Shirin Ebadi: On Reza Pahlavi's Human Rights Campaign

Trying to put IRI on trial for crimes against humanity impossible legally, but will have political impact, she says


more from Tapesh


by Truthseeker9 on



O: Cart before the horse is

by alimostofi on

O: Cart before the horse is what most people do. In discussing about having human rights and democracy, people lost sight of Iran. Now many here find democracy and human rights more sacred than Iran. They think Iran is not special. We have more pictures about South America than on Iran. I have criticized JJ for a long time, and also Cyrus Reza Pahlavi by being too universalist. We have in Iranian culture universal concepts that encompass Human Rights and democracy. Read Avesta.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Shirin isn't even a has been,

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

She has less than 1/100th the stature among iranians for her work, than Nasrin Sotoudeh and having done about as little with her nobel prize as Obama (hard to do)... only to say the tyrannical system of IRI is more democratic than shahs perod is really not helping her show that her views and beliefs are for the benefit of either democracy or the human rights of the Iranians people. 

Human Rights across Iran were massively improved by SAVAK during the late shahs period (of course anti-monarchists reject this).


Unity Based on Iranian Culture is the Key to Victory.

Oon Yaroo

alimostofi, you are correct! Whenever, Iranians' answers to the

by Oon Yaroo on

following question, "Which of these two is more important to you? a) Iran, b) Islam?" are overwhelmingly (a) then one can begin moving forward!

Now, the question is what % of IC folks say (a), I wonder!?


A: Culture Simply put

by alimostofi on

A: Culture

Simply put Culture can be defined in two ways: what it is and what it is not.

It is the stuff that you cannot put to the vote, eg: the name of Damavand or Ghormeh Sabzi. Stuff you have feelings for. Stuff which are subjective. Stuff that stands the test of time.

It is not politics or religion or commerce. It is not quantifiable or logical or able to be assimilated into other ideologies.

That is putting it simply.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


 When is Shirin going to

by vildemose on

 When is Shirin going to develop a backbone to stand up to the hypocritical reformers?


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


What is "your" definition of Iranian culture Ali?

by anglophile on

  Good to see you back on track!  


The main problem for Iran is

by alimostofi on

The main problem for Iran is representation. Currently the US and UN all accept the Islamic regime as representatives of Iran.

Tell Obama that the Hezbollahis aren't and he will deny you. So for Iranians in US you all have your work cut out. Tell your president to act differently. Us in UK and EU do not treat the mullahs the same way.

Cyrus Reza Pahlavi does not want to put Iranian culture above Human Rights. Ebadi does not put Iranian culture above Islam.

We need Iranians to accept Iranian culture first then politics religion and commerce. No ideology for Iran can be above Iran.

At the moment Iran is below Islam.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi

Oon Yaroo

Ebadi is as irrelevant as the rest of the "reformist" cronies of

by Oon Yaroo on


Khatami is as criminal as the rest of the IRR outlaw enterprise!

Reza Pahlavi is the only viable individual of integrity, stature, and chance to lead and represent Iranian oppositions and be successful at it.

This is the last chance for Iranians, despite their ideological differences, to support and rally behind RP.

Speaking of reformist cronies of Khatami, last night a bunch of us went to this Iranian restaurant called Sabzi (BTW, excellent food) in Arlington, Massachusetts. 

Guess who came and sat right next to Oon Yaroo!

You guessed it right, Fatti Commondo Haghighatjoo, Khatami's nocheh in the 6th IRR Majles of Gaavs, wearing her usual Muslim hejab and insisting on the reformists idea that IRR should soften up its tone and stay in power instead of a complete regime change!

Reza Pahlavi is the man and you better believe it!


My proposal to free Iran I

by alimostofi on

My proposal to free Iran

I am not the most intelligent or the most literate but my heart and spirit is there. I know what I want. I am sure most of you feel the same. There is no one who is beyond criticism. This is the solution. It is not perfect.

We need to get a representative for areas Iranians live abroad. One per ten thousand. So LA central will have 10. London will have 3 etc. We have about 4 million Iranians so a map will be drawn. For each area the most educated doctor lawyer or anyone who is well connected will be elected.

And this process will be repeated every six months. And that's the key. It will be tough to get the momentum. But once we get the technology and the cynics all sorted we will be able to get a conference.

If we don't get people we will appoint them. I simply cannot accept why folks who are rich or intelligent and Iranian are ignoring Iran. They need to be pushed to get involved and not just think about their own profit.

This is what matters. We all need to collaborate. No one is perfect. Anyone wants to disagree can face me. Give me your best. Ignore me and it will be on your consciousness. We all need to just be a little more responsible. Stop arguing.

Now go for it. Just ignore me. Khejalat bekesh.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi


Ebadi out-smarted by the Prince!

by anglophile on

Well, no lawyer (if that is what Ebadi is) can remain silent and see being beaten in her own game. This is simply the reason behind Ebadi's latest outburst.


Too late! 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


JustanIranian: I sympathize with you and agree. What bothers me it the inability of some of my generation in accepting responsibility. Those who brought this hell better stop making excuses. There is no way to whitewash it. They will go down in history as the single WORST people in recent Iranian history. The people having no visions. No ability to reason and tell right from wrong. No common sense and talent only for being fooled and acting like sheep.

DM: It is perfectly reasonable to respect Pahlavi and not be a monarchist. I am not a monarchist but give Pahlavi credit for their good actions. They were also dictators which was their bad action. I tell it as I see it.

Alimostofi: Iranians are no different than anyone. Ebadi wants to play safe and cover all the bases. If people want to support RP they don't need Ebadi. Just support him and don't wait for "bozorgan" to approve. 

SK: Please be honest. You will never support RP no matter what. No playing games just like I will never support a religious state no matter what. If we state our position it is much better.

Hafez: I agree.


No Collaboration exists

by alimostofi on

No Collaboration exists between Iranians. We all seem to have the skill to find differences. Why don't the two of them meet and form a Conference of Iranians. Is that a crime? Get off your hind horses and help Iran. People who are "famous" do not collaborate enough and we are all paying a high price for it. So sad.

FB: astrologer.alimostofi

Dr. Mohandes

Spotting a new trend here !!

by Dr. Mohandes on

 The trend being that Many of those who remotely respect the pahlavi dynasty yet claiming they are not monarchist! Look, It is ok, I think everyone should just come out making their stand on issues and parties and groups clear.

You can not be a IRI sympathizer when you defend many of their policies! and in much the same way you can not lament about comparison of IRI vs Pahlavi and yet say well, i am no monarchist but...!


How can you compare Khomeini vs. the Pahlavis?

by hafez on

I cannot help but laugh when some people have the arrogance to compare Pahlavis with Khomeini.   It usually comes from the camp that brought us the Islamic Republic.  The same people who packed up and left the country as soon as they found themselves at odds with the regime they helped come to power.  Rather than stay and take responsibility for their actions, these folks migrated to the same country that they accused the Shah of being allies with.  Yes, the United States.  Yeap, it was all talk.  Even they did not believe a word of what they were preaching to the common man.

I am not a monarchist.   However I have a lot of respect for Mr. Pahlavi.  At least he shows love for his country.  Time has shown us that all the Pahlavis have been true nationalists.  Something that can never be said about the Islamists and leftists who sold Iran time after time.    


Dr. Mohandes

Thank you SK jan

by Dr. Mohandes on

Thank you for being the Mother Teresa of

May god bless you and your little pishi!

Soosan Khanoom

باشه آقای دکترمهندس ... ولش می کنم

Soosan Khanoom


maziar 58


by maziar 58 on




Dr. Mohandes

Soosan Khanoom

by Dr. Mohandes on

Oh puleeez.

Stop it already:)

Suppose he did what you wanted him to do right this very moment, What would be the final outcome? what would be accomplished? will something really change? will iranian people all of a sudden prosper and forget all about what they have been through for the past 33 year?

what is with the tendency to focus on the mundane and irrelevant and totally useless issues? I have a feeling that, not just you, but those out there who insist that that military attack, OHHH OOPPS I AM SORRY... I meant to say 'outside interference" there, that is more proper:) and teengz veel be fine once we make changes from within, are also hell bent on resisting and denouncing every single action that is being taken on the path to reach a constructive solution, including, annoingly so , i may add, pressing on the fact that Reza should officially condemn his daddy and granddaddy, and perhaps the whole clan on the pedigree going back to the days of Mohammad and Jesus!!!

Baba vel konid dige:))))

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

Nothing really against him as a person but I said I will take him seriously if he does as I said or at least acknowledge the truth about the Pahlavi's dynasty. ..

I personally say NO to monarchy ... but  I only have one vote !

So do you !!  

: )




by JustAnIranian on

Oh I am not offended. About my generation: We were thought again and again in school to call him Reza khan. It's just interesting that you leave Iran and still insist on bringing down the one person that is doing something useful. 

 So you have problems with his genes? I am not offended and he is not my cousin. But why not just once listen to what he says before leaving a comment? 

If the dictatorship in Iran finally ends, and a referendum on monarchy is held, monarchy might not be elected - for your info I haven't even decided whether to be a republican or monarchist.  The only reason is that the republicans I see just scare the heck out of me. I am afraid of ending up with an Iranian version of Putin.


But I know one thing, I am going to listen carefully before making my choice. What unfortunately your generation didn't do and as it appears is still not doing. 

Soosan Khanoom

Also JustAnIranian,

by Soosan Khanoom on

if Reza khan had not been beating the hell out of Women to uncover we would not have been dealing with Khomeni beating the hell out of women yet, again, but this time to cover.    

Savak also got replaced by Savama !  And Evin remained the same old place !

Sorry but I see no difference !  

Now if you, the young generation, are smart enough you will  stop it rather than keep going back and worshiping dead people without  a bit acknowledging their crimes.   Even worse than that getting offended by calling him " Reza "  which is his name 

by the way, soosan khanoom was not my choice ... lol

 Soosan Khanoom 




Unfortunately she is right

by Souri on

And unfortunately RP always knew this!

He had tried this once before , and he knew well that he would get the same answer, this time too. Also Mrs Ebadi is right about Iran's business partners at UN , who would do obstacle at this decision.

But as she said rightfully, this can be used as a tool for more publication and interview. So, in a way, we can say that this is positif.

At least RP is doing something more than only sitting and writing articles!

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

giving points as much as you want.

lip service in the past THREE decades has not done Iranians any service just being serviced.!!


Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

I wanted to call him " Reza Khan" but that would have just reminded us all of another Dictator in our history.  Whom by the way,  my grandfather generation brought upon you ....   I guess, after all, Reza is fine just fine !!



 RP said from the outset

by vildemose on

 RP said from the outset that this is a symbolic act and he knows he does not have much of chance. Why the spin?


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


یا رب مباد آن که گدا معتبر شود




یا رب مباد آن که گدا معتبر شود

گر معتبر شود ز خدا بیخبر شود


She should throw her unconditional support behind Reza Pahlavi's initiative, instead of parsing out words and phrases.



by JustAnIranian on

First of all: you call yourself Soosan khanoom and him Reza? How come? 

 2. If you had listened to his speeches once u would know that he already said these himself. Do your homework before giving comments.  

3. What  did Shirin Ebadi ever do? 

4. When did u last visit Iran? Oh I know... I read it in your blog: after twenty something years you finally went over? Well, it took me a long time to leave the hell your generation created. I would choose his father over the monster you chose in my sleep. 

Soosan Khanoom

Yes, ghalm-doon, Ebadi 1 - Pahlavi 0 :)

by Soosan Khanoom on

Also, I only take Reza seriously if he at the same time files something against his own Father on behalf of the iranian people  !!!


جلو افتادن رضا از شیرین؟



Cash Value: $65M (Only GOD knows its real amount all stolen by his dad from Iran)

Work Experience: None

Education: Some college courses

Opinion Value: ZERO!


Cash Value: $1M (The accidental winner of 'Nobel Prize' political lottery ticket!)

Work Expeience: Pahlavi's courts judge, Khomeini's courts defence attorney

Education: An outdated Shah's era law degree

Opinion Value: ZERO!