Patrick Kennedy Praises Mojahedin

Addresses supporters in Paris Forbes blog - The Iranian Mujahideen e Khalq, (MEK), also known as the People’s Mujahideen Organization of Iran (PMOI), has found some unlikely supporters in its latest request for protection from the UN – including former homeland security secretary Tom Ridge, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, and former congressman Patrick Kennedy. Yet the organization, based in Camp Ashraf, Iraq, is listed as a terrorist group in the United States (and until recently, in Europe) – an irony, its leaders say, given that it, like the US and European Union, opposes the Iranian regime >>>

Patrick Kennedy speaking to Mojahedin supporters in Paris, June 18:


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I agree with you once again. The idea of using MKO against IRI is wrong. They are both two sides of the the same coin. We are not going to get anywhere by replacing one terrorist with another.

How is Maryam the President of Iran? Who voted for her and when was the last election anyway. The MKO is a the most corrupt organization worse than IRI. I do not see why AIPAC is supporting them just to make a new Hamas.


Simorgh big mistake, good Ayatollah v.s bad Ayatollah

by Siavash300 on

"MEK terrorists have been very good at killing at least 100 top brass thugs of the Terrorist Occupying Regime  including Beheshti." Simorgh

So what? one ayatollah got killed in order the other one comes to power. Does it make any difference to the lives of million of Iranians? Supposed they kill half of hezbollahs and finally bring their own hezbollahs to power. Does it make any different to Iranian life style. Both of these group are the same tribe with different head scarf. One (mullahs) could be identified by black color scarf on their women and the other could be identified with "blue color" head scarf on their women. Both rooted their ideology on the barbaric, savage thinking of lizard eater arabs. The ideas that was originated 1400 years ago in Arabian peninsula. The idea that has nothing to do with Persianism. The ideas that brought to Iran misery, poverty, execution, drug addiction and finally prostitution in form of Segheh. The idea that hit Twin tower in NYC, bombed train in Madrid, Spain and burned Cinema Rex in Abadan.  The idea that has to be fighted. It doesn't matter if the idea is in the hand of stinky mullahs or it is in the hand of a group of the people by the name of Mojaheedin. 

پرواز را به خاطر به سپار, پرنده مردانیست 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


No, it was the wall that ran into him; all the wall's fault! Don't blame it on him; never anyone's fault.

mina modares

Oh take it easy...who pays

by mina modares on

Oh take it easy...who pays any attention to what "Patrick" has to say? His brain is fried from so much drugs, probably can't tell difference between MEK and MIchael Jackson!! Aside from his accident of birth, he and his opinions are irrelevent! He drove a car into a wall, while flying high as a kite on drugs & alcohol, which I am pretty sure he is still on...this is a guy you all care to quote??Good luck with that.

Mash Ghasem

متن سخنرانی خواهر مجاهد مریم رجوی

Mash Ghasem

فقط به خاطر تو !

در آستانه یک روز دیگر از روزهای سال هستیم . و با هم رو به سوی خدا میرویم . ربنا….بسمه تعالی ….کجا بودی تا حالا ؟
متن سخنرانی خواهر مجاهد مریم رجوی ، دوبله شده در استودیو تیف .

بنام خدا، به ‌نام مسعود و به ‌نام خودم؛ …

به ‌نام دنیای اسلام، در سراسر خاورمیانه و شمال آفریقا؛

به‌نام کهکشان راه شیری با ۱۲۰ هزار شهید برخاک افتاده در سی‌امین سالگرد ۳۰ خرداد؛

به‌نام سردار خیابانی و اشرف شهیدان به ‌نام صدیقه و ندا آسیه و صبا،
سعید وحنیف و سی‌ششمین شهید فروغ اشرف، مجاهد خلق منصور حاجیان؛

به ‌نام اشرف که خاک خوبی برای زراعت داره . البته زراعت برای سرنگونی و تا سرنگونی….. ؛

و به نام سیاست که عدالت را هشت سال پس از ۱۷ ژوئن مثل همیشه بر تخت پیروزی نشاند .

شخصیتهای تاریخ گذشته حاضر وهموطن ساندیس دوست ، پارسال
کلی برای ما دست گرفتند که خانواده شهدا کجا هستند ؟ ما هم مشخص کردیم که
پدر 5 مجاهد شیهد جان بولتون و بقیه پدران و مادران و اینا…..ما همه با هم
هستیم . اما امسال برای بسته ماندن دهن بسته های تشویقی غرب ، همانطور که
در عکس میبینید مادر رضایی های شهید در یک طرف است و در طرف دیگر تمام
خاندان غرب ….!

یاران و دوستان فراموشی ناپذیر خانواده من ….؛

پارسال و پیرارسال برای ما دست گرفته بودند که آمار تجمع سیر صعودی خوبی
دارد . از 100 هزار رسیده به 150 هزار….اما امسال آمار نمیدیم تا توی
خماری بمونند . همینکه بگیم دهها هزار …..یعنی هر کس هر چی دوست داره
میتونه فکرش را رشد صعودی بده….!

پارسال ما یه شلیک توی تاورنی در کردیم که آرش کمانگیر هم کف کرد چون
هنوز تیره توی راهه…..و امسال به جای تیر، توپ در کردیم با صدای مهیب و
اسکورت ژنرالی…….ولی با این همه دود و دم و سر و صدا ….نمیدونم چرا هیچکس
انقلاب ایدئولوژیک منو در سیاست جدی نمیگیره !…..ولی به همه شما قول میدم
که سال دیگه موشک ایدئولوژیک هوا کنیم . و سال بعدش هنوز گنده تر از موشک
پیدا نکردیم .

۷۱ سال پیش در ۱۸ژوئن ژنرال دو گل رهبر مقاومت فرانسه از تبعیدگاه خود
مقاومت علیه فاشیسم را اعلام کرد. صدای او هنوز به‌گوش می‌رسد که گفت: «هر
اتفاقی که رخ دهد شعله‌های مقاومت نباید خاموش شود و خاموش نخواهد شد».

اینکه ژنرال دوگل چه ربطی به من و مسعود و بقیه ژنرالهای منگل امروز داره ، بعدا میفهمید . الان کسی سوال نکنه .

الان درود می‌فرستیم به زنان و جوانان و اشرف ‌نشان‌هایی که ماه‌ها و
ماه‌هاست در واشنگتن و ژنو برای اشرف تحصن کرده‌اند و ساندیس مجانی میزنند .
هم‌چنین درود می‌فرستیم به مسعود جونم سمبل زندانی سیاسی در غیبت عقیدتی
…. و دورد بر خواهر عزیزم مهین صارمی ، که امروز اینجا در کنار ماست. مهین
جون بیا جلو و به همه بگو که ما با هم هستیم ! مهین که از ۳۰ خرداد سال ۶۰
تا بحال بارها دستگیر شده است، این بار به ۱۰ سال زندان محکوم شده بود. ولی
توانست از چنگ دژخیمان بگریزد. درود بر مسعود و من و اون و همه زندانیان
سیاسی در کهکشان راه شیری.

هم‌چنانکه مسعود جونم در قرن پیش گفته بود : قرارگاه اشرف قبرستان سرخود است . کسی که وارد آن شود یا مجاهد میشود و یا جنازه …..

انقلاب ایدئولوژیک و هر قدم دیگری فقط برای سرنگونی مجاز است ……

الان ماندن و کشته شدن درعراق هم در همین راستا است . یعنی سرنگونی .
اینقدر هم گیر ندید که این استراتژی چطوری به سرنگونی میرسه ! ؟ برادر
عزیزم قصیم که به آیت الله بی بی سی گفت : گذشته ها گذشته ….! 30 خرداد سال
60 قرار بود 6 ماهه بزنیم و ببریم . بعد این زمان تمدید شد و 6 ساله است و
باز که تمدید شد دیدیم 60 ساله شد . بالاخره روزی از روزها این استراتژی
جواب میده ! فکر کردید تحلیل مسعود جونم کم الکیه !؟

البته از نظر تاریخی موضوع سرنگونی جواب خودش را پس داده است بالاخره
کلی دیکتاتور در سطح جهانی تا حالا سرنگون شدند که همه ناشی از همین انقلاب
درونی و ایدئولوژیک بود . نوبت حکومت اسلامی هم میرسد . فقط نباید فراموش
کرد که خروج از عراق یعنی سرنگونی خودمان که یعنی بسته شدن دکان توحیدی
عاشورا….! پس خارج شدن ممنوع …به جزمسعود و خودم و شورای مسعود و بقیه
بروبچ اطراف !

حمله ۱۹ فروردین به اشرف واکنش رژیم برای مهار نیروی سرکش آزادی در
جامعه ایران مخصوصاً بعد از شعله‌ ور‌شدن دوباره آتش قیامها از زیر خاکستر
خیانت بود . اگر اشرف نبود که مردم ایران تکان نمیخوردند !! ولی‌فقیه،
برای حفظ تعادل خودش به ‌شدت به ‌حمله به اشرف نیاز داشت. زیرا بود ونبود
رژیم در ارتباط مستقیم با فنا و بقای من و مسعود و شورای رهبری است. این
حقیقتی است که در ۳۰ سال گذشته بارها آزمایش شده است.وهنوز رژیم را
میلرزاند . کلا جنبش مردم ایران مدیون حضور اشرف نشینان است ! کی به کیه ؟
سلام بر مسعود، راهبر و معلم این نسل و مهندس این استراتژی منگل ساز و شهید

حضار محترم غربی و شرقی و اینا…..!

حمله به اشرف در عین حال یک ضرورت مبرم را برای جهان آشکار کرد و آن
حفاظت از ساکنان اشرف، به‌عنوان یک برگ بازی بین‌المللی است. جامعه جهانی
به ویژه ملل‌متحد و آمریکا در قبال حفاظت و امنیت ساکنان اشرف مسئولند.
اونا هر کاری گفتن ما کردیم و حالا اونا باید بکارن تا ما بمانیم . قیمتش
درو شدن دیگران در اشرف است ….چه باک ؟ مسعود همیشه با شجاعت قیمت را از
جان و زندگی بقیه داده و باز هم میدهد !

به آنها می‌گوییم: مجاز نیستید به بهانه احترام به حق حاکمیت عراق در
قبال سیاست خط موازی مسعود جانم بی‌عملی پیشه کنید. این نقض آشکار تعهدات
بین ما است.

خلاصه من نمیدونم …..همه برای اشرف و اشرف هم برای شما . هر گلی زدید به سر خودتون زدید ! دعای مسعود همیشه نگهدارتان !

سلام بر خودم روزی که زاده شدم ؛ روزی که رئیس جمهور شدم ؛ روزی که انقلاب کردم ، روزی که سرکار رفتم و روزی که سر کار میذارم ….



by yolanda on

"If Vildemose was not talking to you, why did you respond to her post?"

Asked Hazrate shotor.


I did a little research. There is only one Mola on entire IC!

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

"Is vilemose talking to you?"

Asked Hazrate shotor.

"I didn't write anything on this thread,

she probably suffers from Attention Deficit Syndrom 

a condition detected among many activists and 'revolutionaries'

who are detached from reality and lost in Cyber Space.

After a while they start hallucinating and living in constant Paranoia"

I responded. 


Mollah: 70,000 homes is

by vildemose on

Mollah: 70,000 homes are dog's table scraps from the mullah's sofreh... compared to the blatant thieving scam artists in Oghaf, seizing million of acres of Iranaians land using religion to justify it.....You can call me a joooooooooooo till cows come knockin, it won't make me one not that is anything wrong with being Jewish. In fact, some of my relatives are hard core hezis like yourself. I cannot stand them either.

You are one of the most pathetic IRI supporters on this site because you're not even Iranian...Give my regards to your pay masters in South Lebanon.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


We must be very much realistic. Handful of MKO in Ashraf are no match for IRI. Nor are a few poorly trained Western Gucci wearing youth. If you want to fight the IRI you need a real army. That means United State or NATO,

The only thing you get by funding MKO is luxury for Ravaj. And the unnecessary death of a bunch of idealist; brainwashed people. Plus lots of propaganda for IRI. Do you really want that.

Regarding Israel; I just do not see Israeli troops in Iran. It will not work and will unite all Iranians behind IRI. Best Israel is able to do is to work behind the scenes. No over the board action. Bush realized this when he vetoed an Israeli attack on Iran.

I am not calling you a traitor. I am questioning the wizdom of this poorly devised idea. The Obama approach has been to pick them off one by one. Iraq has now been pacified. They managed Egypt. Now they are working on Libya and to finish off the Taliban,. Next Syria is to go. One thing at a time: step by step. Iran is virtually surrounded by American power. With sanctions; time and in fighting between Mollahs IRI will be weakened. Meanwhile I suggest propping up Reza Pahlavi. It may take a kick in his ass to get him going. He needs to build a "Government in Exile" made up of all Iranian opposition. Give them all Iranian assets now under the supervision of an international care taker system.

This is going to take a long time. I would say 2-6 year. Maybe second term of Obama or first term of Hillary. It will require a systematic approach with much planning. Or it will fail and produce something worse than we got.

Nothing will come cheap or simple. If you want IRI gone better be ready to make the required investments in money; troops and work. The American public is not ready for it now; it will take a lot of preparation.



by Simorgh5555 on


 Where do I stand?

Sever the MEK's political wing but keep its assets. 

"I hate to tell you but if USA wants IR gone by force better do it directly"

But that's just the thing. The US has already exhausted its military capability across the Middle East and now Libya so it cannot play a decisive role on the ground where the battle will either be won or lost. It needs an opposition force or an Iranian national army capable of doing the job. An army of 2-3 thousand ragtag soldiers as you describe them can be very effective provided if they are supported by the airforce otherwise any attempt will be blighted out. Like it or not MEK terrorists have been very good at killing at least 100 top brass thugs of the Terrorist Occupying Regime  including Beheshti. Tell me are you going to condemn them for that? 

This has nothing to do with forgiving them for cosying uo to Saddam or relativising their crime in being enforcers for Saddam. If I was an MEK supporter I would say it. The MEK has even been more successful than Israel in carrying out trgeted assasination and that is where the strnght lies and NOT in open confrontation. 

I am not a supporter of the MEK. If I was I would say so given the anoynymity of the Internet this would make it easier to speak freely as I have done so on a number of issues. What I am suggesting is that their style of resistance movement and campaign agains the Islamic Republic in the early 1980's is what is going to free Iran.

Furthermore, I do not see it as treacherous to recruit the ordianry rank and file Mujahedeen solidier in Camp Ashraf to help a new secular resistance army (provided none  of them are not responsible for major crimes) whilst ditching Rajavi altogether. What you seem to be suggesting is the exact mistake Bush made in his post-war Iraq strategy. Because the Iraqi polce were tained with Saddam Hussein they were disbanded altogether and law and order broke down. I am not sure what the intetion of Patrick Kennedy or the neo-con strategy is but if it is to start a new national army based on targetted assassinations tactics of the MEK then I am all for it. However, sever the links with the MEK polical wing in Paris and hijack its assets. 

My anger at the opposition movement is that you are all clear about what you don't want but in none of the posts I have read have any of you provided an alternative solution to how to remove the regime. If you pick up your telephone to call your congressman and express your disgust at supporting the MEK please provide an practical solution of removing the regime. You have none. You are opposed to sanctions. You are opposed to airstrikes. You are opposed to targetted assassinations. You are opposed to every single policy which can make a difference. This is not a black and white situation.  The reaosn for this is because most of you are delusional (not you personally - the opposition group). You are waiting for a mythical figure like Kaveh the Blacksmith or Rostam to emerge fromt among the crowd and save Iran. This is a stuff fairy tales. The rest of you are hoping that you can appeal to the Basij and Sepah's inner conscience and humanity by still believing a negotiated solution is still possible. The reform movement has been tried and tested it failed. All the while you sit complacently hoping for the second messiah to come.  For those of you who believe that regime change can be accomplished with out outside help you KNOW you are are living in denial. You can call me a traitor but thats doesn't hurt me more than the thousands of Iranians executed every year and who are being raped inside prisons by this evil regime as we speak. Do I feel comfortable about asking for asking Americans and Israel to inervene. Not much. But pride can go out the window when8 Iranians are dying every hour as I write this.   I have provided a solution.  But what is yours other than 'let's just wait and see'.     33 years of 'wait and see' no sacntion no war attitude. Got you no where.  



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Simorgh

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


  • I do not appreciate being called stupid and I may say that about other Iranians as well.
  • There is nothing inevitable about Mojahedeen becoming supported. They got the NeoCons and AIPAC and that is it.
  • We are writing our congressmen and we do vote. You bet that will make a difference. Nothing works better than a powerful voting block.

As for what to do Mojahedeen have done nothing in the past 33 years to defeat IRI. All they did was:

  • Blow up some Mullahs until IRI got wise to them and killed most of them,
  • Ran off to sugar daddy Saddam and betrayed Iran.
  • Murder a bunch opf defenseless Kurds
  • Murder a bunch of defenseless Marsh Arabs.
  • Have their leaders wined and dined on AIPAC expecnse in Paris.
  • Have some 2-3 thousand miserable followers in Ashraf. At the mercy of Iraq. which by the way gets its orders from Tehran.

I hate to tell you but if USA wants IR gone by force better do it directly. AIPAC may waste all the money they want but it goes right into Rajavi pocket. How stupid is that now. The few thousand aging Marxists are no match for a band of IRI basiji. IRI will be gone but not by using the Mojahedeen. Maybe economic pressure; maybe internal strife or combination. But not a rapidly weakening gang of traitors. Most of whom rather go back to Iran and reunite with their families.

AIPAC made a big mistake by investing in MKO. Now the Iranian people are reacting and they realize their investment is about to crash. Just as did the 2001 stock market bubble .

Maybe I am a stupid Iranin but:

  • I am smart enough to recognize traitors when I see them.
  • I know better than to send my money to Rajavi and his gang.
  • Will never trust the NeoCon gang like Guliani and Bolton.

The frusttration in your posts betray your real stance. Why don't you just come out and say where you really stand.


Dear Stupid Iranian opposition in exile

by Simorgh5555 on

You are all writing to your congressmen petrified about the Mujahedeen receiving political endorsement . You should be. This is the direct conseuqence of years of talk and no decisive action. Years of analysis paralysis. Years of Reza Phalavi not embracing his constitutional position with pride and insisting not to be called 'Shahzadeh'. This is years of opposing every practical solution to the problem because you wanted an EASY WAY OUT. The Mujahedeen receiving support is almost inevitable. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT NOW. You have allowed a band of treacherous Islamist Marxist to get a head start because you were to weakwilled and indecisive to get your finger out from you know where. 

I curse the crap opposition  behind the picket line wearing your crappy green wrist bands carrying pictures of Mousavi shouting slogans with your FOB accent such as , 'Veeeeeee dont vant waaaaaaaar. noooo sancsheeeeeens'

Most of all I denounce your stupidity from the bottom of my heart.  

The Mujahedeen has received has now become the toast of the day because YOU did sweet FA about resolving your country's problem. You brought about a calamity into Iran by hastily joining a revolution and now your apathy and lack of cojones to rise up and become a force to be reckoned with is bringing another even greater one. 


پندار نیک‌ (پلید):


I hope the islamist regime pay you decently for your incesent hateful, irrelevant rants on every single blog on this site,. I can almost picture your crazy, hateful face with mouth covered with froth! you seem to be here 24/7  and that is only one of your user ID's.

Have you ever done a single days honest work in your entire life? I doubt!

As for MKO, I caution you against foul mouthing them too much, in case they come to power, I'm sure they'd need sell outs, bi vatans just like you to write on internet on their behalf. Yesterday Savak, today the islamist regime, tomorrow MKO, anyone who throws a few Canadian Dollars or British pounds at you! 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


As promised, I phoned and wrote my US representative

by Bavafa on

to protest and show my disgust regarding this traitor group and the US apparent warming up to the idea of getting in bed with them.

No US politician will ever get my vote if they even remotely support this traitor/terrorist group


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Well glad to hear you admit your agre it proves my point. MKO supporters are an aging old school Marxists. No one in modern world supports them. Just a bunch of brainwashed old school types from long past.

And I do not buy the business about "youth" joining them. I see no proof of this. It is nonsense and we all know it. They are paid and supported by various interests. Originally Soviets; then Saddam and now AIPAC.



by yolanda on

Wow! The poster of this video has removed all the comments on you-tube for this know why? 'cause all the comments are anti-MEK!!

I read them all last night......they called MEK terrorists....there were 5 "F" words there!

New statistics:

4 likes; 12 dislikes!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Third Reich

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Just for a moment let us assume the Mollahs are the Third Reich. Do we want to replace them with Khmer Rouge. I mean where does the stupidity stop? How many times do we have to be cheated.

I for one have done my jobs for now. Wrote and phoned all my Senators and Representative. I plan to do a lot more to warn them against the MKO. And I do not buy the garbage about them being reformed. Sorry to disappoint.

I see a few insidious attempts to legitimize these evil bastards. If we want to rally around someone then pick Reza Pahlavi. Or anyone else even a donkey is better than MKO.


We can't linger on square one for ever...S5

by پندارنیک on

...I really dislike to see the need for reminding ourselves of the basic issues.

It's not about numbers, S5. If it was about the number then you could have called every major earthquake Adolf.

At this very moment that we are sitting here fondling the buttons on the keyboard, there is a Jewish minority in Iran which is the largest of the Jewish population in the region, but for Israel.........And,  I don't see no yellow star dangling at any door in any neighbourhood.

I can be as vocal as you or anyone else for that matter, on the subject of the criminal acts of the IRI.........but I will not compromise the sovereignty of the land. I've made a political choice and am paying for it........


To all Iranians, "DON"T BE SILENT"

by Siavash300 on

32 years ago the same Islamic politcal wave came by and destroyed our country. This is the same policy with different name. Both rooted on idea of lizard eater Arabs which belong to nomad tribe of arabs 1400 years ago in Arabian Peninsula. The only difference I see between MKO and stinly mullahs are the color of their scarfs on women's head.  All Iranians must speak out. MKO  are NOT represntative of Iranian people. We fight with these people as much as we fight with stinky mullahs. They are both against happiness of our nation. United to re-establish monarchy as it has been our political system for thousand years.

A man who is tossing worms in the river is not necessary friend of fish



by Simorgh5555 on

Comparison of Third Reich to the Islamic Republic not.valid? Let me see 6 million Holocaust plus lets say a million more in Nazi invasion campaigns and air assaults. The IR kills 8 Iranians per hour according to Amnesty. 100,0000 killed in 1988 mass purge. Count 8 people executed every hour in the space of 33 years equals 20 million deaths. Now that is more than three times the dead in the Shoah. Go figure.
But you know Pendar. You sitting comfortable behind the PC while the Islamic Republic prison guards hiving condoms to rape men and women political prisoners in unpallatable to me. Rather them tha you isn't it Pendar? So long at it isn't my ass being raped I won't reach out to crys of help.
When will you learn that Iranians are human beings just like Palestinians.


"Pendar don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong."

by پندارنیک on

The practice of trivialization of the Holocaust has to come to an end, some day.Equating the IRI with the Reich should be considered  anti-Semitic.

Those of us who promote MKO are the ones who are pushing for an ultimate Bosnian scenario for IRAN......and the list goes on............


OK. Pendare Nik

by Simorgh5555 on

Every country for themsleves. Humanity revolves around each nation resolving its own domestic problems even in the face of insurmountable torture, rape, mutilation and execitions at the rate of 8 people per hour. 

The West should never have freed the Nazi victims in Belsen and  Auschwtizs. Thr world should not intervene to stop ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslisms by Milosevic's pigs. The world should not come to the aid of famine ravaged Sudan and Ethipiopia. The West should not stop genocide in Rwanda or civil war in Sierra Leone and tribal killings in Sudan. The world should not step in to help in Tsunami earthquakes - the Japanese have enough money to sort their own problems out. 


Each to their own, eh, Pendar? Oh, sorry. I forgot, Palestinians are the exception, aren't they?  

What a fake humanitarian you are! 


"Do you realise how"

by پندارنیک on

Don't you really see the common denominator among all those (non-) options? Their foreign origin.........

Only if we could see things in and about our homeland as clearly and easily as we spot other galaxies............


Do you realise how

by Simorgh5555 on

Do you realise how weakwilled and indecisive some of you are?


  • You oppose military action
  • You oppose sanctions
  • You oppose targetted assassinations
  • You oppose the MEK.


What you want is for a score of young Iranian men and women to mobilise into the streets and shout 'Death to the dictoator' and 'Allaho Akbar' from the rooftops and get killed. For those of you who are hoping the Islamic Republic will fall like the former eastern bloc countries where the government finally submitted to the will of the public have another think coming. If you think that Khamenei will step down like Moubarak you have another think coming. The regime will chew up the demonstrators and spew it out of its mouth.

But please do keep on making a fool of yourselves and play the NIAC card. Prolong the life of the regime while 8 Iranians die every hour. You want an asy way out? IT DOES NOT EXIST.

Please read the following link below and contemplate what a lilly livered coward a nation of opposition we have become:


hajj khnom

Breaking my promise

by hajj khnom on

I promised not to leave any comments but since Soosan Khanoom kindly asked a question; I have to respond.

 Dear Soosan Khanoom, I am not suggesting, blindly to support anyone but I am suggesting being fair. Justice is for anyone and not just for people or group that we support. IRI tries to destroy and kill everyone who lives in the camp. That is a crime. We should not tolerate it.

And Pandar Nick Jan. You may call me anything that pleases you. I am 71 Y and empty accusation does not bother me anymore. I am past that point.

And MM Aziz, if the accusations against the leader of MEK is true (which I think is true) they should go to either intentional court or people court. IRI is not in a position to be asked for justice.   



by پندارنیک on

It's not only that. Well, we never got the chance to introduce ourselves to democracy anyway...........The real danger will be our land going to pieces...


A little mistake?

by MM on

If you are an MKO supporter in disguise, then god help you, but if you want to know MKO from the point of the folks who have been there and now tell their MKO horror stories, look at, e.g.:

صدای جدا شدگان از فرقه رجوی


or see how MKO collaborated with IRI, then took arms with Saddam against Iran and Kurds, and now they want redemption by declaring themselves a democratic organization.  What was that expression about a donkey and its paalaan?

A little mistake?  See how much //

hajj khnom


by hajj khnom on




"Shouldn’t we get united against IRI..."

by پندارنیک on

Opposition to the cult of MKO, does not translate into support for IRI. Opposition to this group is inspired by our national sentiment within its diverse spectrum. I can easily start calling you a mouthpiece for the infamous cult, but I don't for my personal experience.

Soosan Khanoom

MEK and Western support

by Soosan Khanoom on

means one thing for the Iranian oppositions both inside and outside of Iran: