Now listen to this poor guy's cries....
نقد نامه محسن کدیور به سید حسن خمینی
by Abdolali Bazargan
جناب آقاى دكتر كديور، شما نيك مىدانيد وضعيت امروز ايران، بدون آنكه خواسته باشم نقش مردم و فرهنگ استبدادى را ناديده بگيرم، بدون هيچ ترديدى، خوب يا بد، محصول و منتجه سياستهاى آقاى خمينى است. آنچه امروز بر سر ملت ايران مىآيد، ارتباط مستقيم با انديشه فقهى و سياسى ايشان دارد. تجربه ولايت مطلقه فقيه كه تبلور تئورى آقاى خمينى است، هرچند كسانى را به قله قدرت و ثروت رسانده، اما نزد اكثريت ملت ايران آشكارا شكست خورده است.
Iranian women know their place in history
For the last three decades Iranian women have borne a double burden. Not only do they suffer the oppression afflicted on all citizens of that country by a theocracy, but they also endure the extra humiliation of being women in an Islamic society. They are forced to cover themselves only so that men might not lose control and go astray; they are counted as only half a man when it comes to testifying in court, inheriting less than their borthers in the same family upon passing of the father
Thoughts on the 1979 Revolution
I was only a boy in 1979, but the events that occurred during the overthrow of the Shah would shape how I was educated and would change all our lives almost overnight. When you ask those who lived through the Revolution what it was like, they often will tell you that one day the country was under the Shah’s rule, and the next day we lived under Islamic rule. All bets were off and it was a completely new game. I am often asked by people who are not from the Middle East how the Islamic regime could have taken power, and how they have stayed in power. The answer isn’t a simple one, but one that has many factors involved
طلایه داران تفاهم و گفتگوی بین ادیان: پلورالیسم مجرب و پلورالیسم مقّدر
پیشتازان تفاهم و گفتگوی بین ادیان چه کسانی بودند؟ می توان آرا آنان را در دو مقوله پلورالیسم مجرب و پلورالیسم مقدر خلاصه کرد. گروه اول چند گانگی دینی را در تجربه می دیدند وامکان تقلیل این تکثر مذهبی را به یک دین و آئین واحد بعید بلکه نا ممکن می یافتند. هرچند در عمل آنرا می پذیرفتندو به آن بها می دادند، در نظر توضیح و تفسیری عقلی یا دینی بر این تکثر نداشتند. نتیجه این بود که مقدسات و معتقدات دیگران را محترم می شمردند و از جدل و جدال دینی پرهیز می کردند
I hope Go Green is a slogan that lasts long into our future
It is ironic to me that the recent political movement in Iran has been nicknamed the Green Revolution by the media. Yes, the same Iranians that invented everything from breathing air to toilet paper also invented environmentally friendly activities like recycling. In fact I have compiled a scientific list of 10 environmentally friendly activities that Iranians do naturally which proves not only that once again they are the best at everything but they are even the best for the environment
میان باغ خاطره ام، سبزه زاری
با یک بغل هستی
و مشتی بنفشه
رنگ وفا
Might breakout at any moment
Fifteen years ago this week, this site was born as THE IRANIAN in my studio on the 28th floor of Waterside Plaza overlooking the East River in New York. Yaadetooneh? :)
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi posing for a photograph at the Marble Palace with a Canvas of Persepolis aka Takhteh Jamshid the Palace of the Aechamenid Kings in the background. October, 30th, 1973 AD
Zeynab, the 27 year old Kurdish woman was arrested for belonging to a secular Kurdish political party. She had been in Islamic regime's torture chambers for the past three years, now facing imminent execution