This is the original which appeared on YouTube shortly after her death on June 20, 2009:
Recently by greenrev88 | Comments | Date |
Police Arrest Woman in Hamadan | 36 | Jun 19, 2011 |
Riot Police Captured by Protesters | 2 | Nov 06, 2010 |
شعر / سبز است دوباره - هیلا صدیقی | 4 | Nov 05, 2010 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
by shushtari on Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:38 AM PDTquit spewing your nonsense.....
your the only fool who has the gall to come here and defend this poor girl's murder by your idols, the akhoonds.
the days of blaming everything on savak and 'conspiracies' are gone......your mullahs have lied, killed, and stolen so much that NO IRANIAN TRUSTS WHAT THEY SAY.....
I'll tell you why.....because they can't handle the truth.....and it's the truth that will destroy them.....
the world finally knows what iranians have known for 31 years- that the akhoonds, pasdars, basijis are nothing but bunch of beevatans
good luck to you in south lebanon
why do ghouls try to soo-estefadeh someone's death?
by amgw4 on Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:25 AM PDTthat's shameless in my opinion. it's no wonder Iranians don't support you.
BROKE MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by shushtari on Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:16 AM PDTKHODA ZALILESHOON KONE IN AKHOONDAYE KASEEFO!!!
how many innocent iranians must die for these animals to be satisfied??? haven't they stolen enough, killed enough???
may god bless her wonderful soul......she is in heaven now, unlike that jalad khomeini
javid iran
Why the unnecessary discussion about size of the crowd, when ...
by aynak on Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:21 AM PDTTehran's governor officially stated that permission for the peaceful demonstration, granted according to the Islamic Regimes own constitution were denied?
As we say in Persian: He who has a clean slate, is not affraid of accounting :)
The governor of Tehran said:
"There is no reason, given the atmosphere of work :) in socieity, we should give permission for demonstrations". He added, "this is a ridiculous demand!, therefore we have not given any permission for any sort of demonstration, and any --Unlawful gathering-- (i.e because we did not give permission) will be dealt with according to the law, will not be tolerated (i.e one will find him/her self in Kahrizak, raped and tortured).
In the meantime, two days ago there was huge military manuvering to scare the enemy, except it was in Theran, just in case "small crowd" showed up. Which tells you who Islamic regime considers as its main enemy.
Accroding to Tehrans governor then:
1- Objectors have no right to demonstrate
2-Since people are working ?! :) demonstration will prevent them from work. (If aacording to some people here, the size is so small, then why not give permission? Do you guys know the impact better than governor of Tehran? May be you should be governor of Tehran instead?)
3-Also remember, according to Ahmadi-Nejad, there are no gays in Iran
4-Also the west and the whole world is in awe of Islamic Regimes management
First comes the order. Then
by MahmoudAhmadinejad on Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:04 AM PDTFirst comes the order. Then comes Sazegar with plans. Then come the agents with their comments. Then gang members and sheep followers. Then they drug themselves with images and etc to lose their minds. Then they raise hell and set the town on fire. Then they get hurt and cry wolf.
More power to you with demonstration, but please don't destroy the country and get people killed from both sides !!! That is not demonstration. That is DEMOLITION.
Azarin Sadegh, You got me girl, You are very smart. Congratulations.
Still investigating?!
by Disenchanted on Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:01 AM PDTOne of those never ending investigations!! Did authorities ever bother questioning the thug who was identified by people as the killer? His ID was published on Internet.
It is amazing how power makes those who seek it blind! Someone will pay for the blood of innocent. Sooner or later.
azarin, here's a starter for your arabic lessons!
by hamsade ghadimi on Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:44 AM PDTوثيق الصلة بالموضوع relevant
غير متصل بالموضوع irrelevant
Since the green movement has used this so much for propaganda
by amgw4 on Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:38 AM PDTEssentially using the dead in a ghoul like effort to incite riots, would anyone be surprised if they themselves committed this act?
Comrade, I find your comment "insensitive, unnecessary
by oktaby on Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:29 AM PDTand exploitative". Your timing definitely sucks.
With an avatar suggesting Red ideology, your should understand symbolism & heroes. Reds were extremely good at producing them. So your comments wreaks of pseudo intellectualism.
Neda's life is well documented and still running on several media so she did have a life much more meaningful that yours. And mine I suppose. Comparing JFK's life with Neda's is so far on the left field (no pun intended) that sounds like a joke. Different eras, different contexts (politically, socially, globally) and different phenomenon.
JFK represents things at a certain time within mostly American culture and then others.
Neda's death visualizes the atrocities of a bloody murderer regime at a tipping point where the regime could no longer hide behind its facade and massive PR anymore.
It is not celebrating the dead as you try to frame it. It is very much celebrating all the lives that are being suffocated and prevented from their full potential as Neda symbolized.
For a comrade, you seem a bit confused and dyslexic. Or is it that there is still more affinity to islamists that others?
by hamsade ghadimi on Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:23 AM PDTneda represents an ordinary iranian who has been brutalized by the iri regime. there are countless others who have been killed by this regime. we don't know the details of how they have been murdered nor their pictures in their last seconds of their life. some of their families don't even know where their graves are.
the regime denies such atrocities. their supporters tell us where are your evidence? here it is. were you bothered when batebi showed his roommate's bloody shirt in the protests of 1998? that was the only evidence that was left from his roommate. no picture. no admission by the gov't. no body.
you say that you haven't seen jfk's skull in presidential limo or rfk's lifeless body. you describe it so well as if you have seen the images that you describe. i have seen those images (and videos) countless times without even searching for them. and their murders don't even serve as a proper analogy to neda's death: demise of an ordinary person in a bigger-than-life uprising.
i think that the use of neda's image is well-intentioned and everyone celebrates her life and doesn't want to others to think that she died in vain. frankly, i find it unbecoming of a flag-waving comrade to be politically correct.
To iranians who cannot read Persian!!
by Azarin Sadegh on Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:17 AM PDTبه نظر میاد که احمدینژاد فارسی بلد نیست چون به هیچ کدام از کامنتهای فارسی جوابی نداد ... ولی انگلیسیش هم که چندان جالب نیست، چون من نوشتم relevant و او خواند irrelevant!
یعنی باید عربی بنویسیم تاا او بفهمد؟.."-)
To the Dictator
by Escape on Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:09 AM PDTIf you need unarmed people to protest against the basijii and Rev guard to prove something to you,you are a ignorant joke.If that's your test you consider accurate,it's no wonder you are a Ahmad supporter.It's no wonder Iran is like the worst place in the world to live.Proud of that? Proud to keep your people down? Proud to kill freedom? Proud of Ahmad? ..No,They don't have to protest to me,they ALREADY HAVE.. YOU GOT IT? Because when they did,you shot down your own people in cold blood,hung them in the street,took them to prision and tortured confessions out of them on TV,you kept people away from mourning at their gravesites,shut down the press,poured propaganda and blamed the west for your unpopularity,didn't accept a recount or contestment...This is just more proof you don't care about Iranians except that they obey you...,fake and phoney President...But you don't even have the right to be called President..You are a Dictator.. Is that your Revolution? You wasted it all..
Your day of judgement is coming buddy,how old are you? You got your last 20 years or so a%%wipe,the power you were born with and abused will soon become a indemnity.You better go pray Ahmady,the death's of many Iranians are on your head,NOONE ELSE'S.You could have intervened and saved people....And you are supposed to be a man for the people,a man who cares about the poverished poor,is that what you thought as they were loading them up for prision? Is that what you thought while the show trials were on? I'm sure you were sitting there in hatred gleaming with vengeance as the tortured confessed something like 'Didn't vote me? You are a Enemy of God!!" As they tore down signs you made judgement that is worth their lives in prision,a piece of metal,a burned up motorcycle,talking to a reporter,protesting period in general..Shape up man,let everyone out of prision and make an apology to the country..I'm sure they are going to kill you afterwards in your retirement....Save yourself now a55hole.Surpise us - do a ABOUT FACE......
Did she have a life, before dying? Who cares!
by comrade on Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:02 AM PDTI find publishing the (ubiquitous) portrait of her last breathing quite insensitive, unnecessary, and exploitative.
Without drawing a parallel intended, I don't recall seeing the image of JFK's blown skull in the presidential limo, or Robert Kennedy's lifeless body on the floor all over the Democrat-leaning media.
Our higher culture, as some of us advocate it incessantly, is not measured by how we celebrate (or, not) the death of our foes, but by how we remember the lives of our friends.
Well said Oktaby Jaan
by Anonymous Observer on Fri Jun 11, 2010 09:59 AM PDTwe shall not forget. We will never forget Neda, Sohrab, Mohamad Amin Valian and countless other victims of this monstrous regime.
There will be justice!!!!!
Yes, Doctor X
by MahmoudAhmadinejad on Fri Jun 11, 2010 09:52 AM PDTWhat I write is irrelevant to Azarin, because it is not what they like to hear. They want what they want. They ask for the truth, but they cannot handle the truth. I am irrelevant and that is why they flag me and block me. Freedom of expression is for them not others. They remind me of a fried who hates lies, but to hear not to tell.
Precisely, the next generation of torturers and murders. There are such individuals in every government including IRI. But I don't think Ahmadinejad should be hanged for the crimes of Rafsanjani or Sazegar just because their interests are in danger or have shifted.
Any answers to your desperate question? Come on, from millions of viewers not even one can give an answer? I guess I have to answer it myself again.
I am sure everyone has his/her personal reasons which may have nothing to do with being coward, just as if someone being in west, may have nothing to do with being unhappy of being in Iran or happy to be out of Iran. Or we can say: SHIT HAPPENS.
یادمون نمیره
oktabyFri Jun 11, 2010 09:31 AM PDT
بعد از جمهوری جنایت اسلامی، یک یک این جنایتها باید جواب داده بشه. چه مسلمون، غیر مسلمون، ایرونی، غیر ایرونی. نه برای انتقام یا دل خوشی. برای اینکه نسلهای آینده تاریخشون رو خوب بشناشن و قدر آزادیشون رو بدونن. بدونن و بشناسن چه گلهایی پر پر شدن، شاید اشتباهات نسلهای قبل رو تکرار نکنند.
فردا یادتون نره. گلهای ما جون دادن. ما فقط باید راه بریم و اینها رو جلوی چشمها و قلبها نگه داریم.
It is well known who fired the shot
by John on Fri Jun 11, 2010 09:21 AM PDTYolanda, actually it is well-known who fired the shot that killed Neda. The cowardly basiji was cornered by the crowd, who then took his identify papers from him. I'm sure that this information is covered in the various documentaries.
So in answer to your ludicrous question AMGW4, yes we would be surprised if your bizarre hypothesis were true, but we have concrete evidence to the contrary. Back into your deep, dark cesspool now; you're sure to be comfortable and at home there.
This confirms the presence Arash Hejazi who tried to save Neda
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Jun 11, 2010 09:17 AM PDTAnd which the Iranian authorities claimed was lying ...
Arash Hejazi also happened to be a good friend of Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho who learned about the video and alerted the international media at the time:
The Full Story on Neda's Doctor and Paulo Coelho
amgw4 - اگر بلدی فارسی بخونی- که میدونم بلد نیستی
OnlyiranFri Jun 11, 2010 09:14 AM PDT
بله ما سورپرایز میشیم بخاطر اینکه هیچ کس مثل رژیمی تو ازش طرفداری میکنی اینقدر آدمکش و جانی نیست.
by yolanda on Fri Jun 11, 2010 09:11 AM PDTThe last 30 seconds of this tape shows Neda dancing and smiling:
AN promised Neda's mom that they will investigate who killed has been a year since Neda's death........we still don't know who shot Neda and why....
Thank you, Water, for your great post!
Wow! IRI's Cyber Army is active on IC! They must be very afraid of another protest!
Would anyone be surprised if the green movement killed her for
by amgw4 on Fri Jun 11, 2010 08:52 AM PDTpropaganda purposes?
In the spirit of respecting everyone's right to free speech
by Doctor X on Fri Jun 11, 2010 08:51 AM PDTThe lady suggests:
Whatever you say is reveals your nature, it accelerates your approaching end.
wow. So this is what freedom really means... whatever you say is irrelevant...
by Doctor X on Fri Jun 11, 2010 08:48 AM PDTGet real
What comment? Why is he an animal for saying that there is not enough interest generated to have a demonstration? talk about wearing heavily colored lenses there!
Oh, So it is up to YOU solely to determine the moral status of an individual who is behind a commet. I don't and i have not made this about a contest of Arabs vs Iranians. You are the one who is keeping score and using this worn-out concept to hit at any Living and breathing person out there who god forbid may not share your sentiments.
Suggesting that there is less a chance of holding a rally this time around, does not translate to an unequivocal support for Arabs or revealing anti-iranian sentiments, let alone be insensitive. Not sure why you are not grasping this.
In fact I don't even give a F... whether arabs are lending any supports or not. Who careS? why should we care? Why should you or anyone care for that matter?
for someone who is so dogmatically and emphatically wants all to stay on the blog's content and not deviate from it, It'd be nice if you tried to address the content of a poster's message, rather than berating them for something they have not addressed.
to MahmoudAhmadinejad and amgw4 and other IRI thugs!
by Azarin Sadegh on Fri Jun 11, 2010 08:47 AM PDTIt's good that you've spent so much of your time in front of computers, instead of waiting on the roofs, riding your bikes, driving your trucks, killing girls and kids and the innocents...Please, please write more, so while you're writing, you wouldn't have time to murder our youth, so the world would get to know you better, so we would be able to predict your next move...
By the high number of your propaganda on and elsewhere...even now, you have already become too obvious. Now everyone knows how you look, how you talk, how you think, and how you kill,...and it is good! Be scared of your shadows! Don't trust your wives and children...they could poison you one day for the sake of freedom, or stab you in the back the day they watch one more time Neda's death.
Whatever you say is reveals your nature, it accelerates your approaching end.
اینا هیچکدوم
Cost-of-ProgressFri Jun 11, 2010 08:41 AM PDT
اینا هیچکدوم ایرانی نیستند - اونهایی هم که هستند......نیستند - وقت خود را تلف نکنید با این بی همه چیز ها.
From you language I can
by MahmoudAhmadinejad on Fri Jun 11, 2010 08:32 AM PDTFrom you language I can tell, you are the next generation of torturers and murderers. You just don't have the power yet.
So did in Thailand, many
by MahmoudAhmadinejad on Fri Jun 11, 2010 08:20 AM PDTSo did in Thailand, many were killed. If not propaganda then why not put Thailand on TV 24/7.
MOSSAD/CIA, Rafsanjani, Mousavi,Karoobi are for the most part to blame for the death of civilians and 11 basigis just as they are responsible for many more.
You still haven't answered your question. Why are you Cowards not in Iran helping to free Iran? You first, Irani-Israeli.
Yes, go ahead and flag me and tell the JEW to block me! But I'll be back.
anyone insensitive enough to
by hamsade ghadimi on Fri Jun 11, 2010 08:19 AM PDTanyone insensitive enough to see this video and make the comment that this animal made, at the very least, deserved the comment i made. i will not speculate that this person has empathy for neda since he did not make any comments about it (the focal and only point of this blog). and if you have any information on arabs supporting the struggle of iranians to gain their rights, please let me know. in fact, if you see any iranian who openly supports the iri regime (there are many on this site;), please refer me to their comments regarding neda's untimely murder. the palestinians (and arabs of many nations) showed their contempt of iranians during the iran-iraq war when they fought for abu saddam. not to mention, many events which showed this contempt before the war and since.
by Doctor X on Fri Jun 11, 2010 07:54 AM PDTSo one is Not iranian not even a human being, if one dares to suggest that due to a possibe lack of interest, there might not be a demonstration after all, at least as massive as it was previously? All that translate in your book, as being an arab sympathizer, Anti-iranian, And knowing for a fact that this person is looking at this particular video and necessarily laughing because of that?
Not even one ounce, just one tiny ounce a chance that this person may feel deeply sympahetic in his/her heart toward what happened to neda and others like her? Granted that It is specifically being stated that chances of organizng a rally AT THIS POINT AT LEAST, is at its lowest, pending more information?
You don't consider this "contempt"?
ghouls who use images of the dead to incite rioting and looting
by amgw4 on Fri Jun 11, 2010 07:54 AM PDThave you people no shame?
It's no wonder you have no support in Iran and thus they had to cancel the protests.