Quran Burned in Florida Church

American pastor supervises burning Of Quran

NPR: Yesterday, during Dove World Outreach Center's Sunday service, without any publicity and under the supervision of Jones, Pastor Wayne Sapp soaked a Quran in kerosene for an hour, held an event he said was a "trial" for the Muslim holy book, and after the book was found guilty, Sapp set the Quran on fire using a barbecue lighter >>>


more from David ET


by mrramin on

I am sorry to see so many neurons fired up for burning a book.  I wished the problems in the world we live in would be solved by burning a book

David ET

But have to come and collect the reward ;-)

by David ET on

Pakistan’s Jamaat-ud-Dawah, a banned Islamic organization and suspected
terrorist group, announced a reward of 10 crore rupees (about $2.2
million) for anyone who kills the preacher.

President Asif Ali Zardari condemned the desecration of the Quran during
his address to a joint sitting of parliament. The country’s Foreign
Office in Islamabad called it a “despicable act.”

The U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, issued a statement
condemning the burning, and rejected religious intolerance in any form.

deliberate destruction of any holy book is an abhorrent act,"
Ambassador Cameron Munter said. "The U.S. commitment to freedom of
religion and freedom of expression goes back to the founding of our
nation and is enshrined in the Constitution."

"This is an isolated act done by a small group of people that is contrary to American traditions," the embassy said.



David ET

Like I said what goes around comes around... who is at fault:: ?

by David ET on


The office of Contraband Search and Seizure along with the revolutionary
guards, in a routine border inspection of a bus, discovered 2 boxes,
each containing 300 New Testaments, and after removing those from the
bus burned them....
on Tuesday February 7, 2011, in coordinated operation between the Office
of Contraband Search and Seizure and the Revolutionary Guards of the
city of Salmas, in the Northwest province of Western Azerbaijan,
discovered more than 300 New Testaments along with other contrabands
such as alcoholic spirits, which were previously discovered and seized
and in a special public viewing in the town of Derishk, burned all of
the New Testaments and the seized alcohol

on October 28, 2010, a similar search
and seizure of about 300 New Testaments had taken by the security and
border inspectors in a bus headed for Tehran at the border crossing of
Salmas, 90 km from the capital of the western province of Western

At the time of this seizure, 2 boxed
containing more than 300 New Testaments were placed in the bus, but
there were no passengers to claim ownership of the confiscated boxes.
The security forces did however conduct a local search of a home of a
New Christian man who resided on the town of Salmas

a repetition of a similar action taken by the security forces of the Islamic Republic,
on June 8, 2010, in one of the western towns of Sardasht, which was
reported on the media outlets loyal and in service of the Islamic
Republic of Iran



David ET

to Escape

by David ET on

Didn´t you read the last line?!

referring to the God of Abrahamic Religions


Pastor Sapp, Ahmahednijad, Goebbels: Brothers in sick mind

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

First when I read this subject, I was almost prompted to grab a Bible from our local book-store and burn it in revenge (to ensure a global equiballance of violence). But should I make myself equal to the stupidity of christian fundamentalists like this pastor Sapp, who is a brother in mind with Mahmoud Ahmadenijad or Joseph Goebbels ?

Personally I"d like to kick him in the ass, same as I"d like to do with pope Benedikt and all other religious cheaters as well. But my refusal of all dogmatic religions will never go as far to burn books. For me the bible like the Quoran or the Epic of Gilgamesh or the Talmud are pieces of literature, like fairy-tales. They all contain some important messages, but also a lot of hypocracy and dogmatism.

But nothing justifies burning books, I think. It only shows the intollerance of one religion against another intollerant religion. There should be laws forbidding religious as well as political stupidity in any country.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Regarding Reward

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


It reminds me of the movie "Airport". So could some broke guy:

  1. Burn the Koran and get some moron to put a price on his head.
  2. Kill himself and arrange for his head to be sent to the Islamist.
  3. Have the 2.2 million sent to his broke family?

These Islamists are a real piece of work man! What a bunch of losers. Where do they get 2.2 million for this!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Mehrdad Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Nowroze shoma ham pirooz baad doosteh gerami. I hope to see you in Tehran under a new and democratic regime one day soon.

I have been on the phone with family back home much of these past few days. It is hard to talk when I have to watch every word. But still better than being out of touch.


Darius Kadivar

Besides "Never be rude to an Arab" ... ;0))

by Darius Kadivar on

Never be rude to an Arab (Terry Jones)

Darius Kadivar

Golly Hope they don't confuse him with the other Terry Jones ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Soosan Khanoom

Freemasons Exposed

by Soosan Khanoom on

You have brought up many valid and great points ...... thanks 

I personally think this idiot pastor does not deserve anyone's attention  ....... but then here we all are and replying to this stupid video .......... 

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

God  is either related to no one or everyone ......... stop spreading BS ......



If you believe God is related to Islam

by Escape on

then you're a MUSLIM David..Aren't you?



by yolanda on

$2.2 million fatwa on Terry Jones after Quran burning

Pakistan’s Jamaat-ud-Dawah, a banned Islamic organization and suspected terrorist group, announced a reward of 10 crore rupees (about $2.2 million) for anyone who kills the preacher.



by yolanda on

Here are some of the facts......


at this moment, this video has 4,543 hits on you-tube......53 people like the video, while 62 people dislike the video.....

Last September, Obama, David Petraeus, Sarah Pallin, and Hillary Clinton warned Terry Jones not to carry out the Koran burning.....

Last October, Terry Jones received a free car for not burning Koran.


Top 10 most printed books of all time:

  1. The Bible, ~5 to 6 billion
  2. Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong, Mao Zedong, 900 million
  3. The Qur'an, 800 million
  4. Xinhua Zidian, 400 million
  5. Book of Common Prayer, Thomas Cranmer, unknown
  6. Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan, unknown
  7. Foxe's Book of Martyrs, John Foxe, unknown
  8. Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, Jr., 120 million
  9. Harry Potter Book 1, J.K. Rowling, 107 million
  10. And Then There Were None, Agatha Christie, 100 million

Freemasons Exposed

Dont You Love How Predictable these War Mongers are!!!

by Freemasons Exposed on

You See it through out history over and over again every time you want to start some sort of bloodshed bring peoples Faith into the picture.

Simple equation

Faith= Emotions

Emotions = Anti logical

Anti logical = Evil Deeds

And that my friend is how justify killing another human being under the gueis of goodness.

May God Bless All Freeminded people around the world including True God worshipping moslims.


ain't no big deal

by deev on

Clearly Allah didn't intervene and world didn't come to an end, now everyone can rest easy!

Freemasons Exposed

When Are YOU People are going to wake up?!!!

by Freemasons Exposed on

The issue here is not Islam or religion for that matter, the issue is whos the winner out of this nonesesnical cherade. Let me startoff right of the bat and make it clear that as far as im concerned All three major religions of the world have been manupilated by the devil worshiping sectret societies that controll the media, governments, multinational institutions including but not limited to the Reseve Bank of America, Reserve Bank ofAustralia, Bank of England and other more discrete organisations such as Carlyl group, CFR, Lowly institute and many others. their holy land is Israel and their financial centres in London and NewYork.

They Are laughing at us and they create puppets like this moron who wouldnt b able to tell his mouth from his ass hole to put us through this mascrade mean while they have created three wars, nearly bankrobed the world, have total control over what we eat, where we can live, and what we understand to be normal.

For Fuck sake ive had a gut full of their theatrical movie stars such as Ahmadinejad, Khamenei and Obama. All these fools would be nothing with out their financial backers, just google the biggest donors to Obamas Campaign were?, no prizes for guessing, the financial sector. i mean let get real if they truely wanted to get rid of the IRI wouldnt they just stop Iran from selling oil, the only true income for these monsters in Tehran. mean while Israel has a convient boogy man to use as excuse to bomb more Palestinians and grab the lands whilst we are fixated to some dick head burning a book!!!


David ET

emotions aside

by David ET on

quran has been guilty as charged for thirteen hundred ninety years.

if burning as a form of punishment is so bad we should also prosecute god as the grand toturer of all.


what comes around goes around. wasnt god the one who suggested the idea ?

referring to god of abrahamic religions... 


Do not place so much importance on this.

by pedro on

Who gives a hoo, let them burn as many as they want why the hell we care. I'm noy a book police, are you? Is it going to piss off arabs? then let it be, we are not arab. Dont start ranting and raving about WWIII, ( AAB AZ AAB TAKON NEMIKHOREH ). The rich arabs are too worried about their fancy cars not catching on fire, and the pakistanies are too poor and hugry to start marching toward this dudes church. Carry on with your life.

Stop Execution and torture of Iranians in Islamic regime Prisons


Dear Mr Rahmanian

by Souri on

I do understand where you (and other commentators) come from, but I think we must think about the bigger picture. This is not about Iran and its politics. This is about a huge number of  of the world's population. The conflict is already started some years ago, and we must be very vigilent not to add the fuel to the fire. We should not get stuck in our own problems so much that we can't see the forest for the leaf


Tombane Osman Ra Alam Kardand.

by pedro on

It appears to me that this guy is either a british agent or agent of islamic regime in Iran paid handsomely to do this. War with Iraq ended too soon to the dismay of Iranian regime leaving a vacuum for people to ask for freedom and democracy. This is another plot to oppress people and send them fighting an imaginary enemy for another 8 years. I used to laugh at my father when he said: "Inha hamash zire sare engelisias" Some how it doesn't sound funny any more.  I wished I understood his wisdom better.  


Stop Execution and torture of Iranians in Islamic regime Prisons

G. Rahmanian

Dear Souri,

by G. Rahmanian on

Some of these comments are directed towards the IR mercenaries on this site and not the Islamic world, as a whole! These comments are aimed at the hypocrisy of individuals who, in a third-worldish, self-pitying manner codemn this guy's act, but readily condone similar acts when perpetrated by their masters.


The man is an imbecile!

by Souri on

I agree completely with Rea.

This is not about the IRI or the Iranians. This is a deliberate provocation against Islam and Islamists on an international scale. It is crazy, it is foolish and rude!

This is only a call to WWIII !

As if we only needed this one!

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

A hypothetical moral dilemma question!?

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

You are lost on a hiking trip far away from your base. You have with you a GPS, a bottle of water, and a copy of Qor'ann! All of sudden mother nature calls upon you. You look around and you can't find anything, not a kolookh, not a piece of rock except a bush full of Poison Ivy!

The $64000 question is what are going to use? If you can resolve this moral dilemma for yourself then you will be comfortable with the burning of it!


VPK jaan: First, Norooze shoma priooz with health and happiness

by Bavafa on

Second, I understand your point.



A Norooz worth jumping over

by Escape on

It's time you stopped being submissive to Islam and stop the psuedo Anti-Islam act.It's been quite a impressive show.

I only wish that had been the LAST QURAN.


Thanks Anahid.

by comments on

This is the only subject that I have seen almost all to agree.  Anahid made the conclusion. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I agree as my previous writings indicate. I am against burning any book. No matter what is in it. That applies to Quoran; Satanic Verse; Mein Kampf; Bible; Huck Finn; Uncle Tom's Cabin or any other book.

People must be the judge. However thanks print press burning books is pointless. In the old days burning books make them unavailable. Now all it means is they print another one. In fact it may actually make the book more popular. Imagine I publish a book. People hate it; they buy copies and burn them. I will gladly print more. They pay me for it; I make my profit.

The real goal here is to insult Muslims. Otherwise I do not think Quoran is going to be destroyed. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Mehrdad Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


We all know that severe crticism of Israel gets you in trouble. The constitution only says no law will be made against it. However it does not protect us against individual action.

People may lose jobs; friends; contracts; and more. That is legal in general unless specifically prohibited. I am not making a value judgement just telling the facts. It goes in many ways.

I have personally called for the firing of anti Iranian Stanford Prof. I would also fire a person who makes anti gay remarks. I would never prosecute them; just want to point the difference.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Rea, it was not only my experience

by Anahid Hojjati on

As I wrote in my previous comment, hundreds of thousands of people had to get rid of their books in early 1980s.