Photo essay: Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps in Poland
Photos taken Tuesday 8 April 2008. "June 14, 1940, when the first transport of Polish political prisoner deportees arrived in Auschwitz, is regarded as the date when it began to function. At first, Poles were imprisoned and died in the camp. Afterwards, Soviet prisoners of war, Gypsies, and prisoners of other nationalities were also incarcerated there. Beginning in 1942, the camp became first of all the site of the mass murder committed against the European Jews as part of the Nazi plan for their complete destruction."
by Dariush (not verified) on Wed Apr 23, 2008 05:56 PM PDTYes, It is black and white. Your support of Israel and west for their crimes is against your peace ,love and civilization claims. Yes, when Arafat was alive and Palestinians were not divides by Zionists, Arafat and his government had agreed to live in peace with Israel, if Israel stop violating their first agreement. Same agreement that Israel has been condemn for it, by useless, corrupt United Nations.
They will live in peace, but don't recognize Israel. Israel wants to take one's house and be recognized by them. Would you recognize those who kill your family, destroy your home, take your land that you have the deed to it and ......?
I say the same to Sunni Arabs who are committing genocide in Dar-fur, but west and U.N. are silence since those Sunnis are influenced by their ally Saudi Arabia.
You see how extremist I am? I am extremely against injustice no matter who does it!!! Same goes to IRI!
But you, the peace loving, civilized, God fearing PhD holding genius, support the criminals and condemn the helpless. You look at things upside down. Turn you brain 180 degree, it might help you to see things the way they are, black and white, not so colorful! Put yourself in their shoes!
I don't like to respond like this, but you need a brain shock, I hope I have helped.
Whatever your peace means, Same peace to you!
Shahram and his supporters
by Zion on Tue Apr 22, 2008 05:22 PM PDTYou are not a Jew. You are a pathetic liar. Stop this crap and show some shame.
What are these supposed horrendous crimes Israel is supposed to be committing? Care to specify once? Once?
Lies again
by Zion on Tue Apr 22, 2008 05:17 PM PDT`Palestinians had agreed to have peace with Israel if Israel pulls back to the first agreement they signed 60 years ago, but Israel kept invading and expanding.`
Such utter rubbish. Such shameless lie. Have you really no shame?
by Zion on Tue Apr 22, 2008 05:15 PM PDTFor posting these pictures here. We should never forget.
Dariush, no one could have….
by bijanam (not verified) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 04:59 AM PDTdemonstrated any more vividly the attitude, character and the school of thoughts that an extremist subscribes to. To you, everything is either black or white, right or wrong, …It is either your way or the highway….
Thanks for proving my point that extremist mentality like yours (on either side) is the hindrance to peace. But, remember that eventually there will be no room in civilization for extremism (the two cannot co-exist).
So, cling on to your hate if you like, it will not take you anywhere other than adding to your misery.
If human race is to exist, civility will prevail (sooner or later).
May we all live in peace.
by Dariush (not verified) on Mon Apr 21, 2008 06:44 PM PDTSeems like your zionist views are still on your way and don't let you to figure right from wrong.
My answer to your questions are Yes and Yes. Palestinians had agreed to have peace with Israel if Israel pulls back to the first agreement they signed 60 years ago, but Israel kept invading and expanding.
You say United Nation put Israel there. United nation is another corrupt institution created to serve west and they are doing a good job in serving the west and Zionists. Yes you are who you are a zionist who doesn't care how many people and countries zionist kill and destroy until they get what they want which is "ONE WORLD ORDER RULED BY ZIONISTS AND SLAVERY FOR THE REST". You support Israel for their crimes and throw a peace word at the end of your posting thinking people are fool and that makes you a peace loving person. You are just fooling yourself! That is just like what Israel is doing. Killing and destroying people and their homes and at the end of the day they say "peace".
Dear Dr. mammad……
by bijanam (not verified) on Sun Apr 20, 2008 07:15 PM PDTIt would be unconscionable in my book to read your post and ignore it without voicing a different perspective and posing some legitimate questions.
1. I find your undermining the gravity of genocide by comparing the number of lost lives with those lost in combat and war, prejudiced and frankly, repugnant. You try to portray yourself as a very reasonable, intellectual and well read poster, but your prejudiced sentiments oozes out of most of your posts.
2. You clearly have very strong feelings against formation of Israel, and/or where it is formed. You are definitely entitled to your opinion, but the fact of the matter is the League of Nations (United Nations) has voted for its formation and where it is formed.
• This is not to judge the morality of the actions by its government. The same United Nations has condemned in strongest language many of their actions (crimes, if you like).
• While many nations and majority of the earth’s population may condemn Israel’s actions and policies, the same majority recognizes her existence.
I may be wrong, but your post suggests that you do not recognize (or support those who do not recognize) state of Israel. If that’s the case, or, you (like Ahmadinejad) believe that Israel should be wiped off the map, then there is no debate, and I rest my case.
To be honest with you, some of your comments has me wondering if you are Ahmadinejad’s speech writer, or he is your hero and role model. Here is an example (out of your post):
“ 4. Holocaust was committed by the civilized, westernized, enlightened, sophisticated .... European, not by "backward," "uneducated," "terrorist" muslims. But, who has paid for Holocaust the most? Muslims!”
You and your supporters can label me whatever you wish, but, I know who I am. My world is real and NOT ideal. I know my respect for humanity and peace. I also support acceptance of reality (no matter how bitter) if that’s what it takes to bring me peace. But, I first need to exist to accept bitterness of reality.
So, mammad, here are my questions:
1.Would a Jewish state be in existence if it wasn’t for the crimes committed by Israel?
2.Would there be peace in the Middle East if idealists and extremists had stayed out of the process?
3.If your answer to Q2 (above) is yes, what does it take to keep the extremists out of the process?
As always,
May we all live in peace
Extremely well said Mammad
by HJ (not verified) on Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:15 PM PDTExtremely well said Mammad.
Holocaust is a historical fact, but
by Mammad (not verified) on Thu Apr 17, 2008 07:44 AM PDTit has been used immorally to commit crimes. I am not talking about the shielding that the US has provided Israel to allow it to do whatever it wants, or sending $3 billion of our taxes to Israel, when the good people of New Orleans are languishing, or provide Israel with the most sophisticated weapons, including arming it for attacking Iran.
It is true that millions of Jews were slaughtered, simply because they were Jews. Anyone who denies it is either a bigot or out of his mind. But,
1. Millions of gypsies were also murdered in Europe by the Nazis. Do we hear about them?
2. The Soviet Union lost 27 millions during WW II. Aside from the people of the old Soviet Union, how much "screaming" do we hear about them? And, the Soviet Union was the key to the defeat of the Nazis.
3. Turks slaughtered at least 1.5 Armenians during 1915-1916. But, the Israeli lobby in the US has been instrumental in preventing the US Congress from recognizing this as crime against humanity and genocide. Why? Because Turkey has close relations with Israel. Go figure!
4. Holocaust was committed by the civilized, westernized, enlightened, sophisticated .... European, not by "backward," "uneducated," "terrorist" muslims. But, who has paid for Holocaust the most? Muslims!
5. Two reasons that are always given for the establishment of Israel in Palestine are:
(i) Holocaust which, however, was committed by Europeans in Europe, not anywhere else.
(ii) God "promised" the Jews that they would return to Palestine. How is this claim any different from whatever claims that the right-wing mullahs of the IRI make, or Osama bin Laden makes about the Islamic Umma? Why is it that one group of people can invoke God in order to justify what it has done, but not another group?
6. Some of the crimes that Israel has committed against Palestinians are no better than what the Nazis committed against the Jews. But, the worst thing about it is that the Israeli crimes are always "justified." Consider two of them:
(i) Israel has created the largest jail on Earth - the Gaza Strip. Supposedly, Israel left Gaza, but it controls it land borders, its air space, and its shores. It has cutoff practically everything that is necessary for the survival of 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza. It prevents even humanitarian aid to reach there.
(ii) Israel has created an apartheid system in the West Bank. It is practically a carbon copy of the fascist apartheid regime in South Africa which, next to the Nazis and the Stalin regime, was the most evil regime of the 20th century. It is, of course, not surprising. Israel was a close ally of the Apartheid regime in South Africa.
Even now Israel supports some of the worst political figures in Africa. One example: Robert Mugabe. I suggest to the interested reader to read Justin Raimondo's article on about this.
This is a perfect example of how a powerful lobby - the Israeli lobby in the US - has used a repugnant act and crime - the Holocaust - to justify horrendous other crimes in the name of "morality" and "self-defense."
Crime is crime no matter committed by whom!
by Abe (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 03:46 PM PDTThe crimes perpetrated by Nazis half a century ago does not justify the horrible atrocities being committed by Israelis today.
Thank you for your
by Anonymous9 (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 03:03 PM PDTThank you for your considerate reply dariush.
I was only telling the situation of Bahais in Iran so that it is not undermind because a few who can actually afford to travel, go back and forth.
Many Bahais do not want to leave their own country and home, they love Iran.
Also despite decades of persecution Bahais, wheather organized or not have never resorted to violence or arm resistance against their government. In fact we are commanded to obey our government which only leaves us with the option of peaceful appeals for our rights. We also are prohibited from meddeling in politics and the wisdom of that takes more time and room than here and now. So Bahais turn to their legal avenues to voice their concerns over injustices.
At the end of the day NO ONE CAN BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS OF OTHERS, so let see what our responsible people in charge will do.
Anyways I had to clarify the travel issue and that because there is less travel restrictions, does not mean everything is just great. Ofcourse it could be worse but that kind of thinking will compel one to sit and not make any improvements and thus decay.
You are a good and wise guy, I wish you well.
Have you ever noticed how
by SCandA (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 02:41 PM PDTHave you ever noticed how the same people who deny the Holocaust are the very same people who think a Holocaust directed at Jews is a good idea?
Have you ever noticed that the people who deny the Holocaust tend to be the most racist and bigoted people?
Yes, the Holocaust is yet ANOTHER conspiracy foisted on Muslims by Jews.
We know this is true because the religious 'leaders' who call for the slaughter of Jews or refers to Jews and Christians as the 'sons of monkeys and pigs' are so civilized. Right.
Here's the deal. You can put an ape in a tuxedo. You can teach the ape to dance and even use a knife and fork. In the end however, the only one who really believes the tuxedo is camouflage for the ape, is the ape.
Stupidity is a commodity, given out by God (Allah) in great abundance.
by Kaveh Nouraee on Wed Apr 16, 2008 02:17 PM PDTYou are absolutely right. Most Jews were, are and always will be against the establishment of Israel.
Unfortunately there is so much ignorance out there that most people don't have a clue, and think that if you're Jewish, you're automatically a supporter of Israel.
To Not-Ignorant
by Kaveh Nouraee on Wed Apr 16, 2008 02:11 PM PDTIt is very apparent that what you know about this can fit on the business end of a fine needle with ample room to spare.
They say ignorance is bliss, so you must be in an orgasmic paradise.
Don't bother saying anything else. You'll only manage to further prove I'm right, and I know that the very thought of it kills you.
to Shahram
by Anonymous26 (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 02:08 PM PDTI do not believe you are a Jew. Just in case you are, speak for yourself. One of the reasons Israel exists to this day is because of the unprecedented support of Jews around the world. If Israel would not exist, who would have protected you from the next holocaust. Long Live Israel and the Jewish people.
A money making business called F**King Holocaust
by Shahram (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:30 PM PDTAs an Iranian Jew I agree that world condemns the manipulations done in the name of Holocaust. Hopefully there would not be another NEW Holocaust created by the descendents of Holocaust.
Believe it or not most real Jews are against the establishment of the State of Israel. It was a freaking mistake.
by Dariush (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:55 AM PDTI am not for Arabs, West, East, IRI. I don't want west to take advantage of what you and I say. I agree that there has been injustice in Iran, but the individuals, groups and government has treated more Muslims in the same way. If there are a few Baha'is in jail there are thousands of Muslims. Many Muslims can not go to Iran while minorities go back and forth.
I did not vote for IRI, but I didn't see it right to take arm against the government and majority of Iranians just because it wasn't what I wanted like many of my friends who did.
It is OK to criticize IRI for their wrong doings and ask for justice from an uncorrupted and neutral institution or country, but that is not U.S., England, Israel and we must make sure to criticize them at the same time to avoid misunderstanding. As bad as you may think that some Bahai's are treated, if these countries use your words and attack Iran, All Baha'is and others will be killed and suffered and those stayed alive will be treated as we see in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places. What good freedom of speech do to a dead man? Holdind peaceful demonstrations and selecting more democratic candidates seem to be the best way in Iran for justice and in west against the war. This is why I write what I write.
And the world condemns the manipulations done in the name of
by and justice for all (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:33 AM PDTAnd the world condemns the manipulations done in the name of Holocaust.
We are looking at the new Holocaust created by the decendents of Holocaust.
How about that.
The depth of your understanding about the situation is amazing
by not-ignorant (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:29 AM PDTWisen up,
That's all.
FYI/Iranian Intellegentsia Say No to Holocaust Denials
by Darius Kadivar on Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:25 AM PDTIranian Diaspora Intelligentsia Unite Against Islamic Republic's Holocaust Revisionism
Conquer and enslave who?
by Kaveh Nouraee on Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:04 AM PDTThese people have conquered and enslaved themselves.
The situation is such that Arab countries don't even lift a finger to help the Palestinians anymore. Only the IRI.
You obviously don't know better at all.
We know better
by not-ignorant (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 09:56 AM PDTThese pictures and pitures like these are used to conquer and enslave people in Middle East. They are used as an excuse to send 3 billion dollars of our tax dollars to Israel. The cat is out of the box. It is exposed.
Wisen up.
Some of You People Are Simply Ignorant
by Kaveh Nouraee on Wed Apr 16, 2008 09:39 AM PDTWhat is this post about?
These are photographs taken of Auschwitz.
According to Germany's data, 1.6 million people were slaughtered there, 1.4 million of them were Jewish.
They were doctors, shopkeepers, housewives, bookkeepers, merchants.
They were not members of AIPAC. They were not Zionists. They were not Israelis.
They were from all over Europe: German, Polish, Dutch, French, Czech, Austrian, Italian.
They were men, women, children, babies and the elderly. They were families. They were human beings.
And they were gassed, shot or were otherwise murdered simply because they were Jewish.
All because some Austrian midget with a bad haircut and only one tokhm deemed them to be sub-human.
This isn't about Israel, or the U.S., or AIPAC or Zionism or any of the other present day bullshit.
What have we learned?
by Abarmard on Wed Apr 16, 2008 09:03 AM PDTLooking at the new era of camps, be it American or Israeli, one must ask: What have we learned?
Lets be realistic, Israel has US politicians in his back pocket
by Observer (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 08:48 AM PDTThe picture is grim,
But it is what it is.
They force every kid in US schools to read and study about Holocaust. And Holocaust has been turned into an industry to create money, power, sympathy, and free land. An excuse to grab other people's land, bomb others and bully the people of Middle East.
Pictures of Auchwits does not mean anything anymore spicially after the atrocities committed by the zionist jews in Palestine and the rest of the world.
Let's be fair
by Anonym7 (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 06:58 AM PDTIt is true that AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) has been involved with many of the disastrous decisions such as Iraqi fiasco and ongoing aggressive policies towards Iran but let's not forget that there are liberal and outspoken Jews out there too. How many US politicians do you know that have the courage to say what George Soros said in 2007? George Soros said: "I am not sufficiently engaged in Jewish affairs to be involved in the reform of AIPAC; but I must speak out in favor of the critical process that is at the heart of our open society. I believe that a much-needed self-examination of American policy in the Middle East has started in this country; but it can't make much headway as long as AIPAC retains powerful influence in both the Democratic and Republican parties. Some leaders of the Democratic Party have promised to bring about a change of direction but they cannot deliver on that promise until they are able to resist the dictates of AIPAC. Palestine is a place of critical importance where positive change is still possible. Iraq is largely beyond our control; but if we succeeded in settling the Palestinian problem we would be in a much better position to engage in negotiations with Iran and extricate ourselves from Iraq. The need for a peace settlement in Palestine is greater than ever. Both for the sake of Israel and the United States, it is highly desirable that the Saudi peace initiative should succeed; but AIPAC stands in the way. It continues to oppose dealing with a Palestinian government that includes Hamas."
dariush 101
by Anonymous9 (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 06:32 AM PDTI left Iran in early 80s. My parents were not able to get passports till about 14 years later to come and see us. That is a long time.
True, that travel restrictions have been somewhat lifted, but we want to live in Iran in total equality.
Bahais are not recognized in the Islamic republics constitution, do you know what that means.
We have hate committed against Bahai community in Iran on a daily basis. Look at the sanctioned group like hojjatieh and hossineh and the rest of the mob who not only preach hate and spread falsehood against the innocent Bahais but also intimidate and commit violent act against Bahais on a continuous basis, sanctioned by the government.
What do say about the destruction of the cemeteries, how does that portray the treatment Bahais get in Iran. You are well aware that the government of Iran is bent on destroying the Bahai community, that is no secret.
Did they not just imprison a few Bahai youth in Shiraz. I lived in Iran for 22 years and served during the war. I have experienced 1st hand the treatment.
Why cant you be fair for once, maybe the world will be fairer to you if you take the 1st step.
Bahais can not practice their religion, are prohibited from gaethering together for act of worship, they are kicked out of schools, systematically and arbitrary. All thier holy places have been demolished, all their centers and properties have been confiscated.
Their deads have been dragged out of their resting place. This is in IRAN, in the land of their fathers.
When are you ever going to be fair Dariush. The future generations, the enlightened people of the world and most of all God Himself will hold you responsible if you fail to be JUST.
Try to put yourself in other peoples shoes, you tend to do that very well with the Arabs only. How about your own Iranians brothers and sisters.
No one will come to your rescue at the end of the day but Iranians, just like when i, a Bahai, defended your houner and your family from the Arab brother Saddam.
Bahais want their government to discharge its duty of protecting all its citizens, how unjust is that!?
You can slander accuse cover falsify give false hopes, but let me tell you something, soon it will be that the unwise will have torn the country into pieces and that would very well be the end of your version of Islam, then you will regret but it will be to late.
Why dont you outspoken enlightened moslem write to your president and majlis and warn them against hatred. Do it while you have a chance to stop this suicide. It is not only Iran, your sect will go down too.
Israel continues to kill...
by Joseph X (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 01:21 AM PDTHaving seen how easily Israelis have killed tens of thousnads of people so ruthlessly in the past few decades, having seen how destructive they have been, having seen how easily they kill women and children continuously, having seen how they have done absolutely anything in their power to destroy three generation of Palestinians, having seen their absolute disregard for human life, I no longer have any sympathy for Israelis. They are now the perpetrators of terror.
Auschwitz was more than half a century ago. If there are any lessons to be learned from that tragedy, the world needs to pay attention to the current perpetrator of violence, oppression, and occupation, which is no other than Israel. Lamenting the crimes at Auschwitz has now become a tool for covering up the crimes against humanity committed by the state of Israel.
Mother & Father
by Erna (not verified) on Wed Apr 16, 2008 01:00 AM PDTI was most impressed with your web site about Vught, my Mother was one of the 74 women locked up in cell 115 where the Bunker drama was.
She did tell us about it, although I must admit she did not talk much about the camp, I think it must have been all too painful for her, but the story about the Bunker drama was told several times.
My Father was also in the camp at the time.
My sister and I were 3 and 6 years old at the time.
Thank you for letting people like me see a little of what my parents went through.
ERNA (Australia)
Humanity is dying every day, not just in Auschwitz alone
by observer (not verified) on Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:31 PM PDTHumanity is dying every day,
in Gaza, Palestine and Iraq.
Those who died at the hands of Nazi do not own the humanity. They are a part of it but not all of it.