the islamic regime has kept Iran in one piece.  Imagine that these [impulsive] people revolt against the current regime and turn Iran into a civil war torn society, then thirty years later a new generation of Iranians will curse them for overthrowing a wonderful [islamic] regime in favor of a war torn society where no one has any security.
I wonder if these little people ever think of such a possibility!