
Diplomat: Accused of sexual harassment of 10-year-old girl

Accused is deputy head of the Iranian consulate in Frankfort, Germany

BILD: An Iranian diplomat on 25 June has tried abusing a girl (10). The man who allegedly tried to kiss the girl, was reportedly detained at the hips. Seven days after the incident the man was led away in a green area with handcuffs at the police station but released immediately - because he had a diplomatic passport. Apparently, he relied on immunity enjoyed by diplomats. For the mother who trusts her young daughter, it was like a slap in the face. But now the file is located at the Frankfurt prosecutor's office. Spokeswoman Doris Moeller-Scheu told Bild: "We still consider whether the defendant enjoys immunity. We are in the middle of the investigation." The consulate officer does NOT have full diplomatic immunity. This means that for mistakes he makes not in office, but in his private life, he must answer >>>


Anonymous Observer

This is just priceless!

by Anonymous Observer on

The IR keeps getting better and better!! :-))

Shazde Asdola Mirza

اسلام حداقل سنی‌ برای نزدیکی‌ جنسی‌ با دختر ندارد

Shazde Asdola Mirza

شیعه حتی حداکثر تعداد زن صیغه و عقدی و کنیز ندارد.

این راه را برای آخوند شیعه باز می‌کند تا: با هر دختر جوان و هر تعداد زن هر کاری که دلش خواست بکند.


IRI said it is "Cultural Difference" for Diplomat in Brazil

by IranFirst on

When Brazil caught IRI's Diplomat for the same reason , IRI said it is  "Cultural Difference". IRI is right. It is IRI's Arab/ Islamic "culture" of molesting and raping children versus Iran and civilized world's culture


در ابتدا گزارش‌های رسانه‌های بین‌المللی، بویژه نشریات برزیلی، از سوی
سفارت ایران در برزیل "نادرست" خوانده شد و مقامات ایرانی آن را
«سوء‌تفاهم‌ ناشی از تفاوت‌های فرهنگی» دانستند.



He thought he was at Evin Jail, free to rape and molest Kids

by Roozbeh_Gilani on


checking hijab outside the country

by choghok on

IRI was saying they are checking hijab outside Iran even, this is one of those cases. Next move is to start sending some sti9nking basijis as dilomats to arrest people.


I wonder...

by ghalam-doon on

I wonder why we don't see this kind of behavior from the diplomats of other Muslim countries. Could it be that their vetting process is different? This is the 2nd time that we have had this kind of issues with the Iranian diplomats. So this is not something that can be swept under the carpet. I can only assume the vetting process of IR has nothing to do with the mental heath of their diplomats. As long as they have an unshaven face and a phony doctorate and a "jaa-mohr" on the foreheads, they qualify.

As to the point made by some that this incident has nothing to do with Islam, I disagree. As long as the supreme leader and his followers claim he's the representative of Imam Zaman on Earth, everything that this regime and its agents do around the world can be directly associated with Islam. They just did us a favor and openned our eyes towrds the atrocities committed by Islam and Islamic regimes from "Sadr-e Islam" under Muhammad to its latest incarnation under IR.


Doraane taghados beh paayaan resideh!


Poor Human Rights across the board, including towards children

by Truthseeker9 on

Little respect for women, children, minorities ... and they call people naive. They can harper on about Israel but noone cares about Israel, they care about Iranians. Take care of your own Humanitarian issues first and stop diverting attention to Israel and yourselves.

Child executions  ... 


Child marriages ...


All Israel's fault ... that children are seen as fair game for sexual relations and punished like adults. And where did these attitudes spawn from, these laws? And who supported this Islamic Revolution? Israelis?         :) 


Here we go again

by onlyinamrica on


YAsin be goosh khar khandan ast. 


This IS Islam, it is following Mohamad's Examples

by IranFirst on

Muslim idiots consider what that Child-molesting terrorist (Mohamd) did to be fine examples set by a so called "prophet", and completely appropriate. Following what terrorist Mo did is called "Sunnah".

Actually if anything this poor child is too OLD for Mohamad (and his sick followers). Mo start Thighing Ayeshe, when she was 6. Then He started to Rape her when she became 9 !

Muslim Scholars Confirm Muhammad Thighied Aisha at 6


Leave it up to Muslim appologosts and their leftist West-hating brothers and sisters  to  blame this on the victim (the child) or West (anyone but Muslims or IRI)


Just Imagine

by Faramarz on



If the diplomatic corps of the Islamic Republic behave like this in the full view of the public in the swimming pools, the parks and the streets of the world, what they might be doing behind the secure walls of their embassies.

Here is a solution.

Have all of them wear a bell around their necks to alert the parents of their presence!



by مآمور on

اسرائیل دست به ترور در تهران میزند!! ساختن صحنه ساختگی با پرداخت حق الزحمه در کشور اشغال شده آلمان کاری است بس آسان!!
در ایران مثل مکانهای دیگر آدم فاسد و سالم وجود دارد ولی جایزه شهوتی ترین مردم روی زمین را ۵۰۰۰  سال پیش دادند به مخترعین فحشا و لواط و تا امروز روز آن را حفظ کرده اند!!

I wear an Omega watch


ممنون از شراب قرمز عزیز و سوری خانم عزیز....


The sheer of stupidity displayed by the associating anything criminal, immoral, inhumane, distasteful or otherwise to anything that is associated with Iran or their faith shows at best their naivety and at worse their ill intention and by design to demonize anything Iranian.


As it has been said by both Red wine and Souri khanom aziz, IRI gives ample evidence to support their brutality towards their own people and sheer of incompetence in running a country, so there is no shortage of material in proving their inhumane behavior.  Why cite the type of reasoning that only puts doubt in fair minded people about the real crime.



'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



دلیل نمی‌شود پدر سوختگی هر شخص را به مسلمان بودَنَش نسبت داد


دمت گرم شراب سرخ عزیز!

واقعا گٔل گفتی‌!

بعضی‌ها هر روز از من سوال میکنند که چرا یک کامنت خاصی‌ رو همیشه در بلاگ "زندانیان ایرانی‌" مینویسم.

واقع هدف من از تکرار این کامنت در اون بلاگ، جوابی‌ست به آقای فرد که
دقیقا مشغول همین کاریست که شما فرمودید، یعنی‌ پروپگاند بر ضد اسلام.

در حالیکه همه میدونیم که مسئله تجاوز، یک امر جهانیست و تعلق به دین خاصی‌ نداره.

خیلی‌ از زندانهای دنیا متاسفانه این امر غیر قانونی انجام میشه، در
روحنیت کاتولیک متاسفانه تعداد موارد اون خیلی‌ خیلی‌ زیاد و همچنین
سال‌هاست که ادامه داره،

سرباز‌های امریکای با تجاوز‌هاشون در عراق و
افغانستان (همینطور ویتنام) این امر رو ثابت کردند که مسئله تجاوز هیچ
ربطی‌ نه به دین و نه به ملیتت اشخاص داره، بلکه یک امر کاملا شخصیتی است.

افرادی که مثل آقای فرد با غرض شخصی‌، سعی‌ میکنند که از این مسائل به ضد اسلام سؤ استفاده کنند، افراد کوتاه فکر و مغرضی هستند.

از شما خیلی‌ خیلی‌ متشکرم که این مسئله رو باز کردید تا بتونیم در مورد اون اینجا بهتر صحبت کنیم. مرسی‌.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

جنابِ رائول،کاربرِ محترم...کاری که این شخص کرده ربطی‌ به اسلام و هیچ کیش و آئین ندارد،فردِ بچه باز میل جنسی‌ به اطفال دارد،حال می‌‌خواهد مسلمان باشد و یا کافر !

اگر به طبقه بندی بین‌المللی بیماریها توّجه فرمائید،حتماً مشاهده خواهید کرد که بچه بازی  را به صورت ناهنجاری شخصیتی یا رفتاری در بزرگسالان تعریف می‌کند که در آن از نظر جنسی، ترجیح بیمار به کودکان نابالغ یا اوایل سّنِ بلوغ است،بنابراین اگر شخصی‌ حالا بیاید بیخود و بی‌ جهت بیماری این شخص را به مذهب بچسباند یعنی‌ اینکه نه‌ تنها شناخت درین مسائل ندارد،بلکه فردی است که با گفتنِ لاطائلات می‌‌خواهد وقتِ دیگر کاربران را بگیرد.نظرِ این شخص ارزش ندارد و طرف موجودیتِ اجتماعی (و ایرانی بودنِ خود) را به زیر سئوال برده است.

اسلام دینِ کاملی نیست،بسیار پر اشتباه است و متنی بد خط نوشته شده برای ما ایرانیان است اما دلیل نمی‌شود پدر سوختگی هر شخص را به مسلمان بودَنَش نسبت داد،این دیگر امروزه بهانه‌ای قدیمی‌ است و حوصله دیگران را سَر بَرَد.

این فرد،شخصی‌ پريشانْ اَحوال است و باید تحتِ درمان قرار گیرد.

این روز‌ها دیگر ایرانی آبرو ندارد ...‌ای وای بر ما .

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

Let's call the crime, alleged..........and ask for a out-of-court settlement............Hopefully the German judiciary is as good as their journalism......



by Raoul1955 on

That is islam.