Ron Paul: "We tolerated the Soviets, the Chinese, why not Iran?"

Republican presidential candidate


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Iran vs IRI

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Iran deserves respect but Islamic Republic does not. Please do not mix Iran and the dictatorship ruling it. All people and nations deserve respect. But there are many governments which do not.

Did Polish people not deserve respect because they were ruled by dictators. How about Russians or Chinese? We all deserve to be treated like humans. It is the government not the people.

Unfortunately many people get these mixed up. I used to argue with NP about if IRI was Iran. How about the brave people of Syria standing up to Assad. They deserve more than respect. My hats off to Syrian people.


Ron Paul lives in lala land

by RostamZ on

It is not practical to leave rouge nations to themselves. Also why does he think Iran deserves any respect. This is a government that has committed terrible atrocities and now wants to terrorize others. I take my chances with another candidate.


Don't be fooled!

by caspiantiger on

ALL he is trying to do is to convince you to vote for him!  He does not give a crap about Americans much less Iranians or their rights.  I would encourage you to the read the comments by Faramarz posted today. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Oon Yaroo

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are right about Romney. He is the only viable Republican in the group running now. But he is a Mormon which makes him very unpopular with Christian Fundamentalists who are the main primary voters of Republicans.

Therefore I think they will nominate some hard right Tea Party and lose. Obama is probably going to win. However I do not think he will be easy on IRI. Remember he is in three wars right now. A wise man does not start another one yet.

You are also right about Ron Paul. I am very happy to see people from right to left mistrusting him. The man has neither a chance of winning the primary nor general election. Forget about Ron Paul. If you are a conservative go for Romney if you want a center right President go for Obama. Neither is really a friend of Iran. We are alone so get used to it. The only way is to have a powerful lobby in Washington.

Oon Yaroo

Mitt Romney (Rmoney) is the only viable candidate in this group!

by Oon Yaroo on

He has a track record, performed well, and most importantly got money, in fact, his last name could be switched with Rmoney without you noticing it!

Besides, he is the only one who can attack the IRR!

PS - To all the fools who melt like butter for Ron Paul's 1950 crap, just remember all the nice and lovey dovey talk Carter delivered to the Shah et al in 1978, or OoBaMust delivered to the naive Iranians or the Americans for that matter 3 years ago...!?


this guys is a fool....

by shushtari on

he says leave the mullahs alone- all the while our people are getting raped and killed.  And the akhoonds have INDEED killed more americans than anyone since the 1980s- starting with the beirut attack in 1983.


good thing he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell to win! 


Ron Paul, the Libertarian

by Faramarz on

Before everybody goes googly-eyed over Ron Paul’s statements about Iran and the US military, it is good to know what he stands for.

Ron Paul is a Libertarian like his Tea Party Senator son, Rand Paul. They believe in small government and no social contract of any type between the people and the state. So there goes your Social Security, Medicare, highways, airports, environmental protection, education, equal rights, gay rights, abortion, etc. They believe that all those items belong to the states and the localities to decide.

So if you live in a “red” state, brace yourself for your kids to be taught Creationism as science in school, have immigration laws that allow the police to stop you if you look illegal, have your kids pray to Lord every day in school, see everyone walking around with a loaded gun, and on and on and on!  Or you can move away.


Of Ron Paul

by پندارنیک on

The American establishment is in no short supply of theoretical politicians on  both sides of the aisle, so to speak.........Ron, in a sense, is Ralph Nader of the right; that's where he starts and that's where he has to end, with no practical purpose in the American day-to-day political a castrated libertarian.........

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Ron Paul

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


is a wolf in sheep clothing. He says a few nice things. Are we going to fall for it? The smarter Americans know the way to Iranian's heart it to condemn the coup. Then we get all mushy and think they are on our side.

Well if you want to know the real Ron Paul take a look at his son: Rand Paul. You know the apple does not drop far from the tree. Where do you think he got is nutty ideas? Ron Paul comes as a whole package. If you want part of him you get all of him.

His economic ideas are so far to the right they are going to fall off the earth. Do some reading about him before endorsing him. If Paul got his way America would be a far worse place for its people than it is now.

payam s

He's ok, but...

by payam s on

too bad he still believes in the free-trade myth. There is no such thing. Countries are forced to open their markets through military presence, war, sanctions, coups, and collective punishment; exactly what Mr. Paul opposes. This is the contradiction in the liberal and libertarian logic. The reason for the 53 coup was to prevent Iran from nationalizing its oil and to force it to become subject to global capitalist market dominated by US and European corporations. THAT was the reason for the coup. Free-trade is a myth. Without corruption, subsidies to capital, and violence and coercion capital accumulation will end, hence capitalism itself. Other than that most fundamental contradiction, he was alright!


yes, support paul!

by Anonymous8 on

he speaks the truth, that why he is attacked. he is 4 americans!

how much $$$ is waisting 4 wars and paying to israel? how much to pay 4 bloodsuker arm manufacturers and terrorist like MEK and Jundulah? how much? the contry going BANCKRAPT! all that $$$ will make life better in the usa 4 all, even iranian shahollahi!


Love Ron Paul, unfortunately he has no chance for the office

by Bavafa on

He makes far too much sense to be allowed to be elected.  Money talks in US politics.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Soviets & chinese would not attack and capture the US embassies.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

in Beijing or Moscow and keep the US diplomatic mission hostage for over 400days. Nor did either of them subscribe to an ideology which incites a dozen or so idle, crazed and failures in life of young men to hijack civilian airlines and use them as missiles to cause indiscriminate mayhem and murder of civilians on main land US, in return for endless sex with 70 fat, blonde virgins in after life.

A populist politician with little popular support, such as Ron Paul would of course ignore the above glaring differences between fundementalist islamists and aethiest communist soviets and chinese, in order to increase his popularity by a few hundred politically naive, and get public  attention for a day or two....


"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by iamfine on

You mentioned "Who are the Americans to come and tell the Iraqis and afghans how to live?" (including Europeans). Yes, you are right and I like to also mentioned the assignation of our scientists by either the CIA or Israelis. Here Iranians have no balls to say a word about why they are keep doing that. What would happen if Iranians do the same thing to America or Israelis scientist. It would be appropriate if we relay the message to NIAC and see if this organization has enough muscle to do anything about it


US is not going to save Iran, nor should they

by nikoo195 on

Everyone including americans always criticize the lack of ethics of the American congressman/senator. Everyone including Obama has been bought by some special interests group. Here you have a gentleman that has been saying the same thing over the past 20 years. He is a doctor, lawyer and soldier, how much more can you ask??? From an American perspective, what the hell does or should the US care about Iran. They are on the other side of the world and cause no problems to anyone outside their borders other than make things difficult for Americans. And why shouldn't they? Who are the Americans to come and tell the Iraqis and afghans how to live? Yes they have human rifhts issues, but how is that the concern of anyone else. Our problems are our problems, asking the Americans to stick their nose in our business is crazy!! Iranians need to stop being pussies and stop this peaceful resistance bullshit and stand up to these basijis and mullahs like real men. The reality for Iranian Americans is that you are 14 trillion in debt!! Wars and foreign intervention cost you 1 trillion per year and where has got you? Your education system is crap, you keep printing money to pay the interest on debts instead of actually paying them, wall street is robbing you blind. Something has got to give. Ron Paul warned about this time and time again(literally evey problem the us faces from debt to unfunded social security, military, fake war on drugs, economic policies). His ideals are based on the constiution, it's what built the united states and basis of it is that people should decide for themselves what they want and they have the right to liberty and freedom, and government should play a small role, there is absolutely nothing outdated about that. It was created to escape a system that controlled everything people did.
It's so irritating that I can recognize the old disgruntled Iranian men on these threads which have no regard for anything other than the mullahs, Ron Paul may not save Iran, but he would probably be the closest thing to save the united states

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear friends

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


  • Divaneh Jan: You are right. I agree the rest specially Republicans are a joke. My firm belief is that Obama will win reelection. He has kept the elite happy; plenty of wars and not gone after Wall Street.
  • GP: Don't bet on not having a war with IRI. USA lives off war and the time for another one will come. It just happens they are mired in three right now. They do not want another one yet; but after Afghanistan there will be another. 

I have said it many times. Right now Obama is busy with Iraq; Afghanistan and Libya. When he is done with them it will be Syria and Iran. Unless of course Syrians overthrow Assad before then. In which case he will go right for IRI.


I agree with VPK some of Paul's positions on medicare &

by Disenchanted on


        other social safety nets does not sit well with me. I agree with a limited role for government. But there must be a role and to advocate every man for himself leave everyone at the mercy of Darwinism in the society is not something I can advocate in this day and age!

         I am with him on limited government, fiscal responsibility (minus entitlement cuts!) and a non-terventionist foreign policy. 

     Lets face it his odds of getting to WH is not much more than of me beating Tiger Woods in golf but he is a descent man by DC standards. Look at the rest of clowns on that stage!

gorbeh pashmalo

Every 4 years these guys go at it and make all sorts of

by gorbeh pashmalo on

statements as to how they would treat IRI once they get elected. The sad part of the story is that once they get into the white house, it's status quo when it comes to Iran.They simple extend the sanctions and no other actions.

Unfortunately, none of these clowns, democrat or republican, will ever bomb IRR because the mullahs work for these guys. Yes, the mullahs are American-British agents.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I know Ron Paul speaks sense regarding Iran. But what do you have to say about his other positions? When I hear "Ron Paul 2012" I want to know what about Social Security? 

This is all fine but Americans do not elect based on one policy. Well except for anti-abortionists. You get a package not just one idea. I assure you his other ideas doom him.

Not to mention his lack of support among the elite. Who do you think profits from war? Do you really think the war industry will let him get in. The one thing President may do on his or her own is war. Those who profit from it will never let him gain power.



by IranMarzban on

Ron Paul for 2012



In a democratic, secular, free Iran our first nemesis is:

by Disenchanted on


            a fanatic religious Pakistan! We can not be short sighted! A future progressive Iran if it ever comes to realization would have tensions with Pakistan and perhaps Israel as well. Either a nuclear free world or everyone for themselves.

              This is one of those 20th century legacies like veto "right" in UN that stinks for blatant hypocrisy and needs to be abolished.


I agree with "common sense" but..

by comments on

...“Iran is a country that was in war with us since 1979, Iran killed American men and women in uniform in Iraq and Afghanistan...”

Ron Paul's reply: "We started in 1953....We just don’t mind our business.  That’s our problem."

But, that would be useful if we could hear all from one person with careful analysis.

Iran Paidar 1st

A Nuclear Iran is more of a danger to Iran and Iranians than ...

by Iran Paidar 1st on

Having bunch of idiots on the top of IRI regime and a nuclear technology built by second hand parts and on obsolete technology is more of a danger to Iran and Iranians than to the rest of the world. I have no problem with a nuclear Iran but not under the Islamic Rapist regime.


Santorum speaks in the video and mentions

by Disenchanted on


        Israel security as if it is one of the ten commandments!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Santorum

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am not sure where Santorum got in the debate. But I keep thinking of what the gay people came up with. A rather vile concept.

David ET

Ron Paul In the context

by David ET on

Ron Paul has had the best views as a presidential candidate during the last and upcoming election. Unfortunately he is both behind the times (Relying on the fundamentals of US constitutions ) and ahead of time (America is not YET ready for his policies).

Ron Paul states his no intervention in Iran (war, sanctions, etc) within the context of no US intervention in any country and bringing all US troops home. 

A (Canada like) US will be the world favorite again. A US that instead of wasting 36% of its GDP on intervantion in the name of defense, would spend it to protect its own borders and in its own economy and well being of intstead of benefit of the few war mongers. 

A US that will have much smaller non-interventionist government but an efficient one without Federal Reserve Board and with much less taxes; which as a result the middle class prosper again.

Ron Paul can not be taken in bits and pieces but as a whole and only then we can see a friendlier and prosperous nation.

But as I said US is not ready for his ideas, it takes a FALL before an empire (and its people) come to their senses and not necessarily by choice but because of the reality of that day, when they become forced to do that.

Until then Ron Paul and such ideas might sound idealistic or unrealistic to some.


Santorum said it. It's all about Israel!

by Disenchanted on


       Kissinger wrote in a memo to Nixon that Israel is the most likely party to introduce nuclear weapons in any conflict because its lack of strategic depth and vulnerability. 

      Don't tell me those Pakistani nuts in cahoot with Al Qaeda are more rational than mullas in Iran! This nuclear apartheid has to come to an end. That is the rule of jungle. I have it and you can not have it. That is outrageous! Nuclear weapons only have deterrence value for Iran.

Rick Santroum is a fanatic christian nuts who was kicked out of senate by people!


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Ron Paul does

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


not have much power in USA. Besides it is Israel we need to worry about. I am not in any way supporting an Israeli attcak; just warning it. They were about to attack Iran a few years ago until Bush stopped them.

I am not joking because it is not a joking matter. The Israeli don't give a *** how much trouble they make for USA. Because they run the congress and have it in their pocket. My guess is that the infamous virus was Bush's compromise.

We have to be realistic about things. If Iran wants to make nukes they better do it very secretly. In which case none of us would know about it. Of course it will have little deterrent effect if no one knows about it :-)

iraj khan

Iran would probably get away with it

by iraj khan on

Ron Paul has no problem with it,

Neither millions of Iranians.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Iran will

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You may be right and Iran probably will not attack. But Israel will. If Iran is about to go nuclear they have made it clear they will attack. It is not fair and not right but reality. That is when realism comes in.

Now we may stomp our feet saying "it is unfair". But tough ***! If it was Shah running Iran he would probably get away with it. With IRI it will not because it has no friends. When you have no friends unfair things happen and no one helps you.

Yes we have potential to be a Superpower and I want to see that. But the pre-requisite is for IRI to go. To be fair Iran is a pretty strong regional power right now. I mean it has influence from Tajikistan to Lebanon. With IRI gone it will be a lot stronger.