An Iranian restaurant in Budapest? I had been to the fancy Shiraz Perzsa Étterem, but not this hole in the wall
الامام راحل مرحوم هم فرمودند رابطه با آمریکا را میخواهیم چه کنیم ویا شما شیطان بزرگ هستید و ایشان هیچوقت حاضر نشد حتی به نیویورک بیاید
But good news always travel fast.
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Is Obama a Muslim? A Christian?
Photo essay: New Iranian flicks at San Francisco Film Festival
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Iranian women poised for major setback
by Shayan Ghajar
In the past month the government has pursued the passage of laws through parliament that would roll back what limited legal rights women are granted in Iran. In late August, a controversial bill, ironically dubbed the "Family Protection Bill," was reintroduced to the Iranian parliament after languishing three years while tabled for review. Articles 22, 23 and 24, seek to impose heavy taxation of women's alimony and dowry, remove the requirement to register temporary marriages, and eliminate the need for a husband to prove financial solvency or ask his wife's permission before marrying another woman