… The Fundamentally Islamic government if Iran is persecuting Baha’is
because of the Faith’s beliefs. But that is just the clergy-dominated
government, not Muslims in general.
Maybe the world is only going to treat us as we treat ourselves
I went to Spain for a holiday. Nothing fancy, just a group of old friends sharing rooms, splitting the cost, reminiscing. It surprised me to find Spain so advanced. Their public transportation must be among Europe’s best. The museums and public places run most efficiently and their subway runs better than other European countries I’ve seen. Barcelona in particular impressed me with its cleanliness. The last thing I expected in such a modern place was to see Iran of decades ago
حالا که قرار است در پیراهن باد جایت بدهم و از همان هوای بالای سرم، به پایین ات بکشانم، با صدای نیمه کوتاه صدایت می کنم تا بیش از این ها در چنبره حسرت و لمس نمانم. حالا که قرار است پیراهن ارغوانی را از تنت بیرون کنم تا لخت و عور، در برابرم بایستی با صدای نرم تو، دلم می خواهد به جز سکوت، هیچ چیز دیگری در اتاق نباشد.
Upon hearing Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani being sentenced to execution by stoning
Every day, early in the morning
My father, who in his childhood
Had memorized all thirty parts of the Koran,
Would put the holy book on the reading cradle
And recite it with my mother
In their bedroom
Mosadegh was definitely a patriotic but his abilities were in doubt
The story of CIA coup against Prime Minister Mosadegh, other than imaginative skills of Kermit Roosevelt and Don Wilber, apparently had some roots in realities of some events that probably were organized by these characters to take advantage of them in future and possibly making some fortune from the oil companies that would benefit from the change of direction regarding oil in Iranian government policies. Kermit Roosevelt's background in OSS (Office of Strategic Services) where he worked as an officer in Middle East during WW II had provided him with an opportunity to become familiar with the history and politics of the region
پلوراليسم قومي، متفاوت و متنوع بودن هميشه مشخصه تعيين کننده آنچه که امروز ايران خوانده ميشود بوده است
Drop dead gorgeous inside and out