آکله های اشرف

آکله های اشرف
by deev

در پاسخ به "زن های اشرف"

آکله های اشرف
حتی با اندام جنیفر لوپز
با جواهرات کاستافیوره
یا با یک من عسل و شکر
هنوز آکله ای کلنگی اند

آکله های اشرف
با مغزهای تهی از فکر
دلهای تهی از احساس
و لبهای گریزان از لبخند
همیشه آکله میمانند

آکله های اشرف
با پشت کردن به خانواده
با خیانت به میهنپرستی
و با همکاری با دشمن
آکله های نا بخشیدنی اند

آکله های اشرف
با ساده دلی یا حماقت
دروغهای مسعود را بلعدند
و با صدام هم آغوش گشنتد
تا آکله ای نگونبخت شدند

آکله های اشرف
نه راه پیش دارند نه پس
نه مسعود آدم حسابشان میکند
نه دیگر مردمان عاقل دنیا
زیرا آکله بودن را انتخاب کردند

آکله های اشرف
نه مسئولشان من هستم
نه تو نه هیچ احد دیگری
اشک تمساح باور کردنی نیست
وقتی تمساح ره آکلگی را برگزید


Recently by deevCommentsDate
Oct 24, 2012
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more from deev

What's the fuss about? Bakhtiar collaborated with Saddam too!

by anglophile on


Both cousins did:  Teymour AND Shapour!


So don't get worked up fellows. LOL

Shazde Asdola Mirza

یه لکه حیظ زن اشرف می‌ارزه به سر و هیکل ۱۰۰ تا مزدور آخوند

Shazde Asdola Mirza

مزخرف اونه که مأمور و مزدور دیو صفت میگه!

Dr. Mohandes

Concerted effort

by Dr. Mohandes on

To postpone the inevitable even further...


Anonymous Observer

Amir and Hamsadeh

by Anonymous Observer on

I wonder if the geriatric patients at Campa Ashraf will have to bring their oxygen tanks along when they attack Iran and try to take it over and steal our women.  Any thoughts?


Hamsade Ghadimi

by deev on

Fortunately I've been far more vocal in my disdain for IRI than all of your 4 options combined so people like you can't dismiss my legitimate criticism of MEK, Reza Pahlavi, etc.

Sincerely yours back in 2003: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcl-6jlUy5k

and again in: //www.jadugaran.com/music/deev/sarkoob


Shazde Asdola Mirza

by deev on

به قول دایی جان ناپلونی که شما هم طرفدارشی «قـــــاســــم کمتر مزخرف بگـــو» چون اینجانب از خمینی و هر چی اسلامگراست منجمله مجاهدین لچک به سر بیزارم - اینجا تا یکی به مسعود رجوی یا رضا پهلوی بگه بالا چشمش ابرو همه برچسب بسیجی میزنند


hamsade jaan,

by AMIR1973 on

If I may only add a little to your very insightful (as always) observation: the other boogeyman besides your Numbers 1-4 are the Iranians living in the West, who are even worse than the IRI, blah, blah, blah.

hamsade ghadimi

it's obvious that some

by hamsade ghadimi on

it's obvious that some don't want to focus their energy on iri and its atrocities.  the name of the game is exposing 1. monarchists (whether it's pahlavi, ghajar, ...), 2. m.k.o., 3. israel, 4. the evil west, and 5. do it all over again 1-4.

btw, half-hearted "i know, iri is evil" while doing the above routine doesn't cut it!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Khomeini also collaborated with Saddam and took refuge in Iraq

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

... when Iraq was actually fighting with Iran in 1970's.

Deev and Deev-sefat types don't have a problem with collaborating with foriegners ... as long as the collaboration is beneficial to the Islamist Rapist Republic:

- IRI collaborating with current Iraq goverenment to suppress the Iranian opposition kurds;

- IRI collaborating with the terrorist Hezbollah against the majority of democraticly minded Lebanon people.

- IRI collaborating with North Korea, which is a known crazy cult-led country, bent on destroying the sane world.

I say: IRI is a crazy fascist entity (like Nazi Germany) and a main enemy to the peace of the world, and we must collaborate with the Americans and Europeans, to bring it down!


Zero compassion for traitors and proud of it

by deev on

I rather have zero compassion for traitors in my writings than kill my own people and sell out my own country to get handouts from the west.

Esfand Aashena

Zero MEK woman in Ashraf involuntarily? = Zero compassion.

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred


What goes around comes around

by deev on

Did MEK have any compassion killing Iranians with Saddam during the war? Did they have any compassion for Iran when they provided spy information to the west to speed up the tempo of the war drum? No? Then the hell with them, their misery is my joy.

Esfand Aashena

The author & JJJ who approved this "Article" has zero compassion

by Esfand Aashena on

Everything is sacred


How about respecting human lives?

by deev on

You claim they respect democracy which I'm highly doubtful as their own members are forced to wear hijab while living in France, but let's assume they really do respect democracy just to humor ourselves, now how about respecting life by not resorting to terrorism?

How about respecting the sanctity of our country by not siding with its enemies? Your assumption that they respected democracy was just a failed political maneuver, they backed out of power-sharing thinking they could win the power using armed struggle, and they failed miserably, hence no sympathy.


No justification, focus deev

by Mehrban on

SK compared MEK and FCs. I said they were fundamentally different because one respected Democracy in Iran, the other did not.



Poor Justification

by deev on

Mehraban jaan

Based on your statement that "Khomeini and Fati commandos killed much more than MEK" should we consider Khomeini & Khameneyi nice because Hitler killed more people? That's a poor justification, so what there are bigger jerks in the world, it wont erase the criminal actions of MEK.

Soosan Khanoom

Mehrban jan " not again" but " always " I am wrong .. LOL

by Soosan Khanoom on

These morons blew up themselves along with many innocent Iranians.   And I am not even talking about MEK siding with Saddam. I am talking about all those bombing campaigns that were done by them in the streets of Tehran and many other cities of Iran.   To me they are equal if not worse than the Fati commandos. 

Now, reading such hate filled comments aiming at Deev for just a simple poem shows how some here are still being held captive by their old mentality.  Some commentators went that far to be proud of these women.

Being proud of delusional individuals who have shown nothing but resentment, bitterness, and hate even towards their own family members  is utterly ridiculous.   They are not in power otherwise they would be worse than IRI... 

If any one feels sympathy for these women they should feel the same for the Fati commandos ... because these two groups of women are nothing but the helpless victims of ignorance !!


Wrong again Susan Khanoom!

by Mehrban on

There are many things I do not know about MEK. But what I know is that the MEK accepted the result of the elections after the revolution, even though their candidate had lost.  That is respecting the will of the people of Iran.  Khomeini and "Fati commandos" did not and they killed their own hamvatan much more than MEK ever did.  

Most of the unequivocal accusations of Treason about MEK's is regurgitating IR's propaganda against them.  I have never been a memeber or in any way a supporter of MEK.  

long live Iran

I can call these women only terrorists and Rajavi`s slaves.

by long live Iran on

What else we can call them? only Rajavi`s slaves and brain washed people.

Besides does everyone who fought with IRI is great. In this case you should prize Sadam first?!! Does it what you mean.

We are not fool.

Long Live IRAN.


long live Iran

MEK could not expect more than this.

by long live Iran on

With what MEK has done to Iranian and working for Sadam, Israel and CIA, they can not expect more than this. I hope they come to their sence and stop betrying their own country to serve Rajavi as slaves!

Long Live IRAN for ever. 


انکار ناپذیری خیانت به کشور


Babak, barbaric actions of the islamic regime does not justify siding with Saddam in killing innocent Iranians, I lost interest in reading your reply upon your attempt at justifying their grave mistake, you can "leave it to the historians of democratic and free Iran to talk about it and discuss it" as your way to keep a blind eye to betrayal and treason but I wont and will continue to call them on it, funny you postpone judgement on traitors indefinitely but wasted no time in judging me calling me bi-vojdan o bi-sharaf, nice work!

PS: learn to use a paragraph, makes your otherwise poor writing more palatable.


در گفتن حق شرم روا نیست


محمود جان - احترام را نباید طلبید بلکه باید کسب کرد و برای افراد خائن هیچ حرمتی جایز نیست - بی شک واژه های رکیکتر و رنگینتری سزاوار همبستران صدام است و من با نیکدلی به گزینش آکله بسنده کردم

سوسن خانم - عملیات تروریستی و جنگ مسلحانه که جوابی نداد لااقل بگذارید به جنگ سایبری بپردازند که کمتر وقتشون رو به قتل هموطنانشون بپردازند

Babak K.

Deev, The low lives in

by Babak K. on


The low lives in any society use the "country" and the "love of country" to justify the criminality of of a regime which has no legitmitacy among the people.  About actions of Mojahedeen I leave it to the historians of democratic and free Iran to talk about it and discuss it.  It was Khomeini's regime that declared war on anybody who disagreed with it.  It was Khomeini who could not even tolerate Ayatollah Montazeri.  It was Khomeini's regime who killed Rajavi's wife and paraded his infant son over the death body of infant boy's mother  (how low one can go?).  Passtee and Be-Sharafee has no limits with islamic regime.  Before Saddam became my enemy, Islamic regime excuted Dr. Farokhrouy-Parssa( talk about Be-namoussi and be-Sharafi), all great Iranian generals (this was the Khyanat), killed anybody who disagreed with it.  It was Iranian regime's Khyanat that paved the way for Iran-Iraq war be excuting the top and great Iranian genreals, by interfering in Iraqi internal affairs, by taking Americans hostage and by destroying the Iranian armed forces as an organization.  Khyant is when my fellow Iranian can not afford a decent meal for their children.  Khyant is when billions of our income from oil are stollen by a corrupt and criminal regime.  Today in Iran the prostitution of very young girls (read the recent statistics coming from iran about the age of prostitutes in Iran) drug addictions are the norm, these are what I call a khyant.  Kahrizak is a khyant, plundering of our national wealth by a corrupt regime is a khyant.  We have lost our rights (50% rights) to the Caspian Sea is a Khyant.  The brain drange that is going on now is a Khyant.  The number of excutions happening every month (these are regimes own numbers) is a khyant.  We have become a Raussian and Chineese infeuntial area is a Khyant.  There is no respect for Iran and Iranian people in the world is a Khyant.  deev, it is a Be-Vojdani and Be-Sharafi to spend time and energy to insult my Iranian sisters in Ashraf, while my beloved Iran is plundered, its youth have no hope for the future, and uneployment and high prices of basic needs of the people are choking my people, and a war on my country is a possiblity. You embaress me and I am ashamed of you that you are so Be-Vojdan.  I am ashamed of you.

Mahmoud Seraji

آقای دیو

Mahmoud Seraji

لطف کنید این بحث را بخاطر حرمتی که خوانندگان به سایت وزین ایرانیان قائلند با کلمات رکیک ادامه ندهید درست است که آقای جاوید با بزرگواری به امثال شما میدان  داده اند ولی حیای گربه هم لازم است 

Soosan Khanoom

Hey Deev

by Soosan Khanoom on

You have brought all the MEK fans out of the closet ... so thanks for this MEK magnenet poem of yours...LOL 

Although I am not supporting some choices of words by you here but I should say that I have seen far worse writings on this site targeting the Fati Commandos of IRI and yet no one got offended.  WHY?  These two groups of women are both exactly the same when it comes to be the no question ask followers of some Shit ideology.  


خیانت به مملکت شرف و وجدان است؟


بابک جان من ترجیح میدم بی وجدان و بیشرف باشم تا با صدام همبستر بشم و روابط خانوادگی ام رو قربانی اهداف پلید مسعود کنم - کسانی که با دشمن ایران همبستر شدند نه تنها دیگر جزوی از برادران و خواهران ایرانی من نیستند بلکه مایه ننگ و شرم نام ایرانی اند - یا حق

Babak K.

DeevI wish all Iranian

by Babak K. on


I wish all Iranian women were like they are.  However this does not mean that I agree with them and with their organization.  They are my Iranian sisters and being a woman is hard in any society, let alone among Iranians, my heart goes for them.  You insulted my Iranian sisters.  Reading your trash tells me that you have no Vojdan or Sharaf.  Trust me, It never hurts to have alittle Vojdan or Sharaf.


برای درک داشتن مغز لازم است


جانم اگر شما مطلب را خوانده بودی میدیدی تمام گلایه از زشتی درون و پوکی مغز و روح اشرفیان بود که حتی با اندام جنیفر لوپز و چهره زیبا و جواهر و عسل به دلیل خیانتهایی که به کشورشان کرده اند زشت بوده و میمانند ولی دریغ از هوش و زکاوت برای درک مفهوم که در میان مجاهدین عقل نایاب تر از کیمیاست.


شما شاید به


شما شاید به خیال خودتان خیلی‌ زرنگ 
باشید ولی‌  بحث ما در مورد به اصطلاح "شعر" شما و مضمون اون بود و نه اعتقادت من در مورد نحوه سرنگونی این رژیم. شما مرا غیور اینترنتی خواندی در صورتی که هیچ گونه شناختی‌ از من نداری. می‌تونم حدس بزنم که با مقولات مختلف با چگونه منطقی‌ برخورد میکنی‌. بعد تعجب می‌کنیم که این رژیم چطوری به حیات ننگین خودش ادامه میده.  

هنوز هم بّر این عقیده هستم که خیلی‌ آدم پوچی هستی‌ اگر زیبائی رو فقط در ظاهر میبینی‌؟ اگر یکی‌ از افرادی که برات خیلی‌ اهمیت دارند "زشت" بود آیا اون رو هم آکله میخوندی؟

جیرت اینجا تموم شد و دیگه قصد ندارم برای این مطلب بیشتر از این وقت بگذارم. به شما هم پیشنهاد می‌کنم همین کار رو بکنید و وقتتان را صرف کارهای مفیدتری غیر از اینگونه "شعر" گفتن بگذارید. 

Down with the ENTIRE Islamic Republic!



by bambi on

Eww, this site is infested with MEK or ex-MEK.

Essentially if anyone is/was dumb enough to fall trap in MEK's lies, then I have no sympathy for them. ( Darwin at work)  No one owes them anything.  It was their choice.  It was their choice to cooperate with Saddam, and to attack Iranians.  They are scums, and I hope they rot.