Persian Party in New York

Photo essay: Norooz street festival

by Ali Ameri


I tend to agree... but

by Ali Ameri (not verified) on

I tend to agree and I was thinking similarly when I was taking pictures. It seemed like the Iranians there were having a lot of fun and at the same time Americans (and even some Iranians!) were being introduced and exposed to aspects of Persian culture they had not experienced before. The identity crisis issue is a legitimate question that needs to be answered, but most are too reluctant or too ignorant to address it. And yes the parade probably failed to capture the Persian experience or the glory of our civilization, but its a small step in the right direction, and just might be the right approach to answering such a big question…



by Neekoo on

Great pictures and beautiful people. Go Iranian New Yorkers!



by Anonymous... (not verified) on

Extraordinary event of an extraordinary culture packaged into an ordinary me too ritual with roots and epicenter that's in total contradiction with the sentimental meaning and purpose of Noerouz.

There has to be a better way to overcome identity crises during a escape from the hollowness of society.


Hajee Firooz

by Anonymouss (not verified) on

It's not politically correct to have Hajee Firooz in a country with a Black president. It's just lame. When are the Iranians are going to learn about racism? I don't have a problem if they use an actual dark skin man to play Hajee Firooz but come on get a life you idiots.


Thank you!

by Hosseinian (not verified) on

Your pictures are beautiful! I enjoyed watching the excitement and the colors your photos offered. Having those beautiful children in your photographs was also a treat, as they are our future. It seems like Iranians in New York have a lot more life in them than the ones in Tehrangeles, just looking at the photos!