How Arab states have reacted to Wikileaks
by David Pollock
Recent WikiLeaks revelations about the discrepancy between the public and private views on Iran voiced by Gulf Arab leaders have been widely covered by the pan-Arab media without provoking policy shifts or internal tensions in Gulf Arab states. U.S. officials should therefore be encouraged in their policy of pressing for a robust regional coalition to curb Iran's ambitions. Since the WikiLeaks story broke in late November, various Gulf Arab official spokesmen have generally refused to confirm their privately hostile comments about Iran -- but have not disavowed them, either
Civil society and counter-terrorism
by Joanne Mariner
Where a vibrant civil society exists, groups think for themselves and take independent positions, often positions critical of government policy. They do not unquestioningly toe the government line and they cannot be bought off. In my view, any discussion of how government, multilateral institutions, and other actors might seek to work and collaborate with civil society organizations should keep this quality of independence in mind
ساعت ۱۲:۳۰ - منیژه خانم با موبایلش در تماس به شماره اختر الملک، حاضر در جلسه. "الو، نه هنوز این طرف بزرگراه هستم. آره دیگه، اون آژانسی جونممرگ شده اینور پیادم کرد! نه عزیز، میترسم رد شم. این ماشینها و موتورا ول کن نیستن که. میتونی فری جون رو بفرستی با ماشین سوارم کنه؟"
Australia, don’t even think about it!
نه باید پووارو کار آگاه فرانسوی بود. نه باید شرلوک هلمز و یا خانم مارپل و یا همان مرحوم آگاتا کریستی بود