AIPAC voice becoming marginalised in the US

Shah Ghollam

J Street fills gap in Washington map

recommended by Shah Ghollam
28-Oct-2009 (5 comments)
Distinguished law scholar Elizabeth Warren teaches contract law, bankruptcy, and commercial law at Harvard Law School. She is an outspoken critic of America's credit economy, which she has linked to the continuing rise in bankruptcy among the middle-class. ... >>>

A harbinger of hate?


Orlando Bahai Center goes up in flames

Orlando Sentinel / Jeff Kunerth and Bianca Prieto
recommended by alborz
28-Oct-2009 (one comment)

4 years for what?!

Jahanshah Javid

Iran worker 'jailing' angers UK

recommended by Jahanshah Javid

Obama dismantles Iran Democracy Fund

People You Think You Know

"Stiffing the Revolutionaries"

The Daily Beast
28-Oct-2009 (2 comments)
28-Oct-2009 (7 comments)
Me playing Smoke On The Water a school talent show. >>>

You are the tall figure of desire, O' tree

Israel educational series

Shah Ghollam

Student ad: Know your anti-Israel professors

Ytnews / Ytnews
recommended by Shah Ghollam
28-Oct-2009 (4 comments)

One could be nailed down but many more remain

Shah Ghollam

Ehud Olmert could face war crimes arrest if he visits UK

Reuters / Reuters
recommended by Shah Ghollam
28-Oct-2009 (4 comments)

You Still Want to Give them Cyrus' Cilinder ?

Darius Kadivar

Sassanid site bulldozed in southwestern Iran

Mehr News via payvand
recommended by Darius Kadivar
28-Oct-2009 (3 comments)


Target Russia

The end of "Death to America"?

28-Oct-2009 (4 comments)
"The Russians are microwaving our brains." The comment of my corner-shopkeeper in Tehran reflects a widely-held view about the state's use of powerful jamming signals to block foreign media. The blocking of key communication links has played a big part in the violent crackdown that followed Iran's election. The possible health risks of these newly installed devices have even been raised inside Iran's majlis (parliament); Zohreh Elahian, a member of the national-security and foreign-policy committee, responded to reporters' questions about a possible increase in miscarriages by promising that the figures would be examined>>>

When women are sinners in the eyes of Islamists

Darius Kadivar

Somalia is in the grip of famine and chaos but officials there are inspecting bras

The independant
recommended by Darius Kadivar


Darius Kadivar

Ex-Nazi goes on trial in Germany

recommended by Darius Kadivar
28-Oct-2009 (one comment)

No attention to environment is a cultural problem

Shah Ghollam

Iran environment in grave danger

PressTV / PressTV
recommended by Shah Ghollam
28-Oct-2009 (2 comments)