Is Zio-Nazis' Dream Dead ?

shinie head

Olmert pronounces Greater Israel dead

recommended by shinie head
SCE Campaign
"Numerous times in the court I protested that my testimony had been obtained under torture, and I denied the charges and screamed my innocence, however I did not succeed." >>>
Azadeh Azad
14-Sep-2008 (29 comments)
Mohsen Namjoo's Eighties, TR. >>>

Things get more complicated for Palin


Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes

New York Times
recommended by Hajminator
14-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
Iranian Muslim

در چوبین باز شد. وارد اتاق شدم.


More Innocent People Killed By US


US killed Civilians After False Intelligence

Associated Press / JASON STRAZIUSO
recommended by asefati
ebi amirhosseini
14-Sep-2008 (3 comments)


Mohsen Namjoo performing live at NYU

ebi amirhosseini
14-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
video: >>>
14-Sep-2008 (7 comments)
از ويژه خوانندگاني که  هنوز از و-يران  برايه ايرون ميخونند با  سادگي  و اوايی  بی شيله پيله  يکيش اين  احسان خواجه امیری پسر ايرجه ..پسر به مانند پدر چند تا احسان و يساری  >>>
SCE Campaign
"These are centuries-old traditions and I will continue to defend them," Israr Ullah Zehri, who represents Baluchistan province, said Saturday. "Only those who indulge in immoral acts should be afraid." >>>


On the political map

Despite defeat, Darius Shahinfar attracted attention and respect of political observers

14-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
Darius Shahinfar, the first generation American of Iranian descent who captivated the attention and interest of the Iranian American community from coast to coast, lost his bid to be the Democratic nominee for New York’s 21st Congressional District last night. The disappointing result was the culmination of a ten month journey which saw Mr. Shahinfar embrace his Iranian-American heritage and identity. The long-shot candidacy of Shahinfar in a five-person field was particularly notable for the serious amount of money he was able to raise for a political neophyte in his first election>>>
Kazem Alamdari
14-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
گفتگوی جواد موسوی خوزستانی با دکتر کاظم علمداری-22 شهریور 1387>>>
14-Sep-2008 (3 comments)
Edwin Black, author of "Denial of Holocaust nothing new in Iran", replies to "Edwin Black lies and distorts Iran's history":>>>
SCE Campaign
Bahman's execution had been scheduled to take place on 28 August but was halted by the judicial authorities on 25 August to allow for further reconciliation attempts in order to negotiate a pardon from the only relative who still insists that the execution is to go ahead >>>


What is the truth?

The problem of the Iranian Youth

14-Sep-2008 (7 comments)
The “Cultural and Arts” division of the IRIB channel 3 has released a two episode documentary program directed at explaining the problem facing the Iranian Youth. It is centered around the popularity of Iranian Rap music and titled “Shock”. The program is quit dreadful in the level of untruthfulness and absurdity is uses to explain the issues and problems facing the young people of our nation. Some of the readers here might ask, “well, what did hell did you expect”? My answer is, more than what I saw!! A little about the Iranian youth, this crucial demographic group between the ages of 15 and 29 comprises more than one-third of the nation’s population>>>