
چهار نگاه به مرگ در ادبيات كهن فارسي

22-Sep-2008 (5 comments)
در آن شب تاريخي كه سعدي با دوستش در باغ دلگشا به‌سر مي‌برند تغييري روحي در سعدي حادث مي‌شود. او با خود مي‌انديشد حال كه مرگ نزديك شده بهتر است كه به‌جاي گزيدن عزلت و عبادت انفرادي، از نيروي آفرينندگي خود استفاده كرده و چون خداي باغدار، گلستاني بيافريند كه گلهاي آن جاوداني باشد و پس از مرگش باقي ماند. پس روز بعد وقتي كه با دوستش از باغ برمي‌گردند سعدي از او مي‌خواهد كه دامن پر از گلي را كه با خود آورده به‌ زمين افكند چرا كه او برايش كتاب «گلستان»‌ي خواهد آفريد كه گلهاي آن پژمردني نباشند: «گل همين پنج روز و شش باشد ـ وين گلستان هميشه خوش باشد» سعدي در همان روز دو پاره از كتاب «گلستان» را مي‌نويسد و تا پيش از پايان فصل بهار تمام آن را به‌ پايان مي‌رساند. جالب اينجاست كه او كتاب خود را چون باغ بهشت به هشت باب تقسيم مي‌كند، زيرا او از يك طرف ميان بهشت آرماني و بهشت ادبي خود و از سوي ديگر ميان خالق طبيعت و ناظم كتاب «گلستان» پيوندي مي‌بيند. >>>
22-Sep-2008 (5 comments)
The gold-dollar equivalence was broken by the financial devastation that the wasteful Vietnam war brought about to Americans. Still, the rest of the world had to buy and keep dollar to be able to buy energy. >>>


22-Sep-2008 (9 comments)
What pair of shoes should I choose
For the upcoming dandy dance?
Are my feet better off in blue
Bright shoes or black buckle shoes?
What of these fancy cocktail shoes?
Look, there’s a paper stuck
To my pretty pointy shoes >>>

پژواک جامعه

Manoucher Avaznia
22-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
On my fifty-fourth day in Chazzabeh: ten days after my due time for leave because of my own reluctance to go on leave; and in the midst of the war of cities I was sent on my first war leave of twenty days. >>>
Darius Kadivar

Stanely Kramer's 1961 classic movie resounds with great power in this scene with Burt Lancaster as one of the rependant Nazi's on trial for War Crimes.



Canary Claims Announce Their PPI Claims Service

Canary Claims Announce Their PPI Claims Service

Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) policies can be a real benefit, but often they are sold to unsuspecting customers. Canary Claims announces a PPI claims processing service. >>>
Red Wine
22-Sep-2008 (2 comments)

پنج روز در اسپانیا

SCE Campaign
22-Sep-2008 (10 comments)
" Iran’s determination to execute juvenile offenders in such large numbers is cruel, barbaric, and earns it a medal of is time to abolish the death penalty for children in Iran. "
Hadi Ghaemi, coordinator of the International Campaign for Human Rights
Azadeh Azmoudeh
22-Sep-2008 (24 comments)
Interesting! >>>

Master Repelled!

shinie head

Pakistan troops 'repel US raid'

bbc world news
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22-Sep-2008 (one comment)
Enki Catena
22-Sep-2008 (one comment)
MUSIC - the beats move from feet to the heart >>>

There's No Business like Show Business


Iranian row on Zionism breaks out

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22-Sep-2008 (one comment)

oh NO, somebody didn't get AIPAC talking points


Rabbis Say Iran Seeks Peace, Respects Judaism - Calls for True Dialogue With Ahmadinejad

Market Watch
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22-Sep-2008 (3 comments)
Paymaneh Amiri
21-Sep-2008 (4 comments)
Have you ever wondered why having a Vali-e Fagheeh is an irrefutable and direct violation of the human rights of more than 70 million Iranians? Let's examine the latest manifestation of this violation. >>>