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by Simorgh5555 on Sun Aug 28, 2011 04:53 PM PDTGoogle my note to NIAC and ask for law enforcement!
So that Trita Parsi and his gang of IR apologists will come and arrest me on my doorstep. LOL
There's new sherrif in town and his name's Trita Parsi!
by Truthseeker9 on Sun Aug 28, 2011 04:37 PM PDTI can tell this is going to be another one of those blogs that's going to run and run ... :)
del dard gereftam!
by Jahanshah Javid on Sun Aug 28, 2011 04:30 PM PDTthanks JD.... :))))
آبگوشت با شاه
Jeesh DaramSun Aug 28, 2011 04:45 PM PDT
Baron Avak
by Simorgh5555 on Sun Aug 28, 2011 04:21 PM PDTI told you before I am not going to apologise for advocating the bombing of Revolutionary Guards and Basijis despite your support for the IR. As an American greencard holder/citizen you shoukd be aware that it is ILLEGAL to support or give money to Hezbollah,Hamas or Islamic Jahad. Your words are comfort for terrorists and are putting American servicemen and women at risk.
On the other hand there is nothing illegal about supporting Israel.
Well, Boos Boos
by Faramarz on Sun Aug 28, 2011 04:08 PM PDTYou are the first of the Regime advocates that actually apologized for a wrong statement and for that, I tip my hat to you. And you may not be a Regime advocate, but you do come across as one.
Think about the Iranian youth as you go through these arguments. They deserve a shot at hope and happiness like we had, or at least I had.
Google my note to NIAC asking to contact law enforcement
by BoosBoos on Sun Aug 28, 2011 04:02 PM PDT" by Simorgh5555 on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:50 PM PDT Then do something about it. The Islamic Republic must be destroyed by military action.There! You can copy and paste my comments as many times as you like. "
I'll handle the civil part of it.
Sorry Faramarz
by BoosBoos on Sun Aug 28, 2011 03:57 PM PDT... My apologies.
Simorgh555 making death threats
by BaronAvak on Sun Aug 28, 2011 03:55 PM PDTMore Izghayli neo-con propaganda suggesting any Iranians who oppose their anti-Iranian neo-con plan to bomb Iran are "Islamists" and 'IRI supporters." I guess in your neo-con alternate universe, there's only two types of people in Iran - Islamists and Iranian people who want to bomb Iran.
However, in reality, no Iranians support bombing Iran and only neo-cons like yourself wish to see innocent Iranians dead and Iran destroyed. And you will use any excuse to get that result. You just can't wait to see Iranian blood spilled, can you?
Also interesting how you so bravely call for peoples' death from behind a fake Internet profile. I would like to bring this to JJ's attention because it really is intolerable that you are allowing this guy and his other fake profiles to make death threats against Iranians every other post.
Nanny Nanny Boos Boos!
by Faramarz on Sun Aug 28, 2011 03:53 PM PDTThe wiping people off the map comment refers to Ahmadi's comment about Israel!
Relax Perry Mason!
Baron Avok
by Simorgh5555 on Sun Aug 28, 2011 03:45 PM PDTNo it is YOU who are taking Iranians for a ride blaming dissatisfaction on incompetent and repressive IR policies on Israel. Do dismiss the genuine suffering and concerns of people living in Urumiyeh as an Israeli orchestrated demonstration is thinking that Iranians are backward minded and stupid as you and your likeminds.
It is you who is fooling Iranians who believe that a regime which murders 8 people every hour and distributes condoms to prison wardens to rape young iranian women and men alike during the demonstrations of 2009 can be reasoned with and that after 33 years of execututions, imprisonment of journalists and bloggers and cold blooded assassinations of intellectuals and academics that there is a peaceful solution at the end. It is you who insults the memory of people like Neda Soltani who makes up excuses one after another for a regime which beats to death young people with batons and has endless money to spend in Somalia and South Lebanon but never enough to pay for Lake Urumiyeh and Iranian Khodro workers whose union leaders linger in prison.
Baron Avok you and your likeminds will go down in history as the bi orze Iranian who sat down on a sun kissed beach in California with a pot belly and did NOTHING to stop the suffering or ordinary Iranians or at least condemn the many atrocities of the IR which no one but themselges are to blame.
In a democratic Iran people will not allow you and your cowardly kind to enjoy one fruit of the feeedom ina liberated Iran.
Death to the IR and death to its SUPPORTERS.
Roozbeh & Faramarz -- you're going to love this
by BoosBoos on Sun Aug 28, 2011 03:36 PM PDTWait to see how funny it is after I have a subpoena served on your internet service providers and ask you in-person at your video-taped depositions to explain the facts showing why it's truthful and legal for some people on here brand others as IRI employees and for others to threaten to kill them. Watch it happen within the statute of limitations. You want fame? You're about to achieve it.
Bike ride was good, but weather was too hot..
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Sun Aug 28, 2011 03:26 PM PDTAnd I severly understimated the stamina and strength of our 60 year old texan member, whilst competing with him for the lead position during the last 8 miles which is the hilly section, the toughest part.
But Currently I'm "re hydrating" :)
cheers for the funny clip faramarz jan. . Moral of story for regimi crowd: Playing with the lion's tail is just silly, playing with cat's ears can be just deadly, specially if he is trying to take an afternoon nap!!!
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
Roozbeh Jaan
by Faramarz on Sun Aug 28, 2011 03:08 PM PDTHow was your bicycle ride?
When I think of the Regimi crowd on this site, I think of this clip.
They are just annoying, nothing more!
by BaronAvak on Sun Aug 28, 2011 03:14 PM PDTDo your really take Iranians for such idiots? What people in their right mind would support bombing their own country? Take all your buzzwords like "surgical strikes" and "mass movement" and "liberation army" and shove 'em. We know you want Iran bombed and you don't care how many innocent Iranians die in the process. Why? Because you're an anti-Iranian neo-con spam propagandists with multiple fake profiles, like this "Roozbeh_Gilani" who coincidentally always agrees with every anti-Iranian thing you say.
Funny how bombing Tehran and killing thousands of Iranians to you is "worth it," but when Israel is hit for a couple days by measly third rate rockets, you start crying bloody murder. It's not hard to see where your true loyalties lie.
Bottom line is Iranians reject bombing Iran and killing innocent Iranians, period. Non-negotiable. Doesn't even matter which side or party you support. The only people willing to bomb Iran are non-Iranian neo-con hacks such as yourself who are bloodthirsty anti-Iranian genocidal maniacs posing as "democracy lovers."
wrong thread
by vildemose on Sun Aug 28, 2011 03:11 PM PDTwrong thread
by Simorgh5555 on Sun Aug 28, 2011 03:00 PM PDTNot unless you have a mass movement and liberation army on.the ground. Together with an oil embargo as well as sanctions the use of military action could be reduced to the minimum and necessary.
The IR must be removed. I don't want a slow sluggish death that will punish ordinary compatriots I want a quick death by destroying it at all fronts.
The bottom line is is that the IR Terror Regime must go. Not in another 30 years but now. This is not negotiable.
I have long advocated for wiping the people......
by Roozbeh_Gilani on Sun Aug 28, 2011 03:01 PM PDTwith more than six user ID's off the map of iranian.com. I have also advocated for those with less than six user ID's to be consistent in choice of sex for their user ID's. Honestly, it does get a bit confusing at times....But would JJ listen? He has consistently ignored my "undeniable right".
I guess I am now looking at summons to the islamist court of justice, delivered through iranian.com.....
"Personal business must yield to collective interest."
by BaronAvak on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:47 PM PDTYou know full well there is no such thing as "surgical strikes." The Basij live right in the middle of all the cities. All the main organs of power of all the institutions of the IRI are in the middle of all the cities. You know full well there is no possibility of killing the "bad guys" without killing tens of thousands of innocent Iranians. Look at how many tens of thousands of innocent people have died in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Again, you know all of this full well, but since you're a violent Ighan khating teghoghoist neo-con, you keep advocating murder of Iranians and khoping the Ighanians are too stupid to notice your anti-Iranian agenda.
by Simorgh5555 on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:50 PM PDTThen do something about it.
The Islamic Republic must be destroyed by military action.
There! You can copy and paste my comments as many times as you like.
Don't just sit there behind your PC do something about it. Start a campaing and report whoever you like to the appropriate authorities.
I dare you. I double dare you. As I said you are both just 'Khali Bands' who lack the courage of their convictions.
I fully advocate the destruction and bombardment of the Revolutionary Guards, the Basij and all known terrorists in the IR inclung the spirirtual leader and president as part of a regime change strategy. If its ok to remove Saddam then its ok to remove Ahmadi
Oh dear, i said it again! Slence me. Shut my 'Zionist' mouth once and for all.
Divide and Rule ...
by Darius Kadivar on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:48 PM PDTIt's as Old as History ...
Memorable Scene with Orson Welles as Cesare Borgia, in the 1949 film Prince of Foxes
For a Crash Course in Politics I recommend you all the following blog:
Machiavelli's "The Prince" and the "Art" of Governing
Particularly if you are looking for a "better" Leader ... Or aspire to become one yourself ...
Baron Avak
by Simorgh5555 on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:32 PM PDTYes carpet bombing indiscriminately will kill innocent civillians. Surgical strikes on revolutionary guards and basij is not killing iranianss because they have negated their nationality.
This is not an easy decision but there is no other solution. Inaction and indifference - more murder, jailing and killing demonstrators and executions at 8 per hour. want more of the same for the next 33 years then do nothing.
Call me all the names under the sun but the real murderer is the IR.
Here's one of the differences / Afterwards see "abetting"
by BoosBoos on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:31 PM PDTHere's one of the differences / Afterwards see "criminal facilitation" and "aiding and abetting" ....There are other such laws (in my belief far more serious) ... Like I said: I think line has been crossed. ==============================================
"by Jahanshah Javid on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:19 PM PDT Baron A... yes, advocating bombing and killing Iranians is disgusting and wrong. But there's a difference between THREATS and actual murder"
=============================================="California Penal Code § 422: Any person who willfully threatens to commit a crime whichwill result in death or great bodily injury to another person, withthe specific intent that the statement, made verbally, in writing, orby means of an electronic communication device, is to be taken as athreat, even if there is no intent of actually carrying it out,which, on its face and under the circumstances in which it is made,is so unequivocal, unconditional, immediate, and specific as toconvey to the person threatened, a gravity of purpose and animmediate prospect of execution of the threat, and thereby causesthat person reasonably to be in sustained fear for his or her ownsafety or for his or her immediate family's safety, shall be punishedby imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed one year, or byimprisonment in the state prison.For the purposes of this section, "immediate family" means anyspouse, whether by marriage or not, parent, child, any person relatedby consanguinity or affinity within the second degree, or any otherperson who regularly resides in the household, or who, within theprior six months, regularly resided in the household."Electronic communication device" includes, but is not limited to,telephones, cellular telephones, computers, video recorders, faxmachines, or pagers. "Electronic communication" has the same meaningas the term defined in Subsection 12 of Section 2510 of Title 18 ofthe United States Code.
Good, BaronAvak
by پندارنیک on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:30 PM PDTDon't let them off the khook :))
JJ - On Agitation for mass murder of Iranians
by BaronAvak on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:28 PM PDTThis site is being abused as a forum for anti-Iranian elements to agitate for mass murder of Iranians. Propaganda is an act of war. It is by means of propaganda and "perception management" that the psychological ground work is laid for a real attack against Iranians.
I have nothing against legitimate expression of any opinion. But when you have clearly fake profiles, with one sole agenda, of agitating and propagandizing for an attack on Iran, using Iranian.com as a forum to mislead Iranians and non-Iranian readers of this site, you should do something about it, if you care about Iran.
Ari how about modifcation vs counter advocacy
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:22 PM PDTLike, Protect and Assist Iranians,
Ladies and Gentlemen, For those who care to think.
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:20 PM PDTThere is one thing that is more harmful to iranians than EVEN the Mullahs.
Its something that helped them come to power and helps to keep them there...
Love and Light.
Amir Parviz
Speaking of Advocating Wiping People off the Face of the Map!
by Faramarz on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:19 PM PDTWords matter and have consequences, but wishing something is different from actually taking steps towards realizing a goal.
Threat of murder vs. Murder
by Jahanshah Javid on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:19 PM PDTBaron A... yes, advocating bombing and killing Iranians is disgusting and wrong. But there's a difference between THREATS and actual murder, actual oppression, actual censorship, actual forced religion.
That's what priorities mean. I choose to condemn first and foremost the Islamic Republic that has and is killing innocent Iranians. You choose to fear those who THREATEN to kill Iranians.
With JJ here.
by Ari Siletz on Sun Aug 28, 2011 02:12 PM PDT"Advocating the bombing of Iran is not the same as ACTUALLY bombing Iran."
Advocay should be with conftronted with counter-advocacy.