Sanctions: the sky's the limit


ICAO: Europe must refuel Iran planes

press tv
recommended by DelilahNY
04-Dec-2010 (one comment)

Gift with a Purpose

Afshin Ehx

Holiday Solidarity Shopping

U.S. Campaign to End Israeli Occupation / ad
recommended by Afshin Ehx

U.S. Foreign Policy

Afshin Ehx

'Zionists control US foreign policy'

Press TV / Helen Thomas
recommended by Afshin Ehx
Multiple Personality Disorder
03-Dec-2010 (5 comments)
Translation of a poem by 'divaneh'.  For the original poem, please see here >>> >>>

Positively hillarious!

Shifteh Ansari

Iran Angry Over Star of David on Airline Building

recommended by Shifteh Ansari
03-Dec-2010 (3 comments)

"Good Faith?" O.K., but what is it?

Shifteh Ansari

Clinton calls for 'good faith' talks on Iran nuclear program

Washington Post / Glenn Kessler
recommended by Shifteh Ansari

MKO? Again?


New Sanctions, Delisting MEK from Terror List, and War Options Top House Committee's Iran Agenda

NIAC News / staff
recommended by MM
03-Dec-2010 (2 comments)
03-Dec-2010 (42 comments)
نگاهم کن، نگاهم کن، که محتاج نگاهم من >>>


Don't Bother

An agreement with the mullahs would be not worth the paper it is written on

03-Dec-2010 (89 comments)
The clerical regime has brought severe costs, such as economic mismanagement, brutality and religious pretensions, and no tangible benefits. Reminiscences about the Shah’s regime are becoming increasingly frequent and nostalgic. The clerics and their supporters believe that the United States is bent on getting rid of them and that their best hope for long-term survival is the nuclear program, which they cannot abandon. Realists in America and in Europe know that the real problem is not Iran’s nuclear quest but its regime>>>


Hands of Ignorance

Ever so victorious in defeating yet another woman

03-Dec-2010 (5 comments)
One would look at Shahla and her bold, brave, manner of defending herself in public court, and would wonder sadly at how her passion was so overtly wasted on the lustful desires of a man. What would Shahla be if not infatuated at age 13 with a grown man who enjoyed celebrity status? Where would she be now if her talents, passion and drive had been exerted towards attainments which would be possible for women in an atmosphere of true equality? >>>
Beatiful new song by Sogand called "Hichki Mesleh Man". Born in Isfahan and currently living in Germany. Visit >>>
Iran Paidar 1st
Marg bar IRI and all its voltures, murderes and brown noses.



Football in Hot Water

Possible boycott of 2011 AFC Asian football cup in Qatar

03-Dec-2010 (14 comments)
The 2011 AFC Asian Football Cup will be hosted by Qatar in January 2011. It is possible that sports officials there will refer to the Persian Gulf by another name. If this occurs, Iranian athletes, administrators, and football fans should boycott the event. The use of a name other than Persian Gulf occurred at the 2010 Asian games by the Chinese this past month. Many Iranians were surprised and dismayed by this action, but it should not be surprising that China and Western countries would place their economic self-interest in business relationships with Arab countries above any concerns about historical accuracy>>>
Darius Kadivar
03-Dec-2010 (18 comments)
Three versions of Richard III -- Sir Ian McKellen (1970 TV), Sir Derek Jacobi (1978 TV) and Fiona Shaw (1997 TV) -- are utilized in explorations of various issues in casting Shakespeare's young king>>>