Duff Part Syndrome


Missing Iranian nuclear scientist 'resettled' in the US

Guardian / Julian Borger
recommended by acopier101
Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi
She was upset, her love was killed so fast, she wanted a love and the soldiers destroyed it>>>

Where are You on Sensitivity?


5 Gifts of Being Highly Sensitive

Huffington Post / Therese Borchard
recommended by Monda
02-Apr-2010 (one comment)


Meddling Mollahs

Excerpt from "Persia Revisited"

02-Apr-2010 (2 comments)
A change is coming over the country in regard to popular feeling towards priestly interference in personal and secular affairs. The claim to have control of the concerns of all men may now be said to be but the first flush of the fiery zeal of divinity students, fresh from the red-hot teachings of bigoted Moulla masters, who regret the loss of their old supremacy, and view with alarm the spread of Liberalism, which seems now to be establishing itself in Persia. There are now signs of the people resenting the arrogant assumption or power by the Moullas, and freeing themselves from their thraldom>>>


The Patience Stone

Afghanistan fiction by Atiq Rahimi

The Patience Stone turns up a small intriguing novella and is the first of the many creative works I have been introduced to so far, belonging to 48 year old Atiq Rahimi, an award-recipient Parisian novelist and film and documentary maker. Since his emigration to France in 1984; the winner of the 2008 Prix Goncourt holds both Afghan and French nationality and his stories are recognised as highly significant>>>
Debra White
02-Apr-2010 (8 comments)
Through months of hard work, diligence, and preparation Iranian animal lovers recently unveiled VAFA #2, in a village near the tomb of Ferdosi, the popular Iranian poet>>>

Turkey's Double Game?

Anonymous Observer

Is Turkey Trying to Sink or Save Iran?

Foreign Policy / DAVID KENNER
recommended by Anonymous Observer
02-Apr-2010 (2 comments)


 جمهوری پیاز

امسال درست در سرد ترین و بی روح ترین روز زمستان حادثه عجیبی اتفاق افتاد که آرامش آبادی را به هم زد

کسی یادش نیست که کشت پیاز از کی در شهرک ناکجا آباد استان ننه من غریب معمول شده. هرچی هست برای مردم این آبادی و روستاهای اطرافش ،درآمد بخور و نمیری را فراهم میکند. پائیز که میشه، گونی های پر از پیاز در کاروانسراها و انبارها تلنبار و منتظر مشتری می مانند. مردان پیاز کاردر قهوه خانه ها جمع شده و به نقال ها گوش کرده و پشت سر هم قلیان می کشند. منتظر رسیدن تجار پیاز از تهران و شهرهای عمده هستند تا پیاز ها را فروخته و برای پسرشان زن گرفته و دخترشان را به خانه بخت بفرستند>>>

How to break into the biggest concentration camp ?


Irish cargo ship to join Free Gaza fleet

Maannews / Mannews
recommended by IranMilitaryForum.net
Business Manager
Garage cabinets were a great solution to our records storage problem.>>>

I bet you will never read about it in FOX news


Israel army ‘routinely’ fires on Palestinian journalists

Aletho / Aletho
recommended by IranMilitaryForum.net

فکر نمیکنم جونِ سالم در بره

US and Iran, repeat of Iraq fiasco


You’re Waging War Against Iran

Politicaltheatrics / Politicaltheatrics
recommended by IranMilitaryForum.net
02-Apr-2010 (one comment)
I am  interested  to  learn and  research  the lifestyle of offspring of Iranians  in  the  US.  I  like  to  hear good  and  bad  stories  of  our  children born and  raised   here >>>
Darius Kadivar
02-Apr-2010 (2 comments)
Shah, Shahbanou and young children, Prince Ali Reza ( in mother's arms), Crown Prince Reza and Princess Farahnaz pose in front of the traditional Haft Seen for Persian New Year at Niavaran Palace. (circa 1960's) >>>