Ron Paul: "We tolerated the Soviets, the Chinese, why not Iran?"

Republican presidential candidate


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Faramarz Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are right. Does the term "cold" war mean anything to Ron Paul? The man is an idealist and lives in a dreamland. Where Ayn Rand is God and everyone is a happy Libertarian. 

There are no wars and everyone holds hands and sings! The idealists are the most dangerous of all people. Because their willing suspension of reality. The idealist forgets we are human and comes up with ideas like Rand and Marx.

The realist gets things done. Makes compromises and makes progress. Idealists are only suited as writers and philosophers and not very good ones at that. They are worst at politics and managers.

Soosan Khanoom

I agree with you JJ

by Soosan Khanoom on

Right on points ...


Iran will not attack

by iamfine on

Iran didn’t attack any country for the past 300 years. I think it was Nader shah that went to India almost 300 years ago. Paul is correct, we should remove sanction and let Iranian people breath. Soon Iranian economy will blossom. We have great potential to become superpower and sooner or later IRI will vanish.


Tolerated the Soviet Union?

by Faramarz on

Ron Paul is out to lunch, a double-martini lunch!

Let's see; A nuclear confrontation in Cuba, proxy wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and several other places, relentless spionage, covert operations in Poland and other Eastern European countries, nuclear missiles aimed at targets all over Soviet Union and a defense shield!

I wouldn't call all of the above a tolerant policy but rather an active and ongoing set of activities with the ultimate goal of having the Soviets to implode from within.



I agree, I just hope some of his views do rub off on others!!!

by aliash on

The roots of all of our problems in this country and in Iran are the incorrect policies of the US. 


Common sense?

by Parham on

Iran -- even with nuclear weapons -- is no greater danger to the international community than other countries with nuclear arsenals.

Are we sure about that?

Iranians to achieve their ultimate goal: getting rid of the ayatollahs and establishing a democracy.

Are we sure about that one either?

My common sense tells me anything in the hands of the people-in-charge is dangerous. Even if they don't want to attack other nations with it, allowing them nuclear facilities and their maintenance would already be a folly. Never mind the race that will start in the region with Saudi Arabia wanting to join the nuclear club next, then it will be who knows what country...

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Ron Paul

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Ron Paul is a real nut! Yes he is anti war but his other ideas are insane. He is a follower of Ayn Rand and a hard core libertarian. He really believes in no government. That means no social security; medicare; or public schools.

He named his son "Rand" after his idol Ayn Rand. Many are charmed by his anti war rhetoric. But if you listen to his other ideas you will find nothing but anarchy. Thank God he will never be president. If he was he would spend it warring with congress.



by yolanda on

Interesting debate!

Jahanshah Javid

common sense

by Jahanshah Javid on

I don't know the chances of Ron Paul ever getting elected. But I hope some of his views will rub off on the one who does get into the white house.

Iran -- even with nuclear weapons -- is no greater danger to the international community than other countries with nuclear arsenals, from old Soviet Union or, China, Israel or Pakistan.

War will only make it harder for Iranians to achieve their ultimate goal: getting rid of the ayatollahs and establishing a democracy. Iranians have and will continue to fight for their rights and freedom like all nations have in history.


We removed the Soviets from power

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on