

Ahmadinejad gets warm welcome in the Americas, south of USA

07-Oct-2007 (17 comments)
As President George W. Bush is increasingly becoming alienated from the American public and internationally is turning into a pariah, the leaders of such independent nations as Zimbabwe, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Iran respond forcefully to his heartless and mediocre rhetoric and his ongoing search for finding terrorists inside the U.S. and overseas. Just like the authorities in Israel, he ceaselessly looks for new ìHitlersî and invents many if there are none, to justify the systemís thirst for territorial occupation and murderous campaigns against the peoples of Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and maybe even Iran.>>>


Ahd e boogh

Ahd e boogh

Radio Iran magazine

by Darius Kadivar
07-Oct-2007 (25 comments)



Stop whining

... and start writing

07-Oct-2007 (8 comments)
We can’t force people to like us, nor should we be able to. There are millions of Debra Cagans living amongst us in America, and we cannot change all of their minds. Hating for them is as essential as breathing. Unless they have someone to look down on, they would drown in the misery of their own pathetic lives. Some people are just that way. They have got to have someone to kick around, belittle and demean, so that they don’t have to think about just how tragic their own lives and personal circumstances are. We just happen to be Debra Cagan’s whipping-boy.>>>
07-Oct-2007 (17 comments)

Is not only iran who is having Proxy war in iraq, the Israeli lobby are doing it to Iran in US too



Spruce St.

Spruce St.

Going for a walk

by Jahanshah Javid
07-Oct-2007 (7 comments)


07-Oct-2007 (7 comments)
$1000 for you each week.>>>
06-Oct-2007 (8 comments)

and now Kiosk! Please be open to something DIFFERENT!



You can make a difference

Interview with former Miss World Canada Nazanin Afshin-Jam

06-Oct-2007 (47 comments)
Nazanin Afshin-Jam: I was ecstatic when I found out that not only was Nazanin going to be spared from execution but that she was also going to be released from the agony she suffered from being in jail for over two years. I was particularly inspired by all the individuals around the world, young and old, who used their talents and blessings to help free Nazanin. There were 8 year olds holding assemblies in their schools for Nazanin, there were artists who had painted pictures for Nazanin, created sculptures, written poems and songs for her, everyone played a role.>>>


Autumn Sonata
06-Oct-2007 (4 comments)
I greet the autumn
of blue I greet
the mantle of mist
that meanders through
dusky days
of waning lights >>>


چه کردم
06-Oct-2007 (one comment)

چه کردم

از خستگی بی حوصلگی را گول زدم

از عاشقی بی تفاوتی را حاشا کردم

از غرور افسردگی را تحریم کردم



چشم طوفان
06-Oct-2007 (one comment)
زنی تا نیمه در خاک
می بارد بر سرش
باران سنگ ریزه نادانی
دست کودکی،
به زیر چرخ های کامیون شریعت می رود
تا ندزدد گرده نانی >>>


اندر آداب حكمراني
06-Oct-2007 (3 comments)
بود يكی روزی و يكّی نبود
غیرِ خداوند نبودی وجود
حاَكمِ یك كشورِ بی بام و بَر
قدرت بی حد و نصابیش بود
در عوضِ عدل و بجای سخا،
بر همگان ظلم بكرد و حدود
آن ستم و شتم نه تنها به عام
بلكه به خاصان و مهان می‌نمود


مرد / زن / تنهایی

داستان کوتاه

06-Oct-2007 (2 comments)
هیچ وقت شکایت نمی کرد که آخر چقدر مهمان داری – خسته شدم – این چه زندگی یست. هیچوقت صداش درنیآمد. هیچ وقت نق نزد تا روزی که مریض شد. دیوانه شد. از آن به بعد، کارهای عجیب و غریب می کرد. یا ساکت می نشست و ساعت ها به دیوار نگاه می کرد یا جیغ می کشید و همه چیز را پرت می کرد، می زد می شکست. یا لباس هاش رو می کند و برهنه وسط اتاق می نشست. یا می خندید، می چرخید و می چرخید تا خسته بشود و خودش را رو زمین پرتاب می کرد. ولی هنوز نماز می خواند.>>>
06-Oct-2007 (3 comments)
French hypocrisy at its best.>>>
06-Oct-2007 (3 comments)
Insights into Iran can be gleaned from these masterly works, says Middle East expert Michael Ledeen (Wall Street Journal) >>>