Iran shows film of captured US drone

Appears without major damage

BBC: Iranian TV has shown the first video footage of an advanced US drone aircraft that Tehran says it shot down near the Afghan border. The film was captioned "RQ170 - advanced US spy plane" and carried on the Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran Network 1 channel. US officials have acknowledged the loss of the unmanned aircraft. Pentagon officials said they were concerned about Iran possibly acquiring information about the technology. The drone, known as a Sentinel, is the first such loss by the US >>>


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by Fesenjoon2 on

"Avtobaza" is not designed to "hack" into RQ-170s. Avtobaza sends waves to jam signals. The only thing Iran can "hack" into is porn sites.

BTW, I found this interesting. Some people are saying the drone in the IRI video is a scaled mockup. The model in the IRI video is smaller than the actual plane, has the wrong color, and appears to be made of fiberglass:



The NYTimes hinted at this as well. 


Watch the clip carefully..

by darius on

The wings are intact, there is no sign of surface damage, the landing gears are covered from all the sides .There can be only two reason for it.

1.IRI really hacked the control and mangaed to bring it down (there was a report that iranian helped Iraqis to hack a US drone in Iraq with a 25 dollar off shelve software). As you can see there is no surface  damage,the drone is in real good shape and is usable.The rumor of damage is misinformation by IRI.

2.The drone was on auto pilot and could manage to handle the terrain, keep the nose up and consider the cross  wind factor and managed the terrain with minimal damage.

What if the drone lost control (by the remote pilot in location), then the question is, how could drone handle the landing without

damaging the nose or getting flipped over by the cross wind?

To claim that rone was brought down by an air defense system is the most ridiculous claim.


 vpk: Watch the

by vildemose on

 vpk: Watch the video....


Separation of Church and State AND Corporation

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Running out of oil in 20 years

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Didn't Shah get any second opinions from other experts? Was he so helpless as to be lied to by USA. Why did he not get Russians; others maybe Iranians to double check it.


Anahid jan: Thank you. You

by vildemose on

Anahid jan: Thank you. You are so kind.

Dear Bavafa: Good job. He also explains how primitive our technology is in the area of exploration and excavation of oil fields...That part was the most surprising to me and how the US lied to the late Shah about the "running out of oil" in 20 years, which started Shah's race toward fast modernization and obtaining nuclear plants/weapons...


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Oh come on

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


These drones have been in operation since 1915.

I hope this is a joke. We need to be accurate and not exaggerate. Then business about "secret surveillance". There is no secret anyone with any sense knows USA is watching IRI all the time. As is IRI watching USA. And Israel watching both!

Then the business about "USA technology" being sent away. Right as if China and Russia need this. America is using these and expects them to crash and get in enemy hands. The really advanced stuff are not being used and we don't know about them.

In this kind of war they only use technology they afford to lose. Things Russia; China and other already have figured out. Turning it into some giant USA conspiracy or IRI victory is just funny. 


شعار امروز ملت هیجان و ذوق زده در


به مناسبت تحویل تاریخی طیاره جاسوسی شیطان بزرگ به توسط برادر مجاهد افغان، حکمتیار، به برادران غیور بسیجی‌:

راه قدس از کالیفرنیا میگذرد....

Anahid Hojjati

Vildemose, hope your cold gets better. thanks Bavafa

by Anahid Hojjati on

Thanks Bavafa for the excerpt. It looks like Teemsar covered many issues. According to your comment, he also doubted that IRI could have taken down this drone.


Anahid jaan: I share with you my view and read from the intervie

by Bavafa on

Though I encourage you to listen for yourself as different people could read different thing based on their predisposition on politics.

Having said that;
First, my first and only exposure with him, I found him a very genuine and level headed person with little to no bias opinion.
In the interview, he gives a history of unmanned aircraft and its use in a military application, a brief explanation of how stealth technology works and his great doubt that IRI could have broken the control communication and thus take control of it.
He talks about the America’s malicious intention (my word here) and cast great doubt in anything good from America towards Iran.  He does this while reaffirms his contempt for IRI and the nature of IRI.
He talks about the 79 revolution, a brief history and his own experience as a military man in Shah’s Navy, Shah himself and the hezebe Rastakhiz.
He talks about the threat of the war, how it is tied to the [future] financial health of this country and how military industry machine requires war in order to survive.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Operation Eagle Claw

by پندارنیک on

Whether it was landed,or shot down is only half of the story..........the other half is the fact that the Cold War is over and there's no American puppet president in Iran, like BaniSadr,  who, as the commander-in-chief, can order the destruction of the American aircraft, so that technology won't end up in Soviet hands.


 Anahid jan: There are too

by vildemose on

 Anahid jan: There are too many...I wish someone will translate all of it. I don't have the time or the energy. I am nursing horrible cold at the moment.


Separation of Church and State AND Corporation


جوجه را آخر پاییز میشمرند


هی‌ بخندید و با دمتان گردو بشکنید که یک هواپیمای بدون سرنشین آمریکا نقص فنی پیدا کرد و در ایران به دست یک مشت پاسدار شکم گنده عصر حجر افتاد.  شکم مردکه رو نگاه کنید.  یعنی‌ نظامی است.  فکر کنم یک هفت هشت دستی‌ چلو کباب خورده قبل از اینکه بیاد جلوی دوربین.  بگذریم.  از این موفقیت موقتتتون خیلی‌ خوشحال باشید.  هی‌ با آتیش بازی کنید تا آتیش بیاد براتون.  هی‌ با دم شیر بازی کنید.  هی‌ جنگ طلبی کنید و عربده بکشید.  وقتی‌ که ناو هواپیما بر آمریکا اومد سراغتون چکار میکنید؟  مطمئن باشید که خامنه‌ای هم رو از تو همون سوراخی که صدام و قذافی را کشیدند بیرون، بیرون خواهند کشید.       

Anahid Hojjati

Vildemose or anyone else who has listened

by Anahid Hojjati on

so what are some of the highlights of Mr. Aryanpour's discussion with "Shohreh Assemi"?



by vildemose on



 Listen to Timsar

by vildemose on

 Listen to Timsar arayanpour. He is a bit slow but he has a wealth of information about IRI and its state of technology:


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by vildemose on



هواپیمای بی سرنشین

تله ای که به ایران منتقل شده؟

در پی چند روز رجزخوانی پیرامون سرنگون کردن و پائین کشیدن یک هواپیمای بی سرنشین امریکائی که سپاه پاسداران مدال آن را به سینه خود نصب کرده بود، اکنون فاش شده که این هواپیما نه در خاک ایران، بلکه درخاک افغانستان سقوط کرد و سپاه لاشه آن را به کمک "گلبُدین حکمتیار" به داخل خاک ایران منتقل کرده است.


Separation of Church and State AND Corporation


 Anahid is right on the

by vildemose on

 Anahid is right on the money...They could have been testing what kind of capability IRI has obtained from Russia...I hear Chinese and Russian scientists are on their way to inspect it because Iranians don't have the technology to reverse engineer it. These drones have been in operation since 1915. 


Separation of Church and State AND Corporation

Anahid Hojjati

Dear VPK, I agree

by Anahid Hojjati on

In the grand scheme, it does not mean much. I still doubt Iran being able to shoot it down and then the drone be in such good condition.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Anahid

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


How did the Serbs find the US stealth plane? Sometimes you get lucky maybe just happen to see it visually. Who knows the issue is numbers not individual events. Anyone may get a lucky shot.

Now if it turns out that a dozen drones are caught a week then is means something. One single incident as this means nothing. Yes maybe the Russian passive radar or some guy visually spotted it.

Anahid Hojjati

May be US wanted its drone to be caught

by Anahid Hojjati on

Kind of like a message to IRI:" in your face"

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

What if it was shot no big deal

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


It is very possible to get a lucky shot but means nothing. In a head on fight USA will win hands down. Yes given 1000s of hours of flights it is possible to shoot one down. Bug *** deal! No pilot and just a pile of junk.

Americans should and do expect to lose these once in a while. No big deal and I would not worry about it. I also do not understand all the indignation about it. Folks it is war in Afghanistan planes get shot; crash and so on. 

In other words "big *** deal get use to it because it is normal". The American people put a lot of value in lives and much less in hardware. Hence the drones and believe me this does not make a tiniest dent in the US military no body bags and no problem.

Ari Siletz

One more speculation

by Ari Siletz on

A few weeks ago Russia delivered a new electronic intelligence and jamming system to Iran--called Avtobaza. But first reports inidcated it was a passive detection system.


This new article says, however:

"The Avtobaza...would be the perfect tool to target and
perhaps infiltrate the communications link that allows a UAV  [drone] to be
controlled from a remote location."


Vildemose: I did, in its entirely

by Bavafa on


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 




by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on


But they have been quite naughty boys recently and besides Santa's activities are subject to US sanctions.  

Anahid Hojjati

IRI officials are idiots

by Anahid Hojjati on



I was reading the story in above link until it got to the point where it noted:"

In what appeared to be an attempt to explain the aircraft’s undamaged appearance, a Revolutionary Guard Corps commander, identified as Amir Ali Hajizadeh, said in the video that the drone “was detected by Iranian radars as soon as it entered Iranian airspace and was brought down by Iran’s military systems with the minimum damage possible.” As soon as I read that, i chuckled, how can Iranian radar detect US radar technology. Sure enought, next part, it was:"

American military experts have cast doubt on Iran's claims precisely because of the drone's ability to avoid radar detection. "It would be almost impossible for Iran to shoot down an RQ-170 because it is stealthy, therefore, the Iranian air defenses can't see it,"  Loren Thompson, an analyst at the Lexington Institute in Arlington, Va., told the Military Times newspaper. "Partly for the same reason, it is exceedingly unlikely that they used a cyber attack to bring down the aircraft." 

IRI propaganda only works on uneducated people. whatever happened, it sure was not Iran radar beating US radar technology.


 Bavafa: Did you watch the

by vildemose on

 Bavafa: Did you watch the interview with timsar Aryanpour? He explains everything perfectly.


Separation of Church and State AND Corporation


JJ should take advantage of so many experts on IC...

by Bavafa on

And copy write their expertise on drone technology.


Even my dingy home-built experimental plane could be program to guide itself to any given airport with IAP to land relatively OK.  If the highly prized US drone does not have that capability and can fly only straight line till crashes, they should solicit the countless home builder in our forum and I am sure they can get much help.


However, judging based on the fact that the only part not revealed is the landing gear will indicate damage to the under carriage  that it has been as a result of a crash landing with gear up which blow a hole (mighty big one) to IRI claim that they took control of the drone.

  And as for buying it from Afghans, if any one knows the address of their dealership I like to get me one.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



There  is   nothing for

by darius on

There  is   nothing for  loser and catcher in this event.  Filming of Iranian military installation with  bunch of old  and  obslolete items is not  a real valuable information .I bet  the best and most exciting footage  taken are the  lonely pasdar or Iranian soldiers befriending with the  local donkeys . Let us assume Iranian reversed engineered the drone( at least two or 3 years ,if all industerial and technolgical capablity are availabe), Iran has limited use for them .Where IRI wants to use it, fly it over Bahrain,Saudi Arabian, Nevada desert? These drones will serve military purpose for Iran, if there is an advancing army within its territory or mobilizing at the border. IRI at this point of time except their questionable missile capablity is in no position to attack or invade any country but only pose as a defensive  force .  For USA, the loss is hardly a notable one  .USA and Westen world  including  all the allies ( once muslim world)  fought  a useless war with an enemy that was nothing but a poorly managed , starved and inefficient military force. Now the same kind of war is fought with new  enemy . This will not be the first and the last loss.

Esfand Aashena

Predators, Demons and More: The Wide World of Drones

by Esfand Aashena on

Predators, Demons and More: The Wide World of Drones 

These are nice pictures of various kinds of drones from insect size to jetliners.  Pretty interesting like pre-Avatar technology! 

Everything is sacred

Esfand Aashena

Roozbeh really??

by Esfand Aashena on

"Buy" it from Afghans?!  As if drones are laying around Kabul for Taliban to tow them home?!  This when US Officials themselves are admitting this event?  Or are US officials in cahoot with IRI, oh IRI?!  

I think you are too caught up in getting foreign countries to start a war with IRI, oh IRI that you're in a circle now.  Oh well. 

Everything is sacred