Shahriar Zahedi
04-Nov-2009 (2 comments)
Buena Vista Social Club >>>

Saying No to Arab Islam


Iran: Walking Away From Islam
recommended by IranFirst
04-Nov-2009 (7 comments)

CIA operatives convicted in Italy

Shah Ghollam

Italy convicts 23 CIA agents in rendition trial

Reuters / Reuters
recommended by Shah Ghollam
04-Nov-2009 (one comment)

US above the law again, this time in Italy

Shah Ghollam

US 'disappointed' at Italian verdict on CIA kidnap

Telegraph / Telegraph
recommended by Shah Ghollam

Islamic Dictators Be Aware


Iranian Protests Show Opposition Is Still Strong
recommended by IranFirst

Iranian Film Festival in Toronto

Sayeh Hassan

ACTION ALERT: Iranian Film Festival in Canada to Push Islamic Iranian Regime Propaganda

Jewish Internet Defense Force / Jewish Internet Defence Force
recommended by Sayeh Hassan
Sayeh Hassan
As you may be aware this festival is funded and organized by the Iranian Young Cinema Society attaché of cinema department of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance in Iran>>>


Back in the Streets

Back in the Streets

Photo essay: Thousands in Tehran defy ban on protest demonstrations

by AmirPix
04-Nov-2009 (15 comments)


Could the arm shipment story be linked to this?

Shah Ghollam

UN General Assembly set to call for probes into Gaza offensive

Daily Star / Daily Star
recommended by Shah Ghollam

Israeli ambassador got egged in Turkey

Shah Ghollam

Israeli ambassador to Turkey pelted with eggs

Jerusalem Post / Jerusalem Post
recommended by Shah Ghollam

But he is our SOB!

Shah Ghollam


YouTube / YouTube
recommended by Shah Ghollam

Jebhe Melli Iran Condemns Hostage Taking (Again)

Masoud Kazemzadeh
Jebhe Melli Iran via INF-Abroad / JMI
recommended by Masoud Kazemzadeh
04-Nov-2009 (5 comments)
Darius Kadivar
A Canadian TV Series Iran: Days of Crisis about 60 American hostages in Iran in 1979, Focusing on hostage John Limbert and his Iranian-born wife, this drama provides a look at the personal side of this international event. >>>

13 Aban Protests

Sayeh Hassan

News Reports from 13 Aban (November 4th 2009) Protests in Tehran

Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran / HRDAI-Translation by Sayeh Hassan
recommended by Sayeh Hassan
04-Nov-2009 (one comment)
M. Saadat Noury
04-Nov-2009 (5 comments)
آن سا ق خوش تراش که ویژه به گیتی است/آ تش فکنده بردل ما نقش ظاهرش >>>