Ebrahim Mehtari: Sexual Torture

4th Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy


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Being raped in Iran....

by Farfromheaven2002 on

Most Iranians does not know that raping or being raped is an ultimate destruction to a person because there is no law to support such a person.  They have no one to turn to in such an incident because of our cultural misshapes.  Indeed, I personally perceive being raped worse than being killed.

This happens when people are encouraged to gain a formal higher education degree when they have no idea of a basic education .



by MRX1 on

It takes guts to go up there and tell the audiance you have been raped. We need more couragous people like this.


Stand Up Comedians!

by Demo on

A 100% self serving laughable summit! And Where was this international 'divan' when the real 'D-One (the 'devils' that is!) of Bush, Blair" invaded & occuppied Afghanistan and Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands civilians there?

PS: No time to watch 'stand up comedies' of this kind!


Now let's hear from IRI cronies

by Milan on


Now do your chorus: Israel did it.


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