Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
oh NO Rosie!
by Q on Fri May 08, 2009 08:49 PM PDTif you haven't been on the Osanloo thread celebrating him for enduring his tortures, you're not on the Left.
OMG, I missed my chance!
Please let me know well in advance the next time these sweeping litmus tests are pulled out of some Grand inquisitor's democracy-hole.
Hamed: I hope you caught your answer. "Yes, debate and tolerance is great but only if it's within parameters I choose."
Hamed jan, don't you get it? We will have plenty of time to practice tolerance once we kill all the Mullahs, hang all the Pasdars and westernize all the Muslims.
Tolrence- lessons in democracy- reply to Prince
by Hamed on Fri May 08, 2009 07:25 PM PDTPrince: I hear you. This the next lesson, democracy 201, respect for the law. In the US it has been a long time that slavery has been abolished and there are laws against it. So in a democratic society unlike a despotic one a public official cannot and will not run on a platform of unlawful issue and ideas. that is why there is no pro-slavery representative in the US congress. In Germany no one has voted for a Nazi candidate since WWII. I think the Nazi party is desolved. That is why there is no Nazi party representative there. With respect to fighting and talking against injustice and be intolerant to it, I agree with you 100%. Those who commit a crime and are public enemies must be prosecuted, exposed and brought to justice no question. What I mean by tolrenace is not to accept criminalbehavior, but we must if we want democracy to tolrate others. I have news for those who beat the drum of demicracy, be careful what you ask for. Democracy is not clean unlike despotism, everyone has their rights, everyone must be heard, there will freedom of religion so the mullahs want to pratcice islam the way they do now, Bahaiis want to practice their religion too so do Jews, so do atheist and may be satanist. There will be freedom of speech, so mulllahs want to talk about islam and how wonderfu Khomeini was, communists want to talk about Marx, Monarchists want to talk about how wonderful Shah was, we can also talk about our view point and how good our party leader is. Everyone should have the stomach to listen to the others w/o insulting, viilifying and assaulting the other side. But at the end of the day they must all think and act in one common direction that is do better the motherland Iran. Not to enrich themselves but to build a better country. All iranian from all walks of life and idealogy must be able to live in the same country in freedom. For example Farah should be able to live in peace in Iran not far from say Ahmadinejad and they should even appear in public events together all for the good of the country. The day that Shah's remains are brought back in Iran and buried respectfully not far from Khoomeinis' that is when we can say we have a democratic Iran. But until then we must keep taking lesssons in democracy and practice it to get ready for that day.
by Anonymous Joojeh (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 06:55 PM PDTDidn't know what they were getting themselves into.
Oh Jaleho, five times I've asked you, five times /Revolution
by rosie is roxy is roshan on Fri May 08, 2009 06:00 PM PDTnever answered me. Could you please explain your statement on the thread of a recent blog of yours, "IRI IS A DEMOCRACY"
as opposed to the accurate statement: IRI has democratic elements/
I know, I know, you won't answer the specific question. The only time you ever responsded to it was the fourth time to tell me that I'm not worth responding to.
Could someone else please ask Jaleho to explain her statement
Another thing, for whoever cares, the word "Revolution" can have different meanings but it generally implies an attempt at an equitable distribution of wealth as well as a shift of power to more "progressive" forces Needless to say, "progressive" is also a very open term, but somehow it has some kind of meaning. Whatever the Pahlavis may have been, the Ulama were as old as the hills. and they were and are a reactionary force. For this reason many people feel that the Islamic Revolution of 1979 should really be referred to as a "counter-Revolution."
(The following's just a laundry list of recent human rights depredations in IRI. You can skip it, skim it or add to it).
Over the past weeks, since Obama's taking office and in anticipation of the coming elections, there has been a crackdown on human rights on all conceivable fronts in IRI unprecedented in recent years: from the murder of a young blogger in prison to a full-frontal attack on labor including the decimation of the leadership of the entire Haft Tapeh sugar worker's union, the second officially recognized union after Vahed, the staging of "media celebrity" Delara Darabi's original announcement of execution to coincide the day before the sentencing of Roxana, and her death on the day of the beating and arrests of scores of May Day celebrants in Tehran along with the million signature campaign people who had joined them in solidarity, the previous arrest of twelve of the mil sig leaders, the arrest of 70 students at Amir Kabir (eight still rotting in jail with virtually no contact with the outside world), the desecraton of Akhavan cemetery, the trial of the Seven Bahai (one Christian), the announced release of another Bahai then retracted with no explanation, increased persecutions of Christians, demolishings of many Sufi temples, now at least two men have been stoned for adultery-it extends beyond women now; even the pornographers had their day, 26 arrested in one day.
Where is the Revolution? I know, I know, in France there was the Terror but the Terror already happened in 79-80, it's been thirty years. Where is the Revolution?
And I want to say one more thing: the "Left" is predicted upon workers' rights. There is no such thing as anti-Captialism and anti-Colonialism by extension without a complete devotion to workers' rights. So if you haven't been on the Osanloo thread celebrating him for enduring his tortures, you're not on the Left. And all your talk about anti-Capital and anti-Imperialsim is..just
My two cents. I know I know, Iraani nistam. Man che midoonam? What the hell do I know?
but Prince, do not forget
by Anonymous8 (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 04:40 PM PDTsome monsters are created when searching for other monsters.
just some food for thought.
think about that.
have a thoughtful night.
by The Prince on Fri May 08, 2009 04:24 PM PDTTotaly agree! Tolerance is great. When it comes to opinions, the more the merrier. But since you brought up the European parliment and Democracy 101, I have to ask you a question. How many members of the Nazi Party can you find in the European parliment? or for that matter, how many pro slavery members can you find in the American congress?
There is one thing to tolarate different opinions, but there is totaly a different thing when it comes to tolerating tyrrany and injustice. The ones who tolerate the latter are bound to suffer from them. If we do not speak up against these monsters then who will?
by Hamed on Fri May 08, 2009 03:56 PM PDTThis is a lively debate, what I can say is that we are all Iranians, but unfortunately I see that people who disagree with each other , resort to insults and disrespect toward the other person. People we have to learn to tolerate each other's opinion no matter how repugnant we think it is. This what democracy is all about. Until we learn to live in peace with each other things will be the same if not worse. Future free and democratic Iran that everyone is dreaming about , if it ever materializes, will have mullahs in it, occupying seat in the Majlis, it will have Shahi in it occupying some more seats, the majority party I hope is a progressive and secular party that is yet to be born. There is no escaping that. In democratic countries the opposition is not insulted, jailed, eliminated, killed, tortured but it is tolerated. Look at European countries, government is a coalition of three or more parties. They may hate each other but they get along. The bottom line is that it is Iran that evryone should be vying for not their personal opinion or the frm of government they prefer to have. This is democracy 101, learn to respect and tolerate the opposing opinion, from now on keep your discussions civil and democratic.
So..what is the Verdict?
by 1 Hamvatan (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 03:27 PM PDTSO many different answers/ experiences / supporters / etc.
We are going around the circle for the right answer, yet would not believe the obvious answer.
We are nation of many nations- We should be called:
UNITED STATES OF IRAN. sounds good to me. No Islamic/ akhound around- just civilians with no affiliation with akhounds? sound good so far?
or We start the liberation of Iran with REZA SHAH PAHLAVI?
take your pick.
by Hamed (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 03:18 PM PDTThis is a lively debate, I can say one thing , we are all Iranians who disagree wth each other, but instaed of respecting each other's opinion I see that people like BBC personality and others keep insulting those who do share their opinion. People, until you can tolerate those with different opinions in one room and later in one country (you beloved Iran) there is no hope for that Country, it will be more of the same or even worse. Learn to tolerate opposing opinions, respect your follow country men/women. The future democratic Iran that everyone dreams about, if it ever becomes a reality, will have mullahs in it occupying seats in the majles, it will have monarchist(shahi) in it , but the majority will probably be a secular progressive party I assume. The bottom line is that it is Iran that everyone should be vying for not their own opinion or their way of government. This what democracy is all about. Look at European countries, they form a coalition in the parliment to be able to govern. They do not insult,kill, imprisone and eliminate the opposition they have learned to live with it and work with it and govern with. We as a nation need to learn the same, it is called democracy 101. From now on keep your discussions civil, clean and respectful.
سنده زار
Farah RustaFri May 08, 2009 03:09 PM PDT
در آین فکر بودم که چگونه میتوان از گنجینه غنی ادبیات فارسی برای توصیف آن دسته از ایرانیانی که هنوز پس از سی سال برای انقلاب از دست رفته و یا به دست آمده اشان دلتنگ و یا دل شادند بهره گرفت که به یاد این شاهکار که به ذبیح بهروز نسبت داده میشود افتادم. گویی بهروز برای امروز سروده. تصور بفرمایید که راوی یکی از انقلاب پرستان است!
به عزم تفرج نه از بهر کار
گذر اوفتادم سوی جـویبار
به هر سوی و هرجا فکندم نظر
ندیدم به جز سنده خشک و تر
بسی سنده هر سوی پر پیچ و خم
یـکی چـون عمـامه یکی چـون کـلم
یکی زرد و شاداب چون زر ناب
دگر خشک و تیره چو پر عقاب
یکی سبز و شل، پهن بر روی خاک
چـو وارون شـده کـاسـه آش سـاک
یکی سفت و نوک تیز چون کله قند
بــه گـردون نـمــوده سر خــود بـلنــد
یکـی زان عیان هسـته های انـار
فزون پیچ و تابش ز حصر و شمـار
یـکـی چــون الـف راست روی زمـین
نه پیچی در آن بود و نی تاب و چین
یـکـی دیـگر آنـجا بـدیـدم ز دور
که چشم بد از کون ریننده دور
کلفت و زمـخـت و ستبـر و وزیـن
مگس ها بر آن گرد چون انگبیـن
یقین است گر زنده بود پور زال
نریدی چنین سنده ای در مبال
در این مملکت هم اگر موزه بود
بر آن تکه ها، تکه ای می فـزود
که مردم ببینند و تحسین کنند
هـمه آرزوی چـنـیـن قین کـنـند
نظاره بر آن مـنظر دلـپسند
دماغم تر از جوهر بوی گند
کـه ناگه ندایی ز گردون رسید
کز آن جان و دل در بدن درتپید
که ای بنده! سنده سلام است این
بــرو بر درش، بـوسـه زن بـر زمــیـن
فـرا رفـتـم و با دوصـد احـتـرام
بر آن سنده گنده کردم سلام
که ای سنده بنده غلام توام
پـی چــاکـری درگهت آمــدم
اگرچند در هر دم و هر قدم
فرو رفته در سنده تا دامنم
عجب سنده زاریست این مرز و بوم
کـــه زنـگـی نـــدانــنــد مـــردم ز روم
به جان عزیزت در این سنده زار
چنین سـنده زاری بود شاهـکار
Iran will never die. IRAN HARGEZ NAKHAHAD MORD.
by Meehan (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 03:08 PM PDTSome didn't like my comments in another discussion forum namely a lady that calls herself "mahnaz Shahabi" but I will repeat myself once again because I am a free individual.
No one is more familiar with the concept of terrorism in the name of Allah and Islam than us the Iranians, who for many years have been the biggest victims of Islamic Terrorism. Iran has been invaded twice by Islamic barbarian invaders.
The Arab terrorists who murdered thousands of people on 9/11, who were still living their old dream of many wives similar to the Arab barbarians who invaded Persia 1400 years ago.with the slogans of allaho Akbar, but delivered only hate, burning,, raping of women (non-believers) and forced marriage in the name of Islam.
The Second Invasion of Islam was by Khomeyni in 1979 which has brought nothing but misery, rape and execution of young girls in prison, the stoning of women, theft and terror.
ایران ایران رگبار مسلسل ها
khaleh moshehFri May 08, 2009 03:01 PM PDT
بهار شد زمستان ولی آزاد نشدیم
The Prince
by Majid on Fri May 08, 2009 02:53 PM PDTThank you again, well said.
Anonymous7, I’ve
by Farhad Kashani on Fri May 08, 2009 01:51 PM PDTAnonymous7,
I’ve witnessed more things that your little mind can imagine, and let’s just leave it at that. Let’s not get personal.
Everything I say is from first hand and hands on experiences. I know the IRI regime more than they know themselves.
How little you and your pro IRI anti U.S friends know about the psychology of the regime, and its intentions, and its tactics, and what it’s really after, and how it does things is simply astonishing. Some of you guys know, but never admit it, and some of you have become so consumed by how the American left analyzes world politics, which is nothing close to what reality is, is damaging the cause of democracy in Iran, thus, many of us consider you as a contributor to the current situation in Iran.
ramintork , Aafarin Javan...
by Concerned-Iranian (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 01:16 PM PDTAlthough any country and civilization instead of us Iranians in this particular part of the world and under brutal impact of ISLAM and its fanatic followers would NOT turned anything better than what we are NOW, I still very much agree with your comment on "One of the four Nobel Truth"...
I have told almost the same to my Iranian, European and North American friends many times and they agree with you and me... Thank you
I would like to add the following to your beautiful comment:
"Your life has an inner purpose and an outer purpose.
Inner purpose concerns Being and is primary. Outer purpose concerns doing and is secondary.
The true or primary purpose of your life can not be found on the outer level. It does not concern what you do but what you are--that is to say, your state of consciousness.
Action, although necessary,is only a secondary factor in manifesting our external reality. The primary factor in creation is consciousness. No matter how active we are, how much effort we make, our state of consciousness creates our world, and if there is no change on that inner level, no amount of action will make any difference. We would only re-create modified versions of the same world again and again, a world that is an external reflection of the ego." Eckhart Tolle
Peace and Love,
Reza (From Tehran)
Anti-Iranian Revolution
by BBC's Mullah (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 12:41 PM PDTThe Prince, Annonymous111 and 1234:
Your posts are heartfelt and sincere, which is something completely lacking in the deceptive jibberish put forth by the regime supporters. And I completely agree, supporters of this anti-Iranian, Satanic regime are as criminal as the regime itself, for they are the foot soilders in a brain-washing campaign designed to white-wash the massive crimes of the mullahs.
Shame on all of you anti-Iranian puppets!
And I know they sleep well at nights, because they have no conscience, and are not "Iranian" in the true sense of the word -- in that, you need more than just a Iranian birth certificate to be Iranian. To be a true Iranian, it means one must be noble and just and good in your deeds, actions and words.
But I just like to ask the Jahelo's of the world -- how do you sleep at nights knowing that your fellow brothers in Qom have turned a once-proud nation into a country of drug addicts (with more heroin addicts in Iran per capita than anywhere else in the world) with so many prostitues, 40% of which are married and have the consent of their husbands (what happend to our Iranian men and thir gheyrat?), and all the murders of innocent people like Zahra Kazami, whose fingernails were pulled, with a skull fracture and was raped repeatedly in Evin.
How do you monsters sleep at night knowing that your brothers in Qom have tortured and murdered so many thousands -- taken and robbed so many innocent lives!!!
Robbed so much of our money and natural resources?!!! Transfererd so much of our national treasury into swiss bank accounts? All that blood and all that misery... by the hands of your sheepishoo brothers in arms! How do you sleep at nights knowing that so many of our young Iranian women as young as 14 and 15 are being sexually used and abused as toys by Arabs in Arab countries because they have no opportunity for growth in Iran?
So much misery and mayhem, so much brain-drain, so much bloodshed, so much thievery, such a loss of national prestige -- this is the result of your black revolution!
May the Hendi Mullah, who was created and supported by the British, be sipping a fiery cocktail in Hell right now! May he eternally burn for his wickidness!
The genious
by MRX1 on Fri May 08, 2009 12:40 PM PDTYou have to appreciate the geniuses of Angelo American alliance that over through the shah, ruined Iran and Afghanistan in the process and used that to defeat the Soviet Union, while at the same time selling it to the naive and sadeloh people as a genuine revolution! If the end result was not trajic, it would have been some thing to laugh about at every dinner table for years to come.
Some times in life when you get shafted you just have to accept it and move on.
The Prince
by Anonymous111 on Fri May 08, 2009 12:10 PM PDTWell put. Couldn't have said it better myself. May I also add that the IRI has a very sophisticated propoganda aparatus which, in part, targets the media and the web, and a lot of the "noise" that you hear on this site is, or are, most likely related to that aparatus. I can assure you that you won't find an iota of this Islamist zeal in the majority of the Iranian population. To put things in prospective, on a recent trip to Iran I was witness to a power outage in a "bazaar" (which is supposedly pro-regime). As soon as the power went out, I could hear an almost synchronized anti-IRI chorus echoing through the old marketplace by merchants and shoppers. This is the extent of Iranians' hatred for this regime. And this is not to mention the anti-IRI talk that I heard everytime I got in a cab, went to a store, etc....So, my advice to everyone is not to believe the noise. At best, it's coming from out of touch idiological fools who don't live in Iran, and at worst, it's part of the bigger IRI intelligence "operation".
About: One serious Question
by The Prince on Fri May 08, 2009 11:48 AM PDTIran has a population of 70 million. Those people who your parents call Regime Supporters, are not all supportes.
Although many regime agents and their families are there, many of the people you see on TV as demonstrators, either HAVE TO be there, since they are government workers or such and their future and pension depend on it. Or they are there to get something out of it, usually monetary. The people you see voting in London are mostly regime agents, since London is a cesspool of these lowlife parasites. If you look at the history of this antihuman regime, you’ll see that their report card is nothing but blood, torture, injustice and tyranny. All the “progress” that the IRI dogs are barking about on this post, are either incepted and started during the shah’s regime, such as Tehran’s Subway and freeway system, or are a product of 21st century. The farthest these Illiterate akhoonds can reach are the Islamic way of how to wipe your butt!!! Just read their Tzeehol masael!!
You know, the one thing sadder than having an illiterate, Opium addict, mofangi thief as Rahabar, and a proud killer and a monkey as president , is these low lives pretending to support them on this site and elsewhere. You are right! No human being with an ounce of decency or conscience can possibly ever support these monsters. The ones who actually do however, are either completely bisavad and ignorant or benefiting from the misery of millions, which makes them as criminal as their satanic masters.
by BIKAR (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 11:11 AM PDTWell you have articulated the revolution and same time you have supported this regime, I agree with you philosophy of revolution, but one thing you cannot deny is the time for this regime to go also has, or will come. And I’ll bet my life on it you have been borne outside of Iran attended university in the west and were brained wash to a radical hateful anti western
@BBC's Mullah: Could not
by Anonymous1234 (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 10:42 AM PDT@BBC's Mullah:
Could not agree more with you dear Hamvatan.
The Pahlavis were the first Iranian dynasty to rule Iran after a very long period of de-facto occupation by tribes and families that only 'styled' themselves as "Persians" to bask in the glory of Persian Kings. They would (and did) give up any part of Iran when it suited their purpose and circumstances. Iranians are surprisingly under educated regarding Iranian history. Every time I hear the nonsense about "we've never been colonized" I shake my head inwardly.
No amount of revisionist hand waving is going to bury the facts of Iran's *miraculous* resurgence during the Pahlavi dynasty. Truly both father and son were Great Kings and shall always be remembered warmly and dearly.
The crypto socialist masonic regime of IRI is a facade, as was the "revolution" that brought it into power.
(I was 14, enamored of 'righteous engineers' of MKO, but God is my witness I never shook my fist for the flea infested mullahs. +1 for me ;)
by Aboli (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 10:40 AM PDTThat's great!
(So, live, or you don't live in Iran?)
Unlike you , I have not been as smart to "live whichever part of the world whenever I wish". How do you earn that right?
Currently far away from the where I really want to live, Iran.
Stuck in Canada, as a refugee.
by Anonymous Dude (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 10:36 AM PDTThe only thing that you were [are] smart about was to get the hell of the "utopia" that you and your buddies created 30 years ago. That's how you can sit here 30 years later outsdie of the "meydoon" and tell everyone else to "lengesh kon". What a coward!
one serious question
by a pimp named slickback on Fri May 08, 2009 10:35 AM PDTI was born after the revolution in Iran and came to the UK in an early age. All my life everybody has been calling many people regime supporters. When we watched massive demonstrations in Tehran on TV, my parents always said these people are just regime supporters. A lot of people in England have been called regime supporters. I read this website and many many people on it are also regime supporters. Last Iranian elections few years ago, I saw a lot of Iranians vote in London and other places in Europe, Canada, US and many inside Iran. All were called regime supporters or bad names.
Just out of curiosity, why are there so many regime supporters after all these years? If you ask my parents and other Iranis, Iran is a hell and the regime is brutal and nazi like. Nobody in their right mind should be a supporter. If that's so, why are there still so many who choose to be supporters? Did the Soviet Union have this many supporters?
Aboli, since you're curious
by Jaleho on Fri May 08, 2009 09:25 AM PDTI live whichever part of the world whenever I wish. I have been smart enough to earn that right, and you?
Jaleho Dear
by Go Away (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 09:17 AM PDTYou Say:
"The dreamers who can't accept the reality after 30 years, and are still whining, would have to continue to whine! The Russian dreamers waited for the return of Tsar from 1917 revolution all the way to the disintegration of Soviet Union at the end of century. Iranian clowns can toast to the return of Shah on forum and parties, while 75 million Iranians are getting ready to elect yet another independent president for the Islamic Republic of Iran :-)"
So, are we to expect the same thing happening to the "Islamic Republic of Iran" that happened to Soviet Union? Disintegeration? So, you are proposing, predicting and hoping that Iran disintegrate before the IRI changes to a democtractic regime? This is so sad. At the same time though, it is indictaive of the mindset of the anti-Iranian regime that holds power in Iran today.
Facts & Flashback
by Bozee (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 09:10 AM PDTFacts: Khomeini was 79 yrs old when he was brought back to Iran after 15 years of resting in Iraq & died of cancer when he was 89.
Flashback: Not even any herd follows a 79 years old shepherd!
To: Jaleho
by Aboli (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 09:01 AM PDTBeautiful...!
You said it.
You all did it.
Good for you.
Savages,backwards,colonial,...etc. OUT,
brave,unified, independant,...etc. IN!
It sounds like an awesome place to live.
Awesome, awesome, awesome.
Not for me though. I am one of those,...(what did you call them)..."Clowns",... I got the hell outta there!
Just out of curiosity...where in Islamic Republic of Iran do you live?
by kurdish Warrior (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 08:51 AM PDTWhere the do you get these info from??? "75 million Iranians are getting ready to elect yet another independent president for the Islamic Republic of Iran"
Are you high or delusional my friend. I suggest you visit every region in Iran and you'll see how stupid your info sounds.
by Anonymous Dude (not verified) on Fri May 08, 2009 08:49 AM PDT"The revolution by definition is an immense upheaval in the social order which typiclly comes with a rough time during the chaos, and before the new system sets in with a degree of stability; hence terminologies such as"...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH....
Look at your country now, 30 years later,'s a clusterf**k...and idiots like you still try to justify the mess you made...