حجاب سوزان؟

تقدیم به زنان ِ سرفراز ِ ایران


حجاب سوزان؟
by Shirin Tabibzadeh

بمناسبت ِهشتم مارچ، روز ِ جهانی ِ زن

چندان شگفت انگیز نخواهد بو د اگرامسال در هشتم ِ مارس و یا در شبِ چهارشنبه سوری، زنان ِ دلیرمان تصمیم بگیرند که اگر چه بصورت سمبولیک ( با آوردن یک روسری ِ یدکی) در یکزمان ِمشخص روسریها و چادرهایشان را به آتش بکشند. این اقدام قطعا با حساسیت ِ رژیم، حرکتی آنی وموقتی خواهد بود اماچه در سطح ِ ایران و چه در سطح جهان نتایج ِ بی نظیری را در بر خواهد داشت. بدون ِ شک با اینعمل دیگر رژیم نمی تواند آنان را با اتهاماتی نظیر ِ "محاربه با خدا" به صلابه بکشد وقطعا این عمل خطرناکتر از آنچه تاکنون بانجام رساند ه اند، نخواهد بود.

دیدیم که در وقایع ِ اخیرِ پس از انتخابات ِ دروغین ِ رژیم ِ ظالم حاکم بر ایران که از حدود 9 ماه پیش جان گرفت، زنان و دخترانمان چگونه در صف نخست ِ مبارزات حق طلبانه و آزادی خواهانه با ایثار ِ جان ِ جوانشان مردان را پشت سر گذاشتند وسیمای ِ زیبایشان چگونه زینت بخشِ بسیاری از مجلات و صفحات ِ اینترنتی واخبار جهانی از هر گونه اش گردید. چهرۀ ندای نازنین، این سمبل فریاد آزادی خواهی را دیگر کمتر کسی است که در سراسر جهان ندید ه باشد و آن لحظه ای را که چشمان زیبایش یکی مملو از خون و دیگری، گوئی تطلم خواهانه، بسوی همۀ مردم جهان را، نمیشود باین آسانی فراموش کرد. و او فقط یکی از آن زنان و دختران ِ شجاعی بود که هر نوع توهینی را بجان می خریدند و باز روز بعد آنها که زنده می ماندند و به بند گرفتارنمی آمدند و بدنشان به آتش کشیده نمی شد، در خیابانها پیدایشان میشد. آن لحظه ای که دختران را بضرب ضرب و شتم بزمین میانداختند و آنها بجای فرار بلند شده و به دژخیمان حمله ور میشدند هریک حماسه ای بودند، فراموش نشدنی.

هشتم مارچ، روز ِ جهانی ِ زن، نتیجۀ بیش از 100 سال تلاش چنین زنانی است در سراسر ِ جهان که درد ِ نابرابری و تبعیضات ِ جنسی و سیاسی و اقتصادی و اجتماعی را چه از طریق ِ قوانین ِ عقب افتاده و مرد سالارانه و چه از طریق ِ ظلم و ستم ِدرون ِ خانواده با جان و دل احساس کرده و با خیزشهای ِ شجاعانه برای ِ احقاق ِ حقوق ِ حقۀ خود جنگید ه اند. نتیجۀ آن همین آزادی ِ نسبی است که در جوامع ِ مترقی شاهد ِ آن هستیم که بعضا آنها نیز هنوز راه ِ درازی را در پیش دارند.

درکشور ِ عزیز ِ ما ایران نیز این تلاشها از بیش از 100 سال ِ پیش آغاز و متاسفانه پس از یک اوج ِ کاملا مترقیانه در سالهای 60 و 70 میلادی مجدا راه ِ نزول در پیش گرفت و زنان ِ ما که 31 سال ِ پیش از حقوقی کم و بیش نظیر ِ زنان ِ غربی برخوردار بودند ناگهان با غول ِ جمهوری اسلامی مجددا مجبور به بازگشت به حداقل 100 سال ِ پیش و قوانین ِ زن ستیز ِ زورگوی ِ بی مدطق ِ آن زمان شد ند و یکبار ِ دیگر بصورت ِ شهروند ِ دست ِ دوم به پشت ِ صحنه راند ه شده و از اکثر ِ حقوق ٍ انسانی ِ خود محروم گردیدند.

پس از پیروزی ِ انقلاب، اولین حملات ِ ملایان با پیش کشیدن ِ مسئلۀ حجاب، حمله بزنان بود که هنوز نیز ادامه دارد بحدی که اکثرا به غلط یا به درست، باز و بسته بودن ِ فضای ِ سیاسی در رژیم ِ جمهوری اسلامی را با پیش و پس کشیدن ِ چادر و روسری ِ زنان معیار میزنند. از همان ابتدا، زنان صفی آشتی ناپذیر و مقاوم در برابر ِ رژیم ِ ملایان تشکیل دادند و رژیم با همۀ ظلمهای آشکار و نهان سعی در آن داشته است که تا جائی که ممکن است از رودرروئی مستقیم با این گروه ِ مهم ار جامعه به پرهیزد در عین ِ اینکه تجدید ِ نظر در قوانین ِ مربوط به زنان را پشت ِ گوش انداخته و کمترین وقعی به وقایع ِ فاجعه باری که ناشی از قوانین ِ قرون وسطائی ِ حاکم بر کشور در مورد ِ زنان است نمیگذارد، حاضر به کمترین تخفیفی هم نیست.

با اینهمه زنان ما ، آنان که آگاه ترند، در هر زمانی که توانسته اند لحظه ای دست از مبارزاتِ حق طلبانۀ خود بر نداشته اند و در حقیقت در دو جبهه جنگید ه اند؛ تلاش برای ِ دست یابی به حقوق ِ حقۀ خود در درون ِ خانواده ، و کوشش در اعتلای ِ موقعیت ِ خود و دیگر ِ زنان در عرصه ها ی مختلف ِ سیاسی، اقتصادی و احتماعی و.......چه کسی میتوانست اینهمه شکوفائی ِ زنانمان را در همۀ زمینه ها ی هنری و اجتماعی و اقتصادی وحتی سیاسی تصور کند و این را این زنان ِ باهوش ِ سخت کوش فقط مدیون زحمات ِ جانفرای خود هستند و بس.

شوربختانه تعداد این زنان به نسبت ِ جمعیت ِکشور هنوز ناچیز است. برای ِ دانستن ِ غم ِ زن بودن در آن جامعه بایستی سری به راهرو های دادگستری و دادسراهای ِ ایران و دادگاههای ِ خانواده زد، بایستی به پشت ِ دیوارهای ِ زندانهای ِ مخوف رژیم سری کشید و به بطن ِ احتماع رفت و فقر و فحشا و اعتیاد و خودکشی ها و سقط ِ جنین های ِ دختران ِ کم سن و سال را دید و داستانهای پر از آب چشمشان را شنید. بایستی دل به درد ِ مادرانی داد که یا عزادار جوانان از دسته رفته اشان هستند و یا دخترانشان را فریفته اند و در کشورهای عربی مانند برده ای بفروش رساند ه اند و بدرد ِ زنانی رسید که افسردگی ِ کشندۀ ناشی از فقر و بدبختی و قوانین ِ زورگویانه و فشارهای ِ روحی ِ ناشی از اختلافات ِ خانوادگی و نداشتن ِ قانونی عادلانه در دفاع از حقانیتشان، جانشان را به زنجیر کشیده است.

غم انگیزترعدم ِ آگاهی آن زنانی است که خود حقارت ِ اسارت را بجان میخرند و بی خردانه به سیستمی خدمت میکنند که در حقیقت باعث و مایۀ همۀ بدبختیهای آنان است. هستند زنانی که از زیر دست بودن ِ خود هیچ شکایتی ندارند، از حجاب جانانه دفاع میکنندو تعدد ِ زوجات را امری طبیعی میدانند و حتی تشویق میکنند. خواهران ِ زینب که با این خوش خدمتیها و بخاطر لقمه نانی حاضرند خود را بآن درجه از پستی برسانند که ما در همۀ این سالها شاهد ِ آن بوده ایم غافلند که خود علنا فریاد میزنند که " آهای .....ما زنان؛ شهروند ان ِ دست ِ دومیم، حق ما را بخورید و آنچه که میکنید و آنچه ستم بر ما روا میدارید حق ِ ماست، مازیر دستیم، ما زبونیم ، ما اصلا لایق ِ بیش از این نیستیم" غافل از اینکه این چاهی را که میکنند و از آن دفاع میکنند روز ی سیاه چال دختران ِ خودِ آنها نیز خواهدبود.

بدون ِ شک راهی دراز در پیش است و کوهی از مشکلات، اما این واقعیت را نمیشود فراموش کرد که جامعۀ زنان ِ جوان ِ ایرانی، در گیر ِ انواع ِ محدودیتها و نگاههای ِ مردسالارانۀ حکومت و جامعه، به خود باوری و تحول ِ باور نکردنی رسید ه است که هر تغییری در آیندۀ جامعۀ ایرانی را تحت ِ تاٍثیر ِ خود قرار خواهد داد. زنان ِ ایران در همۀ این سالها بزرگترین خار ِ چشم ِاین رژیم ِ خود عاشق ِ خود محور بود ه اند و آگاه شدنشان از حق و حقوقشان وهمین شجاعتها و از جان گذشتگیهای ِ ماهها ی اخیر و گامهائی که دیگر ِ زنان ِ تحتِ ستم دنیا برا ی ِ آزادی و برابری برداشته اند که 8 مارچ یکی از نتایج ِ آن است، میتواند خصم ِ جان چنین حکومتهائی باشد. با امید موفقیت ِ زنان ِ شجاع و بی نظیرمان، روز ِ جهانی ِ زن را به همۀ زنان ِ آزاده جهان و بالاخص بزنان ِ آزادۀ سرفراز ِ ایران تبریک می گوئیم.

شیرین طبیب زاده


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Azadeh Azad

Dear Nur

by Azadeh Azad on

I understand the symbolism of your statement. I'm all for Sophia, Shekhinah, Fatima, Anahita, and all other Feminine faces of the Godhead.



Axadeh, burn as you please

by yahoo_yabo on

heck, i ain't paying for it. 

mardomi bi kar, yell and scream as much as you want, the caravan moves on........and yawns as monkeys in a circus jump up n down


Azadeh khanum

by Nur-i-Azal on


As crucially symbolic is the act of burning the hijab for the great women of our culture, for me a personal act of esoteric symbolism and solidarity applied to this end has also been to say as a personal testimony of faith: la ilaha illa allah wa fatima wajh allah/there is no god but the Godhead and Fatima is the Face of the Godhead! If you catch the general drift of the symbolism of this statement, then patriarchy and misogyny is about to end.



Azadeh Azad


by Azadeh Azad on

Hijab-burning is a symbolic act against the imposition of the anti-woman and inhumane Shari'a Law as well as the extreme misogyny of individuals such as yourself.


You supporters of the VF are infidels and associaters (mushrikin

by Nur-i-Azal on

I have issued my fatwa and made my legal ruling. You followers of Khomeini and Khamenei and the VF are not Shi'a. You are not Muslims. You have made up your own political religion calling it Islam and Shi'ism, when it is not. You are worshipping a golden calf just as the Israelites once did in the Sina'i with Moses and so are misled and have erred. As such Khomeini and Khamenei have taught you nothing but pure kufr. So, yes, go make tawba to ALLAH (SWT). 


Nuri Azal ...once again lacking

by yahoo_yabo on

Nuri- Azal equates supporters of Velayate Faqih with Shirk.

First off, Nuri Azal has no Daleel or Burhan to support this.  Allah will not judge a person if he support Velayate Faqih or not.  Rather, Allah will judge a person based on his actions and deeds.  A Person supporting a Fasiq is in effect supporting corruption and vice, which he will be punished for.

Whereas Velayate Faqih is simply the rule of a knowledgeable person of Islamic Sharia ruling over the masses.  It behoofs me how Allah will punish a person for supporting a government that wants to enforce Sharia Law. 

Allah has dictated to man the basic principles he should live by in the Quran.  Prophet Mohammad expounded on that and elaborated through his Hadith and Sunnat.  Hence, if a government implements what Allah and Prophet have prescribed, then that government is blessed by the Almighty.

Whereas to suggest one should do  away with Velayate Faqih and open the doors for any system of government, one is essentially supporting that the Sharia Law will not be enforced and therefore might at times be contrary to Allah's commandments.  I can't see how God would accept that over Velayate Faqih.  Its simply a common sense issue.

However, Nuri has launched an attack on a basic far3 by openly advocating the removal and burning of hejab.  Allah vrey clearly in the Holy Quran instructs the Prophet's wives to speak to strangers from behind the door.  There are numerous examples to support that Hejab is a Far3.  Both Shiite and Sunni Ulema have agreed upon this.  All Sunni schools of thought as well as Sunni scholars agree on that; see Al Azhar University and refer to Sheikh Qaradawi to learn more on that. 

Though Hejab is a Far3 min Faroo3 al deen Al Haneef, it should not be compulsory.  THe same goes with Jizya, tax imposed on minorities.  Whereas Jizya is not a Far3, Hijab is. Salat and Siyam and Zakaat are far3s too, however, under Sharia Law a person is not necessarily forced to act upon them.  Same with Hijab.

Most scholars agree though that a Muslim eating in public while others are fasting Ramadhan is Makrooh.  They are in essence not condemning the person for breaking his fast or not fasting, because there are times when a person should not fast, like when in menpause and/or battling disease.  They however, condemn the public display of non fasting because it hurts the morale of fasters and may make fasting more difficult when they see a diseased person eating icecream, for example.

The same goes with Hijab.  WHile not compulsaory, there has been Ijtima that the public display on a non Hijabi can have negative effects in a majority Muslim entity.

I hope that clears things abit.  Moreover, I find it very disparaging when you make mockery of the Prophet by reproducing a forged Hadith.  While you may try to pass it as a legit Hadith, your intent is to make mockery and to highlight that the Prophet Mohammed cared only for his carnal desires.

Finally, we Shiite 12 imamis do not curse neither Omar,nor Uthman.  We hold them to task for their shortcomings and their wrongdoings.  We simply try to educate the people regarding their actions.  However, we do not curse the "elders" and ulama of Ahle Sunnat.  Khomeini and Khamenie taught us better.

و اسغفرالله و اتوب اليه if I have erred. 

Al Mu3tasim Billa the Most Humble Yahoo Yabo


Fatwa & Takfir against yahoo_yaboo and his ilk

by Nur-i-Azal on


Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim!

Praised be the Godhead, the Lord of all the worlds!

As for the matter at hand: thus ruleth this camphorated servant of the Truly Real,

Those ignoramus servants of ignorance  ('ibad al-jahl) clinging to the guardianship of the jurisprudent (wilayat al-faqih) and paying obeisance to that misled and one-handed servant of the devil (n'adhu bi'Llah)  have erred and associated partners with the Almighty (swt) by contributing to the usurpation of the prerogatives that properly belong to the Imam of the Age (may the Godhead hasten His advent) and those of His Holy Family (allahumma salli 'ala muhammadin wa al-i-muhammad). This is so because providential guidance (wilaya) and vicegerency (walaya) properly are the sanctified prerogative of the House of Immaculacy (allahumma salli 'ala muhammadin wa al-i-muhammad) only, for none but Them has such prerogative or claim to this title and function, neither from any amongst the learned ('ulama) or those jurisprudents (fuqaha) amongst them, as none amongst these contemporary men is the recipient of Divine inspirations (ilhamat) nor sanctified and sinless (ma'sum). Again, such individuals who believe otherwise and continue in this state of affairs have erred, and erred badly, and they have erred by acting like the usurpers who stole the trusteeship and caliphate of the Commander of the Faithful Imam 'Ali (as) and gave it to Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman (la'anat'ullah)! These people are also like those Khwarij deserters who ultimately murdered our Imam (as) in Kufa while the Imam (as) was praying! Nay, these individuals are worse than the forces of Yazid who murdered the Prince of Martyrs (as) in cold blood at Karbala!

As such, any such persons who persist in this way by offering blind emulation (taqlid) to such persons who have set themselves up as partners to the Godhead are by the definitions of the Holy Book, the Tradition (sunna) of the Prophet (sws), the Holy Imams (as) and the holy law (shar'ia) associators (mushrikin) and so incorrigible heretics (kufar) far from the shores of the true faith of Tawhid; and so due to the deranged inclinations of the evil whisperings of the evil whisperer (waswasa) suffused within their breasts, have waivered from the straight path (sirat al-mustaqim) and committed apostacy (ilhad) from the Pre-eternal Covenant (mithaq al-azaliya) and thereby betrayed the trust (amana) of the Holy House of Immaculacy (allahumma salli 'ala muhammadin wa al-i-muhammad). Such individuals are by definition outside of the pale of the true faith and religion and so verily the ones for whom the infernal fires of hell burn tall! La'anat'ullah 'aleyhim kulluhum ajma'in!

On the question of the veil (hijab): our legal opinion rules that when the veil has been turned into an instrument of oppression (zulm) by incorrigible tyrants, then the nature of this instrument in itself has negated the purpose of its original function.  Let the letter of Imam 'Ali (as) to Malik Ashtar and the sayings compiled in Nahjul-Balagha in full suffice as reference to this argument. The Holy Book speaks of modesty in dress - for both men and women - and simultaneously shuns oppression and tyranny. It is against reason and against the dictates of the holy law that that which is supposedly made to be conducive to purity should be turned into an instrument of oppression and tyranny thereby leading the multitudes of the meek and faithful away from purity and from the straight path and into its opposite as the present practice has evoked. As such we proclaim that the hijab in its present form may be discarded by those wishing to discard it, and kept by those wishing to keep it, for the Book proclaims "let there be no compulsion in religion" (2:256). Nor, as it should be emphasized, is there any valid Tradition that mandates the hijab in the present form that it has been imposed. As such we declare that this present imposition is a rank innovation (bid'a) and so not legally binding in the true practice of religion. Given this, it may be discarded by the faithful at will!

As a note: the hadith in question is a Prophetic Hadith validated in the six canonical books of prophetic traditions and likewise is it validated by our Imams (as). Let those who believe otherwise adduce their proofs based on the chains (isnad) and on reasoned argument, rather than ignorant conjecture without basis!

Thus have we ruled on this 19th day of Rabbi'ul-Awwal in the hegri year 1431 corresponding to the 14th of Esfand 1388.

No power and no strength is there save in the Godhead, the High, the Mighty, for verily we are from the Godhead and unto It shall we return!

Allahu Akbar!


Shaykh al-Imam 'Abd'u'l-Haqq Wahid Azal Wahdat-'Ali-Shah al-Musawi al-Fatimi an-Nuri al-Bayani at-Tehrani



Nuri is not the first

by yahoo_yabo on

History has witnessed many of traitors who colluded with the foreign enemy to enslave and rob natives of their honor and wealth.

Nuri is using a forged Hadith that was used during the Ummayid period to justify the waste of public resources on extravagant materialistic things by the likes of Yazid and Muawiyah.

"In ja akum fasikun bi naba in fa tabayano" Holy Quran- not subject for negotiation

By the power and mercy vested in me by God the Almighty, I hereby declare ye Nuri-Azal a Murtad.  Now go and about in the land of wilderness.  Ye are "kharej min al mila"

This type of behaviour and advocacy to burn hijab was expected from a Hashah like Nuri;People like him who grew up watching Hollywood movies.

Unlike others who were brought up watching movies like "Lion of the Desert"- 

Javid Iran, Imamate, Velayate Faqih and freedom fighters like Omar Al Mukhtar


Great blog! Burn those veils, all of them!

by Nur-i-Azal on

Burn those veils to cinders! If the supreme attribute of the All-High is Beauty (jamal), then the All-High by definition cannot consent for this Beauty to be veiled or concealed by Its creation in any form. Only Beauty will save the world, so take those veils off, all you gals!

yaboo, as for you:

It's funny how those in exile, who are strong proponents of Hijab
burning, if they return to a non- HIjabi Iran, not one dude in the
street would look at them. 

And why should that matter? Maybe the non-hijabis couldn't care less whether the ozgals in the streets looked at them or not. Besides there is always better fish in the Sea. You guys have gotten it all wrong, man, everything from start to finish! Lighten up. Here's a hadith from the Prophet Himself (sws) (narrated from Hasan al-Basri):

Only three things do I cherish in your world: perfume, women and the solace of my eyes (qurrat'ul-ayni) is in prayer!




so naive of you anti-hijabis

by yahoo_yabo on

once again, freedom of thought is boiled down to freedom of outwear.

you are indeed out of touch if you think Hijab is the problem of Iranian women.

It's funny how those in exile, who are strong proponents of Hijab burning, if they return to a non- HIjabi Iran, not one dude in the street would look at them.

These women are so anti-HIjab, but the moment a prettier girl gets more attention than they do, they revert back to their primal thinking of hate and jeolousy.  Funny!

Azadeh Azad

Hijab-burning is a great idea

by Azadeh Azad on

Dear Shirin,

Thank you so much for your insightful article and creative idea.

We shall overcome,
