IATA Cuts Ties With Iran Air

International air transportation authority complies with U.S. sanctions on Iran

ISNA -Iran said it has entered into talks with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and called for implementation of international rules. The measure came after the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Treasury Department has intensified embargo on Iran on October 5 and blacklisted Iran Air which led to IATA's refusel to continue cooperation with Civil Aviation Organization of Iran (Iran Air) >>>


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Anahid Hojjati


by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Vildemose, We have discussed airplane and airliner parts sanctions but not quite this issue. This is a new development. As far as why an international body(IATA) listens to request from United States regarding Iran, maybe because this international body owes a lot to Uinted States Aviation industry. As an example, When this organizationhas its meetings to come up with requirement for airplane Avionics sytsems, do you think people from Iran sit on these meetings or engineers from United States? I can tell you that these meetings are atteneded by many representatives from US. Not only reps from Boeing and FAA but from airplane systems supplier companies and research agencies. This might be one reason that IATA listens to US, besides general lack of credibity of IRI.

That said, IRI has asked IATA for reconsideration and if they have any valid reason, maybe decison will be changed.

I like comment by Faramarz in which he wrote:"...You tend to blame the West for these problems instead of the Regime. You also tend to place a higher premium on the potential loss of life of tomorrow versus the dead and the tortured of today by the Regime. .."


I blame IRI and everyone who made IranAir fleet crap....

by MM on

Even if Air Air is prohibited from going abroad, these idiots will still carry passengers inside Iran and when the plane start going down, does anyone care?.  I know IRI does not care, but how about you.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You got it right. The whole misery of Iran and other nations in the region is due to this. I really wish Iran and Israel would stop fighting and make peace. The problem is:

  • Israeli right wingers want the West Bank.They do not have the honesty to admit it; kick out the Palestinians and be done with it.
  • Then we get this slow painful displacement. It keeps everyone angry and the wound open. If they just got it over with the refugees would move on and be done with it!I
  • Israel wants full supermacy of the region. That will never happen. So they destabalize and radicalize other regimes: result more trouble.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan is a true Iranian

by iamfine on

I am glad to see a few Iranians on the Iranian.com have the ability to analyze the problem that Iranians are facing. Veiled Prophet of Khorasan  is one of them and I am proud of him


عضو عزیز امّت اسلام اون یارو


با عرض معذرت بنده همه را دوشیزه خطاب می‌کنم تا اینکه آن اشخاص مدرک قاطع نشان دهند که از جنس مذکر هستند، همانطور که شما فرزند عزیز انقلاب نشان دادید.  

السلام و علیکم و رحمت الله و برکاته.


 Nahid jan: Haven't we

by vildemose on

 Nahid jan: Haven't we discussed this before ad nauseum?? And you made a very few scientific points. I don't remember how long ago...


"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis D. Brandeis


Cousin Farmarz : I couldn’t help getting amused …

by Bavafa on

by your “you NIAC people”   comment.

One also could say 'you anti-NIAC people' would not miss a chance blaming IRI, if they do the exact same thing as the West does.


Do you think the US and its allies will abide by the notion that international trade is not a right when its interest is in jeopardy? 


What do we think it will happen if Iran or any other country decide to trade in other currency than American $ ?

  We all know that they have proven that they will go to war, topple regimes and kill innocent people to protect their [finanical] ”interest


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



VPK! I am still confused re the egg and chicken but let's assume

by fanoos on

chicken was there first that's the West planned the whole thing and deceived Iranian people out of a palace (luxury) into a masjed (misery) then with all due respect this gullible and easy-to-deceive nation does not deserve advanced technologies.

To prove to the whole world that it deserves it, it needs to prune itself of its diseased branches like the poster below who points the blame on the Israelis!



Re: "I dare say ...."

by aynak on

"اn my humble opinion, only a bunch of cowards (for the lack of permitted
words) would approve of the carrying out of the actions of international
organizations, associations, etc.,  that compromise the safety of the
public, under the pretext of fighting the regime."


And dare I say, there are two groups, one running Iran, and one from outside, who do not give a damn about the safety of Iranian one way or another.   Not too surprisingly, their actions as opposed, they seem in rethortic, in practice are always complementary!  (i.e stop policies that forces people to flee their own country).

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

"Kessi Keh Kharboozeh Meekhoreh, Pay'e Larzesh Ham Meshineh!"

And their children who were not even born then? Do they also pay for their parents. How about all those ***holes who got out. My family knows a lot of JM and Meli-Mazhabi who are in the USA now. Why don't they get to pay for it. 

You show a lack of compassion and understanding. Most of Iranian populations was not even born when the revolution happened. Or should they pay for the sins of their fathers and mothers for seven generations to come?



As if dominance of Zionism on the world is news!

by Disenchanted on


      Why all these sanctions?! For defending human rights of Iranians?! Huh..good luck!

       Iranian people have to crash and burn so those in illegal West bank settlements feel secure and grab more lands!

      The fact that stops Iran, US rapprochement is not human rights issues in Iran nor it is interests of the united states. It is singularly selfish and hegemonic interest of Zionists!

        Face it folks, we are all paying down to an individual for Iran's gov. opposition to Israel. That is beyond doubt. Are we paying to high a price for  a cause that has no direct national relevance is another question.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The facts are there and been reviewed a hundred times on IC. Go read for yourself what happened. You want a summary read the blogs by Amirparviz. 

The real short version is this:

  • Shah was not being a "good puppet" so 4 major powers decided to ditch him.
  • Their media went into hyper gear trashing Shah while promoting Khomeini. 
  • The idiot JM; MEK and Melli-Mazhabi went for it.

That is the Iranian revolution in three lines. For details go read one of a hundred different books; blogs or whatever. You get different versions but the main points are the same. Your perception depends: if you are Iranian; how old you are; where you got raised.


I dare say...

by پندارنیک on

In my humble opinion, only a bunch of cowards (for the lack of permitted words) would approve of the carrying out of the actions of international organizations, associations, etc.,  that compromise the safety of the public, under the pretext of fighting the regime.


RE: "I travel back to Iran to consume CheloKabab"

by fanoos on

Assuming VPK's first assertion is correct, that's "It was the last generation that made this mess.!"

My response is this, "Kessi Keh Kharboozeh Meekhoreh, Pay'e Larzesh Ham Meshineh!"



Re:It's not the safety and well-being of Iranian people these

by aynak on

folks are concerned about. The real reason behind the discontent on IATA
sanctions is their own safety during their by-yearly trips to Iran for
consumptions of chello kabab, zal-zalak, and .... That's a the real

  Let's assume, that is the case, and I travel back to Iran to consume CheloKabab, (that is an expensive Chelo Kabab ???) do I have the right to be concerned about my own safty?   Who do you think "Iranian-people" are?  Or in your book Iranian people do not fly Iran-Air?   This is why earlier I mentioned two groups here:   One that is absolute morons who would support such notion, without understanding its real implications , and the second, those who do not really care about the life of *Any*Iranian.

Soosan Khanoom

IRI will go no where

by Soosan Khanoom on

as long as we have people who are willingly buying any crap that mullahs sell  and as the result they are supporting this regime .... 

Now keep sanctioning or threaten them with War, It won't work.  IRI is not afraid of these things.  But give a speech somewhere and /or write about the injustices and hypocrisy of the mullas and those in charge then you will break their backbones ... Otherwise why would they want people, like that poor guy who just wrote a letter to AN, to be flogged so harshly if not killed ?  

I also highly encourage programs like Parazit cause these programs can educate ordinary people inside Iran and they can bring up many facts to the people's attention so they actually can see with whom they are dealing with or even to whom they themselves have turned to !!

The sanctioning and/or talk of war are happening only because of IRI's foreign policy and those who apply these sanctions do not give a damn about the human rights .... besides IRI has always managed to survive with the help of other countries who do not give a damn about the human rights as well ...   Now do not let yourself fall into this trap by supporting these stuff cause then you are going to deal with the IRI existence for a long time ....  But rather engage yourself more with the educational programs and care more about the activists inside Iran by at least trying to amplify their voices and their sufferings not to the world but more than anything to the People who live inside Iran ... may be then the needed change happens.  


MM, Let's Place the Blame Where it Belongs

by Faramarz on

You see MM, here is where the disconnect with Trita and you NIAC people is.

You tend to blame the West for these problems instead of the Regime. You also tend to place a higher premium on the potential loss of life of tomorrow versus the dead and the tortured of today by the Regime.

Also please remember that the international trade is not a right, it is a privilege. If the West does not want to let the Regime into the banking system or sell them goods, it has every right to do so. The West also has the right to tell any of its partners that “if you deal with the Regime in Iran, you will not do business with me.” The Regime on the other hand can hold back on the sale of the Iranian oil to the West, if it chooses to.

The resistance is futile MM!


VPK! You are all over the place!

by fanoos on

On the one hand, you blame the previous generation for all the mess in Iran (see your earlier comment here)!

On the other hand, you blame the Western countries for all the mess!

Please make up your mind, VPK! Is it an egg or a chicken?


Good and bad

by choghok on

I know that any Iranians are used to this plane to fy in and out of Iran and I feel it to be illegal for Americans to buly an International Association to obey their rules when it is in fact international.

That said Iran Air is maybe better not to fly at all with all its old outdated fleet. I just hope it does not turn like Trita Parsi said and when lifting these sanctions AIPAC would put stone in its way to pressure Iran into its politics, then the hell in middle east would continue for ever for sure.


VPK! Yes, visiting family members is fine and I bet many travel

by fanoos on

on foreign airliners such as British Air, Lufthansa, KLM, and other "compliant" carriers to visit their family members!

The point the previous poster was trying to make is that IRR with spare parts or without is a non-compliant entity.

Let me make it simpler for you to understand, the root cause of this toothache (called IRR) is that it's rotten in the core and has to be yanked out! Filling it, root-canalizing it, or any other remedy will not ease the pain! The only solution is to take the tooth out or take the regime out!

Mohammad Ala

Good points VPK

by Mohammad Ala on

Good points VPK.  Thanks for your time and efforts.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: the fault

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


and who put IRI in charge? Who flew Khomeini on their jet. Hint: the same nation giving a home to Maryam. 

who supplied Saddam with chemicals: Hint: the nation who invented gas chambers.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Please do not make light of this situation. I can get all the chello kabab I want right 5 miles from where I live in USA. I also get all the rugs; khatam kari; whatever I want. The real victims will be the poor Iranian civilians. 

Besides people go to Iran to visit their loved ones. I don't know if your family is here. But many people have family back in Iran. Are they not allowed to see them. Should they say *** you to their parents and grand parent. You folks have lost your sense of perspective.

Anahid Hojjati

Dear MM,

by Anahid Hojjati on

don't forget the true party that is at fault which is IRI. The same regime that does shalagh  (90 of it) on young women and men, and old women and men,  same regime that imprisons and executes people. Besides, do we know whether IRI even complies with IATA rules? they probably do not. When they use unsafe parts in their planes, that means that they are not in compliance.


VPK! It's not the safety and well-being of Iranian people these

by fanoos on

folks are concerned about. The real reason behind the discontent on IATA sanctions is their own safety during their by-yearly trips to Iran for consumptions of chello kabab, zal-zalak, and .... That's a the real reason!

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear "International"

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


*** first installs Khomeini. Then gets Iran in an 8 year war and supplies the enemy with chemical weapons. Now it makes sure IRI has 32 thousand Basiji to beat the *** out of any demonstrators.

Meanwhile it punishes the innocent civilians by doing this. What do Iranians on IC do? Cheer them and laugh as body parts of Iranian people fall out of planes. God forbid if a few American kids violate Iranian borders. They are all up in arms about human rights.

I have never seen so much hypocrisy and nonsense as I see on IC. Thank GOD we have some sane people like the more recent posts.


This is sad - now they are playing with Iranian civilian's lives

by MM on



"If they want IRI gone they need to stop buying oil"

by Bavafa on

Any sanction absent of first boycotting the purchase, investment or any type of development in Iranian oil sector is just a mirage and charade to fool people for their own dirty politics.

The West does not have the moral capacity to implement what will be the fastest and least deadliest path in destroying IRI.  Their own thirst and greed for $$$$ will surpass any Akhoond or Sepah.

Likewise, the thirst and greed of Akhoon for $$$  or their lack of moral authority will not allow their own sanction and an oil embargo on the West to retaliate against this type of immoral and possibly illegal sanction.


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Oon Yaroo

Dear SAK! Thank you! Just one thing though...

by Oon Yaroo on

I am well hung*! And it's not a S-O!?


* or Welsh-Hungarian or!

Mohammad Ala

These actions are illegal

by Mohammad Ala on

...... The Convention on International Civil Aviation is also known as the Chicago Convention. The Convention establishes rules of airspace, aircraft registration and safety, and establishes specific requirements regarding the signators' responsible in international air travel.

The preamble provides ". . . the undersigned governments having agreed on principles and arrangements in order that international civil aviation may be developed in a safe and orderly manner and international air transport services maybe established on the basis of equality of opportunities . . . "

The sanctions placed by the United States and supported by the Western countries are contrary to the goals of the Article 44 of the Chicago Convention in which the USA is a signatory. A report issued by ICAO on October 4, 2004, concluded that the Western countries are violating their own accord and treating a member country differently, contrary to the provisions of the Convention.

ICAO experts have found that the US sanctions have placed Iran's civil aviation in danger.... several thousands, mostly Iranians have been killed in Iran because of mechanical failures of aircraft. The USA has even prevented the Boeing Company from repairing parts that were found to be defective in six aircraft which have been detrimental to the safety of flights in Iran and other countries to where these six Boeing aircrafts fly (ICAO report, p. 1). The Radar for international airports in Tehran and Shiraz needed spare parts for safe operation. Not only Iranian airlines have been at risk, but other airlines which flew into those airports. Because of sanctions, even service bulletins and modifications kits are not available to Iranian airlines.

An interview of two ICAO officers (in Peru and Canada) in 2010 confirmed that this organization is committed to international law and policy and will continue its efforts in seeking to remove the sanctions that are applied to civilian aircraft equipment, spare parts, and safety bulletins. Civilian aviation safety affects not only Iranians but all nationalities and should supersede political differences among nations. The countries that signed the Chicago Convention should abide by its principles, especially those in Articles 4 and 44.