The best proposal was made a few years ago by a valued member of this community!
by Mariano Aguirre
The balance of power that has reigned in the international system since the end of the cold war is undergoing profound shifts. Iran’s agreement with Brazil and Turkey on 17 May 2010 over the treatment of its enriched uranium, and the sanctions that the United States wishes (through a United Nations resolution) to impose on the Tehran government over Iran’s nuclear programme, reveal this system’s deep cracks. The change can be measured in the way that (as an editorial in Le Monde noted) discussion of issues such as nuclear proliferation, which used to be confined to permanent members of the UN Security Council, now finds countries from the global south playing a key role
Photo essay: India's capital is the tale of many cities
Keyvan Tabari >>>
Photo essay: Scenes from recent trips
Cost-of-Progress >>>
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