World Poll: IRI the LEAST favorable country


Poll shows US image approving abroad

Financial Times
recommended by IranFirst
18-Apr-2010 (2 comments)

Islamic Renaisance & Green Movement


Islamic Renaisance & Green Movement

Hauffington Post / Dr. Mahmood Delkhasteh
recommended by obama
18-Apr-2010 (one comment)
Shirin Vazin
18-Apr-2010 (6 comments)
My husband and a friend took off 10 days ago on a single engine airplane from the U.S. East Coast for Bern/Switzerland as destination>>>
18-Apr-2010 (10 comments)
This is Ryan, an ANIMAL ACTIVIST who was protesting last night against Le Papillon Restaurant serving Foie Gras...>>>
18-Apr-2010 (4 comments)
Phase one of the Iran Pride project I described in my last post is now complete and I hope you will help to keep this project running right through to 22 Khordad 89 by submitting your own message - in any format>>>
18-Apr-2010 (one comment)
Long ago and far away, when we used to communicate with friends and family on a personal level... >>>
18-Apr-2010 (11 comments)
Military options would go a long way>>>
18-Apr-2010 (23 comments)
The hypocrisy of monarchs, their crocodile tears, and their lack of concern for the Iranian nation and people. >>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
18-Apr-2010 (one comment)

  و معصبین کور دل و یا شیادان بظاهر صلاح  از دین سو استفاده هایی آنچنانی بفرمایند. و ثروت و موقوفات دین برای دانش و رفاه مردم بکار گرفته شود نه برای دزدی هیزی و شهوت  پرست و تمامیت خواهی ها  . آمین و انشاالله


The Prince of Persia Get's Standing Ovation !

Darius Kadivar

Son of former Iranian leader touts democracy

Hatchet Reporter / Erica Obersi
recommended by Darius Kadivar
18-Apr-2010 (8 comments)
با این که سه سال در دوره راهنمائی انگلیسی بلغور کرده بودم، به اندازه یک گاو هم نمی فهمیدم >>>
18-Apr-2010 (6 comments)
A fully Digital Emamzadeh, just for your convinience, in the heart of the cities. >>>
Darius Kadivar

History essentially remembers King Henry VIII and his 6 wives two of whom he beheaded. Yet there is Much more to this gargantuesque royal persona who greatly shaped the British Monarchy as we know it today. Watch Here



Iran's honour and future

The resilience of Iran’s imprisoned students and journalists

18-Apr-2010 (2 comments)
“Unity” is a word that Iran’s hardline elite uses a great deal these days. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s televised address on 21 March 2010 on the occasion of nowrooz (Persian new year) was typical, in its reference to “the unity and solidarity of the Iranian nation”. The Iranian president’s rhetoric here is, in its brazen disregard of the country’s reality, at least consistent. This is the man who celebrated the fraudulent presidential election of 12 June 2010 - of which he was the chief beneficiary - as an example to “the world” (no less) of a “new humanitarian and true method of democracy” >>>