Persian Party in New York

Photo essay: Norooz street festival

by Ali Ameri


Very nice Hamid!

by The Anonymous... (not verified) on

Thanks for the clarification, but who are we really concerned about here? The feelings of the African American community? or the polarization of evil acts by the early American settlers?

Haji Firooz added quiver to his groove long before the 1800's and why is it that he and his subculture don't deserve to set the record straight as to what blackface really stands for?

People seldom put bad before good, and if it's for the good of humanity, wikipedia shouldn't have an issue with embracing an update for a definition that many would like to forget.


Haji Firooz and minstrel show in US

by Hamid E (not verified) on

things have different meanings in different environments. in USA blackface actors/characters remind people of the minstrel show. A racist show that was mostly performed by white actors with blackface making fun of black people.
Haji Firooz's face does not have to be painted black when performed in US. his make up can be more creative; coloring his face red with black dots could be one option.

Read about minstrel show in wikipedia:


The minstrel show, or minstrelsy, was an American entertainment consisting of comic skits, variety acts, dancing, and music, performed by white people in blackface or, especially after the American Civil War, blacks in blackface.

Minstrel shows lampooned black people in disparaging ways: as ignorant, lazy, buffoonish, superstitious, joyous, and musical. The minstrel show began with brief burlesques and comic entr'actes in the early 1830s and emerged as a full-fledged form in the next decade. By the turn of the century, the minstrel show enjoyed but a shadow of its former popularity, having been replaced for the most part by vaudeville. It survived as professional entertainment until about 1910; amateur performances continued until the 1960s in high schools, fraternities, and local theaters. As blacks began to score legal and social victories against racism and to successfully assert political power, minstrelsy lost popularity.


Wow !!

by Souri on

You know lots of things Norooz, I'm really impressed. How does it feel to know so much about other cultures? I'm sure it does feel very good. I wish I could know as much as you do about your country of residence.

It is so great to respect other people culture and belief, I'm all for that.

But at the same time it does not sound okay for me to neglect some important aspects of my own culture, only to respect other people's. It's somehow insulting to my culture and my history. If it was about killing or torturing people or animals, I would say, YES, I'll go for the suppression of those negative aspect, but if I have to suppress some of the positive aspects of our tradition, only to prove my dedication and my "konwledge" and intelligence to the other party, I'm off!! I call it too much of kaaseh lissi......bebakhshidk ha, no offense though!!



Ramin2009 stop eating so much shrimp!

by The Anonymous... (not verified) on

...and Norooz, you are bandaging your head before the rock is even thrown. The fact that the character is thought provoking to begin with, not to mention Souri's interpretation of it, that in itself provdies an opportunity for constructive dialogue. Again their will be critics, but we are not giving the African Amnerican communty enough credit here. They are smart and forgiving. They just rebel in their own way against influential WASP's viking behavior and tactics to submit their subculture.


Hajii Firuz

by A1 (not verified) on

Please ask Mr. Obama or better yet, what is this black Iranian cool guy's name? Tehran? if they are offended.

HAJI FIRUZ RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Harchi Neekoo khanum begeh :-)

by Ramin2009 (not verified) on

Harchi Neekoo khanum begeh :-)


"Why should it look

by Norooz (not verified) on

"Why should it look offensive to the black people as a sign of racism?"

Because in America you need to know about American history. Here you can read briefly about Blackface and what it means in America. Take a look at the poster and compare to Haji Firooz both in terms of looks and substance of the "happy-go-lucky darky on the plantation".


Not to mention the fact that many Americans are shocked when they see Haji Firooz for the first time. Our explanation only results in them telling us well this has a very bad meaning in America.

There is nothing wrong with Haji Firooz as is in Iran. We all know what a jolly good fellow he is. Many Iranians in Iran don't even know who is darky in the plantation or what does the N word mean or who are KKK or the meaning of Haji Firooz to black Americans.

But as US citizens organizing parades in America, if we don't know what the N word mean or why our parade may seem like a KKK sponsored parade, then we don't deserve to have one or when we have one it is a shame.

I hope, really hope, that the NY officials who issue the permit for this parade every year, make note of it and let the parade organizers know of their racial insensitivity and incompatibility with the diverse culture of New York City.

Just have the Haji Firooz without the blackface like many other good and decent Iranians living in America who celebrate Norooz every year in public.


I don't understand

by Souri on

Why all this fuss about Haji Firouz? He is a positive personage, he announce the arrival of spring and the new year. He is a symbol of joy and hope, a messenger. Why should it look offensive to the black people as a sign of racism?

Haji Firouz is very much loved by the Iranian people as a symbol, what does it change if his color is black? We had also black skin people in ancient Persia........and regardless of that, it is a very positive sing to have a black person as the messenger of happiness and renewal in our culture. I don't understand what's wrong with that? 

Anonymous Observer

I garee with Norooz below

by Anonymous Observer on

Just have the Haji Firooz without the face painted black.  That way it won't offend anyone.  It'll just be a jolly guy like Santa!!!!!


Just have Haji Firooz

by Norooz (not verified) on

Just have Haji Firooz without the blackface. What is wrong with that?

I have seen and been to many Norooz celebrations with Haji Firooz in his traditional red and gold costume but no blackface.

In fact any Norooz gathering in America that has a blackface Haji Firooz as the mascot, is a shame and a sham. No matter how hard the organizers have worked on it. All of it a waste and a shame.


Racial Insensitivity??

by The Anonymous... (not verified) on

We still didn't see credible details that Haji Firooz is in essense a symbolic character reflecting a period of slavory and brutality in the Persian culture.

From what I recall as a kid in Iran, Haji Firooz had the same importance and stature as the Santa character i learned when I moved to the US as a boy. This isn't sugar coding anything. It's a fact. And now that you mention it, I also recall something about him getting a black face from the fire. (thanks hadipesar)

Therefore unless there is credible evidence that can prove otherwise, I think changing Haji Firooz's character or brushing him under the carpet is disregarding reality for the sake of adapting to the ignorance of another society. This is a gesture of political correctness which ultimately contributes to creating indentity crisis!

I would think Haji firooz is an opportunity for our culture to make its own contribution to an important and sensative subject matter that our adopted home has struggled with for decades. Will it be easy and without critics? Certainly not, but it's acceptance can be liberating for many outside of our culture, and that would be one of our best contributions to this nations melting pot.

The presentation of Noeruz in a street parade format is what I questions to begin with.


To Mr.genius The blamer !

by hadi heidari (not verified) on

Na azizam , If you bothered yourself to take a look at my other post (HADIPESAR) consider the fact that i am a member for less than 12 hours and since im not a GENIUS like you , i have forgotten to write that ! SO WHAT ? what is the point ?YOU SOUND LIKE THIS TV PROGRAMS IN RANG-A-RANG! is that you last line of defence for your BRILLIANT IDEA ?
by talking nonesence and trying to change the subject ?
you choose to get in attack mode ,but the problem is that ,YOU DONT KNOW HOW !
next time dont come up with cheap blames like lionheart(hidingTHING), also im not aside of any group ,which you ment in your talks !


Haji Firooz , is part of our

by aliali (not verified) on

Haji Firooz , is part of our past Persian history which we should NOT be proud of it . it is Our ignorance of black history when slavery was common in southern Iran.

but what can I say ? we still proud having " Haji Friooz " for Eid and we still proud having "ghame zani" in Ashura . I think it will take another 100 years to straight both out.


That flag will offend Hizbullahi residents on this site

by Feel their pain (not verified) on

The disciples and blind followers of Ruhollah Khomeini and mullahtariat in Iran who seem to comprise most of the both closeted and openly supportive commentators on this Website will be deeply offended by the insensitivity of parade organizers using the lion and sword flag of Iran instead of the scorpion sign of the Islamic Republic to which President Obama bowed.


Must we display it in NY too?

by Saman on

Hajifirouz = Racism.


وقتی اعراب ما

faranak ghafourian (not verified)

وقتی اعراب ما را بنده میخواندد و خودشان را ارباب، ایرانیان زیرک حاجی فیروز را در کنار عمو نوروز (نماد بخشش و نوروز) قرار دادند. سیاه است مثل عربها و دایره زنگی دستش دادند و به ایرانیها میگه: ارباب خودم سلام و علیکم...) این در واقع یک دهن کجی به اعراب بود که ما را عجم و برده خود میدانستند.



«انانیموس آن» جان......



ماشالله و هزار ماشالله به این عِرق ملی و جدیت سرکار در دفاع از نُماد های نوروزی، رگ های گردنتون زده بیرون که کلی باعث سرافرازیه.
 فقط یه اشکال کوچیک این وسط هست که با اجازه تون توضیح میدم.

وقتی پای توضیح دادن سمبل های جشن نووزی پیش میاد  چون من خیلی عوام و  اوومپا لوومپا هستم و نمیتونم علت وجودی حاجی فیروز رو تشریح کنم بناچار دنبال یک آدم خیلی مطلع تر و غیرتی تر مثل سرکار میگردم، ولی از اونجا که حضرتعالی با اینهمه اهِن و تلوپ تون  «انانیموس» تشریف دارین تیر من به سنگ میخوره و ناچارم ساکت بمونم!

میشه لطفاً یه توضیح محکمه پسند و مستند در  مورد حاجی فیروز بنویسین تا من عوام کالانعام از پس جواب دادن بر بیام و احتیاج به مدافعات افرادی مثل جنابعالی که ماشالله جیگر شیر دارن در (قایم شدن)... نداشته باشم؟

Anahid Hojjati

Just say No to having black faced Haji Firooz

by Anahid Hojjati on

Majid, Farsheed and Mehrban are so correct when they write about how insensitive it is to have a black faced Haji Firooz in our Persian New Year celebrations.  I also cringe whenever I see Iranians do this.  I have been to some events that there is Haji Firooz but no black face.  That would be acceptable too.  For the life of me, I can not believe there are Iranians in US that actually do not understand implications of this issue.  Hopefully, it will get better but really thanks Farsheed, Majid, Mehrban for highlighting this issue.


how about St,Philip instead of haji firooz ?

by Anonymous on

How about celebrate St.Patrick's day instead of nowrooz ?(you will NOT need explain anything to anyone then )
How about bliching our skin to be look white ?
how about having Turkey instead of Sabzi polo-mahi?
how about not going to EID DIDANI and just TXT them ?
how about forgeting Haftseen at all huh ?
Armenians with 3 milion polulation in total have one of the strongest political loby-ing group BUT we dont ! Have you ever wondered why ?
hajiiii firoooozeee saaali yee roooze !



by Majid on

به عقیدهء شخصی من موقعش رسیده که نقش حاجی فیروز رو تو خارج از کشور بخصوص تو آمریکا باز نشسته کنیم، داخل کشور یه داستان دیگه ای هست، اینجا این نقش رو با صد من عسل نمیشه بخورد کسی داد.

لطفاً بمن نپرین که «گور باباشون ! مگه ما باید همه کارمون رو توجیه کنیم واسه اینا»!

هر سخن جایی و هر نکته مکانی دارد


I have a dream !

by hadipesar on

first of all ,haji firooz's face is black becouse he was making fire to raise smoke to notify people that Spring has arrived ! it might seem harsh for some fellow African-American but as all of us know if they feel any offence they will speak up something that they learned after Martin L.King Jr's I HAVE A DREAM ,so don't worry !

Second of all ,in the most religious country in the world , Gay and lesbians can have prade ,and proudly show they sexual identity ,without any fear ,and none of the churchs get offended !

look at picture #24 , you will see a guy with Islamic Republic's flag , stands in middle of 100's of people , No one bothers him ,



Racial Insensitivity…

by Farsheed on

Anyone who has lived in the U.S. for any length of time knows that this is a society with deep racial scars.  Painting a person’s face black—known as “Blackface”--and clowning around is one of the worst insults you can throw at an African-American person.  Having Haji-Firuz in the Iranian New Year parade, demonstrates the height of racial insensitivity and ignorance—both on the part of the organizers and the performers.  About 15 years ago, when my daughter was in elementary school, some ignorant teacher put on a show where some of the students had painted their faces black.  After the show, three of the African-American parents removed their children from that school and the teacher was promptly, and correctly, sacked.  If you are unaware of how insulting “Blackface,” is to African-Americans, Google it and then read to your heart’s content.  Some Iranians show their lack of knowledge of the subject by pleading innocence and say, “But this is part of our culture and we do not mean any racial insults by it.”  Well, that may be.  But we live in America and as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as Romans do.”  We are guests in this country.  How would it make any sense for us to celebrate by insulting our hosts?  To what warped mind would this make any scintilla of sense?  I plead with the organizers of this and other similar parades to celebrate the ancient solstice as you wish, spread the haft-sin, play the traditional instruments, wear the costumes and dance in the streets, but in the name of basic human decency, dispense with the Haji-Firuz and the despicable “Blackface” ritual.  Farsheed


Thanks, but not so many pictures of masses...

by Afshin T. (not verified) on

Thanks for the great pictures. They give a perfect image of the individuals participating in the Parade, but do not reflect the presence of the masses of people, the floats,....

I guess it could have been as easy as taking some photos from distance.

Anyway, Happy Nowruz!


Video on top left menu

by Anonymous (not verified) on

Video in top left menu gives a much better view of

New York Norooz Persian Parade

Weeks of hard work and preparation!
Many Thanks to organizers and participants of this parade.


Haji Firooz, Haji Pirooz

by Mehrban on

He is the one that heralds the coming of Norooz.  So maybe he has been Pirooz in getting through the winter so he is (Haji Pirooz). Then again why is he black (if we do not accept the explanation of the "Persian Mirror"and suspend "Nifky's" for a short while)? Symbolic of the darkness of the winter? (he has just gotten through the winter). I know, this is a slippery slope!  Just thinking out loud.


Nifky: Yes, Iranians are all

by good (not verified) on

Nifky: Yes, Iranians are all black. So what?

In fact, we are all black under our skin. Do you anything against blacks?



by Anonymousss (not verified) on

For all it's worth I don't think anybody has censored your comments. Here's one of your comments which you left on a different page: //


Thanks for elaborating! I

by Anonymous... (not verified) on

Thanks for elaborating! I think its very grand on your part and the organizers part to bring exposure to our culture. I just think that introduction would be more effective when made under a venue that's unique in nature. This way our big day doesn't become just another parade that will ultimately become a subset of Passadina's new years day or Macy's thanksgiving day parade, not to mention the gay and transexual parade that draws people out of closets from every corner on earth.

I am sure the smart (and the beautiful) can come up with a venue that can introduce a new unique element and event to our american society and culture.

Also, can someone elaborate more on the history of Hajee Firooz? I always thought Hajee firooz referenced to a pesant(sp) that was given shelter and a safe environment and ultimately accepted as part of the family structure and not someone that was prisoned, traded like a commodity or put to work against his or her will.

In fact the name is contrary to that description portrayed on this thread. Thus with do respect I wonder if drawing the conclusion or association with slavery is more racial profiling by the interpretor than anything else.


Darius the Great was Black

by Nifky (not verified) on

Darius the Great was black as evident by this article and his "wooly hair". And we have haji firooz in No-rooz. haji firooz may have looked like Darius the Great.


IRANIAN.COM takes part in no freedom of speech, basedon view!

REMEMBER YOUR OWN MOTTO-Nothing is Sacred! Not even YOUR own beliefs! Stop acting like a dictatorship!!!

I have had many none-offensive comments not posted, because I am anti-Shah.

Lets see if you post this!



Thank you and Haji Firooz??

by Mehrban on

Thank you for the photos.  I too am a bit put off by Haji Firooz not just becaue of the black president as mentioned by another poster below but what it also may say about us.  According to "the Persian Mirror" H.F. is a reference to black slaves in Iran that used to entertain the people and possibly their owners.  He does say Arbab Khodam this or that.  Every time I see H.F. as a part of the Norooz celebrations I feel a tinge of embarrassment.

Nice group of pictures.