Sign this petition to have Debra Cagan removed for her racist remarks.
Paintings by Khosro Berahmandi
poonehtehrani >>>
Ali Mahin Torabi’s story should shock and awaken
Today my friend in Iran called me. She told me about the imminent execution of Ali Mahin Torabi, her nephew. He’s 21 years old, and he has been declared guilty of a murder he hasn’t committed. He has spent the last five years of his life—since he was 16 years old--in a prison, waiting for his execution... He is still full of life and hope but my friend sounded so desperate. She asked me to help Ali. I write this with that task weighing heavily upon my shoulders. Where to begin?
Porochista Khakpour author of “Sons and Other Flammable Objects”
I wanted to poke a bit at Persian history and highlight my belief that many of the personal problems of the men in my book were actually ancient cultural problems that got a bit twisted through the filters of time. From the moment they were given their very DNA, even before they were tagged with their names, that very rich history was going to define their every step. It seems obvious but I think this is very different for many Americans, for instance, who often come from many different places—various European countries mixed with Native American blood, mixed with Black or Hispanic blood, etc.
Extracts from "Pomegranate Hearts"
In the midst of winter, suddenly an early spring showed on the horizon. The sun stood at the equinox, the heat woke the nature from her deep sleep, the heap of snow slid down the domes, forming layers of ice over muddy streets which crunched under footsteps, melted and streamed down the brooks. Nature was yawning, stretching, brightening, birds were singing, flower buds rippling, farmers ploughing. All unaware that winter had not yet departed, but waited in the shade of the moon planning his next return. Should he suddenly decide to return, gale-force winds and snowstorms would regain life and an embargo would put the city under an icy siege
"I Pray to God that I will never know about Economics"--Mahmood Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
از طریق دانشگاهها و موسسات غیر انتقاعی به بهانه کمک به ایران...
یکی از وظایف عاجل ایرانیان مستقل و عدالت طلب حساسیت نشان دادن و به چالش کشیدن این فرومایگان تسلیم طلب و خود فروشان فکری است . این » استادان محترم « تحت تائثیر فرهنگ فکری نخبه گرایی بعنوان بخشی از فرهنگ نئولیبرالی کوشش میکنند با اشاعه چنین تفکراتی هرچه بیشتر امتیازات جامعه بشری را در انحصار طبقه نخبگان قرار دهند . اینان از طریق ارتباط با جوانان در دانشگاه ها و برگزاری سمینارهای مختلف و با زبان آکادمیک سعی دارند با شیوه های متفاوت فرهنگ شرق را زیر سئوال ببرند تا نهایتا نتیجه گیری کنند که ملل شرق و جنوب بدلیل جهل و نادانی است که امکان پیشرفت برایشان وجود ندارد.
از این شخص نمی پرسند چگونه جرات می کند القاعده و طالبان را جنبشی اصیل و مردمی لقب دهد؟
واقعا این تاسف انگیز نیست که در غیاب چنگیز پهلوان که از دست طالبان های ایرانی در تبعید بسر می برد زیبا کلام به نمایندگی استادان دانشگاه ایران در مجلس یادبود احمد شاه مسعود رهبر ملی افغانستان و ملقب به شیر دره پنجشیر که عمری را در مبارزه با طالبان گذرانده شرکت کند و طی سخنان گهرباری! نه تنها قاتلان او را تبرئه نماید بلکه برای مقتول نیز یک تکلیف در برابر قاتل معین نموده و یاران و همفکران او را به پیروی از قاتلان او فرا بخواند؟
A good majority of Americans think Iran and Iraq are the same country. That's license to bomb.
Few years ago, in soccer field my friends and I played for years, I got into a huge argument with the perfect picture of an American. Fierce supporter of Bush, back when his popularity was way up in the 40 percentile, with his eyes closed and one of those who believed then and the poor bastard who probably still thinks that Iraq had something to do with the 9/11. We were going at it heavily about, well, me being right and he being wrong.
Soghra Najafpour the Iranian girl who was sentenced to execution since the age of 13 was released today after 18 years.