Iran shows film of captured US drone

Appears without major damage

BBC: Iranian TV has shown the first video footage of an advanced US drone aircraft that Tehran says it shot down near the Afghan border. The film was captioned "RQ170 - advanced US spy plane" and carried on the Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran Network 1 channel. US officials have acknowledged the loss of the unmanned aircraft. Pentagon officials said they were concerned about Iran possibly acquiring information about the technology. The drone, known as a Sentinel, is the first such loss by the US >>>


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It wasnt brought or shot down

by Fesenjoon2 on

If there is a malfuntion of any type (mechanical, hardware, etc), and if they cant return for some reason, drones are programmed to lock onto a straight course, til they run out of fuel. That explains why the drone was captured relatively intact.

The Iranian claims of "jang-e electroniki" are complete hogwash. They cant hack into a drone. 

To hack into a drone, you would need very sophisticated supercomputing capabilities. And if you have such capabilities, you can hack into military satellites (and wouldnt go after worthless drones). 

A likely scenario is that the drone suffered some kind of malfunction as a result of the virus that has been going around drone central command for some time now. They havent been able to completely erase the virus.



اصلا آمریکا هیچ غلطی نمیتونه بکنه..


یک عالمه پول نفت داریم، میریم ده تا دیگه از این طیاره‌های جاسوسی رو از این برادران طالبان افغانستانی  که نه فقط دهان بزرگ، بلکه جرات جنگ  و عرضه هواپیما زنی‌ هم دارند می‌خریم، عکسشم می‌زنیم تو پرس ت و، تا چشم همتون کور بشه.



It appears more likely that it malfunctioned and

by reader1 on

did an emergency landing?!! With respect JJ, this theory of yours is as credible as your moto of "nothing is sacred"! It is sacred to give credit when it is due,  even to your enemies. It is as much uncomforting to me as it is to you seeing theses bearded men in uniform taking credit for this spectacular catch, but kudos to them and to those ordinary Iranian civilian scientists  and engineers behind the scene who are working hard to deter those lunatics who want to bomb the country and its people to a total destruction.

Ari Siletz

Dear Santa U.S.A

by Ari Siletz on

Thank you for the RQ-170.

For Christmas I want:

one F-22 Raptor, one B-22 (include nukes) and one Virginia class submarine with all its Tomahawks. You can also leave a stealth helicopter as as surprise present. I have been good this year and listened to everything Rahbar told me. 





هلو برو توی گلو


Esfand Jaan: Could not have described it better myself.

Sad part is that which ever we look at it, it stinks

The prospect of escalated situation and a possible war with Iran is of a serious concern for so many of us who care deeply for our mother-land and those who still reside there.

 The prospect of increasing power and sophistication by IRI is of a serious concern for so many of us who care deeply for freedom and prosperity in our motherland and those who still reside there.


JD aziz:  I heed your call to voice our disapproval and even contempt for those decision makers in WA who are escalating the prospect of war by violating Iranian air-space.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 




by yolanda on

The BBC artcle said IRI electronically hijacked the drone and brought it down to Iran!

The article also said:

A statement said the ministry had asked for an immediate explanation and had demanded compensation from Washington.

IRI got a drone for free and wanted more compensation!

Jeesh Daram


Jeesh Daram

بسیار عالی فرمودید - تشکر

Esfand Aashena

JD جان من هم با شما موافقم.

Esfand Aashena

من که شخصا "نگران" ارتش آمریکا نیستم.  من فقط خواستم به کسانی‌ که فکر میکنند جنگ با ایران هلو برو توی گلو هستش و "اوضاع بهتر می‌شه" فقط یک گوشهٔ این افکار ابلهانه رو گوشتزد کرده باشم.

Everything is sacred

Jeesh Daram

به تخم چپ اسب حضرت عباس

Jeesh Daram

ایران یک هواپیمای جاسوسی آمریکا را شکار کرده است و شما نگران آسیب های این واقعه به ارتش آمریکا هستید؟ فردا اگر به ایران حمله کنند و هموطنان ما را زیر بمباران بگذارند نتیجه همین جاسوسی های پی در پی در طی سی سال گذشته است.  رسیدن پای هیچ اجنبی به ایران باعث بهتر شدن وضع ملت ما نخواهد شد.  نه به آن ننه من غریبم های "نام خلیج فارس درگوگل"  و نه به این سکوت و عدم اعتراض ایرانیان خارج از کشور به این عمل آمریکا.  حساب آخوندهای مزدور انگلیس را با تمامیت ارضی ایران قاطی نکنید. به سناتورها و نماینده گان کنگره آمریکا بنویسید که مخالف هرگونه حمله و جاسوسی در ایران هستید.  حساب رژیم در ایران را باید ایرانی تسویه کند و نه دولت های خارجی  


I am befuddeled, if these drones can spot some Al Qaeda nuts

by Disenchanted on


     in rugged mountain of Afghanestan, how come it can not be deployed to spot and stop some wandering Jose in the US-Mexico border area from entering illegally to US?! Hum....!

Esfand Aashena

JJJ r u dismissing Iran's claim about cyber attack causing it?

by Esfand Aashena on

!!!  What if it's true and it was brought down in this nice condition because of a cyber attack? 

They do have some drones made by some Ashoura-chest-beating-know-nothing Javads at Sharif University and every year they have an annual showing about new drones both in concept design and actual betas, so they might know a thing or two about drones.

If true, it is cause for major US concern because not only Iran but other advesaries such Russia and China would be interested in taking a look at it, AND paying to take a look.

Another evidence that wars never go as planned and if there is another war in Iran no one knows the outcome.   

Everything is sacred


santa claus is coming to town!

by Disenchanted on


      In time for holidays!


ایران هواپیمای بی سرنشین را ازحزب اسلامی (افغانستان) خریده است?


هواپیمای بی سرنشین تله ای که به ایران منتقل شده؟

//  ایران هواپیمای بی سرنشین را ازحزب اسلامی خریده است //


Looks a bit fake

by choghok on

It looks brand new and the color is a bit strange, could it be fake? These planse are made to self destruct and I think it knows better not to emergency land in Iran, it has GPS so it should have known where it was.

I wonder what the rev guard were talking about? It looked very theatrical. My guess is the plane they have is in a bad condition so they made a shell. 

Jahanshah Javid

That's a catch

by Jahanshah Javid on

I don't know how you could shoot down this drone and land it in this condition. It appears more likely that it malfunctioned and did an emergency landing -- in the wrong territory. Either way, this is a major loss for U.S. military.