Unlike any other Arab country, Syria holds the key to several conflicts in the Middle East. The future of the Iran-led "resistance block" (along with Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas), stabilization in Iraq, the conflict with Israel, as well as Turkey's "new eastern policy" all depend on what will happen in Syria in the wake of the ongoing uprising. Now, after eight months of protests, with thousands of people killed, tens of thousands arrested and no end in sight, what can be done to stop the carnage and inhibit, if not end, Iran's direct intervention to keep Assad in power and extricate Tehran from Damascus through a regime change? A general look at the scene suggests six major elements that characterize the current situation in Syria which make it unlikely for Syria's President Assad to stay in power.
First, as the crackdown continues, international sanctions, though still far from crippling the regime, have started to drain the regime's economic as well as diplomatic resources. Oil revenues will dry up as export contracts largely expired in mid-November after the European Union implemented a ban on Syrian oil. Turkey, which has held the United States from taking action against Damascus in the hope that Assad will make reforms, has also finally abandoned Assad. Not only has Turkey hosted the establishment of the Syrian National Council (SNC) by opposition groups in Istanbul, but Turkey is also currently conducting military exercises on the Syrian border, with plans in place for a possible occupation of northern Syria to provide a safe haven for refugees and military defectors to escape the killing.
Second, the regime has lost legitimacy and is unlikely to restore it. Unlike democracies, authoritarian regimes can still maintain legitimacy through means other than being elected as representatives of their people, particularly by providing basic public goods and services. Assad's loss of legitimacy was not, therefore, for "failing to lead a democratic transition," as President Obama stated in mid-July, but the result of the regime's gradual failure to deliver public goods and later the indiscriminate killing of its citizens, especially when the sanctions continue to undermine the patron-client relationship that the regime has maintained for decades with the business elite.
Third, the majority of the Syrian people are being increasingly alienated. It is not unusual for authoritarian regimes to face dissent but the ability to crush protests is always situation-specific. In 1982, Bashar's father, Hafez Assad, quelled a revolt in the city of Hama by killing an estimated 20,000 of its residents and his regime survived for two more decades. In 2011, the recurrent, though qualified, victories of Arab revolutions as well as the media scrutiny (social media in particular) has emboldened the protesters and restricted the regime. Even if the protest is crushed now, the hatred that the government's violence has fed makes it only a matter of time before protests are resurrected with even greater force.
Fourth, the prospect of a civil war looms large on the horizon. Syria's Alawites ruling minority and the Sunnis are becoming mortal enemies. Random killings against the civilians are committed not only by the government forces but also by members of the Sunni and the Alawite communities against one another. With the rising toll of civilian deaths, protesters are becoming more militant and people on both sides are buying weapons which are being smuggled in from Lebanon for self-defense and offensive operations. Uncontained, such a situation runs the high possibility of turning into another post-Saddam Iraq, where vendetta prevails between the Sunni and Shiites.
Fifth, there is military defection. Though figures have not been quantified accurately, there is no question that a growing number of the Syrian military's rank-and-file (mostly Sunni) are now defecting for refusing to shoot upon their fellow civilians. This is a very bad omen for the regime. Not only is defection contagious, threatening the coherence of the regime's backbone, but there is the likely chance that these combat-trained soldiers could soon form the base for an organized armed opposition supported by the international community, paving the way for a regime change a la Libya.
Sixth, the Arab initiative to end the violence in Syria has reached an impasse. On November 12th, the Arab League suspended Syria and imposed political and economic sanctions at their Cairo meeting due to the Syrian government's continued violence against protestors. After nearly two weeks of wrangling between the two sides, Damascus and the Arab foreign Ministers failed to agree on a plan that would permit 500 monitors to enter the country. The Arab states rejected what it saw as Syrian efforts to change drastically the Arab League's peace blueprint which also called on the Syrian government to immediately remove troops from cities and towns and conduct negotiations with the opposition. The failure to reach an agreement made it more than likely that the Arab League would recognize the opposition in Syria, once unified, as the sole representative of the Syrian people, very similar to Libya's National Transitional Council.
Combined, these elements lead to the conclusion that it is already too late for the Assad regime to make reforms or lead transition in Syria. Though practically doomed, the regime, the Alawite elite, the military and internal security remain resilient and generally united and will almost certainly persist in the crackdown, in what they see as a fight for their own lives and tinged with the unrealistic hope that the tide can still change in their favor.
The international community cannot sit aloof while the massacre continues in Syria, as a largely peaceful demonstration is not likely to succeed in toppling the government on its own. Thousands of Syrian people will continue to be killed either at the hands of Assad's security forces or in sectarian violence. Meanwhile, a Libyan-like international military intervention does not appear feasible as the United States (in the midst of presidential elections) and the EU have no desire to get involved in yet another Middle East conflict, especially one laden with dangerous geopolitical complications and unforeseen consequences.
A coherent strategy is urgently needed to ensure the fall of the Syrian regime and the strengthening of the democracy-seeking protests in Syria while substantially eroding Iran's grip on Damascus.
First, fearing that he may meet Qaddafi's fate and concerned that he may never regain the legitimacy needed to lead, President Assad might be willing to negotiate a safe passage and immunity from prosecution for himself, family, Alawite leaders and several dozen of his top military, internal security, and intelligence personnel. This is particularly urgent as it would need to occur before Assad and his brother are indicted by the International Criminal Court, which can happen as soon as charges of en masse killing are brought against them. Once Assad is indicted (and fearing that he will be caught and stand trial) he will be discouraged from opting for this course. For this reason, the Obama administration, in consultation with its allies, (in particular Turkey) should fully and aggressively explore this option with key Arab states, in particular Saudi Arabia and Qatar, where Assad might find safe haven and spare his country from racing ever so rapidly toward the abyss.
Should these efforts fail then other, severe measures must be considered. The international community will have to intensify the sanctions on Syria. With or without a new Security Council resolution the US and the EU must make sure to close all the loopholes and make the sanctions smart enough to target the Syrian leadership and its ability to utilize its weapon and communication systems. Moreover, failing to reach an agreement with the Arab League (in particular Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the UAE whose merchandise exchange with Syria is close to 40% of its international trade) are more likely now to impose their own sanctions similar to Turkey.
The United States and the EU should help (and at the same time pressure) the newly formed Syrian National Council (SNC) to become a more organized and representative body of the Syrian people and its political, ethnic, and religious mosaic. The SNC must close ranks, offer a clear vision of a future Syria and an unambiguous alternative to the current regime with a specific agenda and form a "shadow government." Indeed, for the Syrian people to rally around the SNC they must have a clear sense where and how such a body is planning to lead Syria post -Assad's era. An empowered SNC, viewed as a viable alternative which demonstrates cohesiveness and a capability to manage a peaceful transition, could then receive international recognition and support (already offered by Turkey and foreshadowed by the Arab League) which would further embolden the protesters, galvanize Assad's illegitimacy to rule, and speed his departure.
The US should lead a coordinated effort to provide material support through Turkey to the protesters. While not necessarily arms, certainly logistical support, aid, and protection for the besieged communities along the lines of the Berlin Airlift of 1948-9 would be in order. Facing the full fury of the regime's security machine, Syrian protesters need to fight in self-defense and feed their families. If the international community cannot help with the former, it certainly can with the latter. Moreover, to silence Syria's air-defense system, the United States needs not launch air strikes but could instead employ cyber-warfare, an option it considered against Qaddafi's Libya.
Perhaps most importantly is the Iran factor that has become extraordinarily more worrisome to the US and its allies as the Syrian regime is becoming increasingly more dependent on Iran's material, logistical and military support. For Iran, maintaining its grip on Damascus is central to its ambitions to become the region's hegemon exercising unprecedented influence over a contiguous landmass extending from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean, especially as Tehran is coming closer to acquiring nuclear weapons. This dimension has far-reaching implications for the security of US and its allies in the Gulf and presents an imperative, historic opportunity for the US and the Gulf governments to ensure a transition of power in Syria.
Only through a regime change in Damascus will Iran's exploitation of Syria's heterogeneous make up in pursuit of its hegemonic ambitions (as it has, and continues to do, in Iraq) be stopped. A stalwart suspension of Syria by the Arab League would, no doubt, open the door for bolder Western intervention to further isolate the Assad leadership and send a clear message to Iran that it will not be allowed to have a free hand in Syria.
The choice between "Assad regime-or-chaos" is no longer relevant, if it has ever been. The US with its European allies, especially Turkey, must now muster all possible means to end the slaughter in Syria. It is certainly a tall and most complicated order. There is, however, no other viable option that would also limit, if not end, Iran's direct involvement in keeping Assad in power and spare the region from a potential war that could involve Iran and Israel.
Alon Ben-Meir is a professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs at New York University. He teaches courses on international negotiation and Middle Eastern studies >>> www.alonben-meir.com
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Damascus & Tehran: A Separation | 31 | Feb 23, 2012 |
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F: Participation ..... Quite
by alimostofi on Mon Nov 28, 2011 09:30 AM PSTF: Participation .....
Quite frankly you are not really looking at participation properly. How many Iranians celebrated Nowruz, Yalda. Mehregan? Tell me these people love Hezbollah Party in Iran. Enough said.
Ali Mostofi
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Mon Nov 28, 2011 09:18 AM PSTYou don't know where I was and don't make any assumption. You see things from your point of view. That is a fact and nothing will change it. I am sorry you got tortured but it does not prove majority support IRI.
Did East Germans getting shot crossing the Berlin wall prove people support the system? Did the fact that Stalin killed 20 million Soviet citizen mean people loved Marxism? If so how come they dropped it like a pile of s***. You are projecting your anger to innocents.
No surprise you are angry who wouldn't be? But misplaced anger will end up backfiring. Now you are in America and as long as you just talk you are fine. If you act on the anger and go after innocent people it would be a bad idea.
Fesenjoon is absolutely correct
by Anonymous Observer on Mon Nov 28, 2011 09:17 AM PSTthe Islamic Republic is supported, overtly or tacitly, by the overwhelming majority of the Iranian population. That's why it's still in power.
proof? pffft...
by Fesenjoon2 on Mon Nov 28, 2011 08:49 AM PSTThe proof is that I have lived in Iran most of my life, and you havent.
The proof is that I was there personally to watch 12 million people show up for the funeral of that murderer Khomeini (that's over 20% of Iran's population in 1989), and you werent. Where were you? California?
The proof is I have been tortured by the Revolutionary guards, and you havent.
Re: they are the majority
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Mon Nov 28, 2011 07:04 AM PSTHow do you know ? In a dictatorship there is no way to tell. In Soviet Union if you polled the population everyone was a "communist". Because no one liked the weather in Siberia. If Iranians are so Islamic:
It is easy to say things without proof. Maybe people you dealt with were like that. All the ones I know are the opposite. Hatred of the regime goes across boundaries and includes all kinds from Muslim to Atheist. Face it we are all biased.
they are the majority
by Fesenjoon2 on Mon Nov 28, 2011 06:54 AM PSTperiod.
OK once again
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Mon Nov 28, 2011 06:20 AM PSTI never said the Islamist Basiji are not Iranian. Some of them with no doubt are Iranian. Maybe a bunch are Iraqi or Lebanese but the majority of them are Iranian. That does not mean they are Iran. Here are othees:
The same thing is true for Iran. Yes there are a lot of people who believe in the well. There are also a lot who go to Ashura. They are Iranians but not Iran. I am getting tired of saying this fact because it should be obvious.
yes, these people are not Iranian
by Fesenjoon2 on Mon Nov 28, 2011 06:16 AM PSTThey are from Mars laabod
Or maybe they arent people. They are turtles.
Re: Questions need to questioned
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Mon Nov 28, 2011 06:06 AM PSTI agree. Who are "people" supposed to be.
F: Questions need to
by alimostofi on Mon Nov 28, 2011 05:43 AM PSTF: Questions need to questioned
Ali Mostofi
ali mostofi
by Fesenjoon2 on Mon Nov 28, 2011 05:23 AM PSTtell me, why are people stupid and ignorant?
Why do people believe in a imam living down in a chaah?
why do people believe women are naaghes ol-aghl?
VPK: Idealism .... There
by alimostofi on Mon Nov 28, 2011 05:09 AM PSTVPK: Idealism ....
There many Iranians in UK, who know Britain better than the British. There are a lot of Moslem priests in West China, who pray in Persian. Cuneiform was deciphered by an Englishman. Arabic dictionary was written by an Iranian.
Ali Mostofi
The Irony
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Mon Nov 28, 2011 05:06 AM PSTof radical Islamist and radical so called anit-Islamist is they think 99% alike. One says "kill all infidels"; the other says "kill all Muslims".
The one thing they don't realize is how bad they sound to other people.
Here we go
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Mon Nov 28, 2011 05:02 AM PSTThey are more Iranian than you, (considering that you havent lived in Iran for more than 30 years).
Who appointed Fesenjoon to tell us who is Iranian? One more self absorbed person declaring himself to know it all. I don't need anyone to tell me who is Iranian and who is not.
We already got a self declared "President" Rajavi. And a self declared "VF" telling us word of God. Now we have a self declared person telling us "who is Iranian". There are better ways to find out who is Iranian than ask an anonymous IC poster.
Fesenjoon2: Politics vs
by alimostofi on Mon Nov 28, 2011 04:46 AM PSTFesenjoon2: Politics vs Nationalism. .....
If what you are saying is correct, then why did they change the name of Iran. Why is it that they do not have any respect for ancient philosophy of Iran? Why would they kill me on sight?
Ali Mostofi
the regime is made up of Iranians
by Fesenjoon2 on Mon Nov 28, 2011 04:37 AM PSTThe regime is made up of Iranians.
These men are not from Zimbabwe or Lebanon or Sudan.
They have families, grandparents, and grew up all their lives in Iran.
They are more Iranian than you, (considering that you havent lived in Iran for more than 30 years).
Iran vs "regime"
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Mon Nov 28, 2011 04:07 AM PSTI don't understand why people even good ones insist on equating Iran with the regime. Iran meaning the people will benefit greatly from Assad going. The Hizbollahi regime of Khamenei will be hurt and that is good. For Iranian people.
This may interest you
by FG on Sun Nov 27, 2011 03:00 PM PSTAnalysis: Iran adopts "wait and see" policy on Syria's crisis
By Parisa Hafezi | Reuters //news.yahoo.com/analysis...
My comment: On the surface Iran may appear to back off a bit from backing Assad. The catch for Iran is that undermines Assad further. Beneath the surface, Iran's covert support--including military via Al Quds--will continue. Anything else would be out of character.
Meanwhile Lebanon's Hezbollah and especially Al-Sadr in Iraq have been outspoken in their cheerleading for Assad. Like Iran, both may face serious problems if the Syrian regime falls--having made powerful enemies in the neighborhood.
"It is the chain of
by vildemose on Sun Nov 27, 2011 08:56 AM PST"It is the chain of communication, not the means of production, that determines a social process."
-- Robert Anton Wilson
Asad regime will go
by rain bow movment on Sun Nov 27, 2011 06:05 AM PSTAsad regime will go down and will drag Barbaric islamic regime of Iran with it self by end of 2012 ,I bet you all
There is no limit to stupidity & ignorance of dictators
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Sun Nov 27, 2011 04:04 AM PSTAm I too romantic or what?
by پندارنیک on Sun Nov 27, 2011 04:07 AM PSTI wish we could've held our political horses and wait for the ultimate outcome of changes that have already swept through Egypt and Libya, before wishing more instability in the region whose sole beneficiary would be none other than the state of Israel............I've gone through Meir's website and articles .........
" First Mitchell should push for the dismantling of all new illegal
outposts; the government can take this action without losing much
political capital and it can certainly justify it by citing American
pressure. The mushrooming of new outposts has been a terrible source of
Palestinian frustration as they signify further entrenchment rather than
Second on the agenda should be removing small
clusters of settlements occupied by ideological activist settlers in
places such as Nablus and Hebron that are troublesome and heavily tax
Israel's security forces. All of these settlements are deep in the West
Bank and most Israelis agree that they must eventually be evacuated for
any peace deal."
Meir's heart is for Israel, "the 1967 occupier"............that's all.....
I want my comment to be only read, and replied by the blog's writer, if he wishes.
I agree with Maryam Hojjat, great read.
by ham1328 on Sun Nov 27, 2011 02:57 AM PSTGreat article with solution
by Maryam Hojjat on Sun Nov 27, 2011 02:08 AM PSTThank you. Asad fall would help Iranians.
Don't generalize "Iran".
by alimostofi on Sat Nov 26, 2011 07:01 AM PSTDon't generalize "Iran". ......
It is so sad to see numerous articles like these for the past thirty years; where the author refuses to talk outside superfluous generalizations of all the different gangsters, factions that make the disgusting Khoreshteh Hezbollah. Each of these ingredients has links both with the Syrian government and the various opposition groups. The only common factor is who can profit most from death.
Ali Mostofi