The Israeli mistreatment of Palestinians is a major rallying point for the minority in Iran who still support Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Khameini
Mumbai is the financial center of the biggest democracy on earth
The taxi ride to my hotel gave me my first look at the dense crowds that Mumbai is famous for. The sky was very dark. The city feared a storm so ferocious that, according to my driver, offices were ordered closed for the next day. A little note on my pillow in the hotel had this from Shakespeare: “A little sleep, per chance a dream.” The view from my window the next morning was like a dream. Several stories below me was the famous Gateway to India
this was a speech he did couple of years ago
Regarding Caspian Makan's visit to Israel
Islamic Republic's suspicion of every expression of spontaneous life
by Asef Bayat
The Islamic Republic’s deepening fear of the people since mid-2009 is a plausible explanation for its animosity towards the joys of Chahārshanbe-Sūri. But if the first nowrooz since the election has provoked this stringent campaign, the suspicion of puritan Islamists towards any public expression of human pleasure has been evident since the foundation of the regime in 1979. Any occasion of festivity and spontaneous life - informal gatherings at street-corners, concerts and sporting contests, student parties and even bustling shopping-malls - is regarded by Islamist zealots with profound disdain
Building on the success of similar events held at UCLA and Orange County, PAAIA is pleased to bring its signature event “Passing the Torch of Success” to New York