Photo essay: Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps in Poland
Photos taken Tuesday 8 April 2008. "June 14, 1940, when the first transport of Polish political prisoner deportees arrived in Auschwitz, is regarded as the date when it began to function. At first, Poles were imprisoned and died in the camp. Afterwards, Soviet prisoners of war, Gypsies, and prisoners of other nationalities were also incarcerated there. Beginning in 1942, the camp became first of all the site of the mass murder committed against the European Jews as part of the Nazi plan for their complete destruction."
FYI/The Children of Tehran WWII
by shirazie (not verified) on Tue Apr 15, 2008 08:26 PM PDTDaruis
Iran has helped Jews in distress over centuries. Not sure we have received the same treatment
Some of these children grow up to be biggest enemies of Iran. Mofez the defense minister of Israel was one of these children.
i.e King Darius allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem. But according to teachings of USA rabbis. He was going to massacre all of them unless Shiva slept with him.
we must make distinction between these three groups of Jews tribe
Majority of Iranian Jews are Cohn's or Levey's. they are true believers of Judaism as oppose to the Israelite who are politically driven.
This sound like Islam too.
Death of Humanity
by Anonymous26 (not verified) on Tue Apr 15, 2008 08:01 PM PDTIt does not matter if the millions of innocent victims who died there were Jewish, Poles or gypsies; Auschwitz is where humanity died.
by Hossein (not verified) on Tue Apr 15, 2008 07:46 PM PDTAgha Gol gofty.
Damet garm.
The most racist and inhuman states which is trying very hard to destroy our home Iran.
by Dariush (not verified) on Tue Apr 15, 2008 07:22 PM PDTIf Bahai's are facing that in Iran why they go back and forth to Iran. One of my Baha'i friends went to Iran last week. So are many other minorities.
by Hossein (not verified) on Tue Apr 15, 2008 07:18 PM PDTI completely agree with you this people are bunch of wannabes who want to be like Americans or Europeans
and they know so much about how Europeans killed each and what Holocaust one European created for another one.When we have so much injustice ,inequity and killing going on around the world and close to home everyday.
by Dariush (not verified) on Tue Apr 15, 2008 07:14 PM PDTMost people believe, If a country should be punished for 1940's Holocaust, is Germany. If a country should be punished for 1950's-2008's Holocausts, it is U.S., England, Israel and others involved. It is that simple! Germany has paid compensations to Jews and need to do the same to others 50,000,000
West and Israel should be held responsible for their crimes and compensate Iran and Iranians for 500,000 killed, millions injured and destruction of Iran for the past 30 years at the very minimum!!! Then they should leave Iraq and compensate them!!! Also the Israel should go back at the very minimum to the contract they signed 60 years ago and compensate Palestine and Lebanon!!! This is just to be fair not more. If they have committed more crimed they should be held responsible for those too!!!
Same goes to Africa. The Arabs in Dar-fur should be held responsible for genocide there. All these are the duties of the useless and corrupt institution called United Nations that makes everybody sick. Yes, every body's life is sacred. So get out and hold PEACEFULL DEMONSTRATIONS, DEMONTRATIONS and more DEMONSTRATIONS to stop the genocide that is going on today, instead of whining and going with the wind!!! Specially Jews and Christians who claim they are for peace!!! This is the best option!!!
by Hossein (not verified) on Tue Apr 15, 2008 06:40 PM PDTThis camp looks lot better then the ones Israeles
build for palestinians. Not to mention palestinian refuges are not allowed back in their homes 40 years after the war.
Bahai 101
by Nema (not verified) on Tue Apr 15, 2008 06:24 PM PDTGet a life people, bahai in Iran, who are Iranians are facing the same challanges today, are we worried for Iseael? are you kidding me.
Kaveh, well, I think I can
by Mehdi on Tue Apr 15, 2008 06:15 PM PDTKaveh, well, I think I can agree with most of what you say. You are definitely quite fair. But there are points I would like to make:
Regarding the persecution of the Jewish people throughout many decades or centuries, I have to admit that I don't know all the details but what I can say is that the solution is NOT to segregate them. The solution would simply be to get together as a group and enforce the universal declaration of human rights! Jewish peolpe are humans just like anybody else and that declaration covers everyone. They could also cretae societies that attended the specific needs of the Jewish people. Not to the extent that AIPAC is doing, but something along those lines. If they had done that instead of their poor solution of creating a new country in the specific location that they did and then calling it a Jewish State, instead of at least Human Rights State or something like that, I think you can agree that there wouldn't be so much resentment about them now. What is this nonsense we hear about God personally signed that land into their name? Isn't that blasphemy, really? Again, these are issues that are illogical that adds to the problem. israel could gain a lot of support if they publicly announced that it is not true that God has given that land! None of this of course justifies the so-called suicide bombing or killing of innocent people. We are now just looking at one side of the fight.
But if you start thinking that way, you will realize that a lot of the existing problems could easily vanish if people started to treat religious beliefs as something private and something to simply be respected and unrelated to government. I am afraid persecution of the Jewish people is not a valid justification for establishing a Jewish-only state. By doing so, one has to admit that humans with different religions will never get along! One has to admit that other religions therefore "naturally" will constantly try to find a way to take over that land or dstroy the other group. It is after all a dog-eat-dog world! One would have to admit that we are all unjust and have no interest in fairness, and only support our own. but one quick look at beverly Hills tells us that this is not true and people of different religions and ethnicity could get along as long as their governing laws are not based on one or the other belief systems but based on common sense.
Mehdi.....never A-S-S-U-M-E
by Kaveh Nouraee on Tue Apr 15, 2008 05:08 PM PDTI never claimed to be "pro-Israel". I acknowledge the fact that Israel exists, but that doesn't mean I'm "pro-Israel".
I don't look favorably upon using religion as a basis for creating a sovereign state, because of the dangerous precedent it creates. But that's my own personal opinion. The fact is that Israel does in fact exist, in great part because of worldwide anti-Semitism. Some idiot came up with this concept that all Jews have horns and that they are all evil and cheapskates and every other ridiculous stereotype that is based on pure nonsense. And because the majority of people in this world happen to be dumber than a box of rocks, the idea became popular and has manifested itself into the situation we see today.
While I don't agree with the idea of establishing a country to segregate the Jewish people from non-Jewish people, it's not idiotic or criminal to do so. It's motivated out of the primal instinct of human survival. Having a closed society is the only way they can ensure their own safety, because God knows no one else will lift a finger to help. (God forbid anyone helps a Jew, right?)When non-Jewish people have been killing Jews since the beginning of time as if it were a recreational activity on par with tennis, what do you honestly expect? Do you expect every Jewish person to just take whatever is thrown at them? Does the IRI just sit there and accept the abuse they receive by outside entities, like the U.S. for example? Of course not. But for some reason, there are people all over the world who actually think the Jews are just supposed to roll over.
The Israeli government is certainly not without fault, but their standard operating procedure is a direct result of this nonstop violence against them. (Not that it justifies anything at all). Both sides are wrong. You have factions on either side who will accept nothing less than the total destruction of the other. Meanwhile, innocent civilians are the ones getting killed. And so it goes, just like television. The program constantly repeats.
I can't help but notice that when Jews want to protect themselves it's called Zionism by Jew-hating so-called Iranians, as if Jews are najess or the word Zionism was dirty. But when so-called Moslems blow up innocent civilians, including their own countrymen, it's martydom for God. It would be hilarious if it weren't so sick.
As far as my statement about Antarinejad goes, you can publicly or privately support my statement, or not. I'm not looking to curry favor with anyone. The attempt to link the IRI and Israel, to me, doesn't work. The actions and conduct of either entity should stand on its own.
Sick minds
by samsam1111 on Tue Apr 15, 2008 05:03 PM PDTlook to redeem their dark soul, hence the holocaust deniers
Holocaust Industry 101 - addition
by Mehdi on Tue Apr 15, 2008 05:01 PM PDTDon't forget the arms manufacturers. I heard that most of the money that Germany paid to Israel for the Holocaust survivors is now being redirected to purchase of weapons. The dream of a safe home for the survivors and the rest of the Jewish people has turned into a nightmare of insecurity and terror where more and more weapons are needed as time goes by.
It is interesting that no matter how you slice it, the arms manufacturers always make a profit ;) Nazis killing the Jewish people, these boys make money; Israel fighting for survival, these boys profit again! Kind of amazing.
Holocaust Industry 101
by Observer (not verified) on Tue Apr 15, 2008 04:01 PM PDTHolocaust Industry:
Jewish people suffering has been turned into a big money making, influence paddling, land grabbing tool.
These are not my words, these are the words written by a holocaust survivor name Finklestein who was just fired from his teaching position at DePaul university.
He states in his book "The Holocaust Industry"
The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering was published in 2000. Here, Finkelstein argues that Elie Wiesel and others exploit the memory of the Holocaust as an "ideological weapon." This is so the state of Israel, "one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, [can] cast itself as a victim state" in order to garner "immunity to criticism."[22]
He also alleges what he calls a "double shakedown" by "a repellent gang of plutocrats, hoodlums and hucksters" seeking enormous legal damages and financial settlements from Germany and Switzerland, moneys which – according to Finkelstein – then go to the lawyers and institutional actors involved in procuring them, rather than actual Holocaust survivors.[23]
Kaveh, I love how you skirt
by Mehdi on Tue Apr 15, 2008 03:55 PM PDTKaveh, I love how you skirt around certain issues. It's not unique, I have never met a pro-Israel person who was truly fair. They are very loud when it comes to "crimes of the IRI." But as soon as the spotlight is shifted slightly in the direction of Israel, they usually just vanish. But some also try to just skirt around the issue.
Some of them are even brave enough to bring up the subject of separation of state and "church" - they sort of forget that mixing is two is the supposed reason for establishing Israel!
I'll tell you what. I am willing to make a concession. I will publicly support your original statement about Ahmadinejad if you publicly support the statement that establishing a country to segregate Jewish people from non-Jewish people is also something that only an idiot or a criminal would want. Or at least if you make a comparable statement about those who want a wall between people in Israel and people outside of it - whatever their excuse. How about it?
by Kaveh Nouraee on Tue Apr 15, 2008 03:06 PM PDTI'm saying that God didn't choose anybody. He chose everybody.
After all, what is God? Is He a Jew? A Moslem, A Christian? If I ever have the chance, that would be the first question I would ask.
It makes perfect sense that God said to each group that they are the chosen one. He's not playing favorites. It's closed minded mortals who do that, and worst of all, they all claim to do it in the name of God. It's enough to make you want to vomit.
Whether anyone likes it or not, Israel is a state. You can call it a religious anomaly until you are blue, but it doesn't change that fact, nor does it change the fact that it was the British who made it happen. They partioned the land, they said, "Moishe, you get this piece, and Habibi you get this piece."
Remember the Palestinians are the ones who were the initial aggressors when they didn't like the British plan. They were opposed to Israel, the British, and their own people who wanted pan-Arabic nationalism. In other words, they want it all and everyone else be damned.
Never for a second have I suggested that any of the violence was justifiable. To do so would be an insult to the memory of every innocent person who died at the hands of others in the name of religion.
Kaveh Nouraee: Are you
by Mehdi on Tue Apr 15, 2008 01:43 PM PDTKaveh Nouraee: Are you sying that you don't believe that the Jewish people are the chosen ones? Or are you saying that you don't believe that the Jewish people think that way? Did you know that Muslims and Christians also think the same thing? And that is why I sarcastically said that since God has been supposedly tellling each group that they are the chosen one, maybe he should come out and settle this argument.
In case you don't know, Nazis were also saying the same thing - that they were the chosen people. Yes, this has been going on for longer than the age of this supposedly religious anamoly in the Middle East (which you like to think of it as a state - a state that is second most disliked country in the world, right after your hated IRI!).
And are you saying that these attrocities occurred before Israel dilemma, then therefore it justifies all crimes committed by Israel?
"...and settle this argument of who is his..." to mehdi
by simpleman (not verified) on Tue Apr 15, 2008 01:40 PM PDTGod has settled the question, sometimes when your not to busy with hate you think in simplest terms and you will see clearly, it needs clear vision not big words.
We are all Gods chosen people, go see where you can find that.
The kind of answer your looking for will only be settled by the contestants not God.
the Tehran Children are not
by Ano (not verified) on Tue Apr 15, 2008 01:17 PM PDTthe Tehran Children are not iranian jews. they are polish jewish kids who were transported from Poland to Iran and then to Israel. Many of them participated in the agressive occupation of palestinian lands and helped to create one of the most racist and inhuman states in the world, namely Israel.
by Kaveh Nouraee on Tue Apr 15, 2008 01:12 PM PDT"Hopefully God will come out of his hiding one day and settle this argument of who is his chosen people, once and for all." -Mehdi
I'm hardly religious, but that's an extremely bold statement, to suggest that God has to answer to anyone and settle any arguments.
Anyone who has been blessed with life was chosen by God.
What really matters isn't the question of who are the "chosen people". It's what people have chosen to do with their lives.
It also bears noting that the Auschwitz and the other extermination camps slaughtered 6 million people solely on he basis of religion before the establishment of the state of Israel.
I agree with you Mehdi
by farokh2000 on Tue Apr 15, 2008 01:04 PM PDTIf there is really a "God" running this show, then there should be equal rights for all the nature's children, not just for the so called "Chosen Ones".
Has this "God" seen what GW has been doing to the rest of the children in the World?
Chosen for whom and for what reason?
by Mehdi on Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:50 PM PDTI wonder if one day there will be an exhibit of the crimes of Israel since its inception - all the lives lost to a ridiculous religious "prophecy". Hopefully God will come out of his hiding one day and settle this argument of who is his chosen people, once and for all.
by Kaveh Nouraee on Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:23 PM PDTHas anyone sent a copy of these pictures to Antarinejad?
Life is sacred, indeed.
FYI/The Children of Tehran WWII
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:12 AM PDTThe "Tehran Children" escaped from Poland to Russia after Germany conquered it in September 1939, or lived in regions annexed to the Soviet Union following the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939.
The "Tehran Children" left in trains from Samarqand to Krasnovodsk, and from there, through the Caspian Sea to Pahlevi, an Iranian port town on the Caspian eastern shores. From there they moved to Tehran.