Life of Shah of Iran

French documentary

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


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DK, your own democratic bias coludes your thoughts.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

DK you say... So to expect a country like Iran and it's government of the time to
behave as the most perfect democratic country / Regime in the world was
simply an unrealistic expectation ...

Since you have a democratic bias as do many in this day and age it is not surprising to make a comment like that.  Have you honestly looked at scholarly debate on the subject of democracy.

Why the founders of the American constitution descided to ot mention the word democracy one time in their constitution?  Read their letters to each other on the subject.

My views, would include, there is no most perfect democratic country,

infact if you compare Iran during mohammad reza pahlavi's period with any country of similar size or greater you will discover the truth, which is monarchy in its autocratic form has done far less harm and being far less evil than any republic or democratic manifestation.

Humanity learned in one of the first historic cases, Athenian democracy, at it's very heart was despotism and tyranny.

When it comes to subjects of murder, tyranny, exploitation, inequality, torture, corruption, one by one if you compare Iran back then pre 1979, to UK, France, Germany, Japan, USA you can say infact The Shahs Iran had a far better track record for human rights and the ability of people to choose with out deceit, manipulation and coercion. 

Today we have a Resolution supporting cia backed militants in Libya, not peace loving/freedom loving groups, so the UK/France/Italy/USA can block libyan army from buying weapons, but US backed groups can buy weapons on credit in exchange for oil.

If they were honestly concerned about human life, democracy, human rights, why not just give them the weapons for free?  Why all the business arrangements, treat them like israel if democracy is what you so care about.

But their real agenda is very different as we saw in Iraq, with half of an entire counrty being made an orphan.  The business interests of a nation and resolving their recession, gives them in their mind the right to do any amount of evil and that is really front and center of the actions of democratically people represented governments.

You don't see the same thing with pre-islamic Institution of the Iranian monarchy, 2500 years and you can honestly say This institution has many track records that are worth keeping from a human rights and freedom stand point.

Essentially Freedom, Human Rights, Truth, Justice, these are the strengths of Irans monarchy and hands down have had a better record than the leading countries of this age.

Why don't schools teach that democracy was never the source of human rights, but zoroasters inspired system of government based on truth, Cyruses Monarchy, which ended slavery, forced labor, etc, freedom of religion, etc etc


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

In Hindsight

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


People Shah put in jail belonged there and worse. He saved Iran from Soviets and worse. Yes he did put some to death and I am against the death penalty. But he only did that to people who were trash.

He should have put away Rajavi and Khomeini I would add Bazargan as well. His mistake was that he was too lenient on them. His other mistake was that he did away with real democratic institution leaving only the Mollahs to run things.

He should have allowed a real democracy to flourish. But he was too worried about the **holes who ran rampant in universities. Our an-tellectuals were clowns. He made mistakes but he had good reason. As  we saw the results when he went.

Darius Kadivar

Benyamin Jaan Precisely

by Darius Kadivar on

But then you see that the issue of executing someone for political beliefs is not merely linked to the Form of government or Regime for it can equally take place in a Democracy like America (as it did in a not so far fetched past despite more than two centuries of democratic practice behind it) as it can in a Country like Iran which experienced at best 12 years of a more or less genuine democracy in it's Constitutional form prior to the so called coup.

So to expect a country like Iran and it's government of the time to behave as the most perfect democratic country / Regime in the world was simply an unrealistic expectation ...




by Benyamin on

Yes it does ring a bell!

But as I was reading your comment I asked myself; hadn`t that been better if they were sentenced to life in prison so they could at least retell their story to the new generations?

It seems to me governments execute people mostly because they want to cover up or shut everything up regarding certain people. I remind you the executions went on aftermath the 1979 revolution! It is precisely for that reason I oppose killing and executions of any sort for any reason.

Thank you

Darius Kadivar

Thanks Benyamin but do Julius and Ethel Rosenberg ring a bell ?

by Darius Kadivar on

Thanks Benyamin but do Julius and Ethel Rosenberg  ring a Bell ? ...

Witness to the Ethel Rosenberg execution describes her death (Video)

Spies in America: The Ethel Rosenberg Story (VIDEO)

And This happened in 1953 the same year as the so called Coup in Iran ...


Isn't Calling for the Head of State's Death usually called "Treason"?  ( refering to Fatemi's execution)

But I guess that Anna Chapman was indeed far more lucky than the Rosenbergs living in Today's America ...

Anna Chapman video before 'Russian spy' charges

As for Monarchism or Constitutionalism as I like to call it...

Well I guess it's never late to update your knowledge :

ROYAL FORUM: Explaining the Concept of a Constitutional Monarchy to a Staunch Republican

rather than remain hostage to stereotypes ...




Respectfully Yours,




To Shushtari:

by Benyamin on

By your logic I conclude I should be killed since I oppose monarchy in Iran!!!

This mentality is exactly why we are where we are. No one must get killed for his/her belief nor anyone or group or idealogy has the right to kill anyone for their believes.

What you just said is embarressing the least! Khameneii is killing today for exact same reasons.


To Monarchists:

by Benyamin on

First to DK: I believe that you are a true Monarchist and you are true to your belives. I respect that and agree to disagree with you. I must note that you are a very resourceful I couldn`t do what you do. It is true that all those countries you mentioned have blood on their hands and have killed innocent people of their own and other countries. But I doubt anyone is being killed "legally" in the USA based on the way they think or oppose the government as long as it is peaceful. I mean today. we are not talking about covert operations and so on and so forth.

To Amirparvizforsecularmonarchy: I never mentioned any "western" country in my comment! either you have mistaken my comment with some other or you haven`t read mine entirely which I don`t appreciate anyway.

I don`t like the tone you have chosen in talking to me or addressing me as if I am your "ra`yat"!!! I wonder if this is how Shah talked to his opponants too? If you decide to talk to me, I demand respect and values which true Iranians should abide by and respect one another.

We(iranians) are the only nation that have philosphers who have taught the entire humanity and commanded them to speak with respect and sought each others right. I never change my views of Shah if one of his followers still talking with a mannor that most likely promotes baton logic and volgarity. I didn`t "mis-informed" anyone I watched the entire interview and obviously you did as well. the difference between you and I is that I judged it for what it was and you still think he was a god.

I just wish we could debate and pick each others brain without insulting each other.



by shushtari on

don't be naive...

even if he admits to killing 1000- so what.....who do you think these guys were??

individuals like khomeini, khalkhali, khamenei, yazdi, and so on.....

even murdering idiots like these akhoons have mothers and fathers, so what?!   do they deserve to live to kill and destroy our country??!

I think not- in fact, the shah should have exterminated these butchers a LONG time ago....

the fact that he was quite merciful, and did not execute khomeini in 1963 for treason is a testament that he was NOT the butcher that everyone wants to believe. 


Benyamin your posts contradict each other.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

For one you praised reagan for defending the shahs regime.

Then you clearly mis-inform people that the shah admitted to killing 1000 people. I have seen the interviewand that is not accurate.

You then use that to say he was no angel, but an angel compared to khomeini.

So answer this, you wise and knowledgeable leader of free thinking people.

Lets compare Shahs rule to that of the British, who say they have not killed a single person in 50 years!

In wiki-leaks we discover that over a dozen islamists captured by the USA said they were assasins for the british secret service and upon this being confirmed, were set free by the USA from guantanimo.

How many thousands of people would you imagine Germany, france, UK and USA have tortured and killed in the last 10 years alone?  Throw out a number and at least let us examine objectivelyyour ignorance.

Iran was absolutely no comparison to these so called free and democratic governments. 

Lets not reflect on Korea, lets not reflect on vietnam, lets not reflect on Afghanistan, lets not reflect on even Libya while all these should be reflected on they would totally reaveal the gutless and biased nature of your views.

So lets just focus on Iraq, where the USA, UK, Germany etc have caused 1 in every 2 children in Iraq to be an Orphan, ie both their mother and father has been killed.

Don't you suppose it would be more honest to reflect on the Shah of Irans team based on the realities they was faced with?

You may fool children but not adults.

To compare the shah of Iran to God in heaven on the one hand and then to criticise him is entirley unfair and dishonest. 

And then to suggest that the west is in any way better, when the facts massively refute this is the height of disingenuosness.

Shahs record stands on its own high and above that of the western democracies and they know this for all people that are objective and will always struggle against gutless people, who base their views on propaganda.


Darius Kadivar

Ben delivering Capital Punishment is any Head of State's Dilemma

by Darius Kadivar on

Including in fully democratic and accountable societies be it in Europe or America.

France abolished capital punishment by the Guillotine only after the Socialist Elections in 1981 which was amongst former President Mitterand's campaign promises.

Yet The Irony is that Mitterand himself is responsible for not pardoning at least 45 Algerian Militants of the FLN ( French Algerians seeking independence from France's Colonial Rule) who were executed during his term in office from 1954 to 1957 as Minister of Interior. Mitterrand, l'Algérie et la peine de mort


And it is a well know fact that he overlooked torture being committed by the French Army as well as Police interrogations despite solid evidence that such methods were being used to obtain information. 


Jacques Attali implique Mitterrand dans l'institutionnalisation de la torture


Call it Torture or tough interrogation techniques I very much doubt that Bin Laden's hideout was obtained merely by civilized questioning of some Guantanamo detainees including under the current administration:



Report: Exams reveal abuse, torture of detainees - CNN







Medical evidence of torture neglected in Guantánamo Bay detainees  


Western Democracies also used Good Cop Vs Bad Cop techniques and resort to Psychological and physical Torture in extreme situations against arrested terrorists such as those of the Red Brigade or the Baader Meinhoff if they deemed that they had information ona given plot or terrorist attack in the making.


The Baader Meinhof Complex (TRAILER)



The difference between democratic countries and dictatorships or autocratic regimes (be them right wing or left wing for that matter) is that their is far less accountability when a head of state or his orher security apparatus decides to clamp down on uprisings or carries out secret operations against anyone deemed threatening to central government or societyat large.

Democracies will justify hearings, espionage or eventarget assassinations in the name of what they call "raison d'etat"aka "superior interests of the state / Nation". During the Cold War in particular giventhe extreme ideological confrontations and proxy wars taking place at different levels even investigative journalists could be eliminated or intimidated atbest to avoid leaking sensitive information which could endanger the nation's security for instance in regard to nuclear or military or even diplomatic issues.


If caught red handed Such manipulations and even criminal actions undertook by security services or espionage bureaux in the name of the State have been denounced by the media or even films:



Three Days of the Condor (1975) movie trailer




Bombing of the Rainbow Warrior by French Spies leads to death of Greenpeace activist


But at worst such scandals lead to the resigning of a minister and not necessarilythe head of State ( unless irrefutably proof of their direct responsability is proven).


Now in the case of the head of state of an emerging Third World Country trying to cope the best he can with the shortcomings of his regime the same actions are deemed immoral and the head of state is automatically identified to a"Sadist" leader and Tyrant who relishes at spilling the blood of innocent citizens in his country.


Shah of Iran on the Issue of Torture



Shah ofIran Talking About His Popularity Among the Iranians



In order to remain in power an maintain his deemed "corrupt" regime intact:





Shah of Iran and Corruption in the Country

If things are so clear cut then why do the same intellectuals, peaceniks, Liberals and Human Rights Organizations who shouted their heads off for a few Camels and Horses on Tahrir Square :

CAMEL SPOTTING: First reactions to Mubarak's Speech on Tahrir Square

been so silent when it came to Libya ?


US, UN, Europe and the Arab League SHAME ON YOU ! 


PRECISION DRILLING: Allied Military Operations in Libya in Progress ...



Which proves that when it comes to double standards it is not just something shared by Brutal dictators.





Nevertheless The fact is that when you are a head of State you get to see the world from a very different perspective notably when it comes to issues such as life and death. A Head of State even democratically elected has a certain number of prerogatives which make him above the law: Such as declaring War or Making Peace. If the country is a nuclear power, he and only he can push the so called "Red Button" and disposes of the Key Code to that sensitive decision.




Now imagine if someone like the current fellow Dominique Strauss Kahn who can hardly control his sexual desires was democratically elected as France's Next President ?


IRANIAN CONNECTION: Dominique Strauss Kahn's Sexual assault on Tristane Banon






Had the scandal not doomed his chances it say's alot on the so called moral standards of the political elite in fully democratic societies.




Does that mean that all leaders or politicians in more progressive and democratic countries are corrupt ? Definitively not but it does prove that no system and no politician including a potential leader is perfect.





The tragedy of the Shah but also of most leaders be them President orMonarchs of so called "Third World' countries ( and by Third  worldit does not necessarily imply that these countries are backward or notcivilized ) is that their dilemma when dealing with Freedom of Speech and respecting Human Rights is in balance with far more risky dilemmas than themere fact of punishing someone for the sake of example:




Alleged SAVAK Victim testifies on anAmerican Liberal TV 









A look the monarchies in Jordan or Morocco for example shows how difficult it is to satisfy equally the requirements of an educated middle class aware that social and economic progress cannot be fully satisfied without respectinga minimum of basic principles deemed "Universal" such as Human Rights and Democracy.







National unity can't be undermined, Jordan's King Abdullah says





UP CLOSE & PERSONAL: Jordan's King Abdullah II takes You on a Royal Tour




Morocco's King Mohammed VI pledges constitutional reform




For even in the above example it appears clear that the fairly young monarchs in question who have been educated in the West and are familiar with Western Thought and are in tune with their own generation cannot just give into any democratic demand overnight however legitimate that demand may be.



So as much as it is true to say that the victims of repression are human beings and they too have families who in turn are hurt, that is not enough an argument to draw rapid conclusions on the nature of a regime or of those who are in charge of running it. One can naturally and legitimately draw judgments on whether their actions are morally right or sustainable or not but it is however simplistic to draw a quick conclusion as to the real nature of those who were or are victims of the SAVAK, Mossad, CIA or KGB.


When the Shah said that during his reign a maximum of a 1000 people maybe even less were killed what information do we have on what grounds they were killed ? Were they all innocent political activists or were they far more dangerous individuals than meets the eye ?


Probably a mixture of both.

Shahrnush Parsipur interviewed by Luna Shad ( Who say's despite being arrested by the Shah's SAVAK she was never tortured, however she was both arrested and tortured by the SAVAMA the IRI's secret Police)


If Iran was a perfect constitutional monarchy and accountable on all grounds as most Western Democracies probably no one would be hurt for his orher beliefs or be imprisoned. I am sure regardless of our political opinions today That is what we all aspire to see in tomorrows Iran.




ROYAL ACCOUNTABILITY: Crown Prince Reza on Torture During His Father's Rule





But From a purely historical perspective the real question is whether or not that could have been avoided in the late Shah's era if the country was let's say a Republic and Not a Monarchy ?



I am Not certain it would:




Midnight Express (1978)- Original Trailer




So that leads us to ask ourselves in retrospect if Revolution was the answer to Iran's ills as these fellows deemed was the case:





Mehdi Bazargan and the controversial legacy of Iran's Islamic intellectual movement




Personally I don't think Revolution was the answer:





pictory:Bakhtiar Denounces Bazargan's Provisionary Government in exile (1979)






But Reform:





CONSTITUTIONALIST FORUM: Daryoush Homayoun Political and Journalistic life Honored in Germany





As such I believe that the fact that it did not succeed may not be entirely the Shah's fault:





THE PAST IS A FOREIGN COUNTRY: HowWould You Evaluate Iran's Democracy Index in 1953 ?





But that of a society and leading Intelligentsia whichgot it's PRIORITIES WRONG !







SOURCES OF FURY:Nader Naderpour on origins of IRI's "Death Slogans" towards USand Israel










Otherwise we may have become what Morocco, Turkey or South Korea have achieved in terms of democratic evolution to date despite similar shortcomings...



For I am not sure that with the best of intentions anyone else could have done better on this front in the Shah's Shoes. All the more that I am not certain how many leaders in the region would forgive those who tried to assassinate him during his reign often not only pardoned but also promoted as was the case of a former communist who was to become the head of National Television only to be executed after the Revolution for ties with the Shah's regime. 


That is why I believe that as much as your judgment is right from a purely moral perspective ... You are quick to conclude on the Shah's true nature and intentions which appear to me to be at best reductive from a purely historical and political perspective.


Does that make Torture or arbitrary arrests or executions for purely political purposes justifiable ? Definitively Not. But for a given society to achieve those human rights standards overnight is definitively easier said than done even when paved with good intentions ... 


My Humble Opinion,





Recommended Blogs:


HISTORY OF IDEAS: Marquis de Sade and"Sadism" ( Channel 4 Documentary)




HISTORY OF VIOLENCE: IRI's Reign ofTerror Begins (BBC Report 1979)



Disingenuous Comments are welcome. JasonRobardas

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Shah was directly responsible for his own sorrowful  demise . He ran
away from Iran with the wealth he acquired through the plunder of


i love it when i see comments like yours, they are exactly the type of thoughts and words many Iranians that supported the revolution held and it gives us an opportunity to reflect on what we know for sure, facts.

Shahs first act was to give away hundreds of thousands of his inherited lands for free (and that of other wealthy land owners in exchange for some wealth in the form of stocks and shares in new businesses).  To provide 250,000 farmers their own land and 100% of the profits of their on work.

He also created Iranian steel which directly employed about 100,000 people at high incomes, and indirectly employed 700,000 people and made the iranian work force the most educated in the middle east, even above israel.

The governments of USA, UK, Germany, France all opposed this rapid development and told the shah he would be removed if he continued on the econmic development front. 

It was they who gave direct financial support to Khomeni and others who had almost no support within Iran except in the extremist minorities, it was they who pursued Iraq after 9/11 and it was they who would not touch the Iranian regime they brought about and have spent 33 years defending and maintaining.   Not under any pretext.

I don't think this supports your idea that he plundered iran nor that he was to blame or in any way responsible for his fate.

But then again disingenuous opinions are never really subject to reason, they are based on stories received from biased sources and lead to the destruction of goodness, beauty and truth.





neither shah nor sheikh

by jasonrobardas on

      Thanks Beniamin . The level headed comment you posted will hopefully enlighten those of our compatriots who think we as iranians should always be slaves to some dictator.

      Bad news for such folks:  The era of dictatorship is over. That is totally anachronistic!  look around you and see all the democracy seeking movements , Egypt , Tunisia, Saudi Arabia,Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria, Jordan etc  .  The era of bowing in front of a dictator  and kissing  his hand is over .

      Some of the comments made in favor of the shah and monarchy were absolutely  shallow  and rediculous ! Do not glorify the Shah because he was "classy , elegant and modern" and that he used the best designer perfumes ......Please grow up.....Ben Ali and Mobarak and many other despots were modern too .

      Regardless of their idealogy , dictators dig their own grave .


David Frost asked Shah in an interview in Panama:

by Benyamin on

The Islamic Republic is claiming your secret service(Savak) killed thousands of people for their political views, is that true?

Shah replied " no, that is a lie" after a few back and forth and with the david Frost persistance finally Shah gave in and said "perhaps less than a 1000"!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, in comparison to Khomeini, Shah was the angel and Khomeini the Deman. But only in comparison between the two. Did shah love Iran no doubt! but Shah loved Iran with a condition where most of us didn`t have that condition but yet we love Iran despite of any condition. Shah wanted to be the Shah otherwise whats up with bowing to 90 degree and kissing hands? what is the difference between kissing the place Khameneii was sitting or bowing and kissing shah`s hands? Why should we as the people always kiss some place of the first person of Iran? do we owe anybody for being born in Iran? Are we born a slave? Why do we need to think there is higher power over our heads hovering and we always have to "obey" that power?

Shah admittingly killed 1000 souls, everyone of those people had a mother and a father and I bet everyone of them were loved. Why does he go to "heaven"? because he didn`t kill as many as Khomeini? or he loved Iran more than Khomeini? or he worked to make Iran a more prosperous country? I have news for all of those that think Shah is in heaven, It was his duty and he didn`t do nearly enough specially with all the money and power and authority he had he failed to make Iran an advanced country.

In comparison to IRI he was gold but he looks pale to many other countries at the same time, Like South Korea and so on.

God bless Iran


Un Grand Homme,

by Shemirani on

Son intelligence m'épate toujours et encore 30 après...c'est hallucinant, et ça rend d'autant plus difficile de comprendre le fait qu'un un peuple peut rejeter un tel souverain pour choisir un mollah qui  savait à peine parler (ne parlons pas du reste avec ses idées sorties tout droit de la préhistoire)

jamais auncun homme n'egalera ce roi perdu, et on peut errer comme des fantomes pendant longtemps encore à rêver de l'Iran d'avant ! où il faisait si bon vivre !!!

je ne pardonne pas ces revolutionnaires de m.... vraiment pas !



by Shemirani on

به کسانی‌ که پر از عقده و نفرت ایراد های بی‌ انصاف و بی‌ منطق میگیرند تا نام شاه میاد :

یک مرد تحصیل کرده باهوش دلسوز مردمش روشنفکر  و بلند نظر برای میهنش از سر شما زیاد می‌‌بود !

یک مشت شپشو بی‌ سواد متنفره ایران و ملتش، دزدِ خیا بانی‌، آدمکش، لیاقتِ شما می‌باشد ! حالشو ببرید !



A great documentary

by Amir19 on

I saw the entire dvd on


He loved his country

by mahmoudg on

more so than these Arab thugs we call Mullahs.  Iran would have continued on its path to greatnes under the Shah, until we got infested once again by Islam.  Until we can cleanse ourselves from it we shall continue on this path of death and destruction.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Shah was a

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


great man and a very patriotic Iranian. A bit arrogant but he loved Iran. Those who bash him are indecent disgraces to all of Iran.

May his soul rest in peace and enjoy all the good of the Minu World.


the shah is in heaven for sure....

by shushtari on

while we have the bache akhoonds here trying to bash him.....

your idol, khomeini kassif, is burning on a skewer in hell right now.....quite regurgitating the same one is buying it 


fussygorilla: pitty yourself..

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

you mozdoor of islamist regime!

Jason: interesting you mentioned said soultanpoor. If shah "persecuted him", the islamist regime arrested him on his wedding night and executed him after 60 days of torture....

Here I rest my case.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by fussygorilla on

'Thank you for a few facts about this disgraced and infamous family. But....but just read others' commenst here who are the miserable remnants of that regime still vengeful and blinded by self-delusional dreams. Pity them all.


مردم بی غیرت و قدر نشناس


این اشخاصی که شاه را دس از ۳۳ سال دلیل بدبختی ایران و ایرانی میدانند، همان وطن فروشانی هستند که دستشان پر از خون جوانان ایران است و امروز بعد از ۳۳ سال هنوز از شعارای احمقانه دست بردار نیستند و تمام سندها نشانگر وطن پرستی شاه بوده و هستش و فقط برای یک عده اسلامی شیطانی و کومنیست ازبین رفته وتوده ای  که همه وطن فروشان هستند و امروز شماها خیلی خوب شناخته شده اید و  اینده شما نیز مشخص است. اقایی که لیست کسانی را ردیف کرده انگار انها وطن فروش به روسها نبودند ویا اسلامی های کثیف نبودند. اگر عرضه ان را دارید امروز برید ایران اسلحه بکشید طرف پلیس که اینها وامثال شما قبل از ۵۷ اسلحه می کشیدید.


Was he Perfect? Of course

by Arthimis on

Was he Perfect? Of course not! Who really is, or ever was, You and me???It's bewildering and most shameful to take a look at this man, Mohamad Reza Pahlavi & all his records (Both good and bad...) honestly and bash him the way some so called Iranians do!!!!

Despite some of his weaknesses (like every other human being), he was one CLASSY man! An Honorable Patriot, Educated, Cultured, Prestigious Man who Spoke , Wrote and Read in Persian, French and English and made Iran and Iranians look really good !!! (Something that 99% of world leaders still can't do to this day!!!!)

With all the money and power he had, he could have had a life style that most billionaires had and still have, but he didn't, cause he had honor, integrity and class, unlike all the bastards who came to power after him...

During his reign, He modernized Iran... He & his beloved wife put Iran on a "World Map" as a glorious country and All YOU UNGRATEFULL so called Iranians as member of a very important, respected and liked nation in this world!!!! (which you did NOt deserve and still don't...)

Look at Iran and Yourselves Now after 32 years + .... !!!! Aren't you ashamed of yourselves???? If not, I got news for you! The rest of the world is... SADLY...  

"SHAME" is not even an enough level of definition to describe the situation of our beloved Motherland, IRAN!!!

Bunch of people with such deep inferiority complex and self hatred that manifests in the ugliest forms and shapes, internally and externally to the rest of the world & mankind... Exactly like those Evil people who have invaded and occupied our Motherland now for so long!!!!

Free Iran & True Iranians... 


Pahlavis are a historical disgrace!

by jasonrobardas on

    Reza Shah's original family name was "Savad Koohi". He was a thuggish illiterate kosak . He eliminated many voices of opposition . his son was directly responsible for his own pitiful demise . 

     In the 70s when the oil revenues soared , he was overcome by megalomania . During his reign , Iran lacked political freedom . He abolished the multiple political parties and orderd the establishment of the one party system . He later declared that anyone who is not happy with the system can get his passport and get out of the country , As if he owned the Iranian territory .

    Poets like Shamloo, Akhavan sales , Nima, Sayeh, Soltanpur, Mirzadeh, kosh Abadi were constantly persecuted by the shah's regime.

    Novelists like Beh Azin, Ahmad Mahmud, M.Afghani, Saedi, Dolat Abadi, Daryabandari hazarkhani were also  either interrogated,   harassed or imprisoned by the Shah's secret police .

    Mohamad Masood was killed by pricess Ashraf's goons . Journalist karimpur Shirazi had the same fate.

    Morteza Keyvan the poet was shot right after 1953 coup. Samad Behrangi was drowned In Aras river , his friend ( Behrooz Dehghani )was tortured to death in prison . Behrooz's sister (Ashraf dehghani) was tortured and raped in prison . Khosrow Golsorkhi the poet and journalist was shot to death . His friend Keramatollah Daneshian was also executed .

   Shah was directly responsible for his own sorrowful  demise . He ran away from Iran with the wealth he acquired through the plunder of iranians.


Shah was the most valuable leader, Consider Documented Facts:

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

They were the most valuable because of what they created and left behind, 99% of their wealth. As Irans ceo, shah helped take iran from 108th to 9th wealthiest nation, so in reality he actually got robbed.

Considering the standard of living he helped create for the average Iranian, the largest middle class in the middle east at the time. 

The royal families combined wealth, including ahsraf, today as estimated by international lawyers that have pursued them is around $62 million or less than what is spent on any European family in a single year.  Even though Iran was far wealthier than most of those, from spain, holland, sweden etc etc.  Based on their personal success they left with peanuts.

Corrupt or Robbed & cheated?

You decide.


When I hear "The Most corrupt Iranian family".....

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

 I can think only of khamenei and ahmadinezhad dynasties, who have been plundering our petro Dollar revenues at such grand scales unheared of in our nations history , full of corrupt kings, amirs, sultans, and finally "presidents" and "god's spoksmen on earth"!


Bottom line: Shah is dead and gone, Khamenei/ahmadinezhad are here, and they are committing crimes 100 times worth than what shah is alleged to have committed against Iranian people.

Anybody who comes here and attacks Pahlavis, yet defending islamist regime is well adviced to find a new source of employment.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


That's how a king should live

by عموجان on

Great Family. With out him (Pahlavis) Iran wouldn't have any identity in the modern world.  

Unless you enjoy being called Muslim terrorist(I think you guys got your wishes)


Most corrupt?

by AryamehrNYC on

You may be the most intellectually challenged Iranian, then and now. 

It's pathetic how you conveniently have ommitted the Khamenii and Rafsanjani clans and their collective wealth. 



The most corrupt Iranian family, then and now

by پندارنیک on

You don't have to watch the whole set of these videos. The first few seconds of the first one sums up the whole circus-like show of royally delusional life of the dictator who was so detached from the realities of everyday life in society:

Three useless stooges(@0:56 mark) who bowed all the way to their knees and saluted before the "mad man" reached the gate..........